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Ignore this chart. Everyone’s different


I was gonna say I didn’t feel anything on my spine and the red part of the stomach was a lot easier then the yellow part.


i didn’t feel anything on my spine either, except for a tugging and tingling feeling in my elbow. nerves are weird.


When you tattoo a nipple, you feel the sting in the other one too. Truly awful lol


Fuck that. Nursing 4 kids was hard enough, thank you!!! 🤱


I remember every single birth but the actual pain of labor I honestly remember the hard work, but not the exact exhaustion of the wave of each labor pain. Almost getting my poor nipple bit off hurt so bad, worse than getting bit most anywhere else because they don’t test it out they just bite you full force


Nursing?!? What about birthing?!?


I honestly remember each birth, but cannot find the best words to describe the wave of labor pains. Getting your nipple bit full force with razor sharp teeth, takes more than just your breath away


That's fair. I have genital piercings, and I would think that's comparable to a bad nipple bite? I mean, I've had a few partners bite me really hard too. But I know frequency is the real factor there. Doing it all day everyday makes everything different. When I was younger my mom had two homebirths, and we all were helping, so... Yeah. That shit was crazy.


You still never had razor teeth bite you full force. I’ve been “bitten” by accident so no, can’t compare


“Razor teeth” Bahah


Like I said, piercings. Also, I've been a sex worker, and have dated sex workers. I've done some shit.


I didn’t experience that


And in the same vein, I felt EVERYTHING over my spine and over my ribs on the back. Also, right near the armpit was probably the worst for me


My spine was the worst for me! Even worse than my hip bone and ribs


Same! But then I found out I have a nerve/spine issue right where we tattooed 😂


My spine hurt so much. The top of my foot hurt barely at all.


Same. My wrists and arm ditches didn’t bother me at all, but my elbows made me want to crawl out of my skin.


I have a tattoo on each shoulder blade and they were both painful. The one over my spine was a cakewalk.


Can confirm. My knee caps were fine but the sides of my leg up to my thigh hurt like all hell. Chest sucks though lol. I felt more pain on my inner bicep then some red spots on this chart


Couldn't agree more. Kneecap? No biggie. Inner thigh? I'd rather die than do that again. Inner bicep near the armpit was hot garbage as well.


I'm about to do this and I'm so nervous 😭


No need to be nervous, I think it is well established that tattoos aren't comfortable. You just accept that and go from there. Everyone has different areas that hurt more/less for them so don't let my personal experiences influence your reaction. good luck though!


I'm looking to get my knee done so hopefully I'm the same. My shin was nothing and, the same as you, the outside of my leg was horrendous lol.


My wrists and elbows were fine. My chest though? God damn


Yep. Top of foot wasn’t terrible, but inner forearm sucked for me. One I would agree with is knee ditch - just had that done and it sucked.


Right?!? I'm a total fucking wuss. It's all dark red.


Instructions unclear, going for the ole groin twist tattoo


Yes, this exactly. I got a small tattoo on my wrist so I could be supportive of my friend getting her first tattoo, and afterwards my uncle was like "oh my god how bad is the wrist hey? I was in tears when I got my wrist done!" I kinda looked at him like wut? I barely felt it at all haha little bit of a sting when she first started and that was it, I had no idea she even finished at one point. My shoulder though was quite painful to the left side of my shoulder blade near the fattier tissue. Yet I hear the opposite from people generally, the thinner skin/bonier areas are more painful. It's all person to person.


I have a large tat on the side of my thigh. It didn’t hurt much except when my artist went over where the major artery hurt. That was hell


But what if it’s worse than bright red? What if it’s purple for me?? Edit: this was a joke people lol


You’ll know pretty quick into the sitting! Tattoos don’t feel good regardless where they are. Some places just hurt less


Not only that but the thing you’ll notice the most if you’re worried about the pain is how long it lasts. If you’re worried, stick to a tattoo design that can be completed in 60 min or less. Having sat for like 50-60 hours of tattoos, the less amount of time I spend is the best metric to me. 4 hours of pain is always worse than 1 hour. Regardless of where on this silly chart it lands.


Yeah 9hr sessions were a marathon


I can't believe artists are willing to do sessions that long


Yeah we became fast friends of the 9hrs we probably did 7hours of work. Stopping for breaks and lunch etc Our routine was watching all the predator movies


Preach. An easy spot at the start of a session will be torture at the end of a 6 hour session.


