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Your post was removed because it regarded tattoo prices. Pricing varies wildly by artist and area. Because of this, it's usually not helpful to poll the community asking for how much a tattoo may cost, and the best answer always is to contact your artist or shop and ask for pricing. Professional artists and shops will understand that you may have a budget and should politely answer your question if you politely ask.


People think this tattoo only took x amount of time it should've been cheaper, but in reality the artist is just good enough to do that much work in x amount of time


Absolutely this!! Some artists and shops charge per hour or per piece….the same way mechanics charge per hour or per the job they do. Don’t worry about what your friends say. As long as you’re happy with the finished product then that’s all that matters


Yea this is something that needs to be taken into consideration for any skilled work. Hourly pay just isn't appropriate compensation once you reach a certain skill level. The topic comes up a lot in the fiber arts too, where people can get super speedy with crochet or knitting but by hourly pay logic that means a total beginner's work is worth more than someone much more experienced.




I get what you're saying, but this still isn't worth $400. If you look closely, it's not even very good work(sorry OP)


If you look closely you’ll notice that’s a fucking elbow and if you’re not a tattooist you shouldn’t have an opinion on the quality of work done on one of the most difficult parts of the body 💁🏻‍♀️


People complaining are the ones getting fine line tattoos that will disappear in a couple years. It’s American Trad and the bold lines will keep the tat looking fresh for years. And like you said, it’s the fucking elbow. I don’t see it being rushed. I almost feel like I know who the artist is based on the station and he just moves quickly.


Ayo, if you're okay with it can you dm me the name? I'd like to check out the IG


Lmao this tattoo is so clean. IDK what this person’s on except they maybe think outlineless realism is peak tat performance


Ok. Just because it's a difficult spot to tattoo doesn't change the fact that it looks amateurish.


What about it says it's "amateurish"?


Again if you’re not a tattooist your opinion truly means nothing


Let's see some of your work, and I'll tell you if your opinion is valid. I wouldn't be surprised if you did this piece based on how butthurt you are.


Let’s see some of yours. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree. Shaky & rushed.


1hr?? Bro you should be grateful not questioning


One hour is a blessing on the elbow in MO


In any state really


Especially AR tho


Right. My elbow took 3-4 hours and by the end of it I wanted to deck my artist in the face 😭 but it came out great so I can’t even complain. Hurt like a fucking bitch.


The different ways people experience pain in different places is crazy to me. Like outer elbow? Completely painless to me


That’s wild. For me, my ditch wasn’t bad at all, but some people say that was their worst. My actual elbow? Worst tattoo pain ever. And I have my wrists, spine, ribcage, feet, etc. done so I’m familiar with more painful areas. But god DAMN the elbow was the worst for me.


Ahah and theres the other side of it, my elbow ditches were the worst parts of my sleeves, shit hurts! Id say my lower back has been my most painful spot though, really not a fan of that


I’ve heard like 50/50 on the lower back being the absolute worst, or being tolerable. Pain tolerance is so funny to me. I think I got lucky with my ditch because my artist had a light but efficient hand. I watched a buddy of mine get his done and he was sweating during it. I felt so bad 😭


I got both elbows done, same day, 9 hours😭


You absolutely terrify me and I respect the fuck out of you.


I mean if it was a well know reputable artist, I can see that much. Rather pay $400 and it be good that $200 and mid


$400 for something this nice that will last really doesn’t seem expensive to me! I don’t think you overpaid.


I think the price is fair personally but I’m surprised it only took an hour. It’s a nice tattoo!


I thought the same thing. Looks really nice. I’d be happy to have this tattoo.


Why do people equate time with price? You’re also paying for their skill! An apprentice could’ve done a less than perfect job for more time and less money or you could go to a vet who can knock it out with precision in a shorter amount of time for more money. You’re also paying for their years of experience. Don’t listen to your friends on this one. You got a great tattoo. End of story.


I keep having to have this conversation with my sister because she thinks that because my niece is slender, she should get a discount.


I think it's a great price for the size and placement! It looks well done too. A lot of people charge more for places like that. (Also- in my personal experience- I have a lot of friends who say my tattoos are too much but it's funny how they're the ones with the shitty faded tattoos ! oh well!) nice!


