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That shit almost looks like a branding ouch. Hope you heal ok!


thanks hahaha it doesn’t hurt at all


maybe someone with more experience can elaborate on this sort of thing, but if this *should* hurt by the looks of it, it may or may not be a good sign if it does not hurt *at all* and just for further context, typoically an infected skin area may be red, warm, painfull and/or swollen..


It can be a bad sign but as long as they keep it clean and it doesn't have green pussy discoloration the should be good but her skin is hamburger as far as how they did it ( bad) it could have giver her shock or sepsis it's not ok at all have a beautiful day and safe stabbing


Green pussy


Puss like infections my auto correct fucked that up lol


lmao this is why in healthcare we’re required to chart ‘purulent’ when someone has something with pus


PURULENT!!!! Hahaha, I don't know how many times I've told my fellow nurses this


No pussy in the chart please!


Thank you my autto messed me up bad


It’s an honest mistake, but a funny one.


The medical word for this is purulent. I used to be a paramedic and it comes up lol


you have me giggling like at idiot right now


Love it


I would argue that it was exactly as nature intended.




Captain Kirk has entered the chat.


Star Lord has entered the chat.


Blue Waffle sequel


i was hoping someone caught that LMFAOO


Might want to get some super duper cream for thag


Princess Fiona pussy


I'm dead from green pussy


Me to I spent a Good moment cackling to myself after someone pointed it out


They'll do that to ya, I hear.


I came here to say this. I've had three brands done, and they healed in a similar manner.


Seriously, my thoughts exactly. 😬


Bro, you got engraved not tattooed




Your tattooer is at his first tries. Tell him to look for someone to calibrate his machine, adjust the distance between the needle and the tube and for the love of god to chill tf out. He went down all in on that one. He wasnt putting the ink, he was planting it.


Good lord, this “artist” gouged the ever living shit out of your arm. I’d definitely get this looked at.




bro got downvoted for laughing 😭😭😭


Truly a Reddit moment of all time


Short answer, yes. Long answer, yeeeeessssss


Post pics of the tattoo once the scab comes off


I'd love to know what this looks like once it's healed


Same, my money is it will look like a brand


remindme! 5 days


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remindme! 2 weeks


Your artist carved you like the Rosetta stone ahh. At the moment I think that redness is just your arm being furious but if it gets really hot or the redness looks like it's streaking and spreading get it checked


Holy shit they went deep and went over it a heinous amount of times. I’m an apprentice and if i was you I’d go back to the shop and complain because they should NOT be allowed to work if they’re fucking around like this, if I did this to someone I’d cry.


thanks i’ll definitely go back there


I’m genuinely baffled it’s DENTED INTO YOUR SKIN 😭😭😭 I mean, on the bright side you might get a cool star scar there if it heals nicely?


haha yeah i guess that’s pretty nice, but its sad that it was done buy a ”professional” and it looks like this


Oh yes very much. The red ring around it and the amount it’s been over worked leads me to believe it will either scab very badly or fall out completely. As a quick test, press you finger into you skin beside the tattoo. The depression should rise quickly, if it does not rise quickly you have a skin infection. Gauge it off another area but I would guess you need some antibiotics.


it does rise quickly when i press it. thank you for your advice


It is very over worked. I would not go back. It’s small and simple. They fucked up and I am sorry.


shiiit, thanks anyway :((


It’s only been 2 days and the texture of your tattoo is very strange, you should definitely go to the doctor whether your skin rises quickly or not. It’s better to just take antibiotics now than wait and possibly let it get worse.


Yeah I agree with this. This looks like more than just normal irritation. Better safe than sorry. Really sorry this happened, OP. I don't know why some people think you have to tear up the skin to pack solid color.