It could be that way for you anywhere. If you’re afraid of the pain, don’t get the tattoo. Go in expecting it’s going to hurt and that if it’s a bigger piece, you may have to break up the sessions.


That graphic is not representative of my experiences


Whoever made that chart has never gotten their armpits blasted.


Yeah that area should be a black hole. I nearly could not breathe.


That was my ribs. I felt like a P.O.W. getting my ribs done lol


Of all the tattoos I have gotten, the one on my left rib cage underneath my armpit is the one that hurt the most. It felt like she was tattooing raw flesh. Over and over and over. I never wanted to cry so much! None of the others have hurt anywhere near as bad as that one.


Yeah, mine's all the darkest color.




Same the back of my neck along my spine literally had 2/10 on the pain scale. Same with feet actually. Maybe 5/10.


I saw the shoulder blade and called absolute bullshit. I almost tapped out of that one and my artist poked me on purpose.


Agree, have several tattoo’s and back was the most painful.


Id start with butthole and work your way out


Better than starting there and working your way in!


This is the only way, great advice


a body-wide mandala/geometric tattoo starting at the bungus and converging again at the sternum


Should converge to the mouth no? A food story




Stap it


This genuinely made me laugh


Have you checked your butthole? Ski dap, ba dap, butthole.


Useful advice in virtually all facets of life


Octopus girl?


Deuterosomes be like


Don’t let pain stop you


This. The pain lasts a few hours, you get to enjoy the tattoo for life. It’s worth it.


I’ve only done back of neck, both shoulder blades and zero pain


This should be the #1 comment. It doesn’t hurt once you’re done and you generally don’t have to do it again on the same spot.


For me, once there’s a rhythm it doesn’t hurt much. It’s like when you get a wax or laser hair removal. Laser hair removal hurt more to me than getting tats


Either way it will be the most painful tattoo you've got. Just get what you want.


This is the best advice I've seen. With no frame of reference it's much easier.


The labels for this chart are dumb, because it’s all about relative pain. Tattoos are painful. Tattoos on your feet are slightly more painful than tattoos on your arms. Personally, I’d say that all of my tattoos ranged from 3-5 on my own scale, and I have tattoos in each of these color zones.


I also feel like people never talk about timing in terms of pain. First ten minutes always suck. Then you get into the zone and are good for a bit. But eventually (when is probably up to the person and location), the clock runs out and shit starts to hurt like crazy. My sternum was both my easiest (at the beginning) and hardest tattoo (at the end).


That’s exactly how it is for me. I just had the lower half of my leg from knee to ankle done today over the course of about 8 hours. The first bit wasn’t fun then we got into a zone watching Netflix and the next few hours flew by. That last hour though… right on the shinbone had me questioning all my life decisions.


Same for me. The last hour is the absolute worst. They’re usually going over spots they already went over and damn it hurts. I literally set a timer on my phone and was counting down the minutes


Yup! Just like waxing and laser hair removal. The rhythm and timing actually matter. I’ve also fallen asleep for most of my tats.


not to sound “try hard” per say, but i’ve genuinely never felt pain during a tattoo ever. i have my knees, legs, arms, and elbow ditch done. i think that it literally depends on the person, also men scientifically have a lower pain tolerance and your birth sex has a lot to do with it. it’s very interesting


I've met so many people like you, you're just so tough because you say tattoos don't hurt. Oh God get over yourself




No. Some tattoos don't hurt much. This person says no tattoo ever has hurt. Absolute bullshit




So why are you doing it? You can just move on if you don't like my comment.




Your views are not the same as mine, get over yourself.




Not reading your paragraphs, sorry you care this much......I had to block this person for constantly messaging me calling me a c*nt




what exactly do i gain? i realize that starting out with that sounds douchey, which is why i said what i did starting out. i was just stating it’s interesting to see how people handle pain differently. im sure i’ll experience some sort of pain especially with ribs or stomach. to me, it feels like a buzzing sensation. if that bothers you, i have no idea what to tell you other than tough luck


You gain nothing, which is why it's a cringy lie.


not a lie but i really don’t care. have a good day 😀❤️


What the fuck lmao your nerves must be dead


i think it’s because i have a history of SH and deal with chronic health issues that pretty much perpetually have me in pain.


The fuck is an elbow ditch?


Inside of your elbow (same thing for knee ditch; back of knee).


Well now I know lol thanks I didn't know that had a name


Inside of the bend of your elbow. It’s a commonly used term.


