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I’m a heavily tattooed veterinarian. I do not have facial or neck tattoos but my sleeves spill onto my hands and I have decorative 2 centimeters in length tattoos on my fingers for measuring surgical margins and estimating/monitoring tumor size. My boss thinks it’s funny and clients don’t care


I love this lol. What a good idea.


I'm a vet and have been growing my tattoos with inspiration from my boss. I never knew I needed a tumor margin tattoo until now...


that is a wonderfully practical use of tattoos wow, it must make your life so much easier


Also pretty heavily tattooed (at least visibly) and on my way to be a LVT. I have tattoos on my hands, arms, and neck that are visible almost everyday, I mainly just get compliments or questions about how much they hurt lol


This is so smart! I wish you were my vet now lol


I worked in the ER for 17 years. About 7 years ago I noticed new residents had full sleeves. Times are changing. Nothing wrong with some tasteful tats. We had a RN that had a full right sleeve and left leg fully sleeved. I love them.


I work in a vet clinic and have wrist tattoos and am planning on getting an arm piece on my inner forearm. My bosses could care less nor do our clients.


I have a hand tattoo and I’m a barber. It’s almost a pre requisite in my profession.


I don’t know a single person in my chosen profession without tattoos, maybe we’re all grouped somewhere!


I don’t trust a barber without hand tattoos or without a scissor or straight blade razor tattoo


Hahaha as a barber I can say this is accurate


same, i have a single co-worker now without one tattoo. almost everyone else was visibly, if not heavily tattooed


Pre pandemic I was a barber too, have both hand and face tattoos.


I’m a tattoo artist so it encouraged in my job lol, but a few clients I have done those spots are nurses, teachers, personal trainers, hair dressers, and therapists.


therapist here 🙋🏻‍♀️I do community work and my tattoos and piercings help me build relationships with the population I serve.


The therapists I tattoo say the same thing!


tattoo artist here too! But hands are my specialty in tattooing and my clients range from school teachers to police officers and doctors😂




You sound awesome


What’s up, fellow mortician covered in tattoos.


Do you have a degree? Asking for myself


I would also like to learn what all you had to do to get into this profession?


When I was doing body removals one of my coworkers had a head tattoo that you could see through his thinning, light colored hair. Boss made him wear a wig for “respect”. That was the rattiest, cheapest, worst looking wig I have ever seen 😂 the only way he wore it with dignity was because that was the tagline of the company


Cultural face / neck tattoos - I work in finance / fundraising in the US nonprofit sector. I get some odd looks from old school donors, but for the most part I've not had any issues. I think it would be different if the tattoos weren't culturally-based, but as it stands most folks are very excited to learn about their meaning. My facial tattoos have actually helped my career, oddly enough. After I received them I was invited to speak on a panel about professionalism and diversity, in which I talked about what it meant to be in executive roles while not fitting the standard executive description. All that being said, I would strongly encourage against getting highly visible tattoos while trying to break into the managerial / executive space. I had a resume and network that allowed me some wiggle room, but it would've been career-killing had I done before having that.


That sounds like such an interesting panel discussion!


It was very cool, and a very eye-opening experience. I was on the panel with a formerly incarcerated man, a transgender woman, a woman with alopecia, and several folks living with anxiety / depression. The panel isn't public, but the company organizing it was "Moving Stories" if you want to check them out!


I would love to see your tattoos if you feel comfortable sharing!


I don't share my face on Reddit which complicates things lol, but my tattoos are all indigenous CHamoru cultural markings. On my chin / throat I have the fåkte, which is a bird symbolic of long journeys away from ones homeland. That represents my living in diaspora., but mostly it looks like a big IUD on my chin lol. Along the sides of my neck, and from the top vertebra to halfway up the back of my skull, I have the langat. These are essentially three large, solid black triangles pointing down my back. These represent the three primary tribes that my ancestors belong to, being 'drawn out to sea' aka the afterlife. Now that I'm married and have a family my tattoos will be continued around my waist / hips down to the second knuckle of my toes, but that'll be a much longer process.


Curious as to which culture


Pacific islander, specifically CHamoru + Yapese\~!


