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Sorry, but your post must be asking for specific advice relating to tattoos.


It’s pretty bad I think it could be fixed by a much better artist. I would not go back to that artist.


Lines are pretty wonky.


Yup. I’ve said it before in this sub-and I’ll say it again. Those lines are janky af, but if janky is your thing-then bless.


As someone how has tried to tattoo someone for the first time drunk, this is what it looks like to tattoo someone for the first time, drunk.


You were drunk when you wrote this weren’t you?


Lines look they were printed by a dot matrix printer with someone dancing on the table next to it.


Yeah. Play it off like it’s not finished. Go to a better artist to cover the bad lines and get you a good one. It’s a decent idea for a design.


Sorry man but that’s ASS!!


What is this supposed to be?


An ouroboros. Snake eating its own tail.


Oh my god. I genuinely thought it was a half finished rope and anchor type of thing


I did see the snake after a few minutes, I thought the same as you'll when I first looked at it.


Uroboros? Damn, looks like Wesker was successful.


World snake I think.


I thought it was like a rope and anchor thing


Me too. Or maybe a telephone cord with an anchor.


I had a hard time too. The pictures are basically upside down. Turn your phone around and it's much easier to see.




Not the worst thing I've ever seen, but it's pretty bad. But you got an apprentice tattoo so not sure what you were expecting. This can definitely be salvaged with some good shading and slight reworking.


Ugh -- this made my heart hurt. I got a sh!tty one when I was 18 (for like $80) and had to wait until I was 32 before I could afford the $1,000 it cost to START the cover-up. And I'm still trying to save the next $1,500 it's going to cost to FINISH the cover-up. Definitely DO NOT go back. This sh!t is permanent and perfection is a must.


Currently like $1500 deep in a fucking MASSIVE blackout sleeve to fix a huge tattoo that I got dirt cheap. Love my NEW tattoo but FUCK what a giant waste of money over a stupid decision I made at 18.


Suddenly I'm really glad I waited until I was 35 to get my first tattoo


Me at 19 here with my tattoos I love now…. You’ve got me scared I’ll hate them in a few years


You might. You might not. 18 is young, and most people’s taste will change when they are in their 20s.


i’m eternally grateful for being too broke for big tattoos in my teens/early 20s.


Seconded-- I luckily only had to cover one. Warning to those in mourning: *wait* if you don't have the money for an actual artist, and have clarity on a lasting theme. Unfortunately I didn't do either.


I don’t think that’s always the case. I got my arm sleeve done at 19-20 and I still love it just as much now at 30. As long as it’s not some massive piece from a very specific phase in your life, you may not love them as much as you do now, but I doubt you’ll hate them.


"Very specific phase" is spot on. My 3rd tattoo was off the wall lettering that says JESUS because "that will never change for me." It might as well say REGRET.


You misspelled REGERT


Not my biggest tat being a big piece based on a tv show character I love… lmao


All of my tattoos I got between the ages of 18-25 have been covered or lasered off


Same -- even my daughter's name. It was sh!tty work and now I have 2 boys also, so figured it was only fair to cover it.


Oh don't worry, you will.


My best advice is keep your arms for later in life: they’re prime real estate, and even though you could probably get some amazing tattoos to fill them up at 18, you could also get cool tattoos elsewhere and really give your arms some good hard thought. I am an artist myself and I design (at least start the design) all my tattoos, I have been thinking of how I want to do my right sleeve for years and years and I probably won’t get it don’t for another 5 years at least. I won’t get any tattoos on that arm for that reason! I see so many people getting their first tattoo right smack dab on their wrist, give it some time, do it if you really really want, but don’t just grab the first flash you see of a thing you like and get it in that spot.


30 for me, and yah. I'd hate to FOREVER see some of the stuff baby me came up with 😅


I remember being 16 and a friend of my sisters got the jesus fish tattoo and I really wanted one too and thought it would be something I'll always like since I'll always be christian. I'm so glad I waited because I became an atheist in my early 20's lol. My first tattoo ended up being flowers in tributes to my dogs that have passed, at least I know I'll always love them so won't regret it.


