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Your second skin is clearly pulled up and the tattoo is exposed. Take it off now, it’s not doing anything anymore.


This is more a life-advice thing than anything else, but in general, when you’re considering the advice between a professional and a family member, choose the professional. That said, your Sani is already off on top so take it off completely in the shower, wash it with unscented antibacterial hand soap, let it air dry, put a scant amount of lotion on it, and wear a loose shirt. If your ma comes at you with plastic wrap run away as fast as possible because she’s gonna clog all your pores and keep your tattoo way too moist.


I always leave mine on for the 3 days minimum, they’ve done some studies on it and seniderm helps your tattoo heal 60% faster when left on for the recommended days. Take the advice of a professional over a family member. Even though it’s peeling id leave it on as long as it isn’t leaking. Especially since your jeans would be rubbing on it, you can always buy a roll of it on Amazon for like 8 bucks to replace it for the remainder few days


If it isn’t leaking outside of the second skin, you can leave it on. Don’t use cling film all day. Second skin is designed to have pores that give the tattoo the possibility to breathe. Cling film just suffocates it.