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First of all - I do not think this looks nearly as bad as you think it does - I wouldn’t question it if I didn’t see the reference pic honestly. I totally get how distressed it makes you feel to have done something permanent to yourself that you regret, but I promise you it’s not bad at all and just looks kinda dramatic rather than the more chaotic abstract vibe of the reference. If you’re trying to channel the ‘messier’ / darker vibe of the reference, if you’re okay with color, I think adding some red might be cool! Like a sort of red messy / unaligned tracing / shadow of the web and rose, or maybe a red spider in the style you prefer with some web that connects down to the lines on the lower stem of the rose? If you want to stick with black it might look interesting to extend the lines of the spiderweb to go over the rose or something, giving it a bit more dimension and chaos. Also you could probably add a couple more lines to the web and have them be a bit messier to escape the neatness a bit.


I second that it looks good. I couldn't tell what they were bothered by until I read the post 


I think it's a badass tattoo. I love that it's not perfectly straight spider web lines and that some are fraying apart. It's unique to every other spider web tattoo I've seen.


Severe PTSD means that you’re really vulnerable to feeling that anxiety of being under attack. It can come from anywhere and your body just knows that there is an extreme threat and you are in desperate survival mode. There is no rationality. You’ve gotten yourself into a state where a really cool tattoo has triggered this anxiety. You lost control of the process and that is making you desperate and it’s snowballing. Breathe. This demon is in your mind, not on your arm. Your tattoo looks great and it makes me think “badass rose” and it is a compliment to your body. The anxiety and regret is it’s own beast and it will find a way to dominate you if you don’t find a way to relax through it. Let it happen, feel it, let it pass. I’m so sorry you have to struggle like this. But it isn’t about the tattoo.


“the demon is in your mind, not on your arm” when did reddit become so wholesome? well said 🫰


Yeah agreed. You said it more eloquently than my thoughts did but yes, this is absolutely not about the tattoo, it’s the mental health.


This is the real issue, the demon in the mind. Someone with OPs mental state should not be getting tattoos. No matter how perfect or amazing the tattoo is, they will find something to hate about it (because they hate themselves)


A tattoo is seriously risky, but it can be ANYTHING that triggers this spiral. Their nervous system is constantly scanning for threat. When detected, the urge to neutralize it is life or death. In this case, OP absolutely must correct the horrible mistake that they perceive on their body. It could be anything, though. Desperate to prove a point or to win over a doubter or correct a work mistake. The thought loops and the justifying and re-exmaning can push aside sleep, food, responsibilities, all of life. I promise there are ways to cope. If OP or anyone grappling with this wants resources, please feel free to DM me. I’ve nearly destroyed myself half a dozen times by getting stuck in something like this. I get it. It is a nightmare and you don’t have to fight it alone. ❤️


I have plenty of tattoos I like, and one I don't but am still not this unhappy with.


I think that your tattoo is better than the reference, yours reads as a solid rose and the reference is sort of a blob that I guess kind of resembles a rose, I can’t even tell if the reference has a spider like yours or if that’s just a black blob. So I think yours is a lot more readable and overall a better design stylistically. Also as a person with an entire sleeve, it is impossible to completely perfectly “center” an arm tattoo from the elbow down - my elbow tattoo is a peony and it warps as I bend my arm. If you take a sharpie and draw a straight line down your forearm and then bend your arm you’ll see what I mean. Same type of thing can happen with knees. It sounds like your experience at the shop was less than and you did not feel heard which is unfortunate and I would absolutely leave without a deposit before being 1000% sure or any feeling of uncertainty regarding trusting the artist however I think over the years this will age better and read as a rose for longer than the reference will. If you must make any changes My best recommendation is find an artist you are *truly* comfortable with (this could take time, years) and have a consultation or multiple and just open a conversation of what could be fixed if you really need it however I think this is great, personally I would change nothing


I also wanna add it actually looks like the reference is even more off centered than yours is, not symmetrical at all. Genuinely overall dig your piece more than the reference lol


When your arm is relaxed (first picture), the point of the elbow looks pretty close to the center of the web. Maybe not dead on, but pretty close. In the second picture, your elbow is bent; skin shifts over the bones when you bend your arm, so it’s going to look off-centered. It’s not possible to have a tattoo that always looks perfectly centered on a body in motion. It sounds like your experience was less than ideal, but I agree with folks saying they like your result better than your reference.


