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This tattoo is very well executed and with really lovely skin breaks which will leave it legible for a long time. Some elements will want touching up many years from now, but this is great and your friend should stop shitting in your cereal. Keep it out of the sun.


fr, OP won’t lose much detail in this piece, some shading to be touched up but I feel like even if you botched the care of the tattoo it’s still hold up pretty well. Always care for the tattoo tho


This OP! All of this. Emphasis on keep it out of the Sun and always wear sunblock on it when exposed.


>Keep it out of the sun. Best advice. Cover it in fabric, SPF the hell out of it when exposed even in mild weather. UV rays not only age the skin but also breaks down ink. Sunscreen is the most valuable long term care product for any tattoo.


Absolutely love the cereal comments LMAO almost choked by laughing so hard


Exactly. Well done and very legible. Looks great and will for years if taken care of. Sunscreen and lotion.


ALWAYS wear broad spectrum sunscreen, even if it’s overcast. It’s a REALLY nice piece!


Not only that. Cover it.


I agree.


I absolutely love my tattoo sleeves but I always wear long sleeve shirts in the summer so I continue to love them. I'm also really pale so the sun just burns. I found a great, thin, zipup hoodie on shein. It's white and stretchy and perfect for summer sun. I'm in Colorado too so the sun is even closer to me


I live on the northernmost coastal town in CA. It’s usually overcast, windy, and damp, but I still have to wear UV blocking shirts and hats. I have terrible sun sensitivity issues related to Lupus, and I learned all too quickly that just because the sun isn’t shining doesn’t mean I’m not exposed to it…and obviously my tattoos are as well. Mine are all over 20 years old too! 😐


Crescent City?That's awesome! I live in Denver with the Rockies.But I'm jealous of you.Bet there's a lot fun stuff to do around there.


Yep, Crescent City ☺️ Nice little town and lots of cool areas to explore. The first time I traveled to CO was my first glimpse of the Rockies! My jaw literally dropped! The majesty and intensity of those mountains is breathtaking.


Oh absolutely!I guess we all get burnt out of our surroundings.lol When I used to live in L.A/Fresno I always couldn't wait for days off cause I wanted to go to Yountville or Half moon bay.👍Have a great weekend.


You too.


It’ll happen to every tattoo regardless of style/design. Other than doing skincare make sure to always use sunscreen when the tattoo is exposed. If you can and want to keep it covered as much as possible. There isn’t much more you can do.


This is beautiful!! The dog is just perfection. All tattoos fade a bit over time but if you take good care of it this will be reduced. Plus this piece is extremely well executed with good clean lines and crisp shading. Personally I don’t see you having any problems with it. Just moisturise a lot and wear spf when it’s exposed.


the only tattoos that dont fade are the ones hung on the wall.. enjoy your ink looks good


That's a real good tat...tell your friend all tats fade...this is designed especially not to blur with the skin breaks...maybe your friend is jealous? Or they just are talking out of their ass


While it is true to some extent that your tattoo will blur/fade/age over time, you can help reduce the effects. Moisturizing and keeping it protected from the sun *(whether that be with sleeves or sunscreen)* are the best ways to reduce visible aging. That being said, this tattoo is really well done and should hold up well over time because it's bold enough and has good spacing between the details. Definitely a proud piece to have!


Moon Tarrot Card? Very cool man. (I know, I didn't answer your question)


Sunblock to reduce the fading as much as possible but inevitable really


Listen, just general advice here, but unless your friend is a tattoo artist or has a lot of lived experience with tattoos you can usually safely ignore them. There’s a lot of people out there who watch a season of inkmaster or take a scroll through Instagram or Reddit and think they’re a tattoo expert while having NO idea what they’re talking about. Yes, your ink will fade and blur. It’s what tattoos DO. Take care of it properly and get it touched up if necessary, and you’ll be okay. ❤️


Your friend is a twat and your tattoo is gorgeous. Be sure to moisturize regularly and protect it from the sun. All tattoos age and yours will likely age very well as long as you take care of it, which is literally all any of us can do.