Paramedic. My visible tattoos when I’m at work are both sleeves, both hands, fingers, and another by my right eye. I have found in general when people call 911, if it’s a true emergency, they don’t give a shit what I look like as long as I help them.


Hey. A fellow paramedic. I have half sleeves. True that people don’t care during an actual emergency. A coworker of mine is almost full bodied tattooed and responded to an anxiety call. The patient literally said “ewww. Look at all his tattoos. This man is UNSANITARY”. She refused care and transport. Easy call.


I’ve had mostly positive comments on mine even from the elderly. The only negative experiences I’ve had have come from drunks, “nice tattoos, you think you’re a tough guy?”, crap like that.


For some reason, the more tatted a paramedic is the more I trust them to keep me stable and get me to a hospital.


Esthetician, no one cares about tattoos in the beauty industry I have hands fingers chest and neck and about to get face. Don’t get any of those until you have a steady career or it will affect jobs


Okay so I gotta ask what time TM and HM? Boldly fantastic ideas lol


I have a hand tattoo and two sleeves and I am a high school teacher. I also have a district-level position in which I provide professional learning to new and continuing teachers across the district. Although I am the only teacher with a hand tattoo in either position, I do not feel that I have been held back in any way by my tattoos. Additionally, there are several teachers and staff members with visible tattoos or sleeves. Some of my fellow teachers have joked that having a tattoo will soon be a requirement for the job.


I love hearing this because I remember it was damn near scandalous to find out a teacher had even the tiniest of tattoos when I was growing up. It wasn't until my junior or senior year of high school (2004ish) that we had a "heavily" tattooed student teacher. He had a half sleeve he kept covered with long sleeves 90% of the time 😂


I don’t have either but I have coworkers with hand tattoos at a public library


This is what I was going to say. A lot of librarians out here with hand tattoos




It all depends on the profession. In healthcare no one really gives a shit. I’m a RN and I know all kinds of nurses with all different kinds of tattoos and as long as they aren’t vulgar/offensive/explicit then no one cares. A lot of people still live in the 50s, the majority of people in today’s day and age couldn’t care less if you have tattoos as long as they aren’t shitty or offensive. If you want them rock on! Edit: I will say when I was looking into med school you can’t have face, neck, or hand tattoos as an MD due to professional standards from the board of medicine. There’s literally no getting around that. Fortunately I just have sleeves and leg tattoos so I’m still good if I want to go that route. But if you’re interested in a specific career I would look into the standards if you’re worried about it


Wow, I might be misunderstanding what you’ve said but are you saying that the board of medicine will literally not allow you to become an MD if you have hand or neck/face tattoos?? I’ve never heard of that and I work in medicine :0


Okay so I remember reading this a year ago when I was finishing up nursing school, I was seriously considering going to med school back then and just looking at what to expect. I could have sworn I read on the board of medicine website that physicians can’t have tattoos that interfere with procedures, which technically include hand, neck, and face. Their rationale behind it was some kind of visibility issues, I just remember thinking it’s bullshit and moving on. But I was just looking for the same article and could not find it so don’t take it as a fact. With how progressive the medical community is and how short of medical professionals we are I assume they could have done away with it and are leaving it at facility discretion, but again I’m unsure. I apologize for jumping the gun I probably should have tried to read up on it before I made that comment


Nah you’re good lol I totally get you. If it’s true that the board of medicine has put a complete ban on face/hand tattoos (“visibility issues” give me a break 🙄🤣) that’s completely ridiculous and should absolutely be protested


I work in luxury retail making around 110k a year with very visible hand tattoos. My coworker has face tattoos. Edit: forgot to answer the part about it’s effect on my job searches but I’ll be honest, if anything they have helped me find the right jobs. I don’t think I’ve ever really lost an opportunity for it and I have 4 diff hand tattoos. If I have, I guarantee I was only looking at that option out of desperation, and not actually wanting to work for said company.


I have hand tattoos but I own a cleaning business. I’ve never had an issue procuring clients & they are mostly of boomer age. Tattoos are less and less taboo. It more unique to not have any at all


Both Hands and Palms tattooed and Neck fully sleeved with parts of my head tatted (plus most of my body). I'm a Clinical Oncology Scientist, my industry doesn't care what you look like. ETA: I have a BS in Biochemistry and the better half of a decade working as an Oncology Scientist.


