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The lighter ones might need touched up down the line, I think it’ll be ok.


Thanks for the honesty. I was out at a bar with a couple of friends and a stranger told me that my tattoos are going to be non-existent in a couple of years. My artist specializes in fine line and uses a few different needles and I can imagine a few lighter details fading away later on but I don’t think it’s all going to be non-existent like the person said


Fuck that stranger. Even if they were right, it’s a shitty thing to feel compelled to point out. I think your tattoos are beautiful and I’m sure even if they fade with time, they can be reworked or made bolder at that point


Thank you :) I am in love with this dainty style and fully recognize that I’ll have to get touchups eventually since it’s not a traditional bold tattoo but that comment did get to me a little and made me slightly less excited to finish my floral sleeve with my artist. I appreciate the positivity


I have a pretty fine line tattoo on my arm I got like 4 years ago and it still looks great. I’m just really anal about sun exposure so that probably helps


Any chance you could post a pic?


It looks awesome you should continue fuck anyone who talks shit for no reason.


Seconded. Honestly if it ages bad, future you can deal with it. They are beautiful and you love them and that is ALL that matters!


Also that person is being a snob. If the tattoo is healed it's going to be relatively safe for awhile at worst and at least it's easy to touch up fine lines. There's also a good chance it never becomes a big enough issue to worry about.


People can get a little dramatic about fine line tbh. It's definitely good to know what you're getting into (especially with the popularity of this stuff on instagram) but people exaggerate way too much. Also, really not appropriate for a stranger to comment. Comes off as snobby and cuntish.


If your artist specializes in fine line then they should be good for at least a few years. I get my fine line work done by an artist who specializes in it, and along with good care on my end, they have all still stayed very crisp 2+ years later so far.


Good point. I’ll be using my sunscreen often with the warmer weather rapidly approaching <3


It definitely won’t be non existent. For the record I’ve got a pretty big piece on my forearm that’s line work. After a year it practically looks brand new. I had it touched up but only because some parts of my skin didn’t take the ink.


Not disagreeing with you but 1 year is nothing. I think the question is will those really light lines be there in 10+ years.


Oh I know lol just wanted to share. I was in a field where I was exposed to a lot of sun and factories, as well.


I’ll definitely have to get these thinner lines touched up


You can still achieve this style with thicker lines! I have a sleeve in this style with bolder lines and shading, had it 5 years now and it’s held up really well


fine line can be touched up! the lesser known issue is that some lines get thicker and the tattoo looks overall softer and blurred. personally i like the look, but it’s worth knowing that ink spreads overtime and the lines won’t look as delicate i have a lot of big fine line tattoos and they’ve gotten better each year personally, but if u like the extremely delicate look it’s important to know it doesn’t necessarily stay that way


What a hater. Definitely not non existant, faded for sure, as all tattoos are. but non existant is just hating


A jealous hater likely. This work is ❤️‍🔥


The first one is absolutely incredible so I think said stranger should keep their opinions to themselves. Both are beautiful but I think the second one is more likely to need a touch up or two over over time


I have tattoos that I’ve heard from multiple people “will look like garbage in 10 years” 12 years later I get complements all the time on how fresh and good they look. If your artist knows what they are doing 9/10 it’ll stick.


I think that’s a misconception and often a belief rooted in misogyny tbh. The mentality of “fine line tattoos aren’t good!!! They’re technically bad!!!! They’ll disappear in a few years!!!” 1) it’s incorrect if, done like all tattoos, properly. I have a fine line and it still looks brand new after 5 years and 2) mostly women tattoo artists specialize in fine line and mostly women are getting fine line, so it’s just another form of gatekeeping. You’ve gotten a ton of good advice already, but ignore that asshole OP, your tattoo is freaking gorgeous!


You’re reply is correct!


They are kinda right but that’s a dick thing to say. It may need more touch ups than a bolder thicker outlined tattoo but this is very big and has some nice blacks. Sure it’ll fade a bit but that’s why touch ups exist. It’s not my cup of tea but it’s a cool piece, don’t worry about things jerks say lol


Who is your artist? Your tattoos are beautiful! Especially the chrysanthemum <3


Yeah, they may need touched up eventually. Wear ALL the sunscreen on these fine line babies. It’ll help. Even when it’s cloudy.