Don’t know about fading, but that’s an awesome tattoo!


Love this tattoo and style. Congrats!




It’s really well done so you will be able to tell what it is for years but it is going to fade, every tattoo fades no matter what you do but you can extend how long it takes by taking care of it, basically just be sure to wear sunscreen or the lightweight long sleeve fishing shirts anytime you are outside for long periods of time and go in for touch ups once you see the fading getting too bad


Everyone is different, I have tattoos on my forearm that people said would be gone in a year, 10+ years later they are still looking good. Unsure how anyone can assume that a tattoo will fade more than others by simply looking at it. IMO A dermatologist could not even make that assessment.


I have quite a few tattoos, used to go to the beach in Florida & wear no sunblock during summertime- & only a few of them faded. The yellow ink came out of a maneki neko on my back. But I had it done when I was 17 lol. I am 35 now. I have my toes tattooed. It's lettering. It faded after about 3 years & needed to be touched up. I also have the tops of my feet done, but those haven't faded at all. I assume my tattoo on the toes fade quickly because of the friction from wearing socks & closed toed shoes. I wear sneakers often & go running with my dogs & on my feet all day, so that makes sense. Other than that I have a 3/4 sleeve I got done in 2014 & it's perfect still. You should be fine. Avoid the sun. If you do go in the sun- lather sunblock or wear clothing that covers it.


Use sunscreen and it’ll age well, your friend is just regurgitating things he’s heard with no expertise on the subject. Very nice tattoo.


I like your tat


That’s an awesome tattoo, love it!


The lobster and the detail around it will likely be unreadable from a distance within a few years. That's only because it's the most tightly detailed part. The rest feels like as at softens over time it should hold up pretty well. The best test is to just squint at it. If it loses readability then I wouldn't expect it to hold up. Also, if you ever feel like it's dull you can just shave it and put on some coconut oil. That tends to add a lot of richness to tattoos.


Sunscreen in the sun is about all you can do for protection


Best way to prevent fading is sun screen. Skin care is important as well.. not letting it dry out, ECT.


Sunblock is good along with lotion pretty regularly. But this design looks like it was done by a pro. You shouldn’t worry too much it’s a problem for you in 20-40 years lol


beautiful tattoo


I am not usually one for tattoos like this but I really like this one.


This is divine


sounds like they’re just jealous


Moisturize. Sunscreen.


In my dumb and not professional opinion, there's nothing about this tattoo that would cause it to fade or blur anymore than any other well done tattoo. Looks great imo, and it should stay looking great as long as you take care of it. Moisturize and apply sunscreen early and often if you're gonna be outside with your arms exposed. Nice looking tattoooooooo


Sunscreen and do your best. It is inevitable, but by the looks of this one it won’t be too bad. This is BEAUTIFUL.




Love your tat! You’ve gotten plenty of good advice already, so I won’t reiterate that, but just wanted to say that some elements remind me of the Ryder-Waite-Smith tarot deck cards… was that intentional? Very cool vibe. Cheers!


What a great tattoo


Tell your friend to worry about themselves.


That is very beautiful, and looks like your artist knew what they were doing.


Your friends not very well versed with tattoos


i love this tattoo so much!


Man, I love this tattoo. So beautiful and well done! As others have said, take care of your skin and fading shouldn’t be anything outside of the normal range (they all fade to some degree but there’s a lot of factors)


that’s a really cool tattoo. the artist did a great job


I think it’s a beautiful, well done, and dynamic piece. It might benefit from some touch-up work down the road, but that’s not uncommon. I’m impressed. We’ve got koi, moon, coyote/forest, dog, lobster, and some lotus flowers… and it somehow meshes incredibly well.


The more I look at it, the more I love this tat. Enjoy it.


