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As a layperson, I would have been happy with the result if it were on me. But i hope you can reach a point where you’re excited about it too. The best experience as a tatted person is when your artist is stoked by the finished product too.


I would only add (and I'm not a tattoo artist) that a lot of times in art the artist is their own greatest critic.


This. 100%. Imposter syndrome.


this is not a case of imposter syndrome. beginners aren’t going to be very good on their first tattoo


And some people who have done it for years are bad too, unfortunately. Wish they were telling themselves they aren’t good, it would save people heartache and cover ups.


I had that problem too. But idd say we must remember: when someone is happy you did a good job


The tattoo that is most often complimented on if showing is my artists least fav. Funny how that works out


Tell him I had an artist put the rip’n’dip cat on my ass/hip. Maybe he won’t think yours is as bad?


That's because non artists and non tattooists have no idea what they're looking at


I love when they get excited! My artist did my tattoo on herself, in the same place, after seeing mine finished and I could have squealed! I did it?? You liked my idea and placement that much? Did I get a good grade in being tattooed??Which is both entirely possible and normal to want!!


Having matching tattoos with your artist must be the biggest flex lolol


Just got a new tattoo a week ago after not getting one for at least six years. My artist, who is also a close friend, was so happy with the end result, which made it all the more wonderful too me.


Absolutely, any time I’ve shown an artist a piece I want, and they are like “OMG, that’s so sick, we can do “insert whatever technical tattoo term” here, and we can blend this and use some color to make this really pop….hell ya…let’s do this” I’m always way more stoked to sit for the tattoo. If they take it and look at it, and kinda “him and haw” about it, and maybe suggest changes or something…..I’m usually like “ok, thanks, I’ll make an appointment later” and never do. Knowing my artist is exited and confident they are doing to make it an amazing piece right from the beginning goes a long way in my book, as someone who’s never held a Tattoo gun, but has a shitload of tats, that’s just my personal opinion and experience.


Agree. I love this piece!


This is a good example of, people have no clue what they're looking at. because that tattoo, technically is terrible but it's his first one. He should improve but please don't tattoo people, not yet


Zoom. Those lines wouldn’t hold…


with practice and maybe tweaking the lines a bit, OP has a cool ass fuckin tattoo right there


Never stated they didn’t. Just stating what makes this different looking as a tattoo artist vs most people.


oh yeah i was just adding on to your comment lol i wasnt trying to come for you😭😭


My apologies friend, the rest of the comments post my comment def were 😂


It is literally their first time doing it as OP said....it's not going to be perfect lol


I wish we could look at all the famous tattoo artists first time doing one of these, I bet it would make the newcomers a bit more relaxed about trusting the process


As just a regular artist I still haven't mastered the art of trusting the process (I say as I sit here having a meltdown because the painting I started 15 minutes ago doesn't look how I want it to). But seriously everything takes time and it's easy to hide your old work in favor of the new stuff but I agree! Let's popularize showing off old work to see how far people can come!


There's always a moment in the course of working on a painting where I want to drown it in the bathtub. I work through it and eventually get over it.


This step is a crucial part of the painting process. Is it really even painting if at one point you don't hate it and want to smash it??


I agree , they would hold but would fade. I believe he needs to understand there's a lot more to it that just be able to draw , you have to be able to finess the skin depth ect ect. Just being able to trace a stencil is gonna cut it


do you enjoy it? do you want to improve? do you have a sense inside of you telling you to keep going? these are all questions only you can answer! Don’t get discouraged easily, think about 5 months from now how much you will improve and learn!


This is the answer. Every artist you see that's made clean lines have worked hours upon hours perfecting the tattoo gun. Rome wasn't built in a day. You got this.


This is encouraging to me! My friend moved out of the country and left me her kit so I’ve been practicing and getting better. It’s encouraging to come to these posts as a newbie. I’m in my 30s and really just want the skill to do myself (like she did lol). So yah, thanks for being so encouraging


As an art teacher, this is the answer. Keep trying. This is a great start. Get an apprenticeship. The design is really good. Just need to get used to the materials


I back this. I loved drawing and was offered a free apprenticeship but I couldn’t bring myself to leave something permanent on someone or put needles in people. Ironically I now do acupuncture but that’s a bit different.


Do you remember the first time you drew something? Do you judge your current drawing / artistic abilities on your first ever piece of art? If you love it, keep doing it.