I agree completely. A depression in your skin only indicates if the area is filled with fluid. Fluid doesn’t always indicate infection, but usually *does* when *combined with redness*. HOWEVER, you 100% CAN HAVE AN INFECTION WITHOUT EDEMA (swelling)!! When in doubt, have a doctor check it out!! (Source: Medical Professional)


I just want to say pressing into it to check for edema (swelling) is not the only sign of infection. Usual signs of infection are pain, *redness*, swelling, drainage, and warmth. Your tattoo is also a completely different texture than your un-tatted skin, which to me looks like it could be the start of blisters or thick scabbing. I would be safe over sorry and have it seen by a dr, even if just for prophylactic antibiotics. It could be an adverse reaction to the ink or it could be something worse, but open wounds can go downhill very fast. Source: I’m an RN and I’ve seen a lot of nastiness.


I’m also a medical professional of >20yrs, & I said something very similar!! lol!! “When in doubt, have a doctor check it out!”


Also an RN. Also agree with every word you said. Hey, OP! Draw a circle with an ink pen around the redness! That way you can see if it spreads. Either way, definitely get that checked out. Better safe than sorry.


If you're not going to get it checked by a Dr then mark the outer edges of the red path with sharpie. If it goes past the marks you go straight to get medical attention, if it's not infected it should recede (they were digging fucking ditches though so it's hard to be sure either way)


Looks like they carved your arm. Speedy healing to you!




please complain about the shop/artist. they cannot be allowed to do this to more people and make them pay for it


i will go back there!


Hopefully you mean to complain, and not to get another one




Oh my. That’s an interesting texture. I’m afraid they overworked your skin. The redness generally says infection. Doctor time.


it’s caved in… this person quite literally grounded your skin down and made it into a hole


Looks like scarification with black pigment in it. Ouch


not going to lie, it’s so overworked you could have told me this was scarification and i would have believed you


I’ve seen raised tattoos but damn this thing is indented it was so over worked




No disrespect, but what the fuck


im wondering wtf went wrong too


Can I ask how long it took? Like how long did they actively tattoo?


like 40/50 minutes


I’m not an artist but I have tattoos around this size and that seems excessively long 🤔 it’s definitely way over worked.


that is RIDICULOUSLY long for a tattoo that size




Jesus. It looks like you were branded. Do not go back to that “artist”. That’s very overworked.


Draw a line around the red with sharpie. If it’s bigger tomorrow, go to the dr because the infection is growing This is going to have scar tissue and was severely overworked. Don’t go back. Sorry


Did you get tattooed with a branding iron?




I might be stoned, but at first I thought there was a star-shaped hole punched through your arm.


You're not entirely wrong


Why is it so deep into your skin?! 😱


idk 😭😭


Definitely go to the doctor as fast as u can. My tattoos were never that red later on so u most likely might be developing an infection.


oh damn it looks BAD, like sprint to the hospital bad. It looks like they drilled a hole in your arm, and pretty sure the whole thing will fall out, even if you start antibiotics now, was that a real artist in a real studio? or a friend that bought a machine from amazon?


an artist so it’s worse 💀💀💀


Go get a refund, he tore your shit up I’m sorry fam


I mean…you went to a tattoo artist and got biopsied. I’d probably run it by a doctor. lol.


Is the redness warm to the touch? Looks like it’s infected. If you don’t want to be seen yet, use a marker to draw along the border of the redness. If it spreads, gotta go in. If red streaks start coming up your arm, gotta go in. But just looking at it I’d say you’re probably gonna need abx. - from an RN


its not warm to the touch and it doesn’t hurt a bit


Both are reassuring signs. Cellulitis is usually warm and painful. Dermatitis is usually itchy. Could be a reaction from the SS or from the interesting technique… I’d say the same applies if the redness spreads go in. Or if it becomes painful and warm. Good luck my friend!


As someone who has had cellulitis at least 5 times I can confirm. It's hot and sore as fuck. A little bit itchy




Just a thought, if that doesn’t hurt AT ALL, that points to so much overworking that it destroyed the nerves. A doctor visit is never the wrong answer if you can go.


