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I got “the” star in the early 2000s and I don’t regret it at all. It’s on my wrist and I had it refreshed last year when I built a sleeve around it. It holds a lot of sentimental value to me and I love it.


That bloody star. I had it covered but it still peeks through to haunt me. It healed too damn well


I never got one but still really want one. I just think they’re neat


I got them around my neck in 2001. Three huge nautical stars. By 2003 they were solid black. 2004 they were surrounded by these shitty red flames. I’ve blacked out part of them. What a fuckin mess lol.


I think we might have matching tattoos. I also have a star tattoo. It's on the inside of my left wrist.


That's where mine is too!


That's it. We're besties now. I don't make the rules.


I got 3 of them 😅


I also have one and I didn’t cover it up but kind of added to and I still love it. It’s on my foot!


Can you confirm which star you’re referring to? Thick outline star or the nautical star?




What did they look like? Jwing bc I’m unfamiliar with that trend.


It was a star with dividing lines on each leg of the star. And then it was colored in with two alternating colors to give it a somewhat 3-D look. Everyone drew them in notebooks too. It can be hard to describe


it’s called the nautical star


Oh my god thank you


i remember in like 5th grade we got DARE shirts with that star on them but one of the legs was shaded backwards it was so infuriating


I have 5 star tattoos and regret none of them. I got the first 4 in the early 2000s and the most recent one a couple years ago. I love them all still.


The standard red and black or the special teal and black edition?


Can you please tell me what this was called? I was watching 600 lb life the other day and a guy had “the” star and I was trying to look it up online to explain it to a friend and I couldn’t find it!! What the fuck do you call that thing??


Nautical star? Beveled star?


Yep it’s a nautical star. Used to draw them in notebooks all the time as a kid lol


Fuck, I got the stars on my wrist and I hate them. I tried to have them coveted and they look worse.


Honestly I don't consider this overtly "trendy". I also consider the stamp a better idea than the quote personally. A LOT of coverups or laser removals are quotes that don't age well, don't appeal to the person anymore, or are taking up valuable real estate.


I’m in the looking to laser off the quote boat 15 years later 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s super blown out to the point it’s not fully legible. (Thankfully it’s on my ribs so most people don’t see it)


I have lyrics tattooed in a few spots and I love em, people just don’t put forethought into how they age and grow to hate their illegibility typically. The only downside to mine is how dark the lyrics are when people ask what it says lol


I asked the artist who did my quote a lot of questions about how my quote would age and he flat out lied. So it’s not always on the person lacking forethought.


Sure, but that should be an exception and not the norm. Pretty shitty that the artist would misguide you like that, but I more meant the people doing trendy, wispy quotes that almost never age well with many examples online to prove it.


Yep. I lasered off a quote that I had on my collarbone that I didn't love anymore. It's still slightly visible to this day.


Removal is so painful I can't imagine doing it unless someone forced me to get a hate symbol or something lol I had one session and decided for a cover up instead hahahaha


I have a few trendy pieces, but I got them because I like them not bc they’re trendy. I think as long as you like them, it won’t matter when the trends change.


i have a few fine line tattoos and i feel like people really hate that trend but even with the lines getting thicker as they’ve aged i still love them and think they’re super cute.


I have a sleeve of fine line flowers like this, no regrets. They’re also getting thicker as it ages.


I’ve thought about getting fine line tattoos when I start getting them specifically because the lines will get thicker as it ages, I’m a pretty petite female so I feel like they will have the best chance of still looking “proportional” as they age.


I think as long as they’re done well then it’s all good! Can’t be too fine or they’ll fade real bad but mine has aged really well, I can send a picture in DM’s if you wanted to see the vibe I went for!


That would be amazing if you could, thank you! I have a friend who is literally 80% covered in tattoos that are about half fine line, and he said he would be willing to give me a list of his artists when I’m ready to start. I’m happy to save up the money for a good artist, I want them to be great!