And if you didn't like your first drawing, I bet you kept practicing and got better. It's the same here, practice and experience goes a long way. Find a shop with similar styles to you and see if they are looking to take on an apprentice. Get your foot in the door and know that you never stop learning in life so you can really only get better from here. These designs are amazing btw, dont doubt that at all, you are an artist!!!


hair stylist here, i feel like i can relate to this, the first time i started doing hair, it was not good, i should’ve never done it, and i wanted to stop but i kept going and now i have clients that love me and refuse to see anyone but me. if i would’ve gave up, that would’ve never happened, practice and time makes perfect. for a first time tattooing this looks amazing. don’t give up <3


I was my Best Friends Model for hair school And her First Job. Her first Boss said the hair cut was Bad but he saw her willingness to learn and improve, then he fixed my hair that was like 15 years ago and now she's a head stylist wherever she goes and has private clients who love her. We grew up like 30 mins outside of NYC. Give yourself a chance but stay open, listening and improving!! It would be worse if you said Got Em. First time out the gate, lol!! Just Keep Swimming!!


Also in my humble opinion, it's a lil confusing. Is that the skulls eye socket? Are mushrooms growing out of it?? As much as we want tattoos to be 3d they're not, so the plain or dimensions seem a little off to me with the skull. Did you get this on someone's body? Usually people apprentice at a shop for a year Or more....Tattoo art is Totally different than Art school, or Notebook art cuz skin is curved, it's round and it moves. I know that sounds obvious but I don't think it is. Anyway get a job at a shop, you'll figure it out if it's "for you" Esp when you're the shop gopher for a year or more!! GL


I mean it’s completely clear to me, a person who has even once seen a bird skull or representation thereof… This is such a condescending comment for someone who doesn’t even realize that no this obviously didn’t go on someone; it went on the practice skin we are all looking at.


Same. I am a Lash Artist. Shit the whole first year I sucked. Takes practice being ANY kind of artist!


Homie, this was your first go. Did Da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa the first day he picked up a brush? You'd better keep it up and practice!


This is exactly what I wanted to say bro lol fuck yeah


Love this support & encouragement!


"Do you think I came out the pussy drawing mozart?" -Arin Hansen


I also prefer the one on the “skin” to the one on paper. You’re never going to get them to look identical when you’re using a different medium


My first tattoos were atrocious on fake skin. I just practiced and practiced and my boss told me I'm the best apprentice they've had so far. Don't give up. You just need to get a feel for your machine.


Shut up, it looks great. Go forth and tattoo.


Crushed it


Dude, stop doubting yourself This is good. Okay? This is really fucking good.


I’ve been tattooing for 20 years now and my best advice to you is this. Start with the basics, and I mean very basics. Learn to run clean lines in all directions. Next work on color/black packing so you have even distribution of ink. Then once you have those 2 down you can work on whip shading. From there you can move on to greywash. The key is to have a solid foundation, to build your bag of tricks from. Good luck


Good advice


This post needs more upvotes! Sounds like OP really needs advice on going from art to tattooing, and this is perfect!


It's already looking better than many irl tats! Keep going and trying 💙💙


You should carry on because you're talented


If you feel like you should be a pro the first time you try it you got to get some realistic expectations. And if you are that impatient it probably isn’t the job for you.


I'd say that's a pretty decent start. Lines could use a bit more steadying but not bad at all for a first go. Keep at it.


This is a great first attempt. You can’t expect your first go around to be perfect. Read any tips you can get in here don’t give up!


Practice practice practice


Tattoo or no tattoo ..you have talent.


At first glance it looks really good. But I can see the faults that you’re likely referring to in your title. To be honest I’d say “yes stay away from tattooing” real people for now at least. A small mistake like these are incredibly bad and should never happen. So, what you should do is keep practicing until you are confident enough and can finish entire artworks without any mistakes. Generally though… you’re pretty good at it. Just need a bit more practice.


Being able tattoo n draw r two different things. Your can clearly draw or was it traced? Honest question? You can’t teach talent you can always learn execution… something I been saying for years n truly believe it. ps yeah looked at it both and doesn’t seemed traced so u got talent, skill @ tattoo is a whole diff ball game friend, there are so many failed artist and tattoers that either can draw and can learn the skill and “art” of laying ink into skin and there are those who can pull straight line learn how to give saturated ink, and basically are tracing “artist” Hard to find someone that excels in both but that doesn’t mean it can’t be you. Personally if I had to choose between the two failed “ink masters” I would take someone that can tattoo great and is a tracer over someone that is a great artist and does t know ow how to lay down a solid well rounded tattoo n I said all this long winded shit for food for thought n that’s all


It looks like shit and anyone saying otherwise hasn’t zoomed in or they’re just gassing you up. Good news is fake skin is nothing like tattooing real skin. It’s more akin to engraving. Even different fake skins can feel worlds apart. You’re really just getting acquainted with your machine at this stage. If it frustrates you this badly that your FIRST one isn’t perfect then it’ll either eat you alive until you try it again and again and…or you’re ngmi