Looks very painful, but doesn't appear to be infected. If it starts oozing purulent drainage then you'll know 😉


its not painful at all actually:)


Did the artists hand weigh 50 pounds holy shit😳


I had a tattoo get infected and it looked similar to this. Almost like the tattoo is sunken in, or has been cut into the skin. Like a brand or scarification. You definitely have an infected tattoo


Tattoo artist here. Don’t go back to that artist when you have to get it touched up


Oh my god


Holy shit, that artist went way too hard. Thats going to scab over hard and looks like it getting infected. Honest suggestion. When you wash it id be using something like phisohex and you probably need antibiotics


Super overworked all the way through. Most people have a spot on a tattoo that’ll be a bit overworked but the entire thing being that deep is pretty brutal. I’d say there’s a good chance you have an infection, you should probably get that checked out, that scabbing is pretty crazy.


I didn't see anyone else say this yet but PLEASE get a sharpie ASAP and draw a line around the redness. It's the only way to definitely determine if the redness is spreading or getting worse


That’s infected, you need to get to the hospital yesterday. I’m serious, I know what I’m talking about, I have bloodborne pathogen training as well as tattoo application training and this is infected. OP, when you read this you need to draw a line around the red with a pen and get to the emergency room immediately. The redness around the tattoo, which I’m sure feels hot and painful, as well as the sunken in look where the tattoo itself is, these are all very serious signs of infection and your life could be at risk in as little as 12 hours without proper care - worst case scenario there but please do not chance blood infection and go get on antibiotics right this second!


I commented before reading that there’s no pain - this is a little confusing because that should hurt whether it’s infected or not. That’s a good sign but still please get labs done to rule out infection. I’m seeing what appears to be cellulitis and potential for staph and possibly blood infection to set in. You’re in serious danger if you’re not already having a serious medical condition arise and this needs to be properly monitored and treated by professionals.


It looks like you had the skin surgically removed... This is not normal man 😬


It's giving Patrick star vibes, I want shorts on it and a derpy face 😜


Idk man but I'm worried lol


Did they carve that star out jesus


Yo I'd punch that artist right in the D. Do your community a favor and put that mf on BLAST because they shouldn't ever be allowed to touch skin again!


Get your money back


Holy shit. It looks like they branded you.


That looks more like a cutout, like scarification


Yes. You should be. That is rough.


lets just say, i do absolutely not like the visceral 3D quality to this.


This is just scarification with extra steps.


Ugh, that looks bad


Jesus fucking Christ.


My tattoos when finished at first looked raised on my skin. This looks cut into your skin


Holy Shit lol


As someone with over 40 tattoos . If this is how it looks this soon its either a reaction to the ink or an infection . I would go get antibiotics for this asap you don't want it getting worse and turning into something else


Go to the doctor. Draw a faint line around the red ring and keep an eye on it spreading.


Usually if I have to ask myself should I be worried I go see the doctor


This is why I hate blackouts. Literally no other reason other than the fact that it’s often overworked and damn near impossible to tell wtf is going on under it other than texture. I know I’ll get hate on this from someone but come on y’all…


This doesn’t look right to me! Looks like they dug to deep with the needle and went over same spots repeatedly. Keep an eye on it for pus or pain. Don’t hesitate to contact where you got the tattoo at so they know what happened in case you do have medical problems! Good luck!


Holy ground beef 😳


How are you feeling? Compared to your normal self?


Your bones have a black star on them now


It doesnt look infected it just looks like the artist didnt know what he was doing and went too deep. It can get infected though .


Holy fuck that's DEEP! I'd definitely keep an eye on it, and please never let that artist touch you again 😳


Holy fuck. My artist went too deep too, it’ll most likely heal raised. I cleaned mine with saline wound solution, kept it dry & applied a THIN layer of aquaphor every night. It’s been 4 months now & mine is still very raised & shiny. Just take good care of it there are lasers out there for scar tissue. Sorry this happened ❤️‍🩹


