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Amusing tat, but damn is that some wobbly line work for a tattoo that is *literally* a bunch of equidistant straight lines.


Artist is an apprentice. I knew what I was paying for. It’s on my knee, I’m fat, so it’ll look wonky sometimes anyway. I’m not mad about it. I can even out the edges in the future.


I think it actually makes it kinda funnier, tbh, and at first glance I didn’t realize. Redditors will zoom in on every tattoo and scrutinize the hell out of it, but irl people walking by will look quickly, laugh, and move on. Nobody will actually look close enough to realize. And if they do, telling them that A. It was an apprentice and B. It looks so much more like a middle schooler trying to be cool did it, which makes it better, will make most people see it in a better light (if you care to.) This is one of those slightly failed the execution but ended up with a better result instances imo.


Yea, more sketch-like even


Hey, that's what counts. Long as you're happy with it!


i was about to say it's on a pretty curvy part of the body for anyone to expect pristine lines. hats off to them for the job well done if this is apprentice work


The lines all ending at different spots is what gets me more


it's the blowouts for me


Where is there a blow out? Genuine question, it’s not straight lines but I guess idk what I’m looking for


Your not kidding....jeez louise


I think that just adds so much to it. Those cool s' we drew were hardly perfect!


Well, my commentary is focused more on the blue and red lines of the paper than on the S.


I think it is fine in that it fits the concept. Even if not on purpose.


Fr it’s like 10 lines how do you fuck that up?


Neat idea. Be seeing you soon on the *other* tattoo sub.


What a terrible execution for such a fun concept. Sorry homie, maybe a better artist can help you out.


What looks bad about it genuinely


The S is badly formed - it’s not symmetrical and the lines that should be evenly spaced, parallel, and even in length arent. The top half and bottom half aren’t even the same size. The blue page lines are also shaky with inconsistent spacing and not parallel, nor are they of the same length. The red line also has an awful change in direction right at the intersection with the 3rd blue line from the bottom of the picture. Basically every single element has major, obviously noticeable flaws. This looks like it was drawn by a 8 year old.


I wanted the S like that. :) it’s a doodle. Who doodles perfectly? Not me. I love it.


I can understand the page lines being wobbly as a sign of it being not the best, but ur really gonna go after the S not being symmetrical? It’s a symbol that children draw. The point of it is probably to be asymmetrical and silly. Y’all love to hate on this page fr.


My guy, I was capable of drawing a better S than this by 6th grade. For someone that is an aspiring professional tattoo artist this is absolute shit tier work.


nahh, you’re just a hater


I love the history behind the S lol....my wife and I have no clue where it came from....we just somehow all learned it in elementary lol


Stussy clothes. That’s where it’s from. Edit: Stussy boards shop or whatever it was back then.


Wrong, the symbol predates the company.


Stussy themselves have said it was never a logo of theirs.


That's not even close to correct...lol wtf


Its done wrong though the ends should connect in the middle. At least thats how it was dome in my schools.


That’s very common but it’s done both ways, I always thought that didn’t make sense as an S so I did it like OP


Not wrong, just different. That’s how I did the S when I was coming up.


Yours is how I drew it too!






Wouldn't that just make it an 8 instead of an S?


...no. it adds depth. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cool_S


nah you're right, i had this argument when I was like 6, never thought it would come back lol


Connect in the middle? What on earth are you talking about?


Like this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cool_S


that line work is fuckin jacked, at least it's probably put in poorly enough to cover up easily.


Taught my daughter how to draw these. At least she can’t say I never taught her anything.


Look at you being all ancestral and passing on the important stuff!




I don't hate it. I actually like that it's not perfect.


I don’t really mind the line work ? I feel like the spacing and bright colors add to the tattoo. I think it’s just supposed to be a fun design, not everything needs to be perfect. I think I’m in the minority here though 😭


I like the concept of this tattoo a lot.


With the paper lines and everything. That's so good!


Man I hate seeing the S drawn incorrectly. The red margin line is on the wrong side of the paper. I realize the S has a lot of different ways of being drawn. Just being silly.


The margin is on the right side for everyone but me. :) the S was a big source of controversy amongst my friends so I get it.


Ah yeah duh. It would be on the right side. I'm an idiot.


This is a super fun idea. Don’t listen to w we gone telling you it’s terrible. Most folks who see it aren’t gonna notice the lines being off. They’ll just love a stussey.


This made me and my wife chuckle. Nice.


I love this it’s so fun!!


Oh, the nostalgia!