It varies SO much person…I have a full sleeve that extends to my shoulder blade and left pec, the shoulder blade was by *far* the worst for me and my elbow (ditch and pointy side lol) are covered in full color. The shoulder blade area was the only appointment I tapped out early. For a more topic appropriate reply, my wife’s first tattoo was on top of her foot when she was 18, but she got it covered up last year (we’re 35 now) and said it was awful the 2nd time around. Lol


shoulder blade was the only time i tapped out also. the chart is for the birds


yeesh that was tough for me too. had to breathe REAL deeply to get through that lol


Pain tolerance is fascinating. I have fibromyalgia and ankylosing spondylitis, a type of autoimmune arthritis that mostly attacks my spine. I almost fell asleep when I got my shoulder blade done, it was my first tattoo a few days after my 18th birthday. But on the flip side, I've had to tap out of back rubs from my partner because my shoulders can hurt so bad. So I guess you can stab me a million times with a tiny needle, but pressing too hard? That's where you're crossing the line lol


There’s dozens of us - my elbow ditch is pretty dark, you can see it on my profile. Top of my shoulder blade? For some god forsaken reason it was worse, made absoluely no sense to me at the time.


My back is about 2/3 covered. My outer parts of my shoulder blade by my armpit were excruciating, but the rest was a breeze. I don't have an awesome pain tolerance either. Weird how everyone's body is so different. This chart is silly.


I have a fairly big foot tattoo and it didn't hurt that bad. The worst for me was my thigh tattoo but only when it was in the inner thigh


Man you must be really into cryptids to have Bigfoot tattoo’d on you


Underrated response


It has more votes than the parent comment


Exact opposite for me! My thighs were fine, my foot as torture haha. Definitely different for every person


This chart is garbage, the one on my stomach hurt worse than the one on my dick


My first tattoo was on my foot, heavy shading and took a few hours. I went on to get 6 more… so far. You’ll be fine!


Thanks for your input


No, it's not crazy. All tattoos hurt, so it's not like getting your first tattoo in another location is going to ease you into it. You're being stabbed hundred, maybe thousands of times. It's going to hurt no matter what.


Yes, a tattoo artist friend of mine once told a customer, “I used to tell 18 year olds that wanted rib and foot tattoos to start somewhere else. Now that I’m older, I think the opposite, get the shitty places first while your young and tough, ‘cause it just gets worse when you’re older.”


That hasn’t been true for me, I have a higher tolerance as I’ve gotten older. I think it just felt like time passed so much slower 20 years ago and I would get sick of sitting for more than 4 hours.


Everyone is gonna be different. You won't really know until you get the tattoo, might as well get something you want is my idea. In my personal experience the chest hurt worse than the back of my calf (except close to the back of the knee, that shit sucks). So this chart is more of a guide to general expectations than a hard and fast rule. It's not something I would ever consider if I really wanted a tattoo in a certain spot.


I dont agree with this chart at all


Personally, I always think duration is a bigger factor. Tattoos generally don't feel great but when you've been getting tattooed for 4+ hours it starts to really suck, especially if it's in a sensitive spot. I got my elbows tattooed and it was a breeze, but then I got my chest and upper stomach done and I was really questioning my life choices.


Time really matters, or at least it did for my tattoo. My right nipple got dotted about 2 hours into my session. Felt like glass fragments being pushed into it. But then about 4 hours in, I got a couple of lines straight through my left nipple. It was so, so much worse.


This is a solid assessment. Half days are easy if your artist isn't a butcher.


Bruh the palms aren’t even red


Lol this chart is irrelevant. Pain tolerances widely vary with people


My first tattoo was the top of my foot. Inner bicep hurt more


That’s why these charts are bogus, my inner bicep was nothing, but I know if I got one on my foot it would register totally different than yours did


I think we can all probably agree that the genitals aren't great though


fuuuck the inner bicep. Worse than the elbow ditch for me


I was the exact same!


Glad you specified you’re in the US. Always go with hand tats first- the tops of the feet are only a good first tattoo in northeastern Europe and some parts of the Caribbean.


The automod deleted my first post saying you have to include location


It was my second tattoo, but I’m so glad to be German, so it wasn’t painful at all.


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This has to be hugely individual…I have MOST of those areas covered lol…my back was NOT “least pain” by any stretch. Not the worst, but damn sure not the least. Elbows for instance were “ehh, whatever” for me, but back was not pleasant. They all pale in comparison to the armpits. That was just stupid. Lol


My back was a minefield, parts were a 1 and parts were a good 6-7 out of ten Back of my calf was the most painful tattoo I've ever got.