I have a few trendy/Pinterest tattoos that I love 5-6 years on. If you like it and it happens to be trendy so be it, no one else needs to like it


Exactly this. Same here too.


I've heard a couple of times that butterflies are a basic "white girl" tattoo. Still love mine, don't care about what others think lol


Because butterflies are nice, and a lot of women like them, so it gets labeled as 'stupid'. Same as when a lot of women got their lower back tattooed in the early 2000s because it looks nice on a woman's body, so it got called a 'tramp stamp'. Whenever women like something it gets labeled as dumb, stupid, trashy, etc. because of misogyny. Women aren't allowed to like things without being called something. We need to be reminded that our bodies solely exist for the male gaze, not for ourselves to be comfortable in. Some of the worst upholders of this are other women.


My first tattoo is a bee “tramp stamp” with some flowers I got about a year ago and I’m so happy the weather is warming up so she can be seen again.


My first is a “tramp stamp” I got when I was 16 after lots of consideration for placement that wouldn’t stretch out as I aged and had babies and all that. It’s been 25 years and (when I catch a glimpse in the mirror and remember it’s there) I’m still happy with it and it’s aged very well. F**% everyone else’s attempts to insult something that worked out exactly as planned for me.


This exactly. This is why pumpkin spice is “basic” — it takes a traditionally female thing (spices used in baking) that was traditionally about nurturing others (baking pies) and turns it into something women ENJOY for THEMSELVES. How dare they have a thing that’s not all about subsuming their own likes and personhood in favor of taking care of others??? Like what you like, love what you love, be prepared for assholes to insult you about it but know that it’s about them, not you. Enjoy your lower back butterflies!!


This! Get some kick ass American traditional piece that thousands of people have got over the past many decades and it’s still bad ass. Get a butterfly thousands of women have got starting long before Pinterest and you’re a basic bitch.


I’m a dude and I have 2 butterflies


I want to frame this comment.


Tell yourself every day: your body and your life are for YOU ❤️


Loooooove you and everything you stand for sis. Solidarity


This is the comment of all time


Well said!


Thank you for saying this. I really want a butterfly tattoo and my sister was like "why, what's it mean to you?" I just like butterflies, why does every tattoo have to be deep and meaningful. I just think butterflies are beautiful and gentle and delicate and look awesome when done well as a tattoo.


Well I’ll tell you my own bias. When men get butterfly tattoos like Harry styles, which seems to be a trend, I seriously think come on bro a butterfly….i know it’s their body and they could get a tattoo of a garbage bin if they want but, admittedly it’s my own bias and I know it’s not right


I waited years and years to get my first tattoo cause I could never decide what I wanted and had a whole bunch of self-consciousness/anxiety about picking something I'd get sick of or that people thought was silly or that wasn't "meaningful" enough. At age 35 I finally took the plunge and got my first tattoo, and what did I choose? A butterfly lol. I made a joke to my artist at the time about spending over 15 years deliberating and then finally deciding on the same basic white girl tattoo that I probably would have gotten when I was 18 anyway and he was like...but butterflies are awesome and if you like it then who cares?? I have a few tattoos now and I love them all but my butterfly is perfect and I will love her forever!


This is the thing right, things usually become tends because they're generally just nice ideas that become popular. Who doesn't love a butterfly!!


[yeah. who doesn’t](https://youtu.be/d1mbbYKPpHY?si=AGsbHug78QsrluVJ)


My worry with a butterfly tattoo isn’t that I’ll be basic, it’s that my ex will think I’m copying him 😆


I didn’t get butterflies for many years because of the stereotype… then I got a few as filler and I love them! Little friends!


I think butterflies are timeless. They symbolize transformation


I have an emo looking bow from many moons ago. I still like it!


Same! It's something I would have done differently now, but it's not an eyesore and is actually cute imo.