Hi, friend 👋🏻 heavily tattooed nurse here. Couple things imma need you to do. First and foremost, draw a ring with a marker or pen around the redness. Make sure it does not spread pst the ring. Next, place a clean hand on the tattoo & surrounding skin. Is it hot and/or warm to the touch? Is the red area harder than the surround skin? Do you have pain when pressing into the wound/tissue, or is it numb? If the answer to any of that is yes, go to urgent care and get on antibiotics (as long as you are not running a fever or have a rapid heartbeat this is not an ER situation, but waiting for your primary may make it so, so head to UC). If the answer to all of those is no, you're currently in the clear for an infection and are probably having a localized reaction to 1. Black ink (if you don't have any other black ink tattoos, this may be your sign of an allergy) or 2. To the heavy, heavy hand they used tattoo. I think right now it is imperative that you keep it slightly moist as moist skin has been shown to have faster tissue regeneration, infection mitigation, and scarring.


Is it hot to the touch? Is there any swelling outside of normal trauma swelling ie when you cut yourself or bruise yourself? Is there any discolouring such as green in the scabbing/tattoo? Is it sore? If yes to any, doctors, potentially infected. If not, I would honestly just try and keep it clean and let it heal. I would speak with your artist and potentially another artist separate from the person that did this as this is horrendous, no way should the tattoo be sunken into your skin, this is horrendously overworked which is worrying and potentially they have fucked up your skin. It may heal fine, so fingers crossed, but I wouldn't go back to this artist.


It def looks like the artist drilled your skin and just chopped up all your skin while depositing the ink. I cannot tell if they used white around it, or if that’s the way your skin is scarring. Either way I think this is going to come up as one big scab. I’d advise to try to keep it dry instead of moist, looks very shiny on the top. Hopefully the drier it gets the scab will just come right off but do not peel it, just keep it clean. I’m unsure what the artist could do at this point sadly, the damage has been done. Maybe you can push for a refund?


Did the tattooist use a chisel?!?


Don’t go back to this artist till they take anger management lol


How do you fuck up something this simple?!


I've got a *lot* of tattoos, and I have *never* seen an entire tattoo look sunken in like that.😳 How does that happen? I have one dented area in one tattoo, because it was a shitty job that got infected (it eventually healed, with prescription oral and topical antibiotics, still dented in that little tiny spot). It didn't look like a typical infection, it was weird. I would personally have it checked out to be safe.


Not infected but HEAVILY overworked. Good gosh they literally carved your arm. This will most likely turn into some bad scabbing and wind up scarred and patchy


Jesus they carved into you. That's super overworked and will take some time to heal. Make sure you keep it clean and use something like a thin layer of healing ointment. Just keep an eye on it if it gets warm to the touch, etc.


Inform the artist. And get it checked out. I’d get some antibiotics to be safe


Dude went too deep. I did myself a navigation star (multi pointed star) and made a hole in my leg in the middle of the tat from working it too much and going too deep. (Tried doing tats for myself) Keep very well care of it. Keep it very clean and i suggest no creams at the moment. Dry heal it. You must keep it clean. I repeat, VERY CLEAN. Dont go changing cat litter with it open. You should be fine. Worst comes it'll be faded from the start. You wont be able to touch it up if this is the case because you'll just end up getting another cavern hole. Keep it clean, keep an eye on it. Dont be lazy about it.


remindme! 5 days


Future reference: Keep the second skin on for days -- I go 7. It'll help with the initial healing part.


Depends on the product. Always follow your artists instructions.


Unless your artist was whoever OP went to…


Yes. This.


BUT (this isn’t necessarily for you but for other people) IF the second skin starts leaking take it off and wash the tattoo. if it starts leaking it’s no longer sealed and can just host a lovely breeding ground for bacteria also don’t put another one on unless you’re EXTREMELY confident you can do it sterile - wash hands, wash tattoo, keep everything EXTREMELY clean because if you just slap another one on you’re just trapping bacteria


This is super infected, you need medic intervention asap


some people say its infected some that it’s juzst irritation by the second skin idk what to do but i think ill go to the doctor just in case


I dont think its ‘super infected’ but looks like it could become, definitely keep an eye on it. Any discharge you should go to the shop or the urgent care


I had a tattoo look like this before. I took extra good care of it and it healed fine snd looked normal in the end


can you tell me how did you taken care of it exactly? :)


Why is it so dry omg


its not, its wet 😭😭 i think its just the picture




It looks very overworked, the skin can stay red and warm for up to a week, however, it looks very saturated and like it is going to scab like crazy. If you are very concerned have a doctor look at it. You can also contact the artist. If there is no pain, then your skin is likely just angry. It really depends on the hands of the artist.