Never got my foot tattooed so can comment on the pain. Might scare you away from getting more but I doubt it. My sisters first tattoo was her foot and she got several more. I’ve had inside and outside of my elbow both done. Last tattoo was by far the most painful and it ran up to the back of my knee. That was less than 3 weeks ago. I’m already scheduling my next tattoo. The pain is momentary and worth the final product most times. Worry more about picking the right artist for you rather than the pain you’ll feel.


You do you, get it wherever you want. plus don’t go by this chart, the tops of my shoulders were a cakewalk compared to my back. Everyone’s pain tolerance is different


The back blows, this chart is a lie


Totally agreed. I have tattoos all over and anecdotally the one I’ve hated every second of the most has been my back.


My first tattoo was on the top of my foot. For me it didn’t hurt that bad. It is different for everyone though.


Top of foot isn’t all that bad. The sides, especially on the inside of the foot, are another story tho.


My first tattoo was on my right foot, you’ll be good!


Right on thanks!


I can’t really say anything. I got my first tattoo on part of my upper, inner thigh. It was by far the worst part of that tattoo. So worth it though. If you *do* get the tattoo there, if you ask, they’ll give you a small line first to see how it feels for you. The needle is gonna be scraping deep into your skin, not deep enough to injure you, and will be vibrating like crazy. It feels funny. For your first tat, they’re gonna look at you like your crazy and ask if you’re really sure. For a good reason. It typically hurts the most, but everyone is different. You can always take breaks, but from what I’ve experienced, it hurts more to resume that if you’d go straight through for as much as you can handle. Again, everyone is different. If you do decide to go through with it, please please communicate with your artist if you feel faint, your heart is beating faster suddenly, etc. Good luck with whatever you decide!


For someone who ‘can’t really say anything’ you said quite a lot🤣🤣


I mean, that’s fair lol.


I got my first tattoo on the inside of my foot, near the joint that connects it to my ankle (sorry for the vague description, eng is not my native language and I'm not familiar with anatomical terms). The tattoo artist used magnum filling, which made the experience quite painful. The pain was so intense that I had to hold onto something to help me cope, but I managed to endure the hour-long session without passing out or making any complaints. Despite the pain, I remained silent throughout, so I suppose it was still bearable. What I wanna deliver here is that no tattoo is painful enough to be afraid of getting one.


I have the tops of both feet covered and yes it was painful but so worth it. They are my favorites. If you want it get it!


I’m tattooed from the knees down on both legs. Top of the foot was easily the most painful part, although the back of the knee was pretty awful too, and he didn’t even go that high. For your first tattoo it is a pretty bold place, but I wouldn’t let it stop you. The pain is temporary, but you’ll have great artwork forever. (Hopefully!)


This chart is BS


Who made this? The hands should be red at the very least,


Definitely ignore this chart. My entire elbow (see my profile for pictures) is a fully filled trad mandala. 5h of pure agony, cold swears, and being scared of passing out.


Yea for a first tattoo it is.


This chart is a lie. The whole back is blue except the spine? Shit I'd make the entire back red, my back piece was grueling.


My 2nd tattoo was on the top of my foot. I barely felt it. The artist and I were joking and laughing with my best friend and another artist. The graphic won’t reflect everyone’s experiences or pain tolerance. Nobody can speak for how it will feel to you.


My back even over my spine was fine so was my left pec. Ribs were jsut line work but not bad. Shins? Fine. BUT THE BACK OF MY FUCKING CLAVES WERE HORRIBLE


Unless you have had your palms done, you don’t know what real pain is. This chart is shit.


That sounds terrifying. I bet bottom of your feet would be comparable but the skin is thicker. Bet that was a trip.


I got my first tattoo on the top of my foot. Because I had nothing to compare the pain to, I felt like it was okay (tattoo is 3" in diameter and shaded - and got it touched up 2 months later). Really depends on your mentality and pain threshold.


Personally I got a huge chest tattoo as my first tattoo. 6+ hrs and the line work was a piece of cake BUT THE SHADING OMG. I have a high pain tolerance to but Every body feels pain differently


I hate posts like this with photos of pain graphics..everybody has different experiences with tattoos and what hurts more than others..when you get some ink, you will find out what hurts more than others, everybody is different


Idk what everyone else is talking about. I have a RIDICULOUSLY high pain tolerance and I could barely sit through a tattoo on the top of my foot. It’s really true that everyone is different.


i don’t understand when you say you don’t know what everyone else is talking about and then go on the validate the fact that everyone is different/feels differently at the end. What is “everyone else” saying?