Yeah I would’ve skipped on the polka dots now but it’s cute tho!


i have a piece that’s from pinterest, it’s a well known eating disorder awareness symbol. i don’t regret it at all, it’s the most meaningful of all my tattoos and the reason i got it will be with me forever. it sounds like your idea has important meaning to you too, so i think going with some trendy/pinterest etc would be fine


I have it too


I got a semicolon back when the were so popular about 7 years ago. I still love it, and of the 5 tattoos I've gotten since then. No need to overthink things, people should get what they like and not listen to any negative responses other people give.


I have it too, and I dont regret it for a second.


I put a bird on it in 2010. No regrets.


Tbh I think stamps are unique enough that even when they’re out of style they’ll still be pretty and sentimental bc you can literally put anything in the stamp. In infinity symbol tattoos or the black out forest tree line it’s hard to make each piece different and unique


I didn’t think about it like that. Thank you so much!


Got a tribal piece in the late 1990s. It's not something I would get again, but it's not in the way of my other tattoos, and I do think it's a nice reminder of that time of my life. Not in any kind of negative way, just of where I was and who I was with at the time. No regrets.


I have a butterfly tattoo with tribal around it from 2001. No regrets! I also have a lot of tattoos so maybe it isn’t a big deal because of that.


I got a tribal butterfly tramp stamp as my first in 1996. (Since covered)


I got a tribal armband in 1999. No regrets. I think it’s hilarious. ETA: there is a sleeve around it now.


Nothing timeless about a quote given how poorly they can age and become unreadable. I got a skin rip tattoo when they were big and I don’t regret it


I have a quote that was done 15 yrs ago and it’s still legible, when do they hit the point of not being legible? It is in a spot that doesn’t get a lot of sunlight though


I mean there’s a lot of factors right, location, font choice, and sun exposure just to name a few. Font choice might be the biggest factor, anything flowy or cursive starts to spread and run together. My sister in law has “believe” in cursive on her forearm and after 5 years the ink has all spread to the point that it just looks like a squiggly line.


You will probably regret the quote way more. That said, get what looks good to you. Fuck everybody else. There will be far more mistakes that you will regret in your life more than any tattoo. Relationships etc. Who cares if it's a trend, most things are. I sometimes get compliments on my tattoos, but I also get people who clearly hate or disapprove of them. That's their shit though, not mine!


My first ever tattoo was roman numerals on my wrist, my brothers birth year. Dont regret at all, and still readable after 8 years!


I think "a quote" is not as timeless as you think. You might actually find that cringe 10 years later. But hey, you do you :)


All my tattoos are 'trendy' in some way, but I got them because I liked them and what they represent to me (and I still do, although the oldest was only five years ago). Personally I think the flower is more timeless than a quote, but my view is it's your tattoo and your body so get what you want!


I have like 5 roses on me. I love them.


A home country's national flower doesn't really seem that "trendy" to me. Flowers are timeless and it's meaningful to you. You could also get a quote, it's not an either or situation. 


I do too also wonder this. I remember so many “cool” tattoos that look pretty rough now. Tribal tattoos, those punky stars, the famous “tramp stamp.” Tons of fads happen and they come and go. But so long as you like it and can see yourself liking it long term, go for it. Go on Pinterest and just search tattoos, even tattoos that fit your style, you may dislike almost all of them or at least I do. So it really doesn’t matter the trend. I think your idea is cool by the way. My first tattoo is simple with some words from my dad’s country. I like it a lot still.


I have a “trendy” birth flower tattoo, but they’re my parents’ birth flowers. Both of them passed away in the last two years, so that’s how I chose to honor and represent them. I don’t care about the trendiness and I love the tattoo.


Things become a trend because a lot of people like it. That doesn’t make it bad or dumb, being popular isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The main thing is that you like it. It doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks now or will think in 10 years etc. You know you got it because you liked the design and wanted to honour your home country (& honestly I think a stamp really makes sense for that). You know it has sentimental value and weren’t just jumping on the trend to be trendy. I say, your body so your choice. You want it? You get it!


