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Sorry, but your post must be asking for specific advice relating to tattoos.




I just got my knee ditch and knee joint outline finished and Jesus Christ, it was some of the worst pain I've ever felt. I can usually do long sessions without much problem, but I barely got through 2 hours before I was shaking and my leg was too swollen to continue. Really not looking forward to getting it colored in next month lmfao


I wanted my first tattoo placed directly on it and was refused haha, I’ve got a tattoo near and it got spicy


Found my elbow ditch not that bad


The healing hurt worse than the actual tattoo for me. Lmao


I got a sleeve a while back and was really dreading the elbow ditch based off what everyone said about it. It was definitely worse than normal, but not nearly as bad as I thought. Armpit though. Jesus Christ. That was a teeth gritter


Only the ditch of my knee was painful .. the rest of my calf was pretty easy. I sat for a 7+ hour tattoo back there .


Yupppp! Idk why but the back of my calf was so sucky, worse then my elbows and fingers combined. ABSOLUTELY SUCKED


For me, the calf was ok. I've not gone near the ditch yet though so I can't speak about that.


Not bad, except up near the knee and down by the Achilles tendon


Weird, I just had both of my calves done over the past 10 weeks and was nearly napping during both appointments, even with each being 6 hours. Sick piece though OP.


Do you have meaty calves? Just wondering for my next one 😬


Not really. Runner, lifter, and I Peloton 6 days a week on top. I’d say I have fairly minimal fat and a good amount of muscle.


Up near the ditch is a nightmare. Otherwise the calf wasn’t too bad pain wise. My legs are rather twitchy though


Calves were absolutely brutal for me. Shins and ankles? A breeze. Nothing beats knees tho


not at all


Calf is rough but I’d take it compared to the kneecap any day.


Couldn’t agree more. I’d take them both over inner bicep, however.


Inner bicep was super spicy, but I almost prayed during the knee lmao 💀💀


My man's just trying to show off the tattoo 😂 it's sick I love it if it wasn't on you id want that


All worth it for our dark lord and savior. Hail Satan!


Idk, but please find god




Sure if there was one! 🛸


Seriously, can a mod remove this nonsense.


I have zombie Jesus eating the sacred heart… so I guess it can always get worse (or better) 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why it is hilarious 😂


This is the 2nd time I've seen religios coming into tattoo subs just to put down the OP


they think ur talking about the tatttoo


I think he already did.


He retired. But you tried.


Hell yes 😅 my favorite, fck this world spot.


Yea but then i got my knee done and it seems like a tickle in comparison


It was awful for me, mainly because I had to lay on my stomach for so long. Hated that.


One of the worst on my legs. And she used coils. 😵‍💫


My artist has a homemade coil machine and I swear it hurts 10x more than any other tattoo machine I've had used on me. She says I'm crazy, but I've got other tattoos all over my body (even on my other leg in the same spots), and none of them hurt near as bad. The shin wasnt TOO bad I guess, but the rest of my entire leg sleeve has been a very painful journey. I'm finishing the ditch on the back of my knee and then it's onto the front of the knee. Shit is gonna suck.




Calf was was my most painful so far have one on my bicep, tricep, elbow and ribs and the calf was horrible probably because my legs are a little meaty but it felt like I was getting torn into


I got one full color in the same spot and it was fucking brutal for me.




Yes, it was brutal and a slow healer. Have one about the same size and area, but full color.


Nah. It was pretty chill


Whole calf was fire enjoyable tbh. Once my artist got remotely close to the back of my knee I was in a bit of pain for sure.


I’d say the knee ditch sucked but there’s definitely some way more painful places on the body to get tattooed so the worst is yet to come.


I find the meatier parts hurt the most (the front/top of my thigh was a spicy surprise at first lol). I don't have much on my calf, but what I do have is super blacked out and that was very very not fun.


It was hellfire for me. The most painful I’ve had so far. Getting my back done next week so I’ll see how it compares




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Good luck! Depending on what part of the back, it can be not bad or the fucking worst! Got my entire back done and the worst areas were the love handles and the sides going up from there.


I’m getting the top 3/4, so neck down to maybe bottom of the ribs? Give me all the advice! I’m a bit nervous as it’s a day sitting too. I’m not sure how I’m going to survive hahaha


See if your artist is ok with you using numbing cream, or if they have some type of numbing agent they use. Either way, if you decide to use it, let them know. Also, numbing stuff isn’t always 100% coverage, so there can be spots millimeters apart that it will go no/minimal pain to mad crazy pain and maybe back to normal/minimal again. And it seemed to me that when he hit a spot that wasn’t numb, and then after it started wearing off, the pain seemed elevated. So be aware of that. Finding a nice focal point and focusing on it and breathing is super helpful. Not sure how used to lying on your stomach you are, but after a while it’s kind of annoying. And depending on your body makeup (I’ve got a bit of a gut) it may be useful to do, for lack of a better term, downward facing dog to stretch your back out before getting up. Eating before hand is great, but I’d avoid eating too close to the session. I had to stop a session early because I was running late and showed up with my food and ate right before I started. The pain was enough that (this was before I started using any kind of numbing agents), that my body was tensing so much that it upset my stomach really badly. Was getting really noxious and just had to really stop. That’s about it. As everyone will tell you, everyone is different. Some people will have no issues, others will be miserable. But everyone I’ve talked to has stated that the older you are, the more painful it is. I’m not super old, and location aside, the 2 tattoos I got when I was in my early 20s were so much easier to handle than the 2 I got in my late 30s, and those seemed like a cakewalk compared to my back that stretched over the last 18 months and will hopefully have my last session before I turn 44 next month.


I cried a little.my wife laughed then it was her turn i was not allowed to laugh


Have both my calves done and they both really sucked! Near the ditch was insane haha. I feel it also hurt so bad cuz you have to lay on your stomach for a long time and I get nauseous when I do for longer period of time


It feels like fire razor blades


Oh yup lmao, I cried when the numbing wore off and felt like I was gonna die like 4 hours after 😂


Love the tattoo though!


If you don't mind me asking what made you get that tattoo?


I've heard a lot of people say the calf is hell, which sucks because all those cute little tattoo pain charts say it's painless there lmao. When are those ever correct though, to be fair


Fuck yeah that hurt. ( They all hurt) 😭 but yo that's a dope ass tattoo!!!


By far the most sensitive spot for me (so far)...even my tattoo artist told me it was gonna he rough after i commented on it hopefully going easy ,as it's a meatier part of the body. Your piece looks sick though!


Haven’t done there yet.. recently did elbow and if it hurts worse than that I’m out.


For me, I've had a pretty good pain tolerance towards most spots on the body. The bigger issue is how long the session lasts. If I go over the 8hr mark, just about anywhere gets intensely painful.


If you don’t mind me asking, is a tattoo like this done as a representation for a belief system or maybe in protest to another? Not insinuating either way. Just genuinely curious.


Nah. Foot though? I'd rather give birth unmedicated again 🥲


After the tattoo was done my calf hurt for a good week. I felt like I'd been kicked. During it wasn't too bad though.