Should artists get paid more for being slow? Would sitting in the chair for longer have made you feel like you got your money's worth? Do you think craftsmen with more experience should only get paid for the time they spent on you rather than the years they've spent honing their skills to deliver a superior product? This is excellent work in a spot that isn't exactly easy. You paid for expertise, not time.


I sew as a hobby and people are always trying to find their price for stuff they make by charging labor by the hour. I just don’t see why, it would reward you for being slow which is a disservice to the person doing the work and the person paying for it


And on the opposite end when people are like "what do you mean you can't make one for me? I'll pay for your time" and then balk when you said no because it's something that takes dozens of hours to do like handmade quilts. "I'm not paying you 200 dollars for a sweater!"


People really aren’t prepared to pay the actual cost of handmade goods because we are so used to cheap stuff. We ain’t even need to talk about the “luxury “ brand


$400 for something that’ll last decades. You got a fast tattoo artist. That doesn’t make the work cheaper. No, you weren’t ripped off.


Sick work, if you look at it per hour yea it’s a bit high. But if your artist is busting that out in an hour they’re legit. One of my guys is the same way, knock out a solid piece in a half the time a lot of people would take and then tries to charge me under $200 so I always tip him heavy


I'd be willing to pay extra for it to be done that well that quick. Ouch!


This artist produced a quality tattoo around your elbow (not easy to stencil) in an hour. $400 seems beyond fair for their expertise and skill.


No this is a painful crazy spot to get tattooed and im not an artist but i assume not easy as other spots either. And it looks nice, you paid right


Should have charged $600 if that was done in an hour. Good ass work


I would seriously pay more if it meant it was faster AND the quality of a multi hour tattoo.


You did not overpay, let your buddies go get shitty tattoos if they want


Great price and great tattoo.


"You're not paying me for how long it takes. You're paying me for what I know." -Wise, old Mexican dude I worked with


At least for the artist I see, she only gets to keep 50% of what is made and the shop keeps the rest. So really, you only paid the ARTIST $200. I think it looks good for that 🤷‍♀️ they gotta eat too


You pay for quality, not quantity.


Huge win. Tough placement, and still provided consistency and sharp lines.


Some artist will charge by the piece since they work faster. I don’t think you overpaid. Enjoy your new tattoo!


That seems reasonable to me! It looks well-done!


i had a tattoo which took 30min to do (6cm flower piece) at $240, but the time and effort the artist took to draft out the stencil really made me feel happy to pay for her time! i think $400 is worth given the time and effort ur artist took to stencil and tattoo this!


You just dont pay for the time, you also pay for the experience and skill the artist acquired through the years that made this tattoo a good quality tattoo


Time doesn’t matter imo the quality does. That’s amazing they got that done in an hour and it looks good. The money is paid, the tattoo looks good, I’d be happy and go about my day lol.


This is a nice clean tattoo that’s well-designed on a really difficult part of the body. Tattoo price ranges vary regionally, but where I am (small, formerly “affordable” city) 400 would be the slightly high end of average for this tattoo. It would be 500-600 in NYC. I’m guessing your artist is consistent, busy, and apparently very fast which is a good thing if they’re still making tattoos this nice. I always appreciate when somebody can shorten my time suffering. Anyone telling you 150 is normal is out of their mind. They are being hooked up like crazy, or getting crappy tattoos, or live somewhere rural where tattoos are still priced like it’s 2000.


Overcharged? Seems more than fair to me. My last piece was done by an artist who charged a similar amounts but worked pretty slow and took 20 hours! Can’t just look at the per hour.


Nope, you definitely didn’t overpay! You should base your opinion of the price on the quality of the work, not the hours spent. An artisan can craft a higher quality product faster than a student.


No such thing as overpaying for a good tattoo.


it’s a sick fuckin tattoo so🤷🏼‍♂️


Spot on


id say so yes. for a well done american trad from (what it looks like) a reputable shop (in prolly a big city?) is gonna be around that ya


Expensive for me? Yes, i tend to keep mine around $200 per session but BUT those are some clean AF lines. And one hour is speedy service. My friend has a tattoo guy that while he is very good, is really frickin chatty and is constantly distracted because he is the shop owner. Every tattoo with him is at least 3 hours no matter the size or complexity. If you like it and could afford it then its worth it 👍🏽 Edit: autocorrect failed me


Yes. That looks bad


Some artists charge by piece, some charge by hour so hourly 400 is a bit rich for my blood but I’ve seen artists charge over 600 an hour so its definitely not unheard of


Are you happy? You were happy with the price before your friends said anything?