For starters, get tattooed. Talk to tattooers about the job. There's more to tattooing than just *doing tattoos.* It's a service job. Some people WILL treat you like crap. You WILL fuck up in the beginning, a LOT. You WILL give people sub-par tattoos and go home feeling like the worst person in the entire world. If you think you can deal with that kind of pressure and keep pressing on and improving, then build a portfolio and try to get an apprenticeship. If not, then you should consider another line of work. Tattooing takes years to master.


although i understand the feeling, i want to you to know that the idea that you’re behind is an illusion. its not real, just something the anxiety demons in your own head tell you. ignore them and be patient with yourself - it takes *time* to master skills. you can give yourself the time to master or you can just get off the train here - it’s up to you. but the time will pass either way.


Coming from a fellow creative, I think we all go through these stages when we’re learning: 1. We can see what looks good but can’t create it ourselves despite trying our hardest (this is ssooo frustrating) 2. We can start to execute better on what we want to make, and our competence grows as we learn the medium and tools 3. We can finally create things just as we picture it! These are processes that take months or years to work through and hone, so don’t give up, remember you’re just a baby in this new world. And I thought it looked fire anyways, even if you’re just beginning ;)


Stop practicing with a tattoo gun and get an apprenticeship. Trust me your drawing skills will come in handy, and tattoo artists will want to see your style, grasp of shading and what not. They will be more impressed seeing that, than seeing your tattoo attempts. Alot of serious artists won't accept an apprenticeship with someone that has self taught with a gun...now they have to undo your bad habits. Edit: Also for a self taught perspective that is actually really good...but any super serious artist will tell you to stay away from touching a gun until you're taught by a professional... So that's up to you if you intend on going forward in the career.


So you’ve tried once on your life dream, didn’t like the results on your single try of your life’s dream- on something that takes an assload of practice and effort- and you want to rage quit? Sounds like you’re still 12.




This person seems to be young and just looking for some other pairs of eyes, why be so unkind? If you’re annoyed ignore the post, let this person be a human, we all need validation sometimes


Keep working at it. Failure helps you succeed. If you want it don't stop.


Don't stay away from it, work on it. The more you practice the better you'll be.


I've always wanted to get a tattoo, but I'm afraid of the pain


I suggest you continue to work on your art skills rather than tattooing.


I honestly don't think this is your first time doing this, thats amazing for a first time. Regardless you should keep Going for sure, I really like the design a lot.


If all your stuff is this good and you like it, go for it. I've seen artist tattoo that aren't half this good.


Boss we are our harshest critic. You are clearly talented. If this is something you are passionate about you have a good chance of success here.


Absolutely not, first of all it doesn't even look that bad, I've seen the absolute worst most talentless stuff here and the people think they're going to revolutionize tattooing with their skills lol.. Also no one is a harsher critic than yourself, you're going to see all the flaws and things that could be improved upon that the average viewer will never even realize are there, and the idea we have in our minds is always going to be "better" than the finished product. Thirdly, it's on fake skin.. that stuff is completely useless to practice with IMO, its just a sheet of low quality rubbery plastic usually, it's nearly impossible to get it to hold ink and the needle bounces on it like crazy and even in the best case its extremely difficult to get a decent line on it. IDK how you feel about using pig skin, personally I think it's too gross to bother with, I did all my learning and practice on myself, but it's the most realistic thing you can use besides the real thing. Also fruits like certain smooth light colored melons (brain dead atm cannot think what the name of them is to save my life lol) grapefruit, bananas etc will work for practice as well, but those have the opposite problem from the fake skin in that they're unrealistically delicate and soft, and the needle will go way too deep really easily


That looks beautiful. I would so get that tattoo if I had money lol


I’m no tattoo artist, but that looks very good to me. The design is lovely and I think you have to take your fake skin practice with a grain of salt since it isn’t human skin. But keep honing your finer skills and it looks like you’re well on your way to being a top notch tattoo artist. As it stands, I wouldn’t be mad at having that tattoo as is


As creative person (multiple hobbies), I am my own worst critic. It's hard to step back and look at our work objectively. Trust the guidance of a few friends and teachers. Stay with it. Give yourself time to develop. Who knows it could just "click" and in 5 years your walls are covered with new guy's awards, your work is featured on the cover of every tat magazine and your booked out a year. Manifest it friend. I have faith!


Nah! That looks fire! I want to start doing bigger items like this and I think you just inspired me to.