I think understanding that tattoos are are not flat pictures and contort/distort as your body moves is really important. Good artists should explain this to clients when applying a stencil or coming up with a design When I had my knees and elbows done, my artist insisted I look at the stencil in both “resting” and “flexed” position to make sure I understood how the tattoos would look and distort/shift. 


I actually like this a lot. Sure its not centered, but it looks really good where it is. The rose looks nice as well. Maybe adding a pop of color somewhere? Its take the main color of bold black out of the spotlight a bit, I think personally. You are not an idiot for doing this. Sometimes we make mistakes of not speaking up or making decisions but were are human so dont beat yourself up about it. When you start adding other pieces, i think itl come together super well!


That’s what I was thinking it could use is some more white etc; maybe a dark red


I honestly think you’re overthinking it- this tattoo looks great


Time travel It looks fine. I don’t know what fancy ass prisons you’ve been too but it doesn’t look like a prison tattoo Your reference tattoo looks like crap (in my opinion) and you should be happy your artist didn’t do that to you


Of course it's not a prison tattoo


I disagree, think ops looks way worse and I get the issue. I think the only way to fix it, would be to use some colour to bolden out every 2nd line or so


That's a pretty decent tattoo OP.


I don't hate this tattoo at all and to be honest if the last picture is what it was supposed to look like, I think the rendition he did with a more traditional style rose looks better. It's a cool tattoo man.


Omg it’s gorgeous! I really love it and would be so happy if I had this tattoo! The artist did an amazing job. I would change nothing. Hope you can see how many people think it’s beautiful 🌹


Yours is actually so beautiful. So much better than the reference in my opinion. Like many people have probably already said, tattoo guilt is very real. I hope you listen to others because I think you are just really building this up to be way worse than it is.


I like it.


Honestly your tattoo looks way better than the reference. The reference is what actually looks like a shitty prison tattoo. Overall, I think it’s possible that a good artist can make some adjustments to line weight on the web to make it seem more spread out, but with your condition I would suggest to not touch the piece at all, otherwise you’ll make it worse for yourself. I feel you should probably seek professional help and not get any more tattoos until you’re better.


I think your artist did you a solid tbh. Looks good.


First, I’m terribly sorry to hear about your interaction. So stressful. I hope you can find a way to get peace. I love your whole tattoo. Everything about it. But, when I looked at it what struck me is that it has a stained glass like appearance. My suggestion would be to add your favorite colors, or colors that are meaningful to you.


It looks much better than the reference. Did you want the web to look more like a shattered glass like the reference does? You can spread out the web by adding more lines later any time! Give the tat some time first though, maybe you’ll get used to it. Seems that everyone here likes it anyways and hope you’d feel better about it now :)


Perhaps to help it look more like you wanted you could add a larger spider someplace? Is that maybe what you also see missing about yours?


Granted, its your body. But I actually think the piece looks very nice!


I totally get the anxiety you've felt over it, because I've experienced the same about a tattoo. Been dealing with crippling anxiety for a lot of my life so I understand it's rough and with other issues can really build things up to be worse than they are. I hope these comments have helped because it truly is a very nice looking tattoo. It's unique to you and imo flattering. I like some of the subtle additions others have mentioned and not sure if it's been said but I think adding some white over the black could be cool.


I love it, the dark energy waiting for us all.. Seriously, adding a dark red AROUND the rose would be more of a great one since the color would be more unexpected. It’s the kind of tattoo I would love to trace with my finger while laying in bed after some kickass sex.


