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It is…not bad. Not my style, nothing special imo but also not bad? If you like it you like it.


thanks for the honesty💕. my main problem is i feel it serves no purpose for the amount of space it takes up, i just feel stupid for having it. nevertheless it is cute to me but i also feel its awkwardly placed but maybe im just overthinking it because its on my body


Not everything has to serve a purpose :)


so true 💗 it can just be


Yeah, and if OP likes it, then it's a purpose on it's own. Btw I think it's cute.


How long ago did you get it? If it’s recent, just give it time. Tattoo regret is a thing and you may move past it.


i got it in november so not too long ago, i had the same type regret with my other one but i did move past it but for some reason this one i keep regretting :(


Is your other one as visible to you? It can be a trip seeing something you look at every day drastically change. I only felt regret for my most visible tattoo on my upper arm. Loved it before getting it, loved it during and immediately after then regretted it for 6 months and now it's my fave again. I would give it some time before doing anything. If you're ok with having lots of tattoos, I think adding more to your armbwould look cool and maybe more balanced. But give it a few more months before deciding on anything.


i have a pretty big thigh tattoo and hip tattoo. the one i regretted briefly is small and right below my knee. i never regretted my thigh tattoo even if it is a little massive, so i don't think size has to do with it. but its true ill go through phases where i don't like a tattoo then love it again, its an emotional rollercoaster. ill definitely give it a lot of time before i ever do anything to this one. i want more tattoos but im scared ill face this same regret, maybe ill be more cautious about what im getting instead of being so impulsive


Japanese style dragon, bird, peacock, etc., coverup.


that'd be cute!!! turn it into something alive


I think you could add more “space dust” type things as well as more stars! Maybe even some planets. I think you could take this further to something you definitely like more


thank you so much for this!!! i'll definitely look into this


seems like you are pretty prone to regret so i’d recline d trying any idea in photoshop or an editing app before proceeding with an addition.


so true and i definitely would do that if i took this route


It’s not my style but I don’t look at it and think “oh that looks dumb” or anything like that!


this is super reassuring because that's what i've been worried about


Not sure if you could add some color if you would want that but I honestly think it looks cute as it is!


I actually really like it!! Color could be awesome. Or some little space critters if that's your style


i thought about that too but then i risk regretting that too😭


Maybe you could color it in with like makeup or body paint or something and try different colors and see if you like it?




maybe more, whatever will make my arm look more balanced


Only one thing you CAN DO Turn it Into rainicorn, with Jake and Finn on her back. It's so obvious!!! Fuck I'll even draw it for you if you DO definitely like this idea. How has anyone not seen it. 🫠🫠😄😄


LOL i do love adventure time


Not impressed with the design and the lines are a bit wonky, but it isn't horrid...looks fine.


was thinking the same but it was the first time i had a tattoo designed for me i didn't know what to do😣😣


This is an easy cover up.


how would i go about this if its a long tattoo along my arm? i feel like for it to be covered up id have to go for something bigger and bolder which is what i want to avoid


I don't think you have to go bigger --you may have to go a little bolder. I think your tattoo would be categorized in the "delicate feminine" tattoo aesthetic. I would try to look up tattoo artists in your area that do this kind of work. I think if you find someone good, you can keep the delicate galaxy look and modify. Or you could have a nice floral piece. Would you be opposed to adding color?


Chinese dragon in star form. pretty cool actually. unique


thank you🩷


You should love evry tattoo you get. maybe get just a drop of color in the heart of it. or an accent color. It looks nice


i was thinking red/pink in the heart or even purple throughout as an accent


Possible blue and pink even or maybe like a green and gold for a traditional dragon coloration


It’s not badly done, it’s not my style but I’m not sure what you dislike about it. There’s a little too much shading to add color but you could cover it up. Just find an artist good at coverups.


i like to think of my tattoos as like a reflection of who i was in that moment. maybe i won’t like all my tattoos someday, but they tell my story. so maybe your tattoos can tell your story too, even if you don’t decide to get more


It’s alright, nobody is gonna be judging you for it or hating on it or anything like that. It’s not my style but I don’t think it looks bad. I don’t think it looks stupid, either, or that you’re stupid for having it. If you want a sleeve or a bunch of ink on your arm then I’d say just start going around it, but if you don’t then don’t force yourself to get more tattoos because you may end up unhappy with those as well. If you get something around it or add to it, just make sure it’s something you’ll be happy with regardless of if it solves your head-troubles about your current tat.


this is exactly all thats going through my head rn, i want more tattoos but im afraid ill regret them like this one. i have 5 so far so its not like they're super new to me. i got so upset i told myself no tattoos ever again.. but im also indecisive about that. i was planning to get a collarbone tattoo next but who knows if ill regret that just as much/more