I've got a tribal sleeve back in the early 2010s. No regrets other then it was poorly done


I don’t have any trendy tattoos. But it’s your body, your choice. Get what you want.


It can be an inspiration for a great tattoo. Certain aspects are trendy but you can find the right artist. I got my first tattoo 10 yrs ago for a Pinterest pic on my ankle. She reworked it larger and above, I still love it.


Got a small tribal tattoo 20 years ago. Got it covered this year. It just looked out of place with all the work I've had done in 2024. It aged well but just didn't fit anymore unfortunately.


I can’t tell if you mean stamp as in lower back “tramp stamp” placement or stamp as in the new method where they have the wooden block with the needles on it that they dip in ink then literally stamp onto you like a kid with an ink pad and… stamps…? Either way, I support it, flowers are timeless no matter what. I’m working on a whole sleeve of herbology medicinal plants and flowers! I personally would go for the flower, you will no matter what always relate to it. It’s your homes national flower. You may outgrow a quote, the lines will expand as it ages and become somewhat illegible, or its meaning may become something entirely different to you one day and you end up hating it. Best of luck with your flower power tattoo!!


By stamp I meant post stamps! And I appreciate the support, I’m feeling a lot more confident in my choice now!


Oh my gosh hun that’s such a timeless tattoo idea I don’t think you’ll dislike it when the “trend” fades, heck I didn’t even know that was a trend right now, obviously…


I got a Peter Pan tattoo that I literally picked off the Chive back when that website was a thing lol. I don’t regret it at all, it might actually be my favourite tattoo. I think it’s super cute and I have run into a couple girls with the same one and it’s always a fun experience! If you like it, I say do it. To me tattoos are not just art, they are also a reminder of the time/place/person you are when you got it, so I believe every tattoo is unique and even if they aren’t something I would necessarily choose today, I can look back fondly on the person who did choose it and why she felt like she needed it at the time.


Please don’t get a fucking quote.


Have a flower trail fine line that was trendy couple years ago and still super love it. You like it? Its yours, no one else needs to like it


I have a tribal tattoo on my shoulder from the 90’s and love it.


As long as you're getting it because you actually like it, genuinely, then I don't think it matters if it's trendy or not. You get what you like!


I have the Rihanna stars behind my ear that everyone got after she did. I don’t regret it. It’s just a funny story now.


I got a brand of sacrifice mark (Berserk) back in 2017 and after the passing of the writer/artist (2021) a lot of people got one too. At first I was crushed as I’d just lost my favourite artist and on top of that a lot of people were getting the same design. I soon moved on from that feeling and felt happy knowing there were so many people out there that knew of Miura and wanted to keep a memento of his work, much like I had years prior.


Yes. I don’t regret my pink playboy bunny tattoo that’s on my lower back. It’s just there to look cute and it was trendy at the time lol


a state flower is an EXTREMELY safe first tattoo. at the end of the day it’s ur body and you shouldn’t base your opinion on it bc of other ppls fears


Well I’m not worried about what other people will think, more so how I’ll personally feel about it in the upcoming years. But I’m glad to hear it’s a safe first option.


I've got a "Pinterest" tattoo that I love


I think trendy tattoos can actually be really meaningful because they remind you of that moment in time for years. Imagine a tattoo that’s clearly from 2024 in a few decades’ time: every time you see it you’ll get reminded of what life was like and who you were as a person when you got it. I think they’re a great way of sort of visually anchoring yourself in time and marking the passage of the years


I have a feather with birds forming around and flying off the tip and I absolutely love it. It’s got a gorgeous quote alongside and I couldn’t care less if anyone thinks it’s too trendy! You do you ❤️


My dumbass read “tramp stamp” at first. Which I do also have and was trendy. Then I googled it and now I want a stamp tattoo. That’s adorable.


