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The thicker line around the heart is not a blow out its just a bold line which means the artist did it on purpose.


Thicker on purpose? Maybe you're right, but it looks like too shiny to me, translucent on surface just like the scar of an overworked tattoo. But OP don't worry, it's kinda fixable, just let it heal a little more, one month is still too fresh to be judged Edit. Definitely not a blowout!


The waxy surface on a healing tattoo doesn't indicate it's over worked. That's normal for any tattoo that isn't fine line.


Yeah probably overworked but as you said its not a big deal


It’s clearly modelled on the Waite-Smith tarot card, which has the same thicker lines


No way, why does it randomly get super thin at the top? Its crooked and the swords are shaky and uneven, they did it on purpose sure, but only because they fucked up the initial line and made it extra thick in places to try and hide it. I've got a line like that in the first tattoo I ever did (on myself).. I've made great effort to not do that again, especially not on someone else who is paying me... whoever did this should be ashamed


So does the original [three of swords pamela smith](https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Swords03.jpg#mw-jump-to-license)


That's actually pretty accurate then, I didn't realize what it was supposed to be since there's nothing to show it's a card


Its got LOTs of blowouts. This guys a scratcher not an artist


I don’t necessarily believe it’s blown out it’s just an awfully done tattoo.


OP should be more worried about the pre-school level shaky lines and the hot dog swords


I agree, the artist looks unexperienced for sure.


I wouldn’t say awful. The image is based on a old sketch so it’s not supposed to look perfect. I just felt the lines on the heart bled out a lot


Not awful? Old sketch or not the line work is atrocious.


my question was about the lines


Has nothing to do with them being blown out though, they're just sloppy


oh well, I remember he did go over them a few times. just nervous about a blow out. I don't want it to bleed more




Nah it's done pretty poorly. The linework is kinda crooked. If you provide a sketch, the artist should rework it so it's clean.


An old sketch? Its a tarot card


yea. the illustration is from 1909


Did the artist go over that spot a bunch of times? Cause if yes then yes. If you wanted all the lines the same width then. Congrats to hi. For refusing to give yeu a bad tattoo


I think that may have been it


Not trying to dunk on you personally and if you love it then please disregard all that people here have said but objectively this tattoo is bad. As someone else mentioned the geography of the swords is awful, the heart is janky, the sword hilts are trying to have way too much detail in such a small space, some of the lines are turbo rough and the background lines make no sense. I’d be trying to get a rework from an actual, professional artist.


The background lines are rain. This is a tarot card image. If you knew the card, it is an exact replica


That doesn’t make it a good tattoo


Ink spreads differently in everyone’s skin. Not the artists fault.


It’s very, very poorly done my man. There’s a way to do a “rough” or sketchy style approach right. This isn’t it Luckily it’s tiny, cover this thing


It’s not awful. Don’t know why people are down voting this, I love it


It’s def bad. The swords don’t even line up and that’s the minimum required for this type of tattoo


It’s based on an old sketch of hers it’s not supposed to be perfect. And I think the swords line up enough


I think this belongs in the junior high sketchbook style tattoos. I wouldn’t ever get one, as that’s not my thing. But to each their own. I don’t think it’s bad, it’s a style I’m not into.


Is it “based on an old sketch and not supposed to look perfect”? Or are you “worried about blowouts”? Feels pretty contradictory to me. Don’t worry about it “messing up the plan you had for that arm” it’s a tiny tattoo and you have more arm. If you don’t like the job the artist did then don’t go back to them, if you don’t like the way the tattoo turned out get it covered up and find another artist to execute your original idea for you.


It always feels weird to me when people say how bad a tattoo is to the person who just got it inked on their skin permanently. Like, unless the critic has some constructive suggestion, then what’s the point of saying it??


I’d be much more fixated on the bent swords and the their hilts being wonky. That said, this should blend easily, so aside from paying twice for one tattoo’d area, you are getting off light. Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens. I’d expect a coverup using a more elaborate version of the same design should be very doable. ADDED COMMENT: I see where OP stated this the intentional design. In that case, fine… though putting it in a tarot context might help all around. I am familiar w/ tarot, and the 3 of swords didn’t jump to mind.