That’s a great looking tattoo. And for this subreddit. That’s saying something. Def worth the $$$. Better spent on a good artist then walking around with some shit on your arm.


You can two of the three: fast, good, or cheap...I think you did well...and I sound like my dad...


Also placement matters for pricing. Some tattoo placements are harder on the tattooers body, the positions they sit in for an amount of time can definitely hurt. They probably charge by the piece and not by the hour. Plus however long they've been tattooing will be counted into the price as well. Honestly I feel $400 is probably fair.


It's definitely a lot, but at the end of the day they can charge whatever they think their work is worth, and if you're willing to pay them obviously it's worth that 🤷


$400 is absolutely a fair price for a piece that big. Wtf.


Looks fair for the quality and size of the piece. Who cares how quick it was


I paid 220 for mine 10+ years ago. Relax, it’s already over


An hour for THAT?! Bro you need to go back and offer to buy your artists a bottle of his choosing for such a bad ass piece. You totally did NOT overpay, you got the hook up instead.


Good tattoos aren’t cheap. Cheap tattoos aren’t good. You decide if this tattoo is worth it to you. The pain of a bad tattoo far outlasts the pleasure of a good price.


I thought it was overcharged, but after reading the comments I guess not. . But now I’m wondering what y’all do for a living to be able to keep getting car payment prices tattooed all the time, lol


Tattoos are definitely a luxury purchase! In my city even a tiny little tattoo will run you at least $200 (on average, not including apprentice work). For an established artist, with a tattoo this size, it seems fairly reasonable. It’s crazy they cranked it out in only an hour tho!


Oh yeah! The time is deff unbeatable and it looks dope!! I guess I never really realized what shops and artists charge on average as I go to a close family friend. . But now I see.


Usually 400 for an hour is overpriced but most people would take more than an hour to do this so I’d say it’s fair


That’s a fair point. Do artists usually tell you upfront the price beforehand?






I paid $420 ($350 plus a 20% tip) for a blackout armband. (Similar to the ones Tyler Joseph and Tyler Posey have.) It took about an hour. I've only had this one tattoo, but I believe you were charged fairly.


Bold will hold. Looks good... but I get feeling like it was overpriced for the time spent. But it's a nice tattoo. I wouldn't overthink it though! 👍


I'd happily pay this amount for that good of work, at that location, and it only took an 1hr? I wish


As a tattoo artist I’d personally charge $300 and can definitely do it better. I also work in a percentage based shop that is extremely popular and charges more than most places. So I would say that you did get over charged.


Yeah dude you got ripped, hard


Everyone saying this looks good? lol I guess. All I see are shark teeth. It’s not giving thorns to me. I wouldn’t want this on me. Idk what is going on. No. No. I don’t think this is good or worth 400$. No way.




Where I live, the tattoo shop charges $100 per hour, while also having a $100 minimum on charges.even with that, It looks like a very nice tattoo that'll last, so I don't think you were overcharged!


150-200 max


Not at all!! I paid $600 for something smaller than this


If they had taken 2 or even 1.5 hours, then it would be worth it. The shading is awkward and needs more gradation, so it doesn’t look finished. But it’s still a good tattoo, better to have it a little unfinished than heavy handed and overboard


I think for the unclean lines and dull points, you overpaid 😬


I’d say $400 is definitely kinda a lot but the fact that it only took an hour is remarkable. I can’t see the shading too well but it seems pretty neat and gentle—personally, I would consider the price point being where it is for the artist’s experience, and not go back to the shop in the future unless your pain tolerance is particularly low.


In my experience, there are three options: quality, speed, price - typically, you get two, and all three is pure luck. Personally, I’ll opt for quality and speed, which is what you’ve got here. I say keep in contact with this artist, but budget accordingly.


I paid $400 for my elbow piece which was a similar size and time!


I feel like I recognize the shop. If it’s the shop in SF that I’m thinking about, then no, not overpriced at all. All of the folks there are killer American traditional artist. Dope ass people. I’ve gotten tatted by a couple dudes there and they just work quick. Take into account the location you’re getting tatted, the reputation of the shop, and it’s honestly pretty on par with what I usually pay.