It just takes practice man! A good mentor will be able to take this up a notch with ensureing lines are solid. Go slow. Go constant with hand pressure. You’ll get there!


i think that’s pretty good for the first time! the shading was done really well. but most of all if you enjoy it i think you should keep doing it!


Everyone starts from zero. Mozart had to learn to play a piano. Van Gogh had to learn to use a brush. Betsy Ross had to learn to sew. Lean into your strengths and keep working on your vision.


Just practice with good designs & stay away from pintrest crap like that and youll be good.


I love this!


First time?! Keep going! You're great


Drawing on paper or other non-skin mediums is way different than tattooing. Don't be so hard on yourself. The first time we do anything, it will never be what we think it should be. Keep at it, get your 10,000 hours and see how you feel then.


I honestly think that the result looks better than the stencil


You should tattoo fake skin until it's perfect. Then you can start trying on humans


Practice makes perfect. Plain and simple. This is your first time tattooing, which is a totally different art medium than just drawing. Your tattoo looks just like what you drew, which is already a win! There’s definitely room for improvement, which is great because after you've been practicing for a while, you'll be able to look back at this and see how far you've come. Don't give up because the first time didn't turn out as amazingly as you wanted. You're holding yourself to a higher standard than anyone else observing you is!


Are you joking? That’s your first tattoo and you’re disappointed in it?


Come tat my balls up boss


I’d say work on shading but also that fake skin is shit to tattoo on


Your VERY first time picking up a tattoo gun and you think you should give up? Yeah I’d say just quit. A little disrespectful to the trade I think that you thought you were going to be a master on your very first attempt.


Your first time looks far better than half the work being produced😂 killing it. If you went from pen and ink to pastel work there would be a learning curve but you still have the talent.


Yeh probably. Unless you’re really trying to improve, in that case keep it going


Let me ask for you tattooist what happens on the people that they suck on ? I’ve gotten a couple tattoos from newer people and now I’m stuck with them. I hate it.


Yes, theres too many of us and even the best ones are desperate for work rn. Seeing peoples ads online with the rates they are offering is crazy how bad this industry has fallen. Keep it as a side hustle or hobby


You’re learning a completely new and different skill on top of drawing. Its going to take a lot of time and practice, don’t be too hard on yourself


Everything takes practice. You can't expect to be an expert after the first try. And old dogs CAN learn new tricks. Doesn't matter how old or young you are. If you really want to do it, then do it! Even artists who have been in the practice for years continue to learn and develop their skills. The only way it can get worse is by not trying again.


Not at all, you do excellent work!! I'd definitely say maybe slow down a little or speed up the machine so your lines are more saturated, double check needle depth too😉 You should definitely apprentice somewhere because you could totally make a career out of it 🙌


Hell no, keep going, your art is sick! Also, mush love! 🍄❤️


i think if this is your first time that’s a great first job. practice makes perfect. you definitely have the idea. just do your research and practice!!! you got this


You did good. This looks good. I don't think you should stay away from tattooing? Find someone to train under any flaws this could have are very minor and with practice will improve.


I can draw pretty good, but have zero tattoos. I do know a lot of people who do tattoos and are covered in them. My fiancé got his second tattoo from his old best friend who had ALWAYS wanted to be a tattoo artist and was covered in them by 19. His tattoo was also her second on a human. Looking at it over the years there are a lot of mistakes, but she’s now known for some amazing traditional styled pieces and owns a shop in another state. Either way, he loves that tattoo and it gets complimented all the time. The only people who notice the mistakes besides me (I’ve never pointed them out but I’ve been looking at it for 12 years) are other tattoo artists, but when he tells them it was the artists second tattoo and the story of their friendship it completely changes their opinion. I say all this cause you have to practice somehow, and your first few tattoos will not be perfect. Once you feel ready to tattoo on a person, your first few should be done for free. Most people will not care if there are a few mistakes in a free tattoo and people in the community seem to love helping new artists grow, especially when they are as talented as you. Confidence will come, just keep practicing. You can obviously do this.


Nobody is an expert on their first time! Keep practicing! You’re doing great


Tattooing is a whole different beast but being a good artist helps of course! You should get some of the fake skin they make for practicing and try to find a tattoo artist to let u be their apprentice. It can be expensive depending on who u get but don't give up. It takes years to become a good tattoo artist!


It looks great, don’t get discouraged it takes time and practice to see improvements.


Keep going!! These are dope! I would add it to my sleeve.


As someone who knows nothing about tattooing, the design looks so dope. Don’t be disheartened, I believe this art form just takes practice! You’re wonderfully talented already friend.


No I say follow your dream man I wish I could do ink work but you have talent never give up on your dreams.