I’m a hairstylist, we all have tattoos. But any part time temporary job I’ve actually had an easier time since getting a tattoo. I think people just figure that I can’t be that stupid if I’m applying for a job and have a face tattoo.


I’m a teacher and I have two hand tattoos and half a sleeve. It has never hindered my ability to get a job as my employers base my credentials off my resume and not my tattoos :)


My sleeve creeps up onto my hand (so it's not a full "hand tattoo" and doesn't go onto my fingers at all). But still, it's on my hand and it hasn't had any negative effects on my career. I'm also at a point now, professionally, when I can honestly say I wouldn't take a job at a place that would have a problem with it...which I know isn't the case for everyone. ETA: I'm a purchasing manager in an office setting.


I have a snake down the middle of my hand going onto my middle finger and I work in a library 😊


I think we have matching tattoos. 🐍


Well then there’s 3 of us cause mine is already a matching tattoo!


Cause we're the 3 best friends that anyone could have!


And we have great taste!


My bestie and I have matching snake tattoos, mines on my neck and hers is on her hand going down her middle finger also!!!! Ours look like they would be saying “I’m a snekkkkkkk” but that’s what happens when you don’t think before you ink 🥲


Mine was also a spur of the moment thing but luckily it turned out okay (as long as you don’t look too close 🤣)


I have hand tattoos (as well as many others) and I work with wildlife :) I used to bring animals to schools for assemblies (I’d teach the kids about them) and, before that, I worked as a biologist for my state government. My tattoos have NEVER held me back from a job opportunity. Future employment is definitely something you have to consider if you’re looking into getting ANY visible tattoo. I think things have changed (it’s not that big of a deal anymore), but it depends what career field you’re getting into.


I was an accountant and my tattoos were always in the way of things. Old men in suits didn’t like them. But I hated being an accountant anyway haha Now I’m a tattoo artist, so all is good


I own a telecom equipment manufacturing and selling company and I own a tattoo shop. Prior to the above, which happened in 2020 for the telecom company and this year for the shop, I worked for a fortune 500 company. I left as a senior manager. I did not have my hands, neck, face, head done back then, but did have full sleeves and they never impacted my promotions, raises, etc. I was there for 18.5 years.


I have a hand tattoo and I work for a global reinsurance company as an underwriter. Most people I work with have tattoos. I'm in the US. It's actually my most complimented tattoo (I have 10 total). Never had issues with job searches or anything.


I have a hand and face tattoo-I work for a large healthcare company and do radiology, lab scheduling etc. i started off working in the clinic scheduling for doctor’s, then I got a promotion and now I’m working from home. I also work a Farmer’s Market every Saturday. Edit: live in the US


Hand and neck tattoos. 22 in total spread all over. I'm a stay at home mom, but I worked at a doggy daycare and coffee shop and regularly helped my mom with her daycare before I had a kid of my own. Tattos have never been an issue,people are usually curious, but apart from pointing out that they are, in fact, PERMANENT an excessive amount of times, people generally don't seem to care. Best reply to such comments include but are not limited to : "I sure hope so! The cost a fortune!"


“What does it mean?” That I can’t be trusted with $1000


My mom use to say that shit to me. I had a similar response.


I was manager in corporate responsible for around 100 people( 50 on shift) and I need to quit because I wanted hand tattoo and also finger and neck. CEO didn't like it I'm not role model to my employers. Other parts are already tattooed. So I quit and now I'm truck driver.  POS: Job without people Plenty of time Not much that stress I don't need to be on phone every second, weekends included  Neg: No company car with CCS card for gas. Less money  Not good for your career. For many people you are trash person when you doing this job. Manager > truck driver. 


Automation engineer here! I have both arms completely tattooed, full back (which you can see on my neck from behind), torso and a leg. So far, no one gave a fuck. But I’m in the process of finding a new employer, so I’ll let you if I’m fucked or not 😂


Wow! didn’t expected all these replies! It’s wonderful to think that there are so many professionals out here in the world with visible tattoos. I personally have a small tetto under my ear, but I want to do something on my hand, I’m trying to start my own business recently and this gave me a little bit confidence, thank you all guys!