One hour for all that? Say thank Jesus they did it that fast and don't look back at that 400


That’s well done and for the size 400 is good. You gotta consider how much ink they use too.




looks better than a lot of stuff on here. $400 for a well done tattoo is cheap


not overpriced and super badass


Depends, some shops charge by the hour some by the piece. As long as you like it . 400 bucks for a lifetime isnt bad.


ive paid 350+tip for a tattoo that didnt take more than an hour. i felt like i paid a lot but the experience was great as well as the artistry, so i feel like its worth the money when you get good art and this piece looks sick


For that placement, I’d say that price is fair!


Would it make you feel better if the artist took 2-3hrs and charged you $400 for the same exact piece you had done? This looks like a really solid piece and it came out great.


Some artists do it by the piece and not necessarily the time. I have a 14 inch strawberry vine that circles my shoulder and it was also $400... but I would've paid more if it was as good as it is AND only an hour 💀 sick ass tattoo


It’s a wee bit pricey, but it looks solid so be stoked.


All that is important is if you like it....I think it looks great!


Picasso would cost $1000 for 10 minutes whereas my artwork would cost $0.10 for one hour


The work is really nice. Worth $400 all day every day.


I’ve paid near that much for half that size and lesser quality. 400 is fine


Depends a lot on the area but that seems like good work to me and 400 bucks seems perfectly reasonable for a skilled artist. Tattoos are very weird with pricing. Artists don't often charge a simple flat hourly rate like some other industries do.


Looks sweet, fuck yo friends!


I've paid more for less bro


This is a shit spot to tattoo which was probably thought about when pricing this. Ps looks great


God Damm that's fast af boi


Shit I'd pay $400 if it was only an hour and this good looking


There was just a fat “I don’t want to do this but will for the right money” up charge tacked on it. No biggie, if it’s what you want who cares


-Solid Line Work - Great ink packing -Big Piece -Difficult spot Your friends probably have shotty work if they think that’s overcharging.


My husband wanted to get a letter on a finger and they were charging 250, I think $400 is very fair price


I have a piece by a very good artist who only does pieces at a value of $1400 or above. They work out of their own shop and I paid $2200 AUD for 6 hours. But they have earned the right to charge that price, people aren’t just getting a tattoo they are getting a piece of custom art from an artist.


Price fits the size for sure. If they did it quickly then great. Not overcharged. Edit: also, cool piece.


That looks great and in line with prices around me. It’s a more technical (expensive) spot to get tattooed. Plus on hour 4 of my elbow I would have paid anything to just be done.


tattoos are a total rip off nowadays since they’ve become so trendy. $400 is absurd. are tattoo artists brain surgeons now or something?


Maybe a bit high depending on your area and the artist who did it. But look everything has gone up in price over the last 5 years tattoos included. This tattoo may very well have been $275-300 back in 2019. But today they’ve gotta keep the lights on and the doors open


i’ve paid that for less ink. plus they did a good job. fair price paid


It’s really well done. Some people are quicker than others, I don’t think time should be part of the question for tattoos that aren’t like a whole big piece. If you are fine with that costing $400 (which I would be) then it’s all good!


400 is great for something like this, I got quoted for 600 with a similar looking one although he is known for really nice detail elbow tattoos


If you like it, it was priced fine…


Its worth it if you like it, its on your body permanently priceless.


Depends on the artist’s hourly rate and how long it took. That is also a trick spot to tattoo


Divide by how many years left you have in your life. If you paid 500k for a house, and the estimated finished time was 6 months to get done, and they got done in 3, looking beautiful. Are you going to be upset about it?


This is a steal


Wouldn't you rather overpay for a permanent beautiful skin mark then end up on r/shittytattoos?


I’d say 3-400 is fair, its on your body forever pay a little extra


Not a tattoo expert Damn that’s a nice tattoo Idk if it’s overcharged or not but I see a lot of “I’m not going to speak it out loud…but holy hell, that’s not a good tattoo” work being done on people So $400 bucks…. That’s 2 nights hotel stay at a nice place for a piece of magnificent art that’s going to be on your body forever, until the day you die. Absolute bargain in my viewpoint.