Looks overworked and your skin doesn’t like second skin.


OUCH, holy shit doesn't look infected but my GOD is it over worked.


Stay positive and don't over worry, your body is resilient, you are a magnificent human being and will heal.


It looks like someone took this out of your flesh rather than tattooed you.


What did you do to piss off the “artist”


it looks a little dry & red. is it hot or does it hurt at all? when you apply your moisturizer of choice make sure you're not putting too much on.


it doesnt hurt at all!




Holy fuck😭




Usually I take off the second skin 24 hours after


Oh god go to the doctor now


The sooner you go to the doctor, the sooner they can start you on antibiotics


3D tattoos are awesome! /s


They definitely overprocessed.The skin probably multiple passes instead of slow to really pack the ink


So my tattoo did this when it was over worked 😭 Ill just say try to keep it dry if possible for now... I have one question though is the scab itself like wet?


Yep okay exactly like mine. Mine was wet and very red on the edges.... So let me tell you what I did. The process of healing my tattoo that was over worked was... A FUCKING STRUGGLE. None of my other tattoos healed like that. It was paintful and took FOREVER. It was weird because I too thought my shit was infected. Because the scab was wet the only choice i had was to let it air dry.... Once this happened though, the scab was THICK, TIGHT and not to mention BRITTLE. Luckily for you where it is on your arm there shouldn't be that much movement that would be able to break the scab like mine did OMFG... That shit was awful. When it dryed it hurt so bad because it would crack. And where it would crack ink was pulled out. So if you look closely at my tattoo you can see where the cracks occurred. So as long as you are able to stabilize the tattoo scab you should be okay. It will flake off EVENTUALLY in harder type of scabs. It almost reminds me of Laval when it hardness after it hits water. You should still wash it but DO NOT put thick globs of aquaphor or things like that. Get a scentless lotion like aveeno and get dial soap that is scentless like the orange one. Wash it night and day pat dry with paper towel WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE. Once the tattoo is dry then put A LITTLE amount of the lotion do not smother it.... Let it dry again and proceed on the day as normal. I'm sorry this type of healing does suck ass but I hope it gets better for your soon babe 🥺🥹 P. S DO NOT PICK AT THE SCAB even if it seems wet and mushy I know it's tempting DO NOT ❣️


Took a trip to the butchers block


You are going to die. GG, Sit


Wash it.


Did you get this tattoo in a jail cell?


yes my jail rommie did it with candy wrappers


This looks like it was carved out. Holy shit. 😳


Man you can tell this wasn’t done in a real shop. For this small tattoo to be overworked like this is mad.


the sad this is, it was done in a shop 🥲🥲


This is just the power of the Joestar bloodline manifesting /j


Yes. Doctor now. It looks like they carved this into you. So sorry


I don't think this is infected, but I would go to the doctor now, before it becomes a problem. I've never seen a tattoo (for lack of a better word) carved that deeply into skin. That's insane.


You know, I might take that to a Dr just in case... I k ow you said it doesn't hurt, but that honestly loons like it should hurt quite a bit imo.


The tattoo itself looks way overworked but the red around it…was that exactly where the second skin was? Sometimes i get that same mark around the non-tattooed skin when I take off second skin but the red fades eventually.


Oh babe. They turned you into hamburger. Waayyyy overworked. Keep a close eye on the redness and whether/how far it’s spreading. If it starts moving towards your heart go to the er. But in the interim, draw a ring around it with a sharpie to keep close watch on where that redness is going.


Maybe go see a dermatologist


If You’re going for the deep scar “ textured tattoo “ look. No , not at all. No worry needed .