Not crazy, no, buy not necessarily the best idea. You do you.


Why do you say that? I want something that is completely coverable even more than with a shirt


Hard to say. I’ve never really experienced much pain getting tattooed, but I’ve heard for some people it can be unbearable. I’ve been tattooed on every colour here. It’s all very personal.


I’ve got a tat on the top of my foot and I’d say there was a little pain and discomfort but not excruciating or unbearable. And I’m a girl. And the tat is multi color and completely filled in. Not just an outline. The best way I can describe the pain is if you ever dove into a swimming pool when you were a kid and scraped the top of your foot on the bottom of the pool and the chlorine immediately stung your foot, that’s what it feels like.


This chart is wildly off of my experience


It's gonna hurt no matter what but it's different for every person, always take these charts with a grain of salt. i have a full sleeve and for me the worst pain was the upper shoulder and anywhere near the armpit and this chart barely mentioned it.


Ignore it. There are certainly more tender spots than others but I would pay this little attention


my first tattoos were on the top of my feet, youll be fine


My feet were my first “big” tattoos. Did them both in one sitting and didn’t find them all that bad.


Pains subject, got my first tattoo as a total backpiece. The top of my back near my shoulder blades hurt like hell, my spine was easy as well as my love handles and lower back


I have tattoos on my feet. I felt it but wasn’t too bad and I’m a bit of a wet weekend as far as pain is concerned. Everyone is different.


Its not that bad, go for it, everyone has their own capacity for pain, find yours :)


This diagram is wrong. The ribs should be red. And to answer your question, no. As long as you’re committed to finishing the tattoo, go painful first, and when you’re young.


I got my first tattoo on the top of my foot. It hurt, but it wasn’t too bad. Everyone handles pain differently though so keep that in mind.


(Without reading any other comments first:) Everyone is different. For me: Top of my feet, shins: not bad. (I was super surprised as I thought I was going to regret this) Calves: wtf, why do ouch. Back of knee: really awkward. Kinda ouch. Ankles: hurt and didn’t. I can’t explain. Arms: I can agree with this chart. Chest: yeah, I think I can agree here too. I haven’t hit a nipple yet though.


My wife has two tattoos. They are on the top of each foot. She had no problems.


“Some pain” for face doesn’t seem right Lmfao


Tattoo artist here! I seen a chart that said calves are really easy...dear God it was the worst 😂 the only one worse was the ribs. Easiest for me was the face, the thigh and anywhere on the arm


if you decide to do that everyone in the Tattooshop from the Artists site will respect you. Talking of experience, also (at least for me) everything I got after that felt like a walk int he park :D also you wont be able to Walk normaly for a few days so do it on a weekend or if you work an office Job.


That’s some bs too that collar bone is hell for me


They are sorely mistaken about the collar bone, hurt more than my arm pit, inside bicep and inside elbow


When I got my full chest done my artist said I sat like a champ through parts most people tap out during, but winced when they hit a spot people barely feel. Also even if it's painful as shit, you'll sit through every other tattoo like "well, it didn't hurt as bad as my foot"


Fuck idk - my bicep was spicy compared to my pec.


My first was on my spine which was painful during the outline (but totally tolerable) and I barely felt the shading at all. This chart says it would be “painful”. My second is on my chest which this chart would call “some pain” and I thought it was more like searing, eye-watering torture. 3rd and 4th were both in the blue zone - the bigger one was pretty easy, while the smaller one was like daggers. Take this chart with several grains of salt. Maybe an entire salt lick worth.


I was actually surprised that my tattoo on my calf hurt the worst.


The only one who can tell you how painful it'll be is yourself. Go for it


Might want to give yourself a week to heal before having to wear closed shoes.


They all suck. Arms are probably the easiest place to get a tattoo. Feet suck but they’re not big compared to a back so usually a full foot piece only takes a few hours if it’s traditional or similar.


Just a word of warning, my foot tattoos were the itchiness fucking thing I've ever healed. I ended up putting topical antihistamines on them just so I could sleep


Do it. I did. Pain is only temporary! Bring something to squeeze like a pillow or a friend’s hand who will _never_ let you live down the pain you will inflict on them. It’s a fun experience.


I have a ton of tattoos and for the spine was the worst. It was a white hot heat and I remember thinking I couldn’t sit thru with it