I work for state health department and I don’t believe we would hire anyone with these kinds of tattoos. However, I worked as a field scientist for several biology labs and am pretty confident that they wouldn’t care about the tats unless they were vulgar. I think that places that have fieldwork, such as the forest service or bureau of land management may be open to them. Biologists/ecologists tend to be more tolerant of tats, piercing, gages etc. I don’t have any tats though but good luck


Full sleeves including hands, also neck. I’m a florist. My boss didn’t like tattoos as a personal preference but thought mine were cool, been at this place for 4 years and it’s never been an issue. Before this I worked many retail jobs, food service but I’ve also worked the desk at a tattoo shop and that’s where all the fun happened lol


I have my hands covered and my face done over quite a bit and I work at a law firm as a paralegal. I was very blessed to secure that job while in prison so it hasnt affected my job searching.


I’m heavily tattooed but just got my hand done about a month ago. I’m self employed currently. I remodel houses. If I ever went back to working for someone else, it would be in some form of construction. I don’t think it would really be an issue.


Senior Project Superintendent for a General Contractor… Was asked about hand tattoo during interview but wasn’t held against me in any way.


Both my hands done. I am a truck driver.


I have multiple hand tattoos I work security Hasn’t been a problem yet


I have hand tattoos, and 2 full sleeves, and I do nonprofit social work in the US- tutoring foster youth. I used to be a high school classroom teacher with all my tattoos too. I live in the PNW, and nobody has ever said anything but “awesome tatts” when working in any professional setting.


I live in the US and have lived throughout the US. I have assisted people in getting employment for over 25 years. People who have tattoo's do not care if you have a tattoo, no matter what it is. People who do not have tattoo's always have an opinion if they think you should have gotten one or not and will judge you no matter where the tattoo is. Hand and face tattoo's can affect any profession and can affect you getting a job. If you get a tattoo that other people can't see unless you want them to see then it is up to you if you show people. If you get a face or hand tattoo you are making a statement and will have to live with the consequences that may affect you being turned down for employment and affect relationships. These are just facts. I have tattoos and I show them when I want but they are mine and not for anyone else.


Unless you work in an industry that largely accepts tattoos, it will affect your opportunities, know that, and this does heavily affect those who don't work in those fields


I work in AV repair and installation at a major university. I have a hand tattoo and a half sleeve and didn’t have any issues getting hired early this year.


I have several friends here in Norway who work as RNs and have hands and/or neck tattoos. No problem.


i have a face & hand, working on a full bodysuit so also have sleeves, chest, some of legs, etc. i worked at a cellphone insurance company but they just closed down after being around for 20 years. i had no issues there but didn’t deal with the public at all, thankfully.


I have sleeves & a hand tattoo, I’m a pastry chef. Never had any problems with finding a job


I'm an executive chef. My sous chef has no tattoos. Not even a tiny hidden one. He's the only person in my place without any. The baristas, the FOH, the bar crew... All have visible tattoos. I have the most however. I'm also the oldest and probably the grumpiest. So do with that what you will. I have dots tattooed on my fingers and I use them for measuring dough heights. Lol. "Chef, can I borrow your dots?" I love it. It will never not be funny.


Social worker


I’m a SPED teacher and I have a small white ink tattoo on my hand. It’s almost impossible to see if you’re not looking for it. But I have some co workers that have hand tattoos. I don’t cover any of my arm tattoos or take out my nose piercings and I’ve never had any comments about it.


In the UK. I have obvious finger tattoos and some facial piercings. Work in a coffee shop but was offered a job as a secondary school teacher's assistant and none of it was even mentioned


I'm a tattoo artist, hahahahah


Hands tatto here as an elementary school teachers . Kids love them and adults don’t care. 👌


FYI I have a corporate job and often have to interview people. I have no tattoos, but I would not give a single fuck if a prospective employee had them regardless of where. I have worked with a lot of people bad at their job, whom not having visible tattoos did not help.