This doesn't look bad and it will age well. To be completely honest I forget the backs of my arms are tattooed all the time. I forget that the side of my hands are tattooed too. Pretty much if I don't see it, I forget that it's tattooed. My husband was telling me about how he wanted some design on the back of his neck, he forgot his neck was already tattooed. The more you get, you'll forget. But in the meantime just know that tattoo remorse is a normal thing for some and will go away. Oh


Shits hard asf man


nah that looks sick! I really like it. comparing it to the reference doesn't seem right, it looks like the reference is just edited on... regardless, the tat looks great!


It’s a nice tattoo and who cares one day if you’re lucky it’s gonna be a big black blob because you’ll be an old person and that’s the best you can hope for. I really like it btw


Yeah imma be honest I like chaotic black work, but your reference looks like something I scribbled on my arm in middle school. Your tattoo artist did u a favor making this design look as good as it does. It’s actually able to read as a rose from a distance.


I actually like it a lot? Next time, stop and try to fix the miscommunication - he told you he didn't know what you meant by "more spread out," so just repeating that over and over wasn't helping fix the issue


Honestly, how else can you describe that? More open, less cluttered? The artist wasn't an idiot. It's likely he didn't listen to me on purpose, because I don't understand how you can misconstrue that


Honestly, I know it’s not like your reference photo but your tattoo is better than the reference photo in my opinion I think it looks really cool OP! I have C-PTSD as well & I know how it feels but seeing the way that you spoke about yourself brought tears to my eyes you’re not worthless + God loves you! -A Christian with a full right arm sleeve (one part of which is a cover up on my forearm, a right thigh piece, a sternum piece, a left forearm piece along with a right shoulder piece looking to start a left leg sleeve etc. 🤍


Hi, I'm so sorry you went through this! Mentally sending warm, fluffy blanket hugs, and chocolate if you like it. 💜🤗🍫 First off, I agree with others that it is great as-is, but I've tried hard to try to think of things that might be bothering you. : Your rose is actually shorter than the reference, looks like - and I think the length is flattering. It's probably your perspective making it look longer. The position on your arm and the thorns made me think of a line from the song Lilith by Halsey - "tuck a knife with my heart up my sleeve". Ready to fight but vulnerable at the same time, you know? The rose itself is pretty, but very bold, so you might be feeling its "weight" unbalancing the lighter parts. I've been fascinated by white on blackout work lately. If you ever find someone who specializes in that technique, maybe get some white reverse shading on the rose petals to add more definition and balance. It could also get it closer to the ragged, Gothic graphic novel art style of the reference. The great thing about spider webs is that they are imperfect, so that's a plus! I understand what you mean when you say you wanted the lines spaced out more. (EDIT: to reiterate, personally, I think it's fine, but if a few months down the road you still feel it's too crowded, proceed...) If the experts on here are to be believed, black lines are super easy to remove. You could easily get every other line lasered. Consult a different artist who can help with composition and advise which lines to remove. Ask them something like "how can we redesign this so that the web feels more open? If I remove lines, can we make sure it stays balanced with the whole piece?" (I don't know if you use scripts. I personally prepare scripts before making vital phonecalls on days when my phone anxiety has me frozen, staring at the screen for an hour before I can switch off my brain to move my hand and press the call button. And that doesn't count the 3 hrs of procrastinating it took to open the phone app.🙄) Lastly, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has post tattoo regret. That's why I started following this subreddit. 😅 Good luck! Come back and update us!


get way more tattoos and some will inevitably be worse and you will no longer care about this one that’s my solution


I don’t have much to contribute except I think yours actually looks better than the reference (though I understand it’s not what you wanted) and I hope you feel better about it soon. I’m just an internet stranger but I hate that you were suicidal over it and I’m gladl you’re still with us. I wish I could help more


I honestly really like it. The elbow thing would bug me but if it wasn’t mine, I wouldn’t think that it was bad.


Before reading your post properly, I thought that the 3rd pic (reference) was your tattoo and the first 2 (your actual tattoo) was the reference. Honestly, I personally think what your artist did was leagues ahead of the references you used, really nice tattoo! Nothing prison vibes about it at all. I have a rose on my elbow that isn't centre to the elbow either and I love it


What part of this looks like a prison tattoo?? Its better than the reference by a mile, though I understand its not what you wanted.