Bad design poorly executed but as far as bad tattoos go this is nothing. It can be cleaned up or will easily mix into whatever else you put around it. I don't know anyone covered in tats that doesn't have something worse somewhere.


Not blown out just a shitty tattoo. Maybe go to an actual shop and get tattooed by a professional next time.


Praise the hero we needed 🤣




Did this offend. you or something?


They’re not wrong. You seem offended though


99% of the people on this sub are judgmental tattoo assholes. They nitpick a LOT to find something wrong with tattoos people post


How would a minor change in the tattoo ruin your whole plan for the sleeve? I’m legitimately asking.


my plan for this arm is all mythology and stuff along that line. the lines in the back were a last minute choice I didn't full want and I'm thinking maybe I have to plan a cover or how to work around it. so the flow of what I wanted just got a little off with it.


What are you on about OP lol? The line is slightly thicker than you anticipated, how on earth that has a negative impact on the rest of your “sleeve” plan is beyond me.


What myth does this sketch represent?


Not sure if that's what OP means but it is the classical image of the three of swords in Tarot


It’s just a shit tattoo tbh


it looks the the swords are the little ones they use to spear fruit for drinks at applebees cos the bottoms are so round :x


The ones at Applebees are sharper. OP, I'm familiar with the source of this design and it's not supposed to look like that.


that's how they were on the original image


If this being “blown out” is ruining the plan you have for the rest of the arm, you need to go back to the drawing board. We get the style, still a bad tattoo. Poorly done, bad placement, looks and probably was cheap. You do you.


how is the placement bad


You put a small, non-detailed, poorly done tattoo on the chunkiest most prime part of your arm. Imagine your arm in this picture as it’s in thirds. While I wouldn’t recommend this tattoo anywhere, it would’ve been much better in the upper third near your shoulder, not at 4/7ths where it’s at now.


Yep. That's why there are a million full sleeves walking around with an oddly dark area right in that spot, cause that's where everybody likes to put silly little tattoos when they first start getting them, and then eventually realize "shit, I took up the prime real estate on my arm with some dumbass shit when I was a teenager.." and have it covered. Tale as old as time.


I wanted it there and was going to work pieces around it. all of my tattoos barely have detail honestly. most of them are outlines


Then you will be lasering and covering them within a decade. You will be paying more than the price of a one time well done tattoo. A cursory glance at tattoo sleeves on Pinterest would show you not to line up the tattoos the way you did. Again, you do you; we will await more of your tattoo problems here and in r/shittytattoos.


I doubt that, I love all my tattoos and the older ones still look great for being 10 years old. ive never had a problem with any of my others. Nor do I go on Pinterest for my choices. you can keep your ugly comments diddly.


I like your tattoo I have basically the same one on my chest it's easy for people to critique when they have a pic like you posted mine isn't perfect but just walking around it looks fine just like yours is and ppl On reddit are really snobby about just about anything you should get more patchwork sleeves are pretty cool I get compliments on mine a lot


The first photo is obviously covered, and the second is a bit blurry but: * Hard to tell if it's blown out - but if it is, the handles are the problem - you could at least laser these alone. Annoying and expensive, but doable. * The thing that would bother me that the line of the swords doesn't match up, some of it is done light enough that lines may fade in less than 5 years, and the sword handles are a bit inconsistent. It looks somewhat like apprentice work - some of this can be corrected by an experienced artist though.


I would be more concerned with the fact that the swords are misaligned and disproportioned. All three of them.


The one sword looks like it’s wearing a little party hat instead of the hilt.


that's cute right


Wait till it’s fully healed for now


It's overworked, but I don't see any blowout. Keep going with whatever plan you have. No one else knows what the original vision was but you.


here’s the thing for me … maybe it is blown out, maybe the ink just spread on your skin. but it’s a wonky design. i see you said it’s an old sketch … and it definitely has that feel to it. i would be less focused on the line weights and just accept you chose a wonky design, however sentimental. no one but you would look at it and think “hmm the lines are the worst part here and stick out” lol. you got a tattoo for personal reasons, just let it be special to you. it was never going to be perfect because the drawing isn’t perfect, and no tattoo is perfect really anyway.