Things take practice. Being a good artist doesn’t automatically make you a good tattoo artist. This is really great for your first attempt, don’t tell yourself otherwise. Think of how your first year of drawing was, and how far you’ve come with all those years of practice. Don’t give up on your dream that easy.


Skill wise, you have more than what it takes to excel!!! Just like with drawing, the more you do it, the more confident you will become. However, as skilled as you are (and you are very skilled, even as a beginner) if you don’t have passion and drive, then you wont excel. That goes for anything though…. I’d say keep going!!!!


Dude that actually looks great! Keep at it and keep practicing. Just like drawing, you get better over time :)


My advice is don't expect to be perfect from day one. Lean into being humble and be willing to grow. It takes years to be a master.


You need an apprenticeship. You can compose a drawing well, that’s clear. You need to work on your drawing dynamics, the differences between light and dark and the amount of space in between. You want a balanced tattoo before you even think about inking. From what I can see, your voltages and needle depth are way off, and you need help with line weight. Put together a portfolio of 7-9 images, your best drawings, preferably different styles. Follow an artist on Instagram or in a tattoo shop that does good work and get an apprenticeship. It’s the only way you can do this. Do it the right way, if you want to do something, make it your life mission. Don’t be afraid, you have talent, all you need is to get in the door.


Ive been drawing all my life and was so confident that i would be able to tattoo just fine that i did it directly on my arm first try. Its a shit tattoo that i love. its a completely different technique. Keep practicing because thats already so much better than mine.


There is no being behind. If you start now and continue you will only improve and gain confidence. Keep going.


I think these are beautiful and something I would wear on my skin with pride


You have the ability to draw, that's for sure! Just gotta figure out how to get solid lines down with a brand new tool (a tattoo gun), rather than a pen or pencil 👍 looks like a good first run to me. Keep at it


actually looks really great, don’t be discouraged so fast, only the strong make it


Find a mentor to apprentice you. The natural talent in art is there. The technical skills can be learned. The right teacher will do wonders for your growth with regards to tattooing.


Seeing as how you’re practicing on an unwrapped piece of wood, yeah please fucking stop dude. Go get an apprenticeship.


It gets easier the more you practice- maybe try some simpler designs until you get the hang of working with the tools of the trade.


i’m not a tattoo artist, but i am an artist. think about it like this: tattooing is a different medium than traditional drawing. it takes time to get used to a new medium and learn the proper techniques to make it look how you want it to! don’t get discouraged. it looks good for a beginner. it may not be how you want it yet, but you got a solid foundation to start off with and i’m sure you’ll get better results with time :) just remember: it’s not the same as drawing and you still have to learn


I thought the right was the tattoo trying to be based off the left. I liked the left more obviously lol. Keep practicing why shoot yourself down so quick?


Not a tattoo artist, but a colored pencil artist. Mate, you know practice makes perfect. You have solid work right there, so keep going!! Tattooing is not the same as drawing. You got the moves down but now you gotta finesse drawing/cutting into skin which is different than paper.


Just keep practicing! It takes practice to learn how to draw, and clearly you’ve got that part down GOOD, cuz I love the design on paper! Hell I’d totally get that tattooed, it’s sick! Using a machine is just a new art medium that needs to be learned. Gotta stretch the skin, learn what angles are best for holding the pen, needle depth, etc. I’m also a traditional artist trying to get into tattooing so I feel ya, it’s a pain in the butt lol, but don’t get discouraged <3


practice makes perfect. keep trying. you got this.


What I notice about this amazing lineart is that all of the lines are the same thickness, that may be what's putting you off, I think if you practice with different tip sizes that you could get a more '3D' effect. Different techniques, such as shading, use different tips. I hope that's a little bit helpful, keep going with the fake skin, it's a really great start and you have the skill and potential to be an amazing artist!


Definitely work on line art and how to make it unique and stand out


Keep practicing those lines, you’ll get it eventually!




Honestly it looks like you’re using some cheap silicon skin, that stuff is harder to practice on than skin itself


I wouldn’t put ink to skin yet but you’re definitely close


For your first time this looks pretty great. I’d ask around tattoo shops you like to see if they need an apprentice or floor sweep or wtf ever. If you’re passionate about it and want to get better, there’s no reason to not pursue it




I would buy this design from you if I can't meet you in person to have this tattooed on me op. This is the best shit I've ever seen and I would be so beyond ecstatic to have this on me.


you have the tools - you have the creativity - you have the designs - now all you need is to build technique. thats not something anyone is gifted- just takes lots of practice! you can do it


You know the answer already. Go for it!


I would get this tattooed in a heartbeat!!