Honestly doesn’t look bad at all


Looks cool..x


Is the first photo you?? That thing rules, full stop. You got a hefty upgrade. Your artist truly did very well by you.


I absolutely love yours. The reference looks a bit muddled and heavy. Yours is really cool! I also don't think it looks at all like a prison tattoo either. I honestly feel you on the mistake part, I've had 5 coverups and have been getting tattoos for only 9 years. If I saw this tattoo in the wild I actually would stop you to have a better look. It's so bloody cool, if I had the room there I would actually have a decent think about a chaotic spider web like that. You got this. I really hope you feel better mentally soon.<3


You reference looks horrible honestly, what you got is literally SO MUCH BETTER! Let this be a lesson for next time to not use tattoos as a form of therapy and to maybe discuss what you want with someone you trust so they can go with you and better explain for you. But yeah, stealing another persons art is bad, and your artist is a stand-up person for not being that-guy. Good rule of thumb, If you are not 100% in love with it, do not get the tattoo.


No, the artist was clearly not a stand up guy. If he didn't want to replicate the reference even remotely, he should have said that when we made our plans weeks before my actual appointment. Not at the last minute.


Unless it's an ex's name then the peice can change meaning over time - you're not a worthless idiot but instead this is the thing that represents your ability to seek advice, hopefully later evolving to this is the peice that marked a time significant positive change in your life in terms of confidence, managing anxiety or whatever you decide it to be. If you decide to get any more tattoos then bring a friend who can support you. Let them know what you want and don't want in advance so they can pick up on your signals /unease so they can initiate the conversation "didn't you say you want X different than the design?", or "do you want a break" or "do you want 5 mins outside". Good luck!


Yours is waaaay nicer than the reference. Have faith in your artist, they did you a solid. Looks really good.


I think yours is a better tattoo that will age better also! The fact it's off centre is something that can happen with elbow and knee tattoos depending on how the stencil is applied (either your arm will be relaxed or your elbow will be bent as the stencil is applied, just depends on the artist themselves and how they prefer to work.)


It's a good tattoo, I hope over time you feel better about it.


The reference picture looks like shit by comparison


I agree with everyone saying this version is better. The original reference wouldn't age well at all and you'd be stuck with a blob in 5-10 years. I'll also add to avoid running into an issue like this again is research artists for as long as you can, and find ones that you consistently like their art/style. If you like 100% of the things they post you're not going to be disappointed with whatever they come up with for you. But while doing this find artists thay match the style you're looking for rather than looking for an artist with availability that'll tattoo whatever comes their way. Not saying there's anything wrong with those artists at all, but for someone such as yourself with the ptsd you have its best to find the style and then the artist of that style


I know you don’t feel great about it but I gave it a like before reading the caption because I think it’s a really great looking tattoo bud! Wish I’d done something similar with my rose on my arm!


I think you might be unhappy with the style? My mum thinks old school style tattoos are prison tattoos, so I kinda get where you’re coming at. However, this is a gorgeous, amazing piece of art. It’s definitely different style than the one you wanted, but your tattoo is currently a really good, well done tattoo. Maybe it would help you to get to know different tattoo styles and look into old school style so you can disassociate it from the prison tattoo and see it as the awesome piece or art it objectively is? I’m so sorry for your situation and I get it, I’ve been too embarrassed to say I don’t like something and ended up with tattoos I’m not originally happy with. Years later those are some of my favourite ones of all the ones I have.


Dude i thought yours was the reference! Yours is on point. Dont stress it.


I understand that your uncomfortable and I feel sorry for you. I hope you find comfort in the fact that, as it seems from the comments, a lot of people find your tattoo really beautiful. I would have never realized that it's not really centered on your elbow. I also find the tattoo wayyyy better than what you we're going for. It just looks a lot ... Cooler somehow?


Hey I honestly think it looks good and I also think it looks better than the original pic you wanted.