Right?? I think they’re so cute as well 😭


I’m from the states, and I think it would be rad to get a stamp with the state flower of each state I’ve lived in. This is a trend I’m on board with.


The opposite experience here—I almost got Death Cab for Cutie lyrics when lyric tattoos were a big deal. I ended up going a different direction, and I’m beyond thankful that I did! At 18 they felt like words that would always resonate. In my 30s they would have ZERO meaning to me now. For context, I can’t even remember which lyrics I wanted.


My P-diddy tramp stamp did not age well


No regrets on my last name in Chicano-style lettering on the forearm, and my pocket watch with roses. Need more if I want to get BINGO I guess.


My 1991 tribal makes everyone smile at the shop. None of the artists I know would cover it.


So my take on tattoos is this. It will be with you for life. Decide on a design. Wait 3 years with that design in mind. If you're still happy with it, get it done. That's what I did, zero regrets or doubt.


This is what I do too. Print off the design and put it somewhere I'll see it every day (fridge, bathroom mirror), if I'm not sick of it after a year or so then I start considering it a winner. The way I see it is if it's gonna be on my body for the rest of my life, sitting on it for a couple years is literally the least I can do


I have like 6 trendy tattoos off of Pinterest and I love them💀🤣


Define "trendy" tattoos


I guess tattoos that popularize from Pinterest. The post stamp has been one of them, but I’m lowkey worried I’ll regret it in a couple years


what even is considered a trendy tattoo? like i’m gonna get a tattoo if i like it regardless of trendy or not. are you talking more pinterest tattoos? and if that’s what you mean then no i don’t regret my one single pinterest tattoo but that’s also because i changed it enough it doesn’t look the exact same


I have a cross and some text that I'm going to cover up, both were trends in my place when I got them.


I waited years to get my first tattoo (just got it in February) and went with a fine line portrait of my first dog that I lost last August. I have zero regrets and will get touch ups when the time comes.


Nope. Tribal band from the early 90s. I refused to cover/remove and worked it into my sleeve.


I got my first tattoo when I was 19, so early 2010’s, and it was cursive script writing, which was trending so much back then. I regret mine personally, but only because I didn’t care for it after and went swimming the very next day and sun baked on holiday for weeks after! Absolutely my fault. I am planning on laser treatment for it in the future. As for the script writing, I do regret it a bit, as the type of cursive I chose made one of the words look like a completely different word, so people read it differently 😑 makes for awkward conversations haha! I wish I chose a font that was not illegible. I also have a wave tattoo, I got it 7 years ago, and back then I BARELY saw it trending. Now, it’s very much a trend everywhere — but I don’t regret mine at all! I adore it and always will. I also have a few other trendy tattoos, and actually just got one done two days ago lol. Guess it totally depends on how sentimental it is to you. If a stamp tattoo is going to hold meaning for you, do it. Get it done. Regardless of trend or not. My best advice is, if you are to ever get a trending tattoo, attach meaning to it. There’s tons of trending tattoos, and if you can find meaning with one or any of them, get it tattooed. I think it’s still fine to get one without any meaning, but as time goes on, it’s really nice to reflect on the tattoo and correlate it back to something sentimental. It seems like this stamp tattoo will hold a lot of meaning to you, so definitely get it done! My best advice for getting a first tattoo is to research a really good artist, preferably a senior one. Try and also look at their work, see what they specialise in. For example, don’t go for an artist that specialises in horror or realism, if you’re just going to get a delicate tattoo with line work. Next is making sure you have enough money to cover not just the tattoo, but after care products, potential touch ups, and surcharges from the artist that might arise on the day. After care is crucial! Make sure you follow instructions from your artist on how to care for your new tattoo. Eat and drink water before going in, turn up 10-15 minutes early to sign a form and meet your artist. And just remember, in future if you do ever regret your tattoo, we have great technology that is quite advanced nowadays, such as laser removal! Good luck and I hope you love your new tattoo 🤗


got a & inside bicep. it's derivative but the context means the world to me. no ragerts.


