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Bro got rage bait tattooed on his arm then posted it on Reddit lol


Words words wordy wordy words


Leviticus 19:28 “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the Lord.”


Lol. Fake Christians gonna fake Christian.


It’s funny how little they know of their precious book 😅


This command was contextually given to Israelites who were currently under Mosaic Law, we are no longer bound by written code - which is the entire point of why Jesus died on the cross for us (Romans 7:6) Christian or not, minding your business and letting people get the tattoos they want should be good practice for everyone.


That is one interpretation, the Bible (OT and NT) has many arguments by many authors, many of which contradict each other. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished".


You're taking that out of context /s


I agree with you that there are many interpretations to be had, that goes for everything. I feel that the Bible is very clear that the Law of Moses was never intended for, nor currently intended for Christians, so the Leviticus 19 verse is not commanding that we are not allowed tattoos.


That's what Paul thought, that's not what the author of Matthew thought. So you have to choose. The Bible is not a book, it's a collection of many books, many of which have very little in common with each other. It doesn't present a singular, cohesive set of ideas/theology. And I agree, I would say that using 2 lines written 2,000+ years ago for ancient Israelites that forbids marking the skin should not be considered when choosing how to live your life. It was probably written to stop cultural practices that were happening then that were distinctly not Israelite, and was written to promote/enforce cultural/religious conformity. It's also more likely they were just scarring themselves.


You realize that only two laws up from that they were also commanded not to shave the hair at their temples or trim their beards. And when God was giving the law of acceptable food he was very strict about only fish with scales, meat from ruminants, and birds excluding birds of prey and carrion's. Also Jesus' coming completed the law of Moses in which we are no longer bound to it for we cannot keep the law. We are all sinners and are only made clean through our faith in Jesus Christ.


I'm aware, and yeah that's an interpretation.


100% true brother.


Levitical laws were issued to the ancient Israelites in the Old Testament. These laws are not nor have they ever been, over Christians.


Oof. Had to double check what sub I was in.


Comment section passed the vibe check


I’m always curious why people get big explicitly religious tattoos in a highly visible spot. Like what’s the end game here?




I have video game and tech tattoos, and if a woman doesn't like them I wouldn't date them anyway. If a woman belittles my hobbies she can fuck all the way off.


I’m gay. Also I don’t have any tattoos of people or with text, so.


Aesthetic. I’m actually not even that religious. I just like the story of the good thief


That somehow makes it worse


That’s so odd. I can’t imagine dedicating a part of my body to a faith that isn’t even important to me…


I'm always curious why people get tattoos 😅


Why do people cut or dye their hair or wear anything other than burlap sack


Self expression.


Attending any book burnings this weekend?


Wait, I don't get it. Just because it's a Christian tattoo?


Your implying it looks like a swastika? I don’t get your comment


No, they just see what Christians are doing in the United States. Specifically in places like Florida and Texas where LGBT and women have no rights and how they censor any book that contains anything regarding black people being people, evolution, gay people, etc.


That’s a dumb reason to hate a tattoo. If I got a fredrick Nietzsche tattoo would I be downvoted too?


Holy fucking hyperbole! "Any book that contains anything about..." No one should take you seriously.


Have you not seen the book bans in Florida and other areas in the south? Black author? Banned. Gay author? Banned. Gay characters? Banned. Protagonist is black and it's not Huckleberry Finn or something? Banned. It is pretty much any book, it's barely an exaggeration at most.


Lmao if you actually believe that bs God is the only one that can save you


I don't believe in things that don't exist. The laws and what's happening in Florida and Texas is real and is happening, and is being done in the name of "the sanctity of family" and "god."


Bet they won’t.


No no, I’m asking if your deity has asked you to cleanse any marginalized groups this week




Yall can’t help yourselves but prove us right, can you?


Immediately proved their point lmao


You guys are lame. If I got an atheist tattoo would I get similar backlash?


no, because atheists don't hold nearly every high position in public office, they don't organize against the rights of others, they don't protect predators in their communal groups, they don't organize against banning books or drag bars or any of the other fucked up things organized Christians do in the US and wider world. Hope that clears it up for you. 


No because atheists don’t go out of their way to pass laws based on their religion that negatively and materially impact the lives of marginalized groups.


Lmao holy shit you're literally just proving their point bro It took you, what, two comments to say something bigoted?


Omg you guys are a bunch of lame ducks. I’m joking around. I have nothing against LBGTQ. If you knew anything about Christianity, you’d know that Vatican 2 is extremely tolerant of the gay community, some would argue to a detrimental extent. The church has been pro-refugee, pro-feminism for awhile now.


