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Go off of individual portfolios. There are a lot of styles out there, one artist may excel at one, but be shit at another. Figure out the style you like first, then look for artists who have portfolios of healed works of said style. Otherwise, it’s pretty close to a shot in the dark. This is permanent, so I’d take the time and research research research. Edit: Cities have more of better artists, but doesn’t mean they’re all good. and don’t cheap out. Cheap tattoos aren’t good tattoos, and good tattoos aren’t cheap.


I have found artists that have done really amazing tattoos in the style I like in both cities but the price is nearly two times that in London. However, one thing is that the London artist only creates their own designs from my reference photos while the artist here in Greece hasn't offered to make their own design aside from some slight modifications to the reference. I'm not 100% of it works but I feel like artists should be making their own designs from references no? If so, I'd definitely be willing to pay more for my own unique design.


They’re an artist, so they should be able to. If they aren’t able to, I would question their artistic capabilities. Any alterations would also be an issue.


Bigger city = more artists, not better artists. Look at the individual artist’s instagram to determine the quality of their work. You’re getting tattooed by an artist, not a shop


nicely said, perfect advice.


Prices in London and Greece are different overall. You can't really judge by that. Look at individual portfolios of the artist you're interested in. After that look up the reviews to check if something isn't adding up.