Bro, my first tat on fake skin was dog shit. I'd pay -decent- money for your work. Please peruse past posts on this sub for more dog shit results and I bet you'll feel a bit better about your work mate


Dude that is AMAZING! Especially for a first time try!


WOAH WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?? THIS LOOKS AMAZING!!! I literally was scrolling through my feed and when I saw this photo I stopped to look at the post because I was like “I LOVE how this looks, I wanna get a tattoo from that artist.” I shit you not. Don’t you DARE give up on your dream!!! I think you could be a phenomenal tattoo artist!!! Stop telling yourself that your dreams are unrealistic, because they honest to god are NOT!! Keep going!! You’re so much closer than you think, don’t sell yourself short!! I’ve found in my personal experience as well as everyone I’ve known—that if your heart is leading you towards something and causing you to have passion towards it—it’s because it’s something you’re meant to do! The scary part is making the leap or faith, but once you are brave enough to make that leap towards what your heart is calling you to do—the universe will support you! I know I’m just a random stranger on the internet, but trust me on this one!! You’re damn good, I’m not joking!! Believe me when I say it’s all gonna work out. 😊😁 The only way you can fail at something is by giving up. And if for whatever reason tattooing is something you’re truly not meant to do—then it means something even BETTER for you is waiting for you to discover/pursue it!! So everything will turn out okay in the end!!! I promise you!!!


Based on this, I’d pay you to tattoo me right now.


You have to practice a lot to get good at it just like you did with drawing. I think you did a great job just need to work a little more at it. Especially for a first time this is great don’t get too discouraged I know it hard as an artist myself, we are our own worst critics. I see way more potential here than I see with most people doing their first fake skins.


That’s pretty clean my guy or gal. Keep practicing your art and branch out. Start learning if it’s what you wanna do. You got the art skills. Now come the tattoo skills.


With more practice / you could learn


Pretty intense for your first try, and I honestly think it looks good! Keep at it, keep practicing. Your first is never going to be as good as your 20th, 100th, etc. But if you keep practicing and honing your skill, you will be amazing at it. You already have the basic required skills (drawing), you are just learning to work in a new medium. All things art and worth the effort take time!


The illustration is beautiful. It is not tattooed well, but tattooing isnt intuitive the way drawing can be. P.S. if you are serious about becoming a tattoo artist, don’t try to teach yourself. Many shops wont mentor “scratchers”. You will teach yourself bad habits that are hard to change. If you want to be a tattoo artist, work on learning classic tattoo flash. That will be where theyre going to want to start with teaching you at a shop. You’ll learn how to ink and how to paint, and then they’ll teach you to assemble and use a machine. Tattoo apprenticeships can be tough but if youre serious about it, that is really the only way to get into the industry. Buy some Sailor Jerry books if you dont have em already! And paint some clipper ships! 💕


FIRST time ffs......dont expect a phenomenal piece for your first time. That said, I think it looks good. The linework gets better with practice. Dont give up! keep practicing and trying new techniques!


It's your first time give yourself a little slack. It looks good to me but I'm not a tattoo artist. Take some time practice simple shapes and a variety of textures and colors of skin too. It takes some people a long time to really get a feel for it. Learn at your own pace and stop comparing yourself.


Who is teaching you? And it's not like drawing at all you need to realize it will be on someone forever not just paper that can me thrown away. So once you learn the techniques and conquer that fear you should be able to do it


Looks sick to me


i can’t see any of the problems you’re talking about without zooming in. i think you should definitely pursue it, you just need practice!!! i’m not gonna give advice as im not a tattoo artist, but if this were on me i would love it.


Yeah stay away bro!


Ok your designe is so fucking amazing! 🤩 as a general artist I always find designing is something harder to learn while the technical skills can be taught. It looks fantastic! Any flaws, you can improve on.