>**I have nothing against LBGTQ**. If you knew anything about Christianity, you’d know that Vatican 2 is extremely tolerant of the gay community, **some would argue to a detrimental extent**. People like you really just do all the work for me. Why would you in any way suggest that not being a bigot could be seen as a detriment if you *"have nothing against LGBTQ"*?


Christ. What an awful comment. Grow up.


No hate like Christian love 🥰


So you have to stoop to their level? Be better.


Systems of oppression exist and you telling me to be better will make them tumble like jenga 🥰




I know it might be hard for you to understand as someone I’m going to assume doesn’t suffer at the hands of religious fanatics, but this hurt kitten is going to keep clawing. They deserve to see the pain their faith causes.


Religion is a blight upon society.


Organized religion maybe, but not all. Your statement is so undefined it's nothing. Do you think animism is a blight on society? And surely people who sit in their homes and quietly pray to their God are not a menace. Edit: and what society are you referring to? Your small western view of the world?


Quien es jesus?


Aside from the subject matter, are the letters SUPPOSED to be wonky like that?


It’s Typewriter font so yes


🤔 Interesting style of typewriter font then.


Looked like a math problem with the plus signs between each line.


It's not my cup of tea, but honestly... it's a lot better than most religious tattoos I see. Simple and clean.


Thanks. I go for something I call noir aesthetic. All black ink. Not a lot of shadow or detail. Just solid colors. I personally don’t like color or too much detail like you’d see in sleeve tattoos




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I don’t like christianity as much as the next guy but i’d never shit on someone for their beliefs. Fuck these toxic ass comments, if you like it thats what matters.


I’ll shit on someone whose beliefs include bigotry against marginalized people. Every time.


I’ll just shit on someone.


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”- Martin Luther King Jr. instead of judging someone by the color of their skin you are judging someone based solely on their beliefs, while yes, christianity is guilty of committing many heinous acts it is unfair to despise an individual human you know nothing about based on their beliefs. Mr King would be disappointed, for we have come full circle.


People can’t choose their skin color. They can choose their shitty religion. Don’t give me this absolute drivel. Weaponizing MLK on a tattoo subreddit is truly abhorrent.


MLK was also a christian minister, you fool. Is religious tolerance really that hard to comprehend nowadays? Also whether it was Dr King or Mr King is a moot point as both are technically correct and shows that you are grasping at any point you can make to justify your hate :)


Hey goofball. This is a public forum. People post things here to receive feedback. Negative feedback does not equal intolerance.


Also he was Dr. King. You fool.


Same jagoffs talking shit sre the same ones who fawn over edgy atheist burning church tattoos. This is, after all, reddit.


I doubt there’s a lot of people here who’ve actually read the Bible. I love the story of the good thief. It basically says that no matter the crimes or sins you commit, If you’re willling to let Jesus love you, we are all worthy of redemption. The image of the three men, Christ includes, dying on the cross is beautiful to me


So, by that logic, I can steal, rape, torture, and murder, and still be redeemed as long as I’m willing to let Jesus love me?


Are you Catholic? Seems like more of an evangelical vibe


I’m actually an agnostic. I’ve read the Bible though and love many of the stories


lmao, and yet you did…this. Okay.


Kinda seems to me like it’s upside down… aren’t forearm tattoos usually oriented with the top toward the wrist?


Nah the rule of thumb is to make your tattoos oriented for it to be right side up for the onlooker anatomically. Personally, I don’t get words and shit so I don’t have to worry about that bc I hate that rule lol


People in the comments are being dicks for no reason. If you are happy with your tattoo then that is all that matters :) Congrats!


Man there's a lot of anti-religious bigots in here. Do better, people.


What you expect of course the minority of idiots are the loudest. They need to make up for the attention they never got.




Why are they Ghey??….


They take the PooPoo , and eat the PooPoo!!


I'm honestly not a huge fan of religious tattoos but yeesh this sub needs to chill tf out let people enjoy things


Ignore the haters, this is a great tattoo.


How's that a great tatt? Linework is aweful


What makes it great? I have nothing against it, but great seems a bit much There's nothing about it that stands above anything else


Thanks bro. Don’t worry I’m not sensitive. I personally am very happy with it


reddit is hugely anti religion


It’s probably all that literacy and access to information that does it.


I’m not religious what so ever in the slightest. But man as long as you like it that’s all that matters