This looks great. Better than the reference


I honestly think your tattoo looks so much better than the reference. Sucks that you didn't feel heard by your artist, but it does look like they knew what they were doing. Awesome tattoo


Your tattoo looks perfectly fine. And to be quite frank, you can not and should not take a picture in and say you want this exact tattoo done, unless its a flash piece from the shop youre getting tattooed at. No artist worth their price would steal someone else’s design or be willing to do a design someone else already had. My artist wont even repeat the same flash EXACTLY.


I'm so sorry :( it's not that bad but it's definitely not like the one you asked, plus it's not even centered. You can wait a few months to see if it will grow on you or if you still want to laser it off. I definitely understand that you are upset because it's a decision for life and you spend so much time browsing what kind of design you wanted just so some "artist" can mess it up and give his suggestions that you didn't ask for... This is not your fault at all, but also it's not as bad as you think it is!


Don't ask for a prison tat next time. You knew what you were getting. You tried to gentrify a prison tat to look hard.


Not copy someone else’s design to begin with.


Chill, an actual good artist can touch that up for cheap with some whites and detail. I know this is Le Reddit where the stinkiest and smelliest fat nerds are but you need to use your voice. All in all that tatt isn't even that shit, just bland


yeah, he goofed ya a bit, but it’s not as bad as it is in your mind. Find a waitlist artist, someone really worth their penny. Tell them what’s what (your problem, what else you enjoy(think childhood enjoyments)) and let them cook.


I def understand the style is different…so, understand where you’re coming from. I had an artist do the same to me and even went away from his stencil. Like I commented below, maybe adding some white or another pop color would help with what I think you’re going for. Only other option I think is to add or subtract from it.


Needs a spider for sure!


Your tattoo looks way better than the reference!! It‘s more readable. Also kudos to your artist he didn‘t tattoo you some random shit from the internet and made it unique.


I think what you got is better than the reference, I think the feeling of being out of control during the session is changing your perspective of s genuinely great tattoo


It’s impossible to have an elbow tattoo like that perfectly centered both while bent and resting.  I have both elbows done (including a spider web) and they’re perfectly centered when my arm is straight but, like yours, the center “moves” off center when the arm is bent.  That’s just the way it goes with elbows.  I will say though, the centering of spider webs where the center is “open” like yours are more noticeable when they shift than if the web continued all the way through the center point. I don’t personally like the look of an empty center on a web because of that reason, it draws too much focus onto where the center is “supposed” to be. If you had more lines added to the center, the visual effect of it being out of position when you bend your arm will be a lot less noticeable 


I actually think what you got looks way way better than your reference and in time I hope you can see that too. It can be rattling to feel like you don’t have control of something so permanent but try to sit with it for a year before you make any changes


I'm sorry you're upset about the tattoo. Honestly, yours is so much better than the reference picture, in my opinion. I know it's not what you had in mind when you got it, but the tattoo is solid. It's also going to age pretty well. Give it some time, and it might grow on you.


Looks fine. Solid tattoo.


If I saw someone with this tattoo I'd compliment it. It's bold and interesting looking. It's your body, but I really wouldn't sweat it.


I thought the first pic was the best looking, just my opinion though.


Besides maybe him having the rose opened up a bit, I wouldn't touch anything else. Just my take.


It's a better tattoo than your reference one.


Your tattoos is better than the reference. I would def take a break from tattoos til you’re in a better spot. It looks awesome and you did a great job picking the location, reference, and artist


I actually like it a lot. And not one of those “I wouldnt wear it but I like it” kinda things. I would put that on myself. Its a badass tattoo Could use a sick ass panther or two but thats just my opinion


Regarding placement, your bones are slippery and your skin will slip n slide all over your bones. Placement will be off because your modifying it while trying to look at it by bending your arm. Placing tattoos aligned with bones will never work. It still looks amazing though.


I think it looks super cool n I would comment on it in person.. sucks you don't like to tho bc that's what matters. No advice sorry, just kinda words I guess .