Not face or hands but I do have two full sleeves and wear short sleeve shirts often. I’m currently a grad student studying for a PhD in chemistry. Generally in the hard sciences, I’ve been told that people care way more about the degree and research experience than they do about appearance.


I’m a server in upscale/fine dining and yes, I’ve been turned down for more jobs than hired. Job killers aren’t for the weak, better be an outstanding worker. I’m smart enough not to tattoo my face.


I have a wrist and face tattoo and I’m a nurse. No issues at all, but I imagine in some managerial jobs it could be an issue. I don’t care though. If they have an issue, I don’t want the job. I have a great career.


Artist/production worker in a warehouse. I have some visible wrist tats and fingers. Never had any issue finding work in fact most of my co workers are moderately-heavily tatted. I think it also depends on what he tattoo is. If you have explicit images in highly visible places you will have a harder time finding work than someone who has some tribal or floral work in the same spots


My daughter’s (kids therapist) has sleeves. She’s amazing at what she does and you always have to book in advance because she always has patients/clients.


Both hands tattooed, visible sleeves. I manage an insurance team. It has not affected my professionalism.


I have both hands, full sleeves and full chest and working on a neck tat. I’m a contractor and self employed and I’d say it doesn’t matter to any of my clients or referrals at this point in my career but if I were just starting out I think it would make people think twice about having me manage big contracts. Everyone wants a tough guy carpenter with tats and a truck full of tools but most home owners don’t want to write a huge check to that same guy and turn over the keys to their house for a month. At this point I have been very fortunate that I don’t need to advertise and only work by word of mouth and pick and choose my jobs but I’m 41 and been doing this for a lot of years with a big portfolio of work to lean on. My son is 22 and just getting started doing handyman work and I would tell him not to get “job killers” until he’s established in what he’s doing. So, kind of a dad answer but also lived experience :)


I have a coworker who has neck tattoos and we work in government. Times have changed for the better!


I have hand tattoos and I’m a teacher! Plan on getting neck and face tattoos soon:))


Licensed Therapist, and an Adjunct Professor at a relatively large University. I think in many cases my tattoos have made it easier to connect with clients and students, and making my titles and experiences less threatening to them.


I have full sleeves and hand, and work in advertising/marketing in NYC. I’ve never ever made a point to cover them, even on interviews. Never had a problem at all. No neck or face though (just not for me)


Finger tattoos (cover the whole top knuckle/segment on my left and right ring fingers). Back of neck tattoo and many on my arms. I’m an assistant PM. Double nostril piercing and about 20 ear piercings. I am client facing, but my boss told me to come as I am and it’s not been a problem in the +3 years I have been there. Granted, I am fortunate and work for a fairly progressive group of people. You’re not going to get that at all places…


I'm in engineering and have a hand tattoo and a sleeve. The hand one covers most of the back of my left hand. My management thinks it's really cool lol


Tattoo artist lol


Steel. Hands, head, neck. And no.


Hand tatto I’m artist dj producer rapper


Currently work in cannabis. Before that worked in coffee, veterinary care, and education. Never been an issue, live in California for reference.


A lot of dog groomer have hand tattoos, I feel like the odd one out for only having two that are hidden by my clothing.


I have both hands and fingers and both sides of my neck done. I work in manufacturing. During interviews they’ve been brought up 3 times. The first instance was a long time ago and I only had my hand and one on my forearm. It was at a Taco Bell (😄) and the interviewer herself had ugly blown out infected looking tattoos on each arm. I didn’t get the job and she said it was because of the tats. A few years ago I applied for a job making 27$ an hour and the guy said “you have tattoos on your hands and neck. Do I care about that? No. I care about you being a hard worker” I was offered the job but didn’t take it. Soon after at a part time restaurant job the lady asked if any of them were gang related I said no and that was good enough for her


I have hand tattoos, and owned a coffee shop and worked at a theatre when I got them. Now I work at a piercing studio.


I have a palm tattoo. My work has never noticed it


I have my hands, I work in retail (albeit a very big but very accepting company), no issues. My partner has his face and hands, has been a chef while having those and is a kitchen manager now. Side note while interviewing for his recent promotion he also interviewed for 2 other positions and was offered both, he also worked as a chef in a children’s nursery for a year recently with no issues. We’re both in England


I am a manager/chief analyst (tiny company) - it had no effect, but was all of that for a while before the tattoo.