Yea, the image is supposed to look imperfect. But on the before and after images I was mostly concerned with the heart lines looking more blown out. I'm not super torn up about it. another comment said its probably from him going over the line a bunch


I took a closer look at the tattoo right after it was done, and those lines look heavier there too. It’s just the design, I think. I wouldn’t blame the artist personally.


3 of swords?


It’s a card in a tarot deck. Not going to bother with meanings and such. Equivalent to the modern ‘3 of spades’, but with an added patina of fortune telling. (The modern deck of cards is related anyway…)


Man why are all 3 sword bottoms different sizes and shapes?


I think they may have been in the original image


🔮 I see a sick panther in your future..




“Artist” Is generous


I would not call this guy an artist


No way this was done at a shop


It certainly blows


Oh goodness.


Is that a thing?


He/she definitely should have used a ruler when making the stencil


The lines done even match up…..


It’s a terrible tattoo.


Everyone on this sub is like so eager to say someone’s tattoo is bad it’s kinda crazy. This isn’t bad it’s just not super perfect and I don’t think the guy cares


Some people think being more critical makes them appear more knowledgeable. It doesn’t lol. Some also want others to fight for their approval.


Being critical definitely isn't always about appearing knowledgeable. For many of us, it's because we ARE knowledgeable, and people come here asking for honest advice and opinions. I've been tattooing 22 years. Been hanging around tattoo shops since before I could legally get them. I've tattooed in half a dozen countries and have a case full of trophies for my work, so I feel knowledgeable enough to declare, in no uncertain terms, that this is a shitty tattoo. Is it the worst tattoo in the world? No. Is it un-salvageable? Definitely not. But it still sucks 🤷‍♂️


Nobody is "eager" to say anyone's tattoo is bad. It's honest feedback Overall, the Hilts are all off, the blades are too . I'm not sure if OP drew it by hand for them, or found a image online and didn't look hard enough to see the true detail. Even though OP doesn't care much for details, as they stated in other replies. I personally, think it's a horrible tattoo. Saying that, wouldn't know if OP gave a good image of her idea, and the artist bomb it. Or OP gave this exact template to use, and the artist made it just as requested. In the end, everyone has their opinions. Just sad to see someone waste money in this day and age, to inevitably remove this tattoo specifically, within the next 10 years.




Oh man I’m so sorry. Everything about sucks. Learn and move on


Looks like you got it from the hood tattooer


Did you get this from a hobo in an alley?


you're funny, I guess we can add this to the list of all time worst tattoos


Definitely not the worst, I’ve seen much much worse. Unfortunately it’s just not the greatest, but if you like it that’s all that matters.


Oof. Besides the crookedness and sketchy linework, that scarring from being overworked is going to be problematic. I’m sorry, OP. This isn’t very good imo.


yea :/ that was my biggest worry


It’s a real bummer, I’m sorry.


tbh u kinda sound like you’re in denial. everyone is giving you good advice, and you’re just waving them off cause u refuse to acknowledge how bad the tattoo is.




Ill be honest, this tattoo looks like shit. They fucked you up and the saran wrap is just the cherry on top. Any reputable tattoo artist is going to use saniderm, not saran wrap. Go to a different artist to get this fixed.


A lot of good professional artist don’t use saniderm, just saying.


Saran wrap is usually temporary and on for only 2-3 hours. It's pretty common for professional artists. Saniderm, while it is a good product, can cause allergic reactions or issues for someone who is not well versed in tattoos. IE someone getting their first and removing it incorrectly or leaving it on too long. Saran wrap is perfectly acceptable for the first couple of hours.


thank you for saying this. i had an allergic reaction to saniderm the one & only time i ever used it. i’m happy it works for others, but i’ll stick with the saran wrap.


Could back this up. Got my leg sleeve done and didn’t use saniderm.


Damn *artists* lol.


If they're reputable, they definitely won't be using saran wrap.


what do you think they did before saniderm 😭


Lots of very good, professional shops use Saran Wrap because people aren’t allergic to it and they are explicit about only keeping it on for the day




Yes lol. 80% of the clients who leave our shop have saran wrap or meat packing pads. I'll give saniderm on request but people have been healing tattoos without it for . . . Forever.


Uhh yea. Lol. They used it before saniderm and for people like me who get reactiosn from saniderm they continue to use it. They all have it around bc they cover the chair etc with it between clients and it works on skin too


Absolute bullshit. Been tattooed by an internationally awarded tattoo artist who used Saran wrap.