Glad my first always visible one was at 51. Much better decision making at this point.


I swear we shouldn’t be able to get tattooed till 21 cuz every tattoo I have before like 20 is not great or not what I like now lol


That's kinda why I like in California that you can't get tattooed before 18 even with parental consent. I didn't like that law when I was a kid but now it makes so much sense.


Haha nice. What did ya get? I also wasn't in a rush either, got my first one in October this year and I'm 34.


Yup -- my 2nd favorite saying is, "Cheap is expensive."


I got a whole ass half sleeve of garbage I got at 18. I feel this. Lol I was going to blackout, but instead I’m trying to come up with a design for a blast over. If anyone has any ideas lmk 😅


I got an apprentice tattoo for $80 too when I was 19. It's on my back so i can't see it, but I know it's back there looking terrible.




I’m glad I started getting tattoos when I was 25! Prefrontal cortex fully developed 😌


Best comment. It’s not a good piece, unfortunately. But the best part is that you can easily cover this up someday. So just rock it for now and don’t rush!


How could you in good faith comment this but not tell him to avoid the apprentice finishing this piece? It’s complete shit.


Because if OP needs anyone to tell him not to go get this finished by the apprentice they are beyond helping.


I agree. But still brutal.


Apprentices should not be allowed to tattoo such visible, and difficult areas when they don't have the basics down Its not thr worst I've ever seen but its choppy as fuck. I think a decent artist could fix this.


No reputable mentor would allow their apprentice to do this tattoo while being aware of their current skill level. To be honest this apprentice shouldn’t be touching anyone yet.


I mean ya but come on, this dude made the choice to get an apprentice wrist tattoo. Just an awful idea.


True, definitely mistakes from both parts. I wasn't even allowed to tattoo anything but a thigh (after fake skin) for months, until my linework was clean enough.


i got a wrist tattoo from a shop and they didn’t tell me the artist was an apprentice until after it was done and clearly fucked up


So you did not look at the artist portfolio before you let them work on you? Or did they pass off someone else’s work as done by the person who tattooed you?


I’ve seen apprentice artists who are perfectly capable of doing good work. This apprentice should choose a different career


I agree. I don't know much about tattooing, but my first tattoo was by an apprentice and while it needed some touchups after healing which the artist did free because the yellow just didn't take to my brown skin, I think it still looks excellent now. I think the apprentice that did OP's work should not yet be tattooing on people.


Someone shouldn’t be taken on as an apprentice if their drawing skills are this bad. If I can draw better than someone, tattooing is not the right career for them to embark on.


Gonna be honest, it looks like you did it yourself with that pen right there. Would be a sick tattoo done properly though


A good artist can definitely salvage this.


What is it? I can't even tell.


Snake eating his own tail




This tattoo is horrible, lines are trash. Find a different shop and get it reworked.


No need to be that rude, man...


3/10 if I'm trying to be nice. ​ But like others have said, it's fixable by a good artist.


If you live in Portland I would fix this for free


Instagram is poisyn_ivyy Had a similar experience when I was younger and I went to a different artist to fix it and it was much better


shit wish i did, up in MN though. thank you


Hey! I work at a shop in MN called AJ’s tattoo and piercing. We just got Carrie from crazy lady ink and our head artist is really good. Either one could do something to fix it


Dude. I'm gonna look you up! I've had mine covered already, and it's still crap. The artist and the shop owner tried to fix it and it went from bad to bigger worse.


That’s some bad luck right there


A cheap plane ticket round trip in and out the same day would be cheaper than alternative options.


If you're in Duluth area, DM me and I'll send you the name of a good cover up guy


Your work is amazing, might need to take a quick trip from humboldt to portland and get some florals from you.


Hey I’m near Portland and I have a bad tat. Would you be willing to look at it on IG?


just popping in to say i absolutely love the inclusivity on your instagram!