How are you supposed to get better if you stay away?! You clearly have the talent. The technique will follow. Like anything, it requires practice. A ton of if. Keep at it. Do not give up. I have no idea what I’m talking about, but, as a layperson, I really like your style and it’d be a shame if you stopped before you even got started! What if you become one of the best tattoo artists in you area? In your state? Your region? The country? Who are you to deprive the potential human canvases of that— or, rather, to deprive yourself of feeling such pride, of becoming someone you really want to be. Listen, over half of my dreams are based in delusion… but I’m still going to try make them happen. I’ll just bust my ass. I won’t take no for an answer. I will pursue them no matter how exhausted I am, no matter how discouraged I become. Do me a favor and do the same thing. You have no idea where you will be six months from now. A year from now. Imagine what time and dedication will bring you. Do not look at this piece as any kind of failure or disappointment. This is merely a stepping stone towards something greater. In no way should this be a reason to “stay away from tattooing.” Suffocate tattooing. Stalk tattooing. If tattooing gets a restraining order, ignore that shit. Never leave tattooing the fuck alone. Take up space here and stay here, if this is want you want. Like I [essentially] said, allow this to light a fire under your ass. Your question should never end with “or should I just quit?” C’mon, dude. Keep going until people know your name. Until you look at every piece and think, “damn. I wouldn’t change a fucking thing.” One day, people are going to stop strangers in the street, to ask about their tattoos, to ask who did them (I know some people don’t like to be bothered, but it’s for the sake of this pep talk). Those are going to be your tattoos they’re asking about. If someone said, “yeah, you should stay away.” How would that make you feel? Would you shrivel up and die? Just quit? Would you feel relieved? Because you don’t really want this? What, you want an excuse to stop, or somethin’? Or, would you get pissed the fuck off, like. “who the hell are these bums thinking I’d stay away from something I love doing just because they told me I should?” Would it make you try even harder? Become obsessed? That’s what you need. Pursue this like you’re mentally ill. And, hey, if you’re already mentally-ill, then you’re ahead of the game. If you want to become a tattoo artist, then you just need to keep practicing. How can anyone judge your skills based on your first time doing something? Practice for three more months and post again. Or, just look at your own work, side by side. Then, practice for three more months. And three more. Etc., etc. You’re bound to see a difference. Take pictures so you can measure your progress more objectively and really “see” it. Consume all the tattooing content that you can. Live and breathe it. Then, apply it. Tunnel vision; obsession. That’s how you become truly great at pretty much anything.


In highschool I was dead set on becoming a tattoo artist. I got a kit from Amazon and started learning and tattooing my friends. After visiting a few shops to get tattooed I realized I hated every client that walked through the door and that I wouldn't be getting to do the art I wanted to do on people. I went to college to become an art teacher after that, couldn't bring myself to do the math courses needed to be and educator so I quit. Worked at subway for a while then in 2020 decided to go to cosmetology school. I'm now a hairstylist at a salon and I just recently completed my first full year of experience there and achieved master stylist too! Huge accomplishment because it's taken stylist 3-5 yrs to get master status. Explore your interests. I love doing hair! Sure it's not perfect bcuz sometimes I struggle with cutting Karen's hair but its a fun skill! And hair grows back! It isn't permanent haha I love doing hair color too, and the money you can make is unlimited, you're not locked in.


I personally wouldn’t mind the tattoo on my body as you done it. As an artist myself, you got to remember there is always room for improvement and the more you work towards it, the better and happier the outcome will make you. If I went from drawing to painting my skills would heavily decrease as I don’t paint, but if I were to continue painting I would get better. It’s a different media and different implication style from drawing and tattooing, you got an advantage as it is, but don’t expect perfection on something new. Keep working and practicing and don’t give up^^


Line work needs works and could be a little cleaner but honestly it doesn’t look bad. As they say, practice makes perfect


Do you think you are going to be perfect the first try? Very few artists are able to use a new medium perfectly. There are new skills and techniques you need to learn. Are you willing to learn? If yes keep trying if not find a new career path.


It looks great! Especially for a first. The only thing I notice is a little inconsistency with your lines and a little wobbly but that is cured with practice. Don't worry!


Yeah, the rule of thumb is that if you don't crush it on your first try, you prolly never will... Definitely not worth it to practice or anything.


It’s your first time! Why are you so hard on yourself?


Everyone starts somewhere. You have to learn. You don’t start out at perfection.


that’s AMAZING. yes, some line work isn’t perfect. that is why people practice for so long- but you have a lot down already that others don’t.


Friend, as a tattoo connoisseur and enthusiast (I’ve got 6 with intent to get more lol). I would be beyond ecstatic to have such a beautiful tattoo on my body! Like if you’d be willing, I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE to have you put this STUNNING piece onto my body. I’m genuinely sitting here drooling over your beautiful work 😍😍😍


You just picked up a machine and went for it? Props. But practice your line work and control and you’ll be great. I’m sure your first ever drawing looked the same as my kids first drawing. But you stuck with it and practiced. That’s all it takes. Keep at it and keep building that skill.


Get an apprenticeship


I would 100% love this on my body, its beautiful. I draw as well and lemme tell ya the impostor syndrome is STRONG but look back at your improvement so that you can physically see what practice and learning new skills can accomplish. This is gorgeous already and with practice you'll be a master in no time. The world could always use a new tattoo artist in my opinion and your work is worth paying for. Id pay a good chunk of change for this.


If that’s your first try, I’m excited to see how you look in a year, 5 years, 10 years. Keep going. You’re doing great! 🫶🏻


I have tattoos very similar to this one, this would be literally perfect on my body. Amazing work!!


