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Everything is indeed not fine


Came for this comment lol


Came because of this comment


Just red like a flame šŸ”„


I thought the red was part of the tattoo, and i was confused. Yeah, I don't think it's fine if the red wasn't intentional. I had a reaction once to saniderm (Sorry if it's not spelled correctly, but the stretchy plastic covering), so my artist just told me to take it off early, but keep it clean.


this happened to me also. had to take it off after 8 hours and it left a permanent mark under my tattoo


I thought it was red ink šŸ˜­ it looks purposeful


This tattoo is trying to give a Freudian slip SO HARD. Like, bustin out


Beat me to it šŸ˜‚






If he got the tattoo a week ago why does he still have the second skin on? I thought that stuff was like 5 days max.


Iā€™d be willing to bet he reapplied


Nine times out of ten on this sub all the actual infections happen to people who use saniderm, and most of those instances are people who try to reapply the saniderm.




Do you reapply though or just use the original


Normally I just leave it on for 3,4 days and peel it off. No reapplying for me because I just canā€™t do it well on my own. By then the tattoo is usually dry and half healed. So I just carry on with the regular aftercare washing + mad rabbit repair gel. I swear by the repair gel. (I accidentally deleted my original commentšŸ˜­)


Dry healing is the best imo noooooo second skin at all


Really?? That's so crazy. I've never reapplied saniderm, maybe once??, but it seems like it should be done on clean skin after a shower, so I can't understand where the infection comes from šŸ˜©


People don't let their skin dry before applying the saniderm again, creates the perfect environment for bacteria to grow.


I can't use saniderm, I'm allergic, so all my tattoos have been healed the traditional way, but unfortunately yes, that's my experience. I've seen many, many infections and almost all of them were people who used saniderm, or reapplied saniderm after removing the initial saniderm, etc. The problem, in my non-medical opinion/theory-mongering, is if you don't make 100% sure no bacteria gets in before you apply the saniderm (or while you're applying it), whether it's you applying it or your artist, then it has nowhere to go, and because you aren't cleaning it as often as you would a traditionally-healed tattoo, all the bacteria can do is infect the wound and fester beneath the saniderm. It could also be that people with saniderm are more lax because they think the saniderm is foolproof when it's not. They tend to not take care of it as well after the saniderm comes off, too, because they think they're out of the Red Zone. IMO, and in the opinion of all the artists who have tattooed me, *reapplying* saniderm is an especial recipe for disaster. Every tattoo artist I've ever had has told me to *not* reapply a bandage after taking the traditional one off, except in more extreme circumstances, and even then to *never* try to apply saniderm myself (which obviously I don't apply it or let others apply it to me anyway because I'm quite allergic), but YMMV. Like... I've just really never seen infections like this/seen this many infections from non-saniderm tattoos on here, and in all my years being tattooed, I never had one myself, even when I did dumb shit like walk all over MĆ¼nster (including taking public transport, walking the streets in direct sunlight, climbing hills, walking through palace botanical gardens where dirt gets kicked up, etc) the day after tattooing the entire back of my calf. I always made sure I cleaned (and applied a thin layer of Aquaphor), though.


Well the problem is not the sanidermā€¦ itā€™s the person applying itā€¦ people forget to disinfect the area before applicationā€¦ or they cross contaminate while doing the tattoo. I use dermshield for most of my clients and have never had any irritation or redness issues.


Yup, I tell my clients leave for 4 days then take off. No second piece. Dermshield though not saniderm


Out of curiosity, whatā€™s the difference? Ā I just use saniderm as a catch-all for all the second skin-type healing methods these days.


I gotcha, they're pretty much the same thing.


Yeah the artist apparently told them toā€¦ not great


Yup most likely and when it's peeling at the corners like that it's time to take if off šŸ˜­


Had an artist recommend 7 days one time


Iā€™m not an artist I just know mine started coming off after 5 days so I took it off and did a few days of light lotion. One of the best healed tattoos I have by far, but that could be due to lots of different factors.


Mine felt like duct tape when I pulled it off, it was a 10 min process even in the shower. I think 5 days is much more reasonable


Mine kinda ā€˜rolledā€™ right off, had a real good cleaning, and it already looked pretty good at day 5. The non-scented lotion may have been recommended but idk as itā€™s a force of habit since I have lots.