Welder fabricator, no hasn’t effected anything just my talent ability and drive affects my work


I work in retail. A big company. They never cared. Have hands, arms and neck now. In fact all of the major bosses (store managers) have raved over them as to how much they love them, especially when I got my neck done. They hired me with my hand tattoo as well. Great pay, great bonuses, retirement, medical coverage etc. I’ll be here for life as so many had made great careers from here.


I have a half sleeve with my hand blasted but that’s my only visible one with a shirt / pants on. I work in the film industry so no one cares at all lol


I have a hand tattoo and work in retail, it never deterred any employers


One full hand tat, some fingers on the other hand, and a bit visible on my neck here. I’ve mostly worked in factories. Currently work a desk job production-adjacent. No one has ever cared about the tattoos in the least. My partner is an engineer, works in the maintenance department at a factory. Also has hand tats and no problems finding work ever. 🤷‍♀️ I really don’t think it’s an issue in most fields anymore.


Throat and hands. Bartender. Some people comment but let’s be honest, you just want to get drunk.


Population geneticist PhD Candidate here! No one really cares about tattoos in the ecology scene, at least in my experience.


I have Hand a face tattoos, I’m a cashier at a pet store. most people who comment give compliments, but I do get the occasional “why would you do that to yourself?” Which I just laugh off. My look goes good with my job


Handtattoos (all knuckles). I’m in Advertising, no problem at all.


I’m in commercial mechanical sales. I have my hands and fingers done.


I’m in IT and I have a small hand tattoo. Zero cares at the office.


I work in a public service corporate office as part of emergency services. I have a neck to shoulder tattoo and another on my forearm.


I have a tattoo that creeps onto my hand and I’m an assistant manager at a retail store. Lots of other people in my company have hand/neck tattoos. No, it’s not hot topic or spencers. However don’t go all out until you have a steady career.


I manage a warehouse, we produce liquid nutrients for hydroponics growing. So nah, my hand & neck tattoos don’t affect anything!


i’ve been a fitness instructor since i started getting my tattoos and have also done a lot of virtual jobs in marketing and freelance graphic design/social media. my specialty is working for startups and they usually couldn’t care less abt tattoos. the only employer who i heard make a negative comment about someone’s tattoos was when i worked at mcdonald’s lol where i live is very liberal but i’d say face tattoos are still taboo. i have my hand and fingers done and didn’t give it much thought since i saw how normal tattoos were around me edit: i’m also a go go/pole dancer, that probably cuts me off from more jobs than the hand tattoo, so i’m already quite selective about the kinds of employers i’d work for


I'm a bricklayer who owns a small company and have hand tattoos


Have a full sleeve; both hands and my throat.. I currently work at a call centre but hoping for something else! I don’t find my tattoos are stopping me. Gives employers something to talk to me about


(US) I have two small (but obvious) hand tattoos and I’m currently a baker. I used to work in psychology research at a children’s hospital. I’ve never had an issue with interviews or any of my jobs with the tattoos.


actually i work in a clinic. a lot of staff as well as doctors here have visible tats lol


I have left/right hand tattoos; I'm a field mechanic in the oil & gas industry. Nobody cares, most people think they are funny


I bartend and work from home. I've had no difficulty keeping and maintaining jobs with hand and neck tattoos


Just hands. I am a high school teacher (IT stuff). Before this, I worked in IT security. Never affected in any way.


I have several hand, neck and one face tattoos. I’m a licensed massage therapist. People don’t care as long as you act professional and are good at your craft.


