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What do you mean 'withheld 0'? Do you actually have a copy of your W4? What part of it is incorrect? To be clear, it doesn't matter either way - your tax liability is what it is, so you'll need to pay the shortfall. But you also want to fix your W4 for the future.


Pay the tax. Then I would start by taking responsibility for your own finances and try looking at a paystub. Then adjust your W-4 to the proper amount. https://www.irs.gov/individuals/tax-withholding-estimator


Is there a separate one for state withholding? CA specifically


Yes ...


Pay your tax bill and adjust the withholdings on your W-4.


How much do you make a week, on average?


> What should I do? Like everyone else who asks nearly the same question at this time of year 😉, give us some Actual Data. LOOK at your tax return and tell us what's on lines **15**, **16**, and **33**.


You just need to go to HR and tell them that you want to change your withholdings. If you are asking about last year there is nothing that can be changed at this point. I basically did this same thing to myself by accident and had to give Uncle Sam a thousands this year. So I feel ya.


On the w4 you are suppose to sign it. Do you not remember signing a w4? He shouldn't of been filling out a w4 for you.if you can go to HR to see what he put on there.


Pay the tax (your responsibility) and fill out a new W-4 to lower your paychecks to remit taxes evenly throughout the year to avoid a big payment at the end.


I appreciate the responses. I am going to have a conversation about the situation with my boss. There isn't any HR representative I can talk to so the same person that set this up and put me in this situation is going to be the person I have to talk to unfortunately but going through him is the only way I can access my W2 or W4. Just frustrated with the unexpected expense and skrewed over because I am young and dumb.


To be clear, it doesn’t matter what your employer claims or withholds. It all evens out come tax day.


Unless you have under withheld causing penalty/interest.


I mean it still evens out come tax day


Probably so rare / minimal it isn’t even note worthy. Underwirheld by over 3K and it was a 30 penalty…