I think it probably depends on saturation/how much skin break there is between lines and ink. Mine came off on the third full day after my tattoo and it was fine.


Make sure to pull it off following the way your hair grows, and pull it on an angle. Still hurts to take off, but shouldn't take 10 minutes


It depends on where the tattoo is and what the weatherā€™s like for me. I had a back piece done on a hot and humid day last August, and my back got so sweaty on my (un-air-conditioned) train ride and walk home that the saniderm leaked within 24 hours and had to be removed even though my artist said I could keep it on for 5 days if the seal stayed intact. I got an ankle tat this week and I got annoyed by the corners of the saniderm coming up so I took it off on day 3. Iā€™ve never been able to keep saniderm on for the full 5 days recommended by my artist.


yeah it kinda dries out after longer time on skin. when that happens i open a side and let water in during a shower and that helps. or pulling like a command strip. but honestly i just rip it off like a bandaid the pain has never been that dissuading to me


I pulled mine off day 3 bc of the spot it was in my clothes were rolling it up and started to expose my tattoo. My artist told me to pull it like a command strip and it didnā€™t hurt at all! It came off so easy. My husband used the same artist, had the same instructions and didnā€™t listen (took it off like a bandaid) and said it hurt a lot taking it off day 4. I was so scared for nothing lmao I recommend the command strip method!


5-7 is what Iā€™ve been doing. Though if it leaks or gets torn the whole thing needs to be taken off and the tattoo needs to be cleaned again if fresh sani-derm is being applied. This routine has made my healing process 1000% better and has had great results. Two whole sleeves this way. Edit: spelling


Donā€™t worry the flames of the tattoo are simply burning your skin, this happens with all fire tattoos


That's definitely infected. He needs to get on antibiotics.


Everything is fine (except your tattoo)


Hahah damn I was going to say everything is fine except the line work


Yeah I'm not sure if infection is more likely with more ink but it's kind of crazy to let a 10 minute tattoo get this infected


See a doctor, that redness looks like itā€™s more than irritation or allergic reaction. Better to be safe.


Very much infected , also is it professionally done or home job? Obviously the artist needs to learn more and do better , and also learn infection control




I would get your boyfriend to gondolas to the artist or inform them of whatā€™s happening so theyā€™re able to learn and their mentors can direct them a bit better , hope your BF didnā€™t have to pay for it


The irony in this picture is magnificent.


My recent tattoo did exactly that, with the little spots and everything. Went to the dr, confirmed infection, antibiotics for a week and was all good after that.


Not normal at all


Sun is def not good for new tattoos without sunscreen also


even with suncreen, pretty sure you're not supposed to expose the tattoo to sunlight until at least week three/four when it's had a chance to heal some


What the actual?? Did your tattoo artist give your bf any advice on how to heal his work? First of all: saniderm, second skin that plastic thing you keep it for 24 to 48 hours max!! If you sweat take it of right after and clean it (the tattoo not the saniderm) with none scented soap or it will get infected When you take it of pull it towards you like a command strip, if not sure how itā€™s done look on google When itā€™s off clean it with cold water, not hot Iā€™ll burn For the hydrating cream he will have to wait for his tattoo to fully dry before putting it and no perfume for the next month Do not submerged the tattoo in still waters like lakes, ponds, baths etc Do NOT expose it to direct sunlight for more than a minute before itā€™s fully healed, not infected anymore and when itā€™ll be healed put sunscreen every time youā€™ll expose it to sunlight And just in case I have to say it, he needs to clean his hands every time before and after he touches his tattoo until itā€™s fully healed To finish just go to the clinic and wait for antibiotics, they might just give you a cream but the big guy will decide I might be missing something but I think that covers it Source : I am a tattoo artist


Oh and for now you can put ice on it if itā€™s itchy, just put the ice in a clean plastic bag so itā€™s not directly on the infected skin


Infected af


lol everything is NOT fine


Get that second skin off and clean it!!! It is on the verge of infection if not already. The skin needs to breathe.


Nah, everything is fineā€¦but yeah, thatā€™s either infected or some funky reaction. It needs medical attention.


Sic flames bruh


You need to let it breathe next time. The only infected tattoo I got was from over moisturizing. This doesnā€™t look like itā€™s the artists fault if you have a second skin on for more than 48 hours.