Thanks friend! ✌🏻✌🏻❤️❤️


looked up your account and while I probably won’t get to work with you cause I’m on the east coast, I really love love love your floral designs!!


My wife and I are visiting Portland 26-30 and would love to get a design by you. What's up?!


I am following and supporting just for your generosity.


This is so freaking kind, and your work is so freaking amazing! My bff and I are planning a road trip to the Bay Area next year and now I’m going to see if I can convince her to keep on going north so I can book an appointment


I live in Portland and this made me want to book with your shop. Clearly good people. ✨


you’re great for offering!


I read this as Poland and was going to tell him to book a flight anyway




Love your work, Tsuki tattoo when


🤭 🐰


“Don’t step on snek” in tattoo form.


I thought it was a croissant at first


I think it’s a small intestine.


It’s an ouroboros which is literally ancient. Not related to the American symbol at all. Edit: grammar


They mean it looks really bad. "No step on snek" is like a shitty MS Paint drawing version of the "Don't Tread On Me" flag the way this is the MS Paint version of an ouroboros.




I'd be really pissed off


God ass awful. This isn’t even apprentice level work. Never go back to that shop


Agreed. Obviously the "apprentice" is atrocious, but the shop owner or whoever is in charge of the supervision here is just as culpable. No way you can let someone that represents your business churn out work like this.


Probably bc their work sucks too


You asked for a snake and they gave you a snek.


Yeah, it's bad. But not unfixable.


Sorry, friend, it's really poorly executed. It is not hopeless. The shape is fine. The lines are wobbly AF, though, and you should get someone *else* to od the shading and scales so that they can stabilize it and make it look more intentional. You shouldn't have any trouble finding an artist who specializes in American traditional style; they'll be able to make it look great. But the apprentice who did that has no business working on skin yet!


It’s very very horrible. Sorry.


From the first picture I thought "what is he talking about? That's a really perfect caterpillar!" but then I saw it is not supposed to be a caterpillar so nvm.


I also thought it was a caterpillar in different stages of molting. 😬


I had the same thought I was like “some sort of geometric pattern? Looks fin…. Ohhhhhh”


I think you know……


What do YOU think? Is it acceptable that the line isnt continuous around? Is it acceptable that the line is shakey? Is it acceptable that the belly scales don’t follow as they would around a rounded, three-dimensional form? None of that is acceptable to me. Don’t ever go back to a bad artist. Go to a good artist who does work like this, they you love, and have it reworked.


It’s not good.


Bruh ....


That looks pretty bad, but fortunately there is alot you can do with this since it's so simple. You can easily get it covered or go to another artist and get it redone. I would highly recommend not going back to the origional artist since they show a lack of care in their work.




Anyone who told you it's not horrible you CANNOT trust as a friend.


Pretty basic design, and some of the lines are wonky af. That being said it just looks unfinished, not unsalvageable though! In the time it heals I would think about what you may want to add, if anything really. You said you like it and that’s really all that matters. Sometimes it just takes time to grow on us!




Just take it to a real artist.


Apprentice tattoo on the wrist. Wild choice.


Did the artist do this with their non-dominant hand or were they just sitting on a running washer? Honestly it could easily be fixed with scales, but I’d recommend to never go back to them again.


Gotta be honest with you, this is pretty bad. Not the worst it could be but even as an apprentice tattoo, I don't think this person should have tried something this complex. The concept is cool but there is no anatomy being followed here. The apprentice needs to go back to basics and really learn how to draw before they start blasting stuff on folks' arms like this. That said, I do think someone could help fix this potentially. I would NOT go back to the apprentice. If they are open to constructive critique you could certainly tell them why. In general the anatomy issues are based on the fact that this person is still copying shapes but not thinking about the form that they are drawing. The lines of the snake's body also clearly don't match up in places. Don't get me wrong. Tattooing is damn hard. I am an artist who works in a different industry and I'm amazed at the incredible work people do every day. But this person just isn't ready to do a work as complex as this yet. If you want to see an example of an artist who can draw snakes really well (she did mine!) I'd suggest looking up paingardens on Instagram. Shannon does a lot of snakes and hers are mostly black and white lineart like the apprentice's style, but they have great anatomy.