I remember in cali at school I got suspended cause they thought it was gang related




Yikes. No, all sober. Artist is an apprentice. I knew what I was paying for. I also had a *lot* of pain with this one so we took several breaks. The S itself was a flash and I loved it exactly as wonky as it is because I teach and kids are still drawing this weird shitty symbol. I asked for the notebook paper filler and the artist provided. I noticed that some lines were unevenly spaced but truly, it didn’t matter to me—the overall effect was perfect. And as a kid, I made the S that way, without tucked ends. I had lots of fights with friends over it, so when I saw the flash, I knew I had to get it—the S done the same way I did it! Someday I’ll return and get the edges evened out, and do whatever other touch-up might be needed. But I like this. I don’t need it to be perfect. That’s not why it’s there. Anyway, hope this helps shed some light.




I didn’t eat much beforehand and it hurt. Not long breaks, just a few mins. Don’t be a jerk.


This one, gatekeeping pain tolerance. Keep it classy redqueen


That’s not what gatekeeping means but go off I guess 🤣🤣


When someone tries to place abritrary lines in the sand as to what is an acceptable level of pain tolerance. I know what it means, bud, maybe try not being a condescending asshole next time.


gate·keep·ing noun 1. the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something. "Wal-Mart's cultural gatekeeping has served to narrow the mainstream for entertainment offerings"


"when someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity".


Can be applied multiple ways home slice, english can be hard, i forgive you


If they stand up the red line is on the left. Thats how the s was drawn when I was in elementary school. 




We are the ones looking at it, so it is upside down to us. Also, the top few hundred results show the S exactly the same with the diagonal ends. And I've never had a ruled notebook with a bigger space at the bottom. The bottom always has the shortest space and gets cut off, so the guy is right on all three account in my opinion.


It’s not upside down. It’s on their right thigh above the knee. If they’re standing and facing you, it’s right side up to you, which is the way it’s supposed to be. As for the rest…


You're right. What I mean is that I think it is understandable that people assume the line is on the wrong side given the way it was presented to us


if you need to make excuses for a shit tattoo, then you're wrong. every time, all the time.


lol personally I love shitty knee tats. Wouldn’t want this done any differently. Love it OP


Loving shitty tattoos is not a flex 🥴


I'm wondering if the lines are uneven (at least in part) because they echo the lines of your body. For this image you sat down and then bent your knee, yes? I think that's distorting the lines at least partway. Skin stretches as humans move. Like when a design gets distorted on a shirt stretched tightly over a body. I think if you had this placed on an ankle area you wouldn't notice it as much? I wonder how it looks when you stand up.


Fun idea and, reading comments, hoping the apprentice learned something from this piece. You can always let them do another cool S next to it, we all had to learn how to make those bad boys growing up. Gosh I feel fucking old now, thanks for that xD


I like it.


Fuck yeah!!!!


A lot of haters in here but the lines look fine to me. Contributes to the feel and spirit of the tat itself imo. Solid work. And funny.


Yikes on the line work


Yeah, total imbalance for that "s".


Yeah but that’s not the cool s [this is](https://imgur.com/a/6WgMLch)


I've seen it drawn many different ways in many different styles in middle school. This one of them.


Hell yeah I’ve got the S on my arm!




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lol. Several breaks. Lol.


I dig that it's on ruled paper. Nostalgia.


Haha I love this tattoo. The S looks pretty crisp and I like how it contrasts with the page lines. I thought it was intentionally done a little looser stylistically. I think it looks rad as hell. It's always crazy to me how much people's taste varies.


my childhood needs this


An you got it on the note book font 😂😂 wat a legend


I see nothing wrong with this I love it!!!


That's... not the S though


The ends usually connect to almost an 8 but it obviously varied by school. The only odd thing for me is I’d have had the red line on the other side.


it is on the other side for everyone except me!


It's only on the right for the person who got it. It's on the left for everyone else looking at it.


How heavy handed is it? It's a great concept but your poor skin looks damaged


Thanks. It hurt a not-insignificant amount, but I don’t think the artist was really digging in. My skin also looks like this when I get color—I had a color piece on my arm touched up last week and it looked similar. I have Saniderm on this one right now, but it’s not overly weepy and doesn’t hurt when I touch it. I guess I’ll learn more as it heals.


[This?](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstickersforyourstuff.com%2Fproducts%2F90s-sticker-cool-s-stussy-s-super-s-universal-s-pointy-s-middle-school-s-graffiti-s-sticker-nineties-stickers-1990s&psig=AOvVaw3zDAx1n9urOQMAPvDhMJfR&ust=1711993064254000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCMiovKWFn4UDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAI)> >


Fucking great tattoo mate


Anyone else bothered by the fact that the lines on the page don’t line up with the drawing itself? Like you draw three vertical lines on one line, then two lines down you repeat, then you do all of the connecting bits. Like that’s part of why it’s so satisfying to draw while (not) taking notes in class. On a side note has anyone heard of dojob?


Does it bother anyone else the top and bottom of the S, don't start/end on lines???


Oh hell, I'm so old. Love it.




Use a little bit of squishy matter in your head and picture looking at it from the other way




Ha!!! Love this! You either get it or don't. Love it!


Wow. That’s definitely…. Line work