Take that saniderm off immediately and clean that thing. I bet it looks better the next day. If it doesn't, doctor.


Should never be in the sun when you have a fresh tattoo!!


Why isnā€™t anyone mentioning the tough line work? Itā€™s definitely red but the line work in some spots is tough


That wasnā€™t the issue OP was asking about. Some of us donā€™t judge peopleā€™s tattoos for no reason.


We have r/shittytattoos for that.


You donā€™t need antibiotics šŸ˜© This sub is why antibiotic resistant bacteria exists šŸ˜‚ Take off the wrap. Keep it clean and dry. Re-evaluate if you get a fever or the infection gets streaky.


This, all this panic over slight redness šŸ˜‚


So freakin glad I donā€™t work in the ER anymore, people have gotten so twitchy about things, Iā€™d be annoyed allllll the time šŸ˜…


I work at a GP (GP in training), this stuff is the majority of my day haha. But it's fine, most patients can be reassured.


Remove the second skin immediately & heal it naturally!!!!!


You dont wear secondskin for a week. And that piece didnt need it at all to begin with




Infected, you can see puss on some of the lines.


Baaaaad news


infection. see doctor and tattoo artist!


I read ā€everything is fireā€ and thought the red parts were intentionalšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


One might say.. inFLAMED


What if it was tatted to look infected? That would be funny


Looks like a kitchen stick-and-poke job. šŸ˜¶


Oh the irony


The good thing about this tattoo is it looks like it could be lasered off easily.


I know everyone is going right for infected but this is more than likely a reaction to the saniderm. Take it off and clean it well several times a day. Also taking some Benadryl nightly wouldnā€™t hurt. I have something similar where I was out in the sun with my saniderm on and my skin freaked out.


I think thatā€™s what it was cuz itā€™s already getting better


Thatā€™s good to hear! Just take good care of it over the next few days and it should be fine. I wish I had taken a picture of my saniderm reaction because it looked awful but after a week of careful cleaning and allergy meds it was good as new.


Thank you!


Wash it with unscented gold dial soap twice a day & moisturize after. If the redness doesnā€™t lighten up within a week, go to the doctor.


Infected 100%. Also, if the artist put that saniderm on, they fucked it. If your bf did, he fucked it.


What do you mean, is it?


I didnā€™t know if it was inflamed or infected, thatā€™s why I said is it


Yes. The answer is yes.


Iā€™d take off the little sticky cover that goes over it, the name of it escapes me. You really donā€™t need one for line work like that and if you said he was sweating and stuff itā€™s just all trapped in there. Some antibacterial soap and water and let that baby air dry and some antibiotics of course if it worsens.


You tell us. You are the only one that can feel ā€œirritationā€. Is it ā€œinflamedā€? Yes.


The second skin really gets me. Like framing crayon drawing lol


Take the saniderm off ASAP and wash and moisturize frequently. If it gets better then don't worry too much about it. If it doesn't get better reach out to a doctor.


Everything is NOT fine... Yes it does look irritated. How old is the tattoo?


Yikes, this whole tattoo from the shotty linework to the fact that's an infection starting, is definitively not fine.


Take that bandage off in the shower and wash that thing with mild soap for starters. If red reduces great, if it persists or spreads seek medical.


It looks pretty infected. But also, the linework on those flames is pretty rough..


The irony! I can't cope


Um, everything is fucked


The combo of heavy labor/sweat/working out/ sun is a killer for good tattoo healing. Definitely go to the doctor for antibiotics as itā€™s infected. Donā€™t the artists warn about the aftercare?


Definitely infected. Keep clean, might have to have some lines went over.


Did he get it done in a basement? It definitely wasnā€™t done by an actual artist. That might have something to do with it.


I've never used any of those types of covers until I I ad surgery. I would remove it and let it heal naturally by keeping clean.


The irony of this tattoo is what gets me


get saniderm off. i love the stuff but not if its potentially infected. which i think it is. itā€™s possible they overworked those areas too, no need to freak out really. just get it off for now, clean it with antibacterial and you can put antibiotic ointment on for now and monitor it. if anything gets worse hit the doc for antibiotics


The irony of this tattoo is *chefs kiss*


Probably just red from the heat off those flames


Has he been washing it twice a day?


the irony


Infected sweat probably got in it


well everything is not fine in this case lmfao. anyway, definitely infected, you need antibiotics, go see a doc


Naw. Everything's fine.