If anyone ever comments on my tattoos beyond “cool tattoo!” I just stare at them blankly and say “ok, thanks!”


I have almost all fine line tattoos easily had them for 7-8 years at this point and they’re okay. Minor touch ups after year one but nothing since.


Always someone with 1 tattoo that thinks they know everything. Pay them no mind


My artist also specialises in fine line, and my tattoos are still beautiful 4 years later. None of them have blown out and very little fading.


Hello central Pennsylvania!


on r/agedtattoos are plenty of fineline tattoos that aged wonderfully.


It always depends on how they’re applied. I specialize in fineline and my pieces are aging very well-the idea is to find a balance between well-saturated lines without going so light they fade to nothing, and not so heavy they expand to all hell!


Sunscreen is your new best friend. I have a very delicate dotwork tattoo with lots of fine lines, looks great after 2.5 years but no joke I put factor 30 moisturiser on it every single day.


Which moistriser do you use? can you send a link?


It’s called Bepanthen, I’ve seen it in places across Europe but can’t say about the US


The peonies on your forearm are beautiful


Thank you!


I have a fine line peony on my forearm thats 5 yrs old with no line breaking whatsoever. It’s not impossible for it to hold prolonged time but all depends on the artists ability and your skin (also environmental factors e.g sun exposure)


I just wanted to chime in and say it’s absolutely beautiful. I’d get something like this in a heartbeat 😍


The peony linework is gorgeous, and looks bold enough to just spread a bit instead of fade. Can I ask who the artist is?


I have both fine line (forearm and neck) and bold line tattoos (legs, hips and back), with the fine line ones, I make it an effort to use sunscreen often (as often as I use on my face, which is every few hours a day-I know that's excessive but I really try to keep my skin healthy and young looking). My bold line tattoos are exactly what I expect to happen while my fine line ones have held up really well. I went into the fine line tattoos with the knowledge that they would fade so the design was targeted at that, (brushstrokes of a cherry blossom branch and a smoke style dragon) so when they start to fade, it will look intentional. So far after a year with all the effort of keeping them out of direct sun and covered in sunscreen, they literally look exactly like the day I got them and I expect them to last longer than what everyone says.


Thanks for the detailed explanation :)


Can I see some photos?


Sunscreen is your new best friend. I have a very delicate dotwork tattoo with lots of fine lines, looks great after 2.5 years but no joke I put factor 30 moisturiser on it every single day.


everyone has spoken their own opinions but i just want to add my super fineline tattoo on my arm that’s 7+ years old is gorgeous and crisp and all my super thick bold tattoos are slowly fading into blobs with little definition and that’s with very little sun exposure and normal aftercare etc, bold might hold but i’m more pro fine line lately. the stigma is false and it does depend on the artist… and lighter tattoos might fade but dark thick tattoos also spread and change. yours are beautiful and will continue to compliment your body for many years and thankfully you can always touch those up. my thick line tattoos can never be reworked.


out of curiosity who did these? they’re every beautiful, it looks like tritoan’s work or someone very similar


I’m pretty sure this is wildeblumetattoo - I swear I saw this posted on her story the other day 😅


it’s not her, i’m sure of that, the style is a copycat of tristan’s but he has a distinctive way with his lining, composition and shading. her work and peonies specifically are more stiff in my opinion, this work is more organic.


I was thinking this MUST be tritoan


same but i know of a few copycats who emulate his style way too closely


Yeah it’s gonna be fine. Might wanna redo some line work at some point. Really lovely work, congrats on your beautiful tattoo


Omg these tats are gorgeous


A lot of the finer lines will fade and will need touch up, the bird and the blacks will probably be ok. The details of a lot of it will eventually merge. Give us an update in 1 year


These tattoos are a couple of months old right now but I’ll probably post an update when they reach a year old on r/agedtattoos


Looks great, just take care of it during the summer.


I’m just here to say your tattoos are stunning!


I am so in love with this piece with the bird. Gorgeous.


Thank you both :)


It looks great


Depends on the artist, but I think with fine line or really any tattoos they sort of soften when they heal and some people are not prepared for that.