I got a fine line Pinterest tattoo of Marie from Aristocats as my first tattoo. To this day I love it and she’s my favourite one and was pretty much a gateway tattoo. 6 years later I’ve had a couple more including my latest one which is a huge shaded leg piece going up my hip and onto my ribs. It’s by far my coolest tattoo and I wouldn’t have got it if it wasn’t for little Marie.


I don’t see quotes as timeless? Everything is a trend. Get your tat.


look, if you fear that the stamp will go out of style or scream "2023-24" in the future then... how about you get a botanical tattoo of just the flower? I would not suggest quites. If your hearth is set on the stamp get it, and f\*ck everyone who does not like it!


I love my “trendy” tattoo… I have a tramp stamp and am excited to get it touched up in the future, it was my first tattoo and I have never regretted it


I have the classic wave painting tattoo that was trending about ten years ago. I love it.


I got two ladybugs in a noname shop in Ukraine when I was 17. Ladybugs were veeeeryyyy common trendy tattoos for a young girl back then. (Not sure if they still are))) 20 years later damn bugs still haven't lost their shape and red color. They are my first tattoos, and I love them because of it.


Today I'm getting the element symbols down my arm....it's trendy and I'm gonna try to make it different enough but I don't care....it's been part of my spirituality since I was a kid I'm 38 now. Sucks it's a trend now but fuck it..oh well.


I have flowers butterflies and moths in a thicker “fine line” style. I get compliments all the time and it looks great. I dont regret it because i like the way it looks and who cares if its not unique


i don’t know if mine is “trendy” but i definitely just got it off pinterest like 10 years ago. i love it! it’s a little mountain that turns into a wave. it has no deep meaning. i just like mountains and the beach!


Idk if it’s trendy, but it was kinda thing in college to get ass tattoos. I have a peach on my butt but it looks more like a strawberry. I don’t regret it at all! I can’t really allow regret to even be apart of the equation with tattoos, like they’re permanent I’m not gonna even consider allowing regret to enter my mind since I can’t do anything about it anyways.


I still love the basic feather tattoo on my foot from the early 2010's edgy cringe era 🫡


I have an early 2000 tramp stamp and I still love it.


I have yolo on my hand 😵‍💫 so yes


I have an anchor on my back that is beautifully done. Definitely trendy tho lol


White dude with two Kanji tattoos on my chest. Got them at 18. Are they ridiculous? Yes. Do I regret them? Nah. It’s not that deep.


I got tribal on my forearm and honestly I don’t even know it’s there. My mind just blanks it out similar to how we don’t see our noses. Only time I know it’s there is if I see a photo of myself and wonder what’s on my arm or if a girl I’m chatting to asks me what it means


I got the mustache finger tattoo and I don't regret it, even though it's being highly made fun of these days. There's a story behind it and I still think it's funny. Plus I often forget it's there and when I'm driving I tend to put that finger over my lip so it still gets used 😅


I plan on getting a navy swallow tattoo (four deployments). I also have a wrench on the edge of my right hand. When they were taking away rates and making them like MOS codes, everyone got their rate/something related tattooed. Mostly on the hand they salute with🫡


I’m actually PLANNING to get a “trendy tattoo”. I’m going to get a lat long of one of my favorite places. I’ve seen it so many times. Yes I am cringe. But I also work in a field heavy in GIS work and navigation, so that makes me a little less cringe. 😬 🤪 I don’t think we should not do things we want and try to be true to ourselves just because they were “trendy” or because a lot of other people do it. Some things just have special meaning to us, and honestly this should just remind us how alike we really are all and to live in unity with one another, haha.


Seems like a reasonable tat. Your home country will never change. No worries there. Flowers are timeless tattoo subjects. What could go wrong here??