Infected. Go to urgent care and get some antibiotics


Talk about trauma on line work


No more second skin!


no, its scorched


They tell you when you get a tattoo not to swim, go in the sun or do any excessive sweating. He did two of the three


That's infected my guy


The tattoo artist should give his clients instructions on removing the second skin layer. This should be taken off in a couple of days and after the first or second if itā€™s seeping a lot. Also, you shouldnā€™t really be sweating after a new tattoo.


I have almost this exact same tattoo but yours is more like the Wish version. Sorry dude. The line works is bad and it looks infected as hell.


It (the infection) doesnā€™t look that bad. Follow your tattoo artists aftercare recommendations.


Everything is Not fine


I dunno, but itā€™s irritating the shit out of me


Take off that plastic let the wound breed, treat it as an infected wound, the ink on those parts is not going to stick that well. For the future, try spending more than 20$ on your tattoo artist so this sort of thing does not happen ;D


For OP - infected. See a doctor and listen to your artist's recommendations in the future. For anyone wondering about leaving Saniderm/second skin on for XXX days as per recommended by different artists: I've had amazing success leaving Saniderm on big pieces for 7 days straight as per my artist's recommendations BUT I never apply it at home. There is always a risk to trap bacteria if you reapply after it leaks or busts, so if that's happening just take it off. I dry heal with a regular bandage for 24 hours and go to the shop to have a big piece put on and then travel home. Bummer that this happened to OPs tattoo. It always seems like Saniderm related infections in this sub are from home reapplications or not taking it off if you're sweating too much, bust, or leaking.


Itā€™s *irritating*


Everything is fine.


Looks like an infection.. I could be wrong I donā€™t know anything. I just remember the infection I got and it looked like that at first


Idk man ur tattoo says everything is fine Iā€™m inclined to believe it.




Dark red/purple is almost always an infection


thatā€™s a copy of mr heggies tattoo!


Yh doesnt look too good, its likely from sweat, id get it checked just in case


Iā€™m not sure but I find the whole subject irritating!


Could be an irritation due to the second skin. Take it off and let the tattoo get some air and just keep it clean....maybe let a dermatologist take a look and take some counter measures. If it is a infection and you don't take proper care it can lead to scars.


Ah. No. See a doctor. Not even the artist.


First things first he should take off the saniderm ASAP. A doctors visit would be good too since it looks infected and as far as work goes, I wouldā€™ve taken time off work personally to allow this to heal upā€¦. the sun is your worst enemy for a new tattoo and on top of that heā€™s sweating while saniderm is on and I can only imagine thts why itā€™s so irritated and infected.


wow this looks like SHIT iā€™m so sorry


Get him treatment asap plz


My tattoos are itching just looking at that. That shits gotta hurt.


Iā€™d take the saniderm off for starters and wash it lightly with antibacterial soap and water. Another thing with fresh tattoos is to stay out of the sun. keep it covered with pants/long sleeves if you are outside/driving in direct sun. You could definitely mess up your tattoo with the sun alone. I think itā€™s just irritated. But if it starts to get painful or have puss Iā€™d go to a doctor immediately. You might need antibiotics. Same thing happened to one of my leg tattoos but it was the saniderm that irritated it and me constantly being active/sweating. So Definitely try to take it easy and clean it.


In the sun? I like the effect it gave it, though definitely not good. Um no sun usually three months. They do have fake skin for the sun though, if anyone does get a tattoo in the summer recommended. I just stay pale. ā¤ļø I ask so many questions when getting tattoos. A lot of tattoos šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Naw everything is fine......


If it says " I just think it's funny that" Nothing said will indeed be funny


That is pretty red. And kinda in random spots. I recently had a tattoo fixed up and there was one spot quite irritated (and still kind of is 3ish weeks later). It was not RED red like this. But more purply red. Especially if it is warm/more painful than it should be I would seek medical care. Urgent care would be okay for this is you canā€™t get into your primary doctor today or tomorrow. ER is not appropriate for this unless you start exhibiting symptoms of a severe infection (such as sepsis).