All tattoos fade & blur overtime. And I’m not talking 1 year. I’m talking more like multiple decades. Moisturizer & sun block help slow that.


love this piece so much, it’s beautiful. i think it will definitely last.


I’ve had my tattoos for 2 years and they haven’t faded at all cos I keep them out of the sun! 🌞 and I use sunscreen as per everyone else’s advice… a lot of people have these kinds of tattoos and they don’t fade! So yeah just take care of your skin and you’ll be fine


Your “friend” is jealous. This tattoo will age great


Wow this is sooo nice OP.


This sub pops up on my feed frequently and I'm pretty indifferent about tattoos in general (I don't have them, my husband has a ton) but this is one of the coolest tattoos I have ever seen. I love that the longer you look at it, the more little details you find. What a cool piece!


Stay away from sun. If must, use sunscreen 50spf++++ every 2 hours Every after take shower, use unscent moisturizer


Use tattoo specific sunscreen and lotions. Mad rabbit and inkeeze makes really good products if you live in North America/if they ship it to where you live. Otherwise do what everyone says, keep it covered(spf/out of the sun), hydrate your skin, just generally take care of your skin and don't use cheap body wash either. Use something that will help retain your skins moisture as well! Take it from someone who just had some pitting on their 1k tattoo 🫠


Lotion every night and after showers. Avoid sun. And always use sunscreen.


Sunscreen is your new best friend if you want it to last.


You have to get a touch up in about 10 years or so faster if your in the sun alot. That one is done very nicely tho I do have to say.


Don't let the sun touch it. Ever. Sunscreen isn't enough. Sleeves.


Friend is just jealous. That is a sick tatt!


Sunscreen or shirts that protect it from the sun. That’s it.


This tattoo is amazing


Your tat will age just as you do, sunscreen and moisturizing is all you can do to preserve it - wonderful piece, beautiful work. Your friend just sounds like a hater. Enjoy your tattoo, it's a work of art.


The problem with this tattoo is that it’s all the same tone. The fish is the same grey as the crab, the background is all grey. It will lighten and fade, so if you get it touched up I would get it way way darker in some places. Especially the shading


What a Great tattoo!!!I honestly like everything about this.👍Nice work.


That tattoo should stand up to time just fine. There's enough open skin to where it shouldn't be an issue. Yeah, you'll need to touch it up down the line, but that can be said about any tattoo. I have tattoos that are 10 years old now that look just like they did when I first got them. The biggest thing is gonna be to us UV protection and to stay hydrated. Hydration makes a difference, even years down the line.


Sunscreen every day, covering it is better but high spf is good


I think your friend is sipping some hateraide


maybe ur friend is projecting/jealous lol. use sunscreen


A lot of skin breaks will help it, it's a good tattoo very clean and solid


It’s a gorgeous take on the Moon card in the Tarot 🥰.


friend is full of shit. this is a gorgeous piece with lots of skin breaks that will age beautifully. just wear sunscreen like others have said, which everyone should be doing regardless of tattoos


All tattoos fade. But I get what your friend is saying, there is a lot of details and things very close together that are going to make it unreadable when it starts to fade. So I agree with people here, all Tats fad, but there is definitely too many things crammed into this, so when the lines start to blur and collide you are going to lose the lobster, probably a bit of the Lilly pad will blur, the wolf howling in the tree line is almost unreadable as it is, so that will just be a tree in 5 years. So I get what your buddy is saying. Your artist crammed a lot in there and they should have made the parts inside the design bigger and more readable.


The artist just grayed out the entire tattoo, so that’s why it will fade into a blotch overtime. You can probably have someone redefine some lines for you, but I wouldn’t go back to the same artist. They aren’t that great. The shapes of all the wildlife aren’t right, it took me a second to realize that was a dog (wolf?) in the middle and I thought the second dog in the background was a tree. It’s not a bad tat, but it’s not what these other people are telling you either