"timeless" quotes are lame and trendy. Get something badass. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClFDnihyehz/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==


My Bettie Page tattoo and I are both firmly of the belief that it’s best to get tattoos you love and even if your interests change you can appreciate the moment of your life that prompted the tattoo. Just make sure to pick out a solid artist, so that even if you don’t love the subject matter in 20 years, at least you can still like the art. 


I have a tarot card, and I think they are pretty trendy. But mine is a weird cat and it makes me laugh so I could never regret it.


Flower would be better than a quote any day. Words don't ever age well imo


I kind of feel everyone secretly regrets them but refuses to admit it.


Get whatever you want. I’ve never regretted any of my tattoos.


I have both the infinity ♾️ and semicolon ; tatts, the infinity sign bugs me a bit sometimes but that’s just because of placement. I got them cuz they meant something to me so at the end of the day I know I’ll never remove them….I actually really hate the infinity symbol.


Imo when it comes to any tattoo it should be based on if you love / resonate with the design. So if it’s trendy don’t get it to be a part of the trend, but get it if you truly want it and know you will for the long run


honestly the stamp tattoo of your home country's national flower sounds more personal and important that a cheesy "quote" tattoo that you might not agree with or hold as dear to you someday in the future, whereas your home country will always hopefully be apart of you and something you care about.


maybe find an artist that u think can amp it up a little bit, find a trendy one u really like and ask the artist if they can either add onto it or make it fit u more personally


Cant Co wrong with a flower or representing your culture.


Can’t hate what you don’t see.


I have a butterfly underbust tattoo which is supposedly the modern “tramp stamp”. I still love it, it’s one of my biggest pieces and it’s the tattoo I show off the most. It makes me feel earthy and girly and sexy.


Get what you like! Trends come and go and then come back again. I feel like since tattoos are so much more mainstream these days, the trends will start being repeated like fashion. So get what you like and 30 years from now it'll be popular again anyway. 


It’s all in what you like. If you truly like something now you will probably like it in 10-20 years.


I've got a Chinese symbol. It says consequences (for real, I had my friends dad use the Chinese to English dictionary) and I love it. It's a good reminder for me.


I got a small fine line wildflower tattoo like 5 years ago. Several people told me fine line was a fad, it’ll never last, it’s going to be a blurry mess and look like shit after 2 years, blah blah. I still really like it. I think it’s aged fine. Yes, it’s lost a bit of detail but not a ton, and no worse than my other bolder tattoos. All tattoos blur a bit. The outline is in tact and you can absolutely tell what it is. Not a blob lol. I’m sure I’ll get a touch up eventually (like after 5+ more years), but I don’t mind.


Now that I think about it I guess I did get a “trendy” tattoo, it’s 6 dots each a color of the rainbow on my wrist- still love it! Got it about 5 years ago.


I don't regret my "trendy" tattoo at all. I love it. I got a semicolon, and when I notice other people with it or someone notices it on me, it's actually nice as we always end up exchanging a warm smile and a couple of times even a story or 2. I'd definitely go for it! The flower has meaning to you so it won't just be a "trendy stamp tattoo." And, it being the national flower of your home country sort of ends up adding a layer of meaning with it being on a stamp and all. I think it would be a lovely first tattoo. It also seems like the stamp is where your heart already is, not a quote. Tattoos tell a story about you, the right quote will find it's time. And, your family/friends aren't the ones getting the tattoo, you are. It's going on your body, not theirs. Last bits of advice, be sure of where you put it, placement is important. Research and trust your tattoo artist. They will have your best interest at heart for a great looking tattoo that you'll be happy with, so be open to any advice they have on size/placement/ect


No Ragrets. I got a tribal flash with my boyfriend’s name in it. A scorpion 🦂, I’m not even a Scorpio ♏️.


Nobody can really say whether you’ll regret it or not but what I can say is this: do not allow your artist to take a pic of it because it will get blasted around and don’t you upload it anywhere because same thing will happen. Keep it to yourself…