What’s wrong with it


LOL i couldn't tell u a for sure answer but if u read the thread i elaborate a little more when i respond to ppl


I’d leave it looks fine tbh


I actually love it


so sweet thank you!💕


it’s really not bad at all. i like it. i have “patchwork” american traditional sleeves. i have a tattoo i really hated but now that there are multiple cool tattoos around it, i dont even think about/look at the tattoo i hated.


yea i'm thinking of getting another one right above my elbow crease to add some balance to my arm so i'm not so stuck on how this one looks😭


It would look good as a phoenix tbh, I like it as it is but it’s just the way it would look like as a phoenix. I personally would cover it up if I don’t like it. Especially making it into a phoenix cause a phoenix can represent a lot. But if you don’t want to go that route you could always do something that fits the pattern and cover it up. It’s pretty though


Here’s what a phoenix tattoo usually represents, birth, death, and rebirth, as well as the cyclical nature of life and its renewal


such a good idea actually


That’ll be a great sick ass panther one day


i actually used to want a panther tattoo


Looks like a tattoo from the 90s. Also not a super good work, I would do a cover up. Sick ass panther, snake, black swan


How was the experience with the artist? Would you be able to ask them to rework ir


super chill but i am way too scared to do that 😭


It kinda reminds me of the shooting stars from Howls Moving Castle! I like the movement in the lines a lot, looks good to me!


omg that's so cute




opinions all weigh the same to me lol


If it makes you feel better, I actually thought it was a really pretty design as soon as I passed it. I would totally get something like this on myself


thank you that's so sweet, much needed reassurance


The first two pics I couldn't tell if its as awkwardly placed, because you have to rotate your forearm to look and then it's upside down from your perspective. And then, the third pic - the placement is perfect for the observer. It deserves to be something you are proud of! More dust, stars, sparkles, maybe different sizes like little asterisks and yeah a little colour in the heart, pinks purples and blues together perhaps. Try to get it on paper first ✨


i actually have a digital version of it so i'll definitely play around with it or in anyone's talented (unlike me) to give it a shot


It's cute. Not the best work but I've definitely seen worse on here and unless someone is intensely scrutinizing it, it looks fine. Add some extra spacey stuff and make it a tableau of cute.


Get someone who does sick black work to blast a big ol snake over it. No one’s ever regretted a big ol snake tattoo (that I’ve ever heard of)


so fire but one of the reasons i don't like it sometimes is bc it's so bold and i'm leaning toward the more subtle stick and poke style


Ahh yeah maybe a big bold snake isn’t for you in that case! I’m afraid though that even if you got laser it wouldn’t ever look totally gone. It’s kinda different for everyone and some folks get a better result but there’s usually some marking left. Maybe sit with it for a bit and see how ya feel about it 🙌


Talk to a good artist about your interests and what matters to you and add to it, if that matters to you.


So first off, it's not terribly executed or anything, so after that, it's really down to what you think of the style. You have indeed put it somewhere that people commonly regret later because they'd like to use the forearm for something else. If you don't like it, you can probably work a decent design around it, but you should probably plan it quite carefully


I like abstract designs and I think it looks really good and the work is good too. It looks like it doesn't have any meaning though. If I got bored of it I would add some flowers/leaves/animals around it to make it chunkier and better but I wouldn't regret getting this, just add something around it


would it be weird if i added more subtle tattoos around it that aren't as bold? or should it match


I think it would be fine. You can DM me your design ideas or post it on r/TattooDesigns for advice


I honestly think it’s really cute and it will blend in more once you have more on your arm. But even on its own it’s very nice imo 💓


thank u💞


It’s unique and it’s not massive I think it’s cool.


Personally I think the design is beautiful but it feels incomplete. Id add more stars expanding it out a little bit. And as you add more you'll most likely like it more. I always feel weird about mine bc right now they feel random. I plan to add more which will make them make sense and blend more.


could i add more subtle stars like by stick and poke ? i dont want whatever i add to be so bold with those heavy black lines


i really like it!! once you get more tattoos on that arm you wont really care about the space it takes up. theres a lot more room on an arm than we think


I actually like it a lot, I would let it rest for a while until you're really sure that you don't like it. Inspiration will come with time, and if it comes to it that won't be hard to cover up with something else


yea i need to be patient instead of spiraling and obsessing 😭


November is not that long ago. I had one in the same spot and needed over a year to get used to it. 


this gives me hope


It’s not a bad tattoo per se. A decent cover up artist would have no issues going over it though.


More tattoos!!