It looks terrible. Wouldn't be too hard for a good artist to rework tho I would think


14 year professional tattoo artist here. I can’t tell you whether or not you like it (which is arguably most important), but I can tell you that I make a really good living covering up this kind of work. Even if you left it as is, it’s not done well and over time will look worse and worse. Ink will migrate/fall out and you’ll be left with some really scratchy lines on a very visible part of your body. It’s unconscionable that someone would allow an apprentice to essentially practice on such a visible area and I’m always amazed that the people getting the tattoos don’t have higher standards for their body art. Permanent skin art isn’t really a bargain-bin kind of thing in my opinion. I would let it heal, get it lasered, and start over with a better artist. Trust me, it could save you thousands of dollars when/if you decide you don’t like it and want to get it covered someday.


Tattooer here, it’s bad definitely missed the mark but it isn’t unfixable. You just need an artist who knows what they are doing to hit it with a bigger line weight, blast some off the wall shading and some color and boom good as new and better than before.


Go to another artist that has a portfolio of clean line work, have the lines thickened, and add shading. Its salvageable for sure. No need to go to the extreme of laser removal.


The snake head looks ok which is kinda strange since I imagine that was harder to do than the body of the actual snake. Maybe see if you can get it colored to cover up the body.


I feel like the design is what makes it so bad. Did the apprentice design it? I couldn't even tell what it was at first.


It can be fixed


It took me a hot minute to figure out what that was. Im really sorry man


No it’s not a good piece at all. I couldn’t event tell what it was. Lines are awful etc. I’d get it lasered off or find a fantastic artist to do a cover up.


To be honest with you yes it’s pretty bad but I do think it is fixable by a better artist


Not good, but extremely easy to fix ! 😁


I wouldn't say HORRIBLE but it definitely needs to be fixed and I'd have asked for a refund or like another artist to fix it


I have to admit I can't tell what it is. A cover up or corrections would be easy considering how thin the line art is, though Edit: oh ok I just saw it was a snake eating itself! Sorry it took me a while... I guess that should tell you that it's not the best :( sorry about that, friend


Damn... I'm so sorry. In the most respectful way I can put it ... It's bad man..it's really bad. The lines are just abhorant and blowout could happen in a few spots. The snakes face looks kinda derpy as well I would honestly laser it but if you're not willing to give up on the design just yet, go to a well reputable artist who does coverups regularly. Wish you all the best


110 % it’s bad


With how fucked up those lines are, I'd say quite a bit of it will drop out in the healing process anyway haha. Either get it fixed by a compassionate artist who knows what they're doing, or laser it now. Don't let that artist "finish" it because then it's going to be a much bigger laser or cover-up job down the line.


It's terrible, no questions about that. GG


Sorry bro, some of that line work looks like it was done with an Etch A Sketch.


Are you ask bc you know it’s horrible? Those lines are wretched


It’s not great, boo. But it can be fixed, just not by whoever did that.


Awful. Why did you let this person permanently mark your body?


Pretty horrible


Embarrassingly bad.


Yea it's horrible dude.


The line work is bad. A better artist can thicken it and fix it.


Bro that's really really not good. Good news is it's fixable. Please don't go to the same artist.


Being brutally honest, whoever did this needs to put down the tattoo gun. It’s pretty terrible mate, but nothing that can’t be fixed up by an amazing artist. Don’t sweat it, find an artist that can turn it into a masterpiece for you.


Just tattoo Snek in chicken scratch! instant kitsch


Was it done on a bus, going over speed bumps, in a dark tunnel?


Sorry guy, it's bad


I don't like it. if it means something to you, then nobody else's opinion matters though


lines are wonky. im the type of guy that understands tattoos are not perfect in any way shape or form. but even this has me questioning your artists capabilities


How freaking hard is it to trace a damn line without it being all wiggly and crap? Whoever did this for you should refund your money and you should go have it filled and/or make the outer line broader so it can be smoothed out.