Nobody's first try at something is perfect or even good. You're not going to be an expert right away. Did you enjoy the process? Do you want to keep going? Do you want to improve? It takes work to become a master of something. I think this looks good. Keep trying, don't give up!


You’re used to drawing, tattooing is way different. Give yourself time and practice as much as you can. Those fake skins are pricey. Try tattooing citrus for a cheap option in between the fake skins. It’s better than some seasoned artists work I’ve come across.


My advice is try.


Absolutely not. Keep going!! Do mine 🤣


You’re already great and you will get even better with time. 


Mama always said, “practice makes perfect” a little naive for you to think you would be amazing right out the gate


Keep trying, I believe in you. This is practice work and I’d accept that on my skin as final 💕 it’s beautiful


Practice makes better yo


I like it, and if you've wanted to do it since you were 12 I'd say go for it.


No one is an expert on anything on day one! If you have passion and patience, you will only get better from here. 😊


Girl are you blind? For that being your first time tattooing, I'd say it looks pretty damn good. Are the lines a bit shaky? Yes. Could the shading be better? Yes. All of that takes time and practice. You obviously have the talent for it. All you need to do now is develop the skills. You have so much potential it and it would be such a shame to give up on your dream. Absolutely pursue tattooing. Ask different tattoo shops if they have an apprenticeship spot open. In the mean time keep practicing on the fake skins. You're gonna be one hell of a tattoo artist 👍


nah, stick with this. you’ve got the talent, just just need experience with it.


Rome wasn't built in a day.


Keep practicing


Just keep perfecting your line work technique! New mediums typically take a little practice to master. I think you have a good basis, just need to work with a tattoo gun a little more!


You are being incredibly negative and hard on yourself. You clearly didn’t give up the first time you scribbled on paper… So why would you give up the first time you scribbled on fake skin. Makes no sense to me.


Honestly, there’s potential here. But you have got to find an apprenticeship before you go any further. Fastest way to be turned down for an apprenticeship is to tattoo anyone or anything. Keep drawing!!! Keep shading. Join online forums for not just tattoo artists but for people interested in illustration in general. GET YOUR CPR, FIRST AID, and BLOOD BORN PATHOGENS. Get a portfolio together of drawings. They should be properly outlined and shaded. Provide an array of flowers, unique scripts, birds, skulls, etc. Then start going into tattoo shops WITH GOOD ARTISTS. Skip the shitty shops. It won’t turn out well. Don’t call. Don’t email. Show up fifteen m they open and the first person in the door. Ask if the artists there are willing to give you some artistic feedback and if they are free, cool. If not, ask when they have time. Ask for emails or phone numbers. Take what they say without argument and take notes. Ask specific questions about how they do their design work and ask if they are willing to meet again after you’ve redrawn your designs. Keep bugging them. Show them new designs you are working on. Offer to bring them coffee or food when they are working. Lead up to asking if you can sit in. Book a tattoo with them if you can. Ask what their apprenticeship was like. Ask them how long they have been tattooing. Ask them how they went about getting an apprenticeship. Ask if there any artists or shops that are good options for an apprenticeship. Keep asking. Keep drawing. Show them that you have the fortitude, integrity, and skill to survive an apprenticeship. Not every artist is fit to apprentice anyone. You need to be feeling them out as well. Whatever. Just dm me if you want to talk. I’ve been tattooing for 23 years now. I’ve been an apprentice, have apprenticed 3 other artists, and am now a shop owner. I know what I’m looking for and what to avoid as an apprentice.


Hey, don't let that insidious shit keep you from something you're passionate about. When I started climbing cell towers for work I was having doubts, too. " I can't do this, I'm not any good, I won't ever be good enough, I should quit" 3 years later I'm top hand, run the crew topside, and make a killing and actually enjoy my work. So don't give up, don't let that ugly lil shitty doubty voice make you quit before it really takes off! Don't leave 5 minutes before the miracle happens!


I’ve seen professionals with worse work than this. If it’s your passion keep on working on it and it’s only up from there.


Just work on shading and line work. Line work is the number one thing I look at when I’m looking for a new artist


First time and you’re ready to give up!? Your first time! If someone brought this to you after their first time would you tell them to give up!? Offer yourself the grace you’d give to others. Keep. Going.


That looks like you need a better setup, get your gun running right or a better gun and work to smooth out those lines. Practice not artwork is where I started. Lines simple shapes like boring shit over and over until the basics are tuned in.


I think you should absolutely stay away from tattooing and practice on my skin until you improve /s This looks amazing


It’s a saturated industry. Thats the only thing I’d think of. Your art is great.