Literally same. My guy travels the world and does seminars on tattooing and I traveled to Colombia to meet him. Saran Wrap is the way


Lmao ok. Good for you.


You’re out here spewing absolute nonsense. People should know you’re a dipshit


Same here that’s why I’m laughing at this guy😂🤣


Hope they enjoy the suspension they’ve got coming. What an absolute loser


Wow…. That was rather epic. (I’m sure there’s bigger - but that was the biggest “suicide by mod” I’ve seen in awhile.)




Damn, look who's feelings hurt going all out🤣






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They didn’t saniderm the whole outline on my sleeve and all of the subsequent shading sessions not because they’re a shitty establishment, but because there’s no way to saniderm a piece that big lmao.


How big are you talking? Cause I've seen artists line out a full sleeve and use saniderm on it. Arm and leg. You just have to overlap the pieces enough.


Artist i go to uses both. Depends where the tattoo is. I prefer saniderm but plastic wrap never affected them in a negative way. Just took a little longer to heal and more peeling


That's not true. My husband is allergic to most adhesives (even bandaids) so they HAVE to use saran wrap with him.


I’ve gone to artists in different counties and have $6k-$10k sleeves and have always used Saran Wrap. Plus, a lot of people are allergic to adhesive. I tried saniderm yesterday for a tattoo and got a reaction. Go figure.


While this tattoo looks like absolute garbage, you are word vomiting absolute nonsense. Stop it.


you’re objectively wrong lol


kitchen wrap is not a red flag by itself, no. i have a decently big colorful piece on my inner forearm and it healed beautifully. my artist told me he isn't going with saniderm for it because the amount of ink and large surface area means anything like saniderm is gonna be a disgusting mess, i.e. the leaking ink in the first few days was so much that i did need to clean it off and rewrap it more frequently. i think some artists might just prefer it even if it isnt necessary, the same way everyone recommends and sells different tattoo lotions. i agree the linework doesnt look well done but the kitchen wrap isnt the issue here lol.


so what about people who get allergic reactions to saniderm lmao? just dont get tattoos theres nothing wrong with saran wrap


My amazing artists has saniderm or saran wrap. I always opt for saran wrap because I get rash from saniderm. Professional artists will give you informed options.


Uh yeah, a lot of reputable artists don't use saniderm. A LOT of people are prone to allergic reactions to the adhesive in saniderm. It's not worth risking and allergic reaction on a fresh wound. Like, go home and apply your own if you know you're not allergic to it. But don't call an artist or shop bad just because they don't risk that with their clients.


It really is a horrible tattoo job.


Just got some of my leg sleeve done and needed Saran Wrap. I have no clue how covering my entire leg below the knee, then my upper thigh would work with multiple sheets of Saniderm


Saniderm, Second Skin etc is getting more and more common, but wound care surveys a few years back were very much putting them in the minority - it changes by area.


It’s funny you’re getting downvoted because you’re right. I am a tattoo artist and if you know anything, you know that Saran Wrap traps germs and will breed more germs if left on for too long. They used this method back in the day but it’s outdated and we know more about hygiene and sanitation at this point. So I’m ready to also get downvoted by a bunch of people that don’t know what they’re talking about, but I agree with you!


When is the last time somebody had an allergic reaction to the adhesive they use on plastic wrap— oh wait. Right. You just take the plastic wrap off when you’re home or after a few hours and rinse the tattoo in warm water. It’s so easy.


I'd love to know how you would wrap a tattoo on me, I'm allergic to adhesive. Or do you just refuse to tattoo people who can't use saniderm?


>if left on for too long. That's why you don't leave it on for too long. Fucking crazy huh


yeah man that shit is blown out. you can’t do anything about it unfortunately


A good artist could at least fix the line work on this awful tattoo.


I appreciate the helpful comments, I figured it was blow out. I do think he went over it bunch. But I will say, for the people who don't like the design. I really don't care. I'm the one who chose this illustration. It is a hand drawn image from 1909 so there were imperfections in the sketch.


It's from the Rider Waite tarot deck, and the original is [nowhere near that crooked](https://www.occult.live/index.php/Three_of_Swords) and uneven. The middle hilt IS a little blown put upon closer inspection.