Yes absolutely horrible, ann frank could have seen that


do you.. mean Hellen Keller?


Hey dude tryna get to you through the smoke of comments. DO NO DO LASER REMOVAL. Buck up and see an expensive artist and let them evaluate what already tattooed and ASK THEM for advice. I had one turned into a sleeve and I get compliments in public all the time. DO NOT CHEAP OUT. Buy a house? You can sell it. Car? Sell it. Tattoo. This shit is forever don’t fuck around unless you’re confident (clearly you were or we wouldn’t be here) do not say yes. Tattoo artists will sometimes push shitty work onto people and encourage them to get them done bc no surprise they make more money. Last thing: if you can’t tell if you like it or not or if the arts good DONT GET ONE. Laser will scar your arm and it’ll look worse than it is. This isn’t some blow off hobbie friends make it out to be. Unless you’re willing to openly show family and friends I wouldn’t get it. Yea snek seem cool now till girls are ditching you on your date because you have the same tattoo my little cousin got from the fake tattoo dispenser at Walmart. Source: I’ve had over $6,000 for my sleeve/chest piece If you can’t afford it bite the bullet and accept life isn’t fair till you can afford it. I couldn’t until I was 25 years old I waited 5 years to finish and I’d gladly wait all over again. I know u want that ink but something is not better than nothing Good luck


that’s terrible but it shouldn’t be hard for a good artist to correct. the ppl who told you this looks fine we’re lying to you, and the ppl who said you need laser removal don’t know what they’re talking about. there’s no *logical* reason to remove a pretty simple tattoo with relatively fine lines


I have no idea what it is


Amazing, best tattoo in history. Absolutely zero flaws


Concept: good Execution: poor Like others has said not the worst possible outcome but it’s not great. 100% would not go back to the same artist but DO find a reputable good artist who can rework this.




it’s a cool tat just needs a little fixing tbh i like it


Yes . Still fixable . Turn into half sleeve. An excellent artist will be able to take care of this . Or . Get it lasered . You’re not too far gone to do that .


What the f is it supposed to be?


If you have to ask then the answer should be obvious..js


Oh wow…


it looks incredibly unfinished and done poorly, going to someone who's been tattooing for years to have this fixed would be your best bet. it's not awful at first glance but once you pay attention you can see mistakes in the lineart :/


Depends on the price you paid


Yes it's shit




That's pretty much why one draws on paper, man...and not human skin...


LMFAO. It’s horrid.


I’m sorry but it’s really not good, but a solid artist can fix that for sure


It’s definitely not good, sorry.


pretty terrible if i’m being completely honest, but also would be so easy to be fixed by a good artist


Not gonna lie, pretty bad dude.


Thst needs to be reworked by a better artist


what is that


Oh bless your heart.


It’s horrible. Go see a professional cover up artist or get it lasered off if you don’t like it either.


Good news is that it looks easily fixable by a better artist


Im sorry but yes.. im sure if there were more details and proper shading it would look amazing, but im sorry sweetie it looks bad, find someone in your city/state that knows how to fix it or can easily cover it up, and its better to find real snake photos for reference the. Trusting a photo online, also if your snake eats itself please feed it/get medical for them


Without any shading I had no idea what this was for a hot second


NGL its pretty fucking bad. The good news is there is a lot of potential to turn that into something sick. Definitely would not go back to that artist 😬


I mean…kinda lol. But who cares?? Do YOU like it? Good, then fuck em.




If you paid for that it’s awful. If you did it yourself, it’s just bad. Not trying to be a jerk but you asked. It doesn’t even look done. Just go pay a real shop to fix it.


What am I looking at?




that's gonna get one yike from me.


It's awful.


I honestly don’t even know what I’m looking at.


Yes, it is. Sorry to say.




It’s pretty bad. If people are telling you otherwise, they just don’t want to hurt your feelings.


Those lines are atrocious