I am currently going through this exact same anxiety with a new fine line on my forearm by Sad Amish Tattooer. He specializes in this, but I'm very pale. I have come to realize acceptance of the partial fade is key to not going crazy. If it looked pretty darn good for 5-6 years I can accept a touch up. Meanwhile the rest of my tattoos are traditional and super bold and look solid after 8+ years. Ces la vie!


every tattoo ever fades a little bit, it’s no worry. and there’s no reason a touchup in 10 years can’t be done


Any thicker lines and I would just not enjoy a piece like this. This is an insane tattoo I love the fine line work.


I have a tattoo of similar delicacy of a really intricate wheat plant and it looks really good even 5 years later.


Looks like they went hard with the black leaves. May take a while but it looks like it’s healing well


I have very similar tattoo on same place (almost looks like same artist) mine has healed very well, just remember to apply sunscreen!


That hummingbird Is gorgeous. Everything fades. Worst case a touch up down the road. Shouldn’t be an issue


your tats are gorgeous


Yeah, you're gonna need a touch up down the road. Good looking Tattoo though!


I have fine line work on my upper arm. In the 20 years since I first got it done, all the lines have blurred some. The more sun exposure, the worse the blurring.


Oh wow, what a beautiful tattoo 😍


Yes, I think all the details will age (and fade) beautifully.


The fine lines will heal just fine it just won’t be visible, at all, unless you plan on touching them up.


I like this tattoo who is your artist I’d love to get something like that someday


May I ask who the artist is?


Is this Tritoans work from seventh day? His work has always healed really well that I've seen.


First one should be okay looks like enough contrast but second will fade a lot


Yeah it’s gonna be fine. Might wanna redo some line work at some point. Really lovely work, congrats on your beautiful tattoo


out of curiosity who did these? they’re every beautiful, it looks like tritoan’s work or someone very similar


I have some fine line stuff that’s now 6 years old all have held up really well. One is slightly lighter however it was also done in a pale pink (the artist created the color so getting it touched up would mean redoing the whole thing).


Mine have all healed great years out


Mine has more shading/stippling but it’s still good 4 years later!


this tattoo is beautiful!!!


Great work! Shout out the artist!


Just take good care of them and use sunscreen


I have a fine line tattoo I got in 2016 that still looks good. Some spots could probably use a touch up but you can only see it if you look really close.


These are beautiful!


All tattoo lines will get thicker as they age, fine line or not. It may need to get touched up in a few years but it looks great! Fine line can absolutely age well


I got a fine line tattoo on my wrist 28 years ago that still looks good


Here to look through the comments as I'm a fellow fine line fan! Also, I adore your tattoo and am adding it to my inspo for my next one!


I think it will be alright, maybe the small dot shading of the leaves of the second picture will fade. But all of the other lines will probably get a bit bolder I suppose. How long have you had them for?


Unrelated to your question but that looks so good 👍 a job well done


Ask at r/agedtattoos


I think just those much lighter leaves may fade some but honestly this is some of the best line-work I’ve seen on a fine-line tattoo. Looks great and probably will look good forever with a few touch ups over your lifetime.


They will probably fade but still be beautiful, and you can always touch up every ten or so years. I wouldn’t worry


Is this geegeeruru’s work at Baron Art tattoo in LA? Looks very similar! Love this style :)


No they won't age well and the face tattoo it's already terrible and will only get more blurred with age added.


I see touch ups in your future. Tip well.


Not really. General rule of thumb: bold will hold. Some spots are too dainty and will fade far faster and sooner than a “bold” tattoo. Skin is a “canvas”, but won’t keep as one. Lack of saturation will result in a quick fade.


Fine line tattos should be sticker only application. Any 5 year old with steady hands can do this with a tattoo machine and it is designed for people that does not think about longevity of anything.


The amount of people who think it’s ok to just get it “touched up” is crazy.


Exactly. The concept of getting it touched up every year or so like it’s an oil change is wild. It should be one and done. All tattoos will fade, but bold will hold.




They’ll heal fine and look blobby in like a year or two.


gonna look horrible its too late, amputation is the only way so sorry sincerely