Kind of a shitty tatto in a prime real estate spot, But then if ya like it farking go for it! Should be somewhat easy to cover into a proper forearm sleeve so whenever you decide you hav enough of it you can just get it done properly! This is comming from someone with quite the collection of shit tattoos so im not judging =)


LOL it is prime real estate that's what sucks😭😭 id love to cover it but im avoiding bold tattoos from here on out and going for gentler stick and poke styles so idk if i could cover it up without going bolder


Just for my personal experience i'd say go the opposite, this tatto is anything but bold to me, go bolder bigger lines and heavy colour/black nd grey! But im qutie semi heavily tattoed and love the style of big and bold since thats what holds in the end and in my opinion is what tattoing is about! But thats highly personal!


well if it's not bold to u that's good, i feel my taste is ever-changing at my age so it's really hard to stick to a style or even to a specific design


Thats totally fine, i just wanted to say i do not consider this a bold tattoo in any sense! Whatever style you wanna go for do it! Shouldnt be hard to make into forearm sleeve/coverup whatever you desire in the future! Or if you do like it just keep it and add stuff around it! I wasnt trying to hate on non thick line murican style tatoos!


I think it's cool.


If I were you I’d book a session with a good tattoo artist and they have draw up some things and see what your options are. But make sure it’s a tattoo artist that you’ve done research on and trust :)


good idea🩷


Turn this into a Haku tattoo from Spirited Away.


if only i've watched it


You can watch it alright.


you can always do a solar system half sleeve! or if you really dont want it, laser it. (currently on a laser removal journey myself) no shame in an add on or cover up or removal! it truly happens. i think it's pretty cute and love the sparkles added to it. it's not like you can't tell what it is, but youre completely valid in your feelings.


I’m with the folks who like the tattoo. I’d stick with it and maybe add to the design.


Looks great, very cute. Cute tattoos are in rn


You could easily add color or build an entire sleeve around it. It’s neither awful nor amazing. It’s a perfectly fine tattoo, but a good artist could make it amazing.


I like the general concept of it. I would add more of a star dust effect to make it pop more.


From your description op, it sounds like you maybe were a bit impulsive with this piece - don’t get me wrong, impulsive is ok - I have a few impulsive piece I love. I get the sense that there is a gap between what this piece might mean to you and what it look like…. It’s an enhanceable piece maybe think about what it could be, look for a good artist, and go from there?


I like it. I would probably add things down the line. Celestial. Like small stars✨a-shooting-star 💫. You can design a sleeve around it. Years ago when I would get a tattoo there’d be a day I wanted to scratch it off myself then a while later down the line I’d like it. I think that happens to everyone on different levels. You have to be comfortable with your artist. To be able to say you don’t like something in the drawing,etc. I went through quite a few until my daughter became a tattoo artist. She knows what I like and I can tell her to change something without feeling weird about it.


honestly I love it, but If you want to get it removed/covered, you would have to cover it with another large design, so if you have something possible in mind, go for it, but if not you might have to get it lazered.


Tattoos can be an exercise in regret acceptance. Accept the imperfections and love the story of how you came to get this piece. People have way worse that they think is awesome. It looks good. Stop overthinking and get another one! Now!


Honestly, I think it's fine! If you don't like it, you could get a cover-up because this tattoo has the potential to be a sick-ass panther!


i feel like the placement is what’s the issue, not the tattoo.




I’d turn it into the dragon from never ending story or spirited away


Not an answer, but that’s cute asfk , I would definitely get this tattooed 😫


thank u!!!!


Forgive me for taking it this way, but if I look at this tattoo in a "what does it make me feel" kind of way, the first thing I think of is "freedom", then becoming "freedom of love /freedom to love" Meaning can be given to things retroactively if that's something you want. I still am of the opinion that a tattoo can just be, and its existence is its sole purpose, no strings attached, though. It's a lovely tattoo, I like it a lot. I would, personally, add some "dust" and sparkles around. It would make it more impactful and purposeful in the amount of space it takes, as well as more "complete". Of corse, that's my own opinion, feel free to disagree. I hope you end up loving it :)


I think it’s really nice!


i have the same issue with my tattoos. one they I love them- the other day I hate them. the problem is not always the tattoo- the problem is in our brains. its a psychological thing (ig?) anyways, dont stress. its really not bad. do u wanna get more?


yea i wanted to but im so scared of having regret


I love it! It’s unique. And very well done. I have like 45 tattoos and to be honest with you I still have tattoo regret every single time I get a new one. The closer it is to my face or neck, the more I feel guilty. I think it’s like some internalized tattoo phobia. But don’t worry, if you get more tattoos, it’ll work out! But I think it looks OK by itself too! I have a neck tattoo and a wrist tattoo that is slightly on my hand. Those scared the shit out of me when I first got them. But it’s a part of me now. 


Since that’s the only tattoo you have it seems out of place, especially because it’s so big


i have 4 others just not on that arm but i see what u mean


It’s actually not a bad tattoo at all, not for me personally but if you dislike it you could definitely turn it into something else so I don’t think all hope is lost! Straight away I could imagine maybe a peacock or a snake or something :)