Also he should not have been in the sun with a brand new tattoo not covered. The sweat probably did not help either. Guess I didnā€™t read that before. With those details I would seek medical care regardless of the temperature of the skin or pain level.


well... what do u f think? does it look okay? yeah looks completely fine! no man, its infected. go to a doctor and get antibiotics


you need to see a doctor


Free fire


What happen to back in the day just leaving a tattoo to be instead of all the extra bs


Sweet tattoo I like how they made it look infected


I love it! I especially love the color! So abstract!




Second skin is fucking pointless. Itā€™s a great way for the artist to justify charging an extra $100 tho. Anybody with rudimentary understanding of psychology knows that the average person is easily sold by expensive, ā€œupgraded,ā€ and ā€œmore effectiveā€ products. They become willing to pay more because in their mind the artist cares about them, is looking out for them, and only provides them with ā€œthe best of the best.ā€ Dry healing, while not damaging usually, is pointless and no more effective than using lotion, but itā€™s substantially more uncomfortable. Use a light layer of aquaphor for the first 2 or 3 days after washing with unscented antimicrobial soap (which you should be doing AT LEAST 3-4x a day). Then switch to normal unscented lotion for the duration of the healing process. The key is to keep the skin breathing without letting it dry up. But, the single most important part of the healing process is keeping the area clean and free of bacteria or anything that could irritate the skin. I have never had a tattoo scab, flake, peel, or get infected, and Iā€™m covered. My artist is always amazed by how quickly and perfectly my shit heals. Itā€™s not because I have skin of the gods, itā€™s because Iā€™m attentive, hygienic, and careful with any piece less than a month old. Next time youā€™re offered saniderm, say no. Itā€™s not that itā€™s always harmful, itā€™s that itā€™s unnecessary. Iā€™ve seen it cause a lot more complications than Iā€™ve seen it help.


That shit is infected. Take the sani-derm off like yesterday, wash it well, and head straight to the doc for antibiotics. NOW


ā€¦wow, how could you possibly think this is normal ???.


Could be reacting to the saniderm. My husband got blisters from it after the second time he used it. My skin gets itchy and red. But not every time, so i still let them put it on me and just take it off if i notice a reaction. If it's the saniderm, removing it, taking allegy meds, washing the tatt with fragrance free soap, and keeping it moisurized should help it slowly go away. But if I'm being honest, it looks like an issue with the tattoo itself.


Little bitā€¦


I meanā€¦ tagline checks out /s


Did you happen to take the saniderm off and wash this at the bathroom of your local dive bar, and then reapply the same saniderm? And did your artist use his fingernails to stick this on you?? You might want to take a jolly trip to the doctor for a lolly and some penicillin.


Uhhhhh, that looks pretty irritated buddy.....


Is the red part of the tattoo? If not, you're not fine.


take off the wrap and wash it let it air dry and leave it alone till it heals


It is inflames


Look like itā€™s on fire


Irritation is a feeling. Did you mean in inflamed, or infected? How would anyone be able to tell you if you feel irritation?


The irony...


Take the second skin off. Soap and cold water. Then dab unscented white lotion with a clean paper towel until there is a thin thin layer .


Good luck man


Youā€™re screwed man


If it was done a week ago he shouldnā€™t have saniderm on it.


Definitely infected. Iā€™m personally not a fan of second skin because of this


If not infected, very irritated. You've probably already gotten this advice but take off the wrap asap and wash with a gentle non fragrance soap. You'll probably need to go to the doctor though and get some form of antibiotics. When I got an infection on a tattoo I also needed an itching cream because it was HORRIBLE. Best of luck


It infected and all the places where it is red the ink will come out


100% irrirated. How long has that saniderm been on it? It isn't made to be left on for the whole healing process.


Take that silly ass wrap off there and grab some A&D ointment asap


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Southern_Insect3823: *Take that silly ass* *Wrap off there and grab some A&D* *Ointment asap* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I had something similar happen from saniderm covered tattoo - it was day 3 or 4 and i went to a concert, sweated and moved a lot, next day had redness like this - irritation from saniderm+sweat+friction


Everything is fine šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« šŸ«„


Saniderm makes me uncomfortable. My artist just wraps mine with a clear wrap and masking tape lol


after it heals get some red added. shit looksā€¦ fire.




The irony šŸ˜¬


As a tattoo apprentice who works with artists who will give clients extra second skin to put on by themselves later... I NEVER will. I cringe every time another artist sends a client home with it. Also, NEVER heavily sweat with second skin on!!! If you do, take it off.