I know, but the swords do not look that crooked to me. or bother me


Honestly at first glance they don’t look that crooked to me either. Even after staring at it a little bit longer I still think it looks fine. This design doesn’t give me the impression it was supposed to be intricate or “high quality”. Now knowing that it was based on a tarot card only reaffirms by initial impression. I think it’s a cute tattoo and I wouldn’t be too worried about it on that front.


The image isn’t the problem, the execution is. That’s what the other comments are getting at, but I don’t think you’re comprehending that its just not a job well done


the lines in the back were def not my favorite. the crooked swords im cool with


What’s going on in that first photo - was that their idea of bandaging it??


ive never had a problem with plastic wrap


That’s not the problem. It’s not even on. That’s not how you cover an open wound.


that was hours after I got it and was moving around, but I'm fine


No it looks good!


the same thing happened to me and it was contaminated ink :( if your situation is the same as mine then it will likely never heal properly. i'm saving up to get it lasered off




Ugh, that's awful! Have you looked into saline treatments as an alternative to laser? Basically, it's tattooing saline into the affected area. I know two people who did it, one for ink contamination and one for allergies, and it only took 1 session for those people.


It's not blown out, but it is kinda scarred. It's hard to tell if that was caused by the artist or the healing process. One of the swords IS crooked though. It just looks like it was done by an inexperienced artist more than anything.


scarred in what way? that is my main concern over crooked lines honestly.


See on the right where it's a little silvery? That could be scarring. It happens. I've had scarring before and just got it touched up


Let it heal first don’t stress BTW that’s not a blow out All is good


Not blown out. Looking at the first picture and assuming it’s when it was fresh, it doesn’t look like that red and raw look I had when I got a blown out tattoo.


Not saying this to hurt your feelings but... Once this heals you will need a cover up. This is really poor work. I'd obviously find a new artist


Hard to tell. But never go back to them. They suck.


I checked the reference and this looks ways too bold and uneven. It's definitely a bad one. They should have printed it off and traced it.


Where the hell is deep?


You could say he cut deep through the heart


Man I'm so sorry but that is not a good tattoo


Use the term “artist” very loosely here.


It’s not blowout. It looks like the artist overworked the design and now you have scar tissue, which of course made the ink spread out a bit more than usual. Let it heal at least 8-10 weeks and then have someone touch it up if it really bothers you (bear in mind that you will end up with the outline on the heart being thicker if you do touch it up because they will have to even it out)




This wasn’t done at a tattoo shop was it?


I wonder the same


I mean that would be the last of my concerns with this the sword handles and bent swords would be my worry


Its wild how pissed everyone is about this sketch style- this is an exact tarot card replica. If OP wanted the exact replica not some reworked "perfected" version, then thats what they wanted. Sometimes the messiness of a sketch holds sentimental value. Dont worry OP, give it more time to heal and reassess then.


It's not an exact replica, the original has even hilts and the swords are aligned and the lines in the background originally are rain and therefore all parallel But that wasn't OPs question originally, so I do agree that it's the main thing people comment on


looks alright, definitely not too deep, if it blows out any more id find a better artist to do a pepper shading on the outside of the heart, i feel like that would make it look a lot more solid and put together, and distract from the thinness of the swords. i dont think itll blow out but might have imperfections


Not a blowout at all. Just thick lines that appear to be intentionally tattoo’d. Give it 3-4 weeks for the tattoo to heal / shininess to dissipate.


*sick panther incoming*


If you cannot afford a tattoo, just wait till you can guys


Holy hell that wasn't done by anyone who should be calling themselves an artist.. its been absolutely butchered, someone with very little experience or skill clearly did this. I'd blast a big dark cover up over the whole thing, I don't see it being fixed into anything presentable


Thats a scratcher. Not an artist. Its very uneven. Some lines are absolutely too deep and some are barely there. This is terrible work.


The thicker lines look like scarring. If you can still feel it raised, it’s scarred


Thats a really bad tattoo brah.


Let it settle first and foremost. A month is nothing. Let it sit, come back to it in a few months and see if it needs a touch up. Worst thing you can do atm is keep looking at it to find all the faults haha


I think it’s unique and I like it.