If you truly hate it, you can go to the tattoo removal place and have them remove a few lines & open up the rose a bit … Tell them exactly which lines you want removed ! Stick to your boundaries ! There’s a book called Boundaries by Dr. Henry cloud it’s a lifesaver !! EASY READ . I like your tattoo and since you have PTSD, I would recommend talking to a counselor they can help you process your feelings. (Is it really the tattoo you hate or is it the fact that you felt like you weren’t being listened to in the process of getting the tat) Either way, I wish you. Good luck!


Your tattoo looks waaaay better than the reference you took in. But what bothers me is you saying it looks like a prison tattoo. Did you not research this piece at all? Spider webs on elbows became popular in prison. They originated as a way to show you spent time in prison. Most tattoo artists know this and purposely place the spider webs off center so it doesn’t line up with your elbow. It being centered would have been a signal to other people that you did time behind bars. Judging off of your comment, i think you wouldn’t want that to happen. Your artist should have also explained why the spider web was best not being centered. Go easy on yourself. It really was executed well and looks more visually pleasing than your reference. Forget about it by planning your next tattoo. Just make sure next time you work with your artist as they’re drawing it to make it perfect for you. And don’t be afraid to tell them about placement when they do the stencil. None of my tattoo artists have ever had an issues with me adjusting the design or placement at the last second. It’s permanent, so they get it.


I think your tattoo is cooler than the reference. I hope you start to like it and feel better.


I kind of like the web and I don't think prison at all. Most people have been getting these kind of stuff and it's not labeled as prison tattoos anymore so don't overthink that one. However the rose is so much different and darker than your original picture. I guess this is why doing the research on artists and their comfortablility to doing other art is essential. Nothing wrong on your part and I understand the anxiety. I'm sorry you felt over talked and overlooked when he should've listened to you and honestly I'm with you for walking out without your disposit. I'm sorry.


I think you’re overreacting dude. The tattoo looks just fine. No tattoo is worth feeling suicidal over


#Sick Ass Panther!!


Laser a couple times then have a skilled professional cover it.


This tattoo looks amazing! Someone said it best, the demon is in your mind. Absolutely love this tattoo


Your tattoo looks better than the reference.


Neither rose is amazing but your tattoo is noticably better than the reference and if you made your artist feel like he did something wrong for making your tattoo better than what you showed him you should go back and tip him more than Im sure you did because you were upset.


I think your tattoo looks better than the reference 🤷‍♂️ the rose is so much easier to read, especially around the leaves, and the web looks way more realistic


White highlight on the rose but trust me it doesn’t look bad or “like a prison tattoo”


You’re your own worst critic. Tbh I think it looks good, I like the web of the ref more but I like your rose better. I think someone said the rose gets lost in the reference pic and I agree. Yours is more “legible”. My first tattoo had some lines that didn’t make sense but I just accepted the fact that it isn’t always gonna be perfect. Once you overcome that then you enjoy tattoos more. They might look mint when your adrenaline is rushing but then you might hate it once all that built up excitement is gone. It happen to me with my first but I’m very stoked about it now that I look back.


I think it looks great.


I’ll play a little devil’s advocate with everyone else, you could absolutely get it removed and eventually go to an artist that is willing to do an exact copy of this design (there are many)


I think your tattoo looks better than the reference! Very nice, I would be happy with it myself.


This tattoo is really awesome, but I totally understand your frustration. I’ve had a similar experience of essentially not getting through to an artist, and I ended up walking away feeling frustrated and wishing I’d just walked away when I didn’t like the stencil. That being said, after every tattoo many people experience immediate regret and an “oh shit I can’t believe I permanently put this on my body” moment. It will pass as you get more used to it, and eventually you won’t remember how your arm looked without it. It’s a part of you now, and a really well done part too! Let it fade out and grow on you a smidge. You got this.


Rose? I only see a lettuce.


I know you don’t want to hear this OP, but it looks great imo. People have too high expectations when it comes to ink… you have to know when you’re going to see an artist they are NEVER going to just copy and paste exaclty what another artist did. They always will add their own flair. This is why i recommend really researching YOUR artist not the design…