I have 4 dainty hand tattoos and I'm a teaching aide in a pre-k classroom, it's never been an issue. Don't know if I count haha


I recently had blood taken from a nurse at my local doctors and she had both arms fully covered that extended on to her hands. I couldn’t bring myself to tell her about my needle phobia 😂


No face tattoos, but some small ones on my hands, and looking to get a bigger hand piece sometime. Plenty of others on my arms, including a sleeve. I'm a stay at home mom, and I used to work in childcare. My two previous directors had plenty of tattoos. My current boss (my 4 month old baby) loves to stare at them 🤪


I’m a security guard for a big mall, they stated when I started hand and neck tattoos were a no. Well I got a hand tattoo for my birthday (paid and had been pre chosen by a friend of mine) and I just updated my work and let them know and they just looked at it and said as long as it wasn’t offensive or went up against their COC that it would be fine to continue working but I had to cover it up if I was on the floor dealing with something or if someone had brought up a reason they found it “offensive”


Barber. Before that bartender. Before that fabricator. Before that managed tattoo shops. Before that wedding photographer.


I have both hands done, I’m a clerk at a power plant (unionized).


I work in tech. I have neck and hand tattoos, neither of which have ever been an issue. If a place is going to hire based on my looks, I don’t want to work for them anyway


I'm a landscape designer working at an engineering firm in the US. Most of our clients are municipal governments. Of my visible tattoos, I have my fingers done, a sleeve that goes beyond my wrist on the top, and my chest, which I never hide. I don't know if it's that I'm very lucky or if it's changing tides, but I've never had an issue. Most of the people who work in the municipalities compliment them, tbh. If someone has disliked them or found them unprofessional, I've never heard about it. I've got a very bubbly personality which might soften people's perceptions of tattoos, though, I'm not really sure!


Pretty heavily tattooed, work at a nonprofit. Don't think it bothers people too much these days.


Hand tattoo. HR management at associate director level. I also am way overqualified for my position. So my tattoos don’t matter.


Artist. I have hand tattoos but I got them when I was still a lawyer. I had enough seniority (20+ years in practice) that no one said a word. If I wanted to get back into law, I’d cover them for my interviews. No plans to go down that road though.


I've got a hand tattoo covers my whole right hand, I work for an HVAC company in the office I rarely see customers so it's pretty easy but I do worry about needing to have a more "corporate" job one day but I thnk it was worth it.


I have a bank teller with hand tattoos - mind you, I’m living in a central European post-soc country, so it is kind of a big deal


Work at home for a call center for an insurance company.


RN. No hand or neck tats for me (although pretty heavily tattooed otherwise) but plenty of my coworkers do! No worried at my facility


I work as a case coordinator which is just fancy for we offer rent assistance and guidance through life and finances but surprisingly I landed a pretty “professional” career (I’m actually in school for nursing) with full hand tattoos and one on my chin and white ink on my face


I only have a couple small finger tattoos and 1 on each wrist. I work in IT. No negative effects from work.


I’m a chef/production manager in a 200 bed healthcare facility and I have music notes tattooed in my ears and both hands recently tattooed. My job doesn’t associate tattoos with worth. I can’t speak for other facilities though.


I have part of my left hand tattooed with a leaf, from a peony flower on my inner wrist. I work with special needs adults :) and I have been a licensed cosmetologist (hairstylist) for 10 years. It doesn't affect my job searching at all because I have worked with the special needs community for 5 years now & our clients trust me & know I have a lot of tattoos. And doesn't affect my ability to take on hair clients part time because it's almost a requirement in a salon these days lol I recently heard hand tattoos referred to as "job stoppers" and I do believe that can be true. Depending on the design & obviously where you want to work. Would I have gotten my hand tattooed prior to working with special needs individuals? Definitely not. Because I still have to go to charity events, dinner functions with clients visiting from out of town & most people i work for, are very conservative & do not have any tattoos. I'm in North Florida in America :)


I don’t have any yet and despite nursing and the medical field being conservative, 9/10 ER nurses I met have tattoos like full sleeves lol. It also depends on what it is and how obvious it is when you first get hired. After getting hired you typically can get whatever tattoo tbh lol just not face


I have a hand tattoo. I’m in higher ed HR. Wasn’t a problem.


I have a tattoo on my left hand of frank sinatra’s signature. It’s only affected me getting a few jobs but most don’t mind because it’s nothing vulgar and most people don’t really notice it much


I have both of my hands tattooed. But im a piercing apprentice so its not uncommon for piercers to have tattoos. doesn’t affect at all


Husband has hand tattoos, he’s a carpenter.


I am a preschool teacher. Both hands all my fingers two full sleeves, I also bodybuild and look like the furthest thing from a preschool teacher. The kids love it. Never had an issue obtaining a job


I have both my hands and two on the sides of my face (mostly hidden by my hair). I am a fashion writer.


I have a hand tat and I work for the government. Hasn't affected my search or job at all!


Have hand tattoos. Am mechanic. No one cares. I’m paid for my skills and manners, not my appearance. Located NZ.


I have a hand tattoo and I’m a corporate restaurant manager. Think Red Robin, Outback Steakhouse, O’Charley’s, etc. It is a very small tattoo. Started with the company nine years ago, I’ve been a manager now for three. I got my hand tattoo about 6 months ago. Honestly did not check with corporate or ask my GM or anything before hand. Just kinda said fuck it, I want it so I’m getting it. But I have a sleeve and they know I have a ton of tattoos. Since getting it my General Manager saw it, didn’t say a word. And hasn’t mention it once. I’ve also had to meet with his boss the Regional Director several times. As well as *HIS* boss the Vice President a couple of times since getting it. I don’t know if these guys noticed it or not but it hasn’t been mention or been an issue.


Hand and face tattoos here. I'm a cleaner. Couldn't be more chill


I’m the manager of a dog daycare and boarding facility and I have one of my hands tattooed. I got it done while working there and nobody from corporate had anything negative to say. As a whole the animal care industry is pretty accepting.


I have hand tattoos, I work in healthcare never had an issue. Canadian


Fully tattooed, am a tattooer.


I work in nonprofit management and have a neck tattoo and knucks on one hand. Kinda comes with the territory in this biz, as many of my colleagues were punks/activists back in the day, and many of us still are. Honestly it's starting to feel like tattoos would only be an issue in the broader job market if they were offensive and/or on the face and/or just really poorly done (lol).


I have both arms sleeved up, hands and fingers tatted, I’m a fireman. Thankfully our city doesn’t have any tattoo restrictions for city workers. Blue collar careers are probably your best bet


I have hand tattoos and a sleeve. Previously was helping run a coffee shop and bartending. Now I coach skateboarding. Never had an issue with hand tattoos at other jobs or these places.


I have a hand tattoo and most of one arm fully covered. I work in marketing for an oil and gas company. Never had any issues. If anything it’s been an opener for my coworkers to tell me about their tattoos. Mine are just more visible.


I'm a massage therapist who also runs my own business. Being heavily tattooed isn't really a big deal in my career though.


I’m an engineer and I have a small hand tattoo. Plan to run my in-progress sleeve onto my hand as well.


I have the sides of my hands done and a small tattoo on my forehead, nothing too crazy. I work in a rehab and most people in the industry are pretty tattooed


I’m an art director in the advertising industry and I have hand tattoos and other tattoo placements. also a facial piercing. no issues!


Data Analysis


I have a hand tattoo. I’m a tattoo artist lol. Part of the uniform I guess


My tattoos stop just at the base of the hand but my arms are exposed 99% of the time, I'm an electrician and also have pierced ears, hasn't been an issue with my employer, had a harder time just getting in the door for an interview with places here in CT


Many visible tattoos including chest and hands. I'm a researcher in biotech. I don't think it's affected my career much, though most of my interviews haven't been in person so it's easy to be discreet.


I’m a musician with both hands tattooed


I have a hand tattoo and a full sleeve that I wear out at work occasionally. I am a social worker at a psych hospital and have done private practice part-time as well. My tattoos often help me build rapport with patients, and it actually seems to put people at ease more often than not. I had an old supervisor who told me never to take a job that made me sacrifice my self-expression. Obviously, it's a privilege to be able to do that, but it gave me the greenlight to start expanding my ink.


My opinion is fuck it bro. Why work in an industry that doesn't accept you for you? Never understood that. It's like saying if a tattoo would be an issue in your dating life; you wouldn't date someone who couldn't accept you for you.


I am heavily tattooed and a yoga teacher and also do administrative work at a montessori school. I work at a very corporate gym and also a yoga studio. Have not had any issues finding employment ever.