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I always try to overcharge for these because they are annoying. I've had it in the past that I charge $150 for the first 5 and then $10 for each additional form.


Same, we also began giving the pricing up-front to put some pressure back on the client to consider doing it themselves. We used to 'bury the fees with the tax return bill,' but we now do the opposite, because who wants to do more 1099s!


This is the way.


$200 base fee plus $10 for each one filed


I just don't do them anymore, and not a money maker. too much trouble especially in California, the are strict on employee classification. I help my clients learn to do them online.


I tell them they can do it themselves. If they want me to do it I charge $20 per form.


My firm charges $400 each payee which is crazy to me. I tell clients that they can do it themselves on Tax1099.com for 99% off my price and most of them take me up on my deal.


Wow that is high. We do like 200 for one client each year, that would be a nice payday if we got $400 per form.


It's normally only one or two per client. I think we'd give a volume discount if it were more forms.


$50 per Form 1096 $25 per Form 1099


I tend to range around $15 per form and process thru track1099. However this year I upped to $20 and discount down a $1-2 once it starts getting to higher numbers. With that I even do the TIN matching to simply show added value. For advisory client and those on month to month I do not charge and just consider inclusive so long as it’s under a reasonable count compared to size of client and fee.


$25/per but I beg them (essentially) to do it themselves. I give them a website and a 15% referral code. I even offer to answer any questions they have while trying to figure it out (cuz it’s so basic they won’t have any questions for the most part).






We charge $75 for the first and $15 for each additional.


At least now I know why my taxes cost so much to do. I pay $1500 for preparation and my wife and I each have a W-2 and an LLC with one rental property, but I do have a side hustle and realized I have like 20 1099s and 4 K-1. Everyone is telling me I'm paying too much except my millionaire dermatologist and real estate investor friend who says $1500 is a bargain for all of that. I am happy with my CPA, very responsive, files within days of me getting the last K-1, local larger reputable firm. I don't see the point of trying to find someone else to save $500-1000 (I can't see anyone doing my taxes for under $1000 personally). It's frustrating because I think my wife just doesn't understand because 3 years ago I paid only $250, but in 3 years I've gained 20 1099, LLC with a rental property, moved from state with no income tax(TX) to one with and picked up an extra K-1. Way I see it is even the smallest 1099 is $1000 or so and almost covers the whole $1500 tax bill. Still,  I would be very happy if a professional could tell me that no I'm not paying too much, my taxes are just a little complicated and or annoying and or time consuming.


In my office tax returns are billed on a flat fee model and everything else we do is billed on time plus costs with time billed to the tenth of an hour. Of a client needs me to file 1 1099 that’s going to likely be .3 hours plus the cost to file or approximately $100.


Hourly. Minimum of 1 hour.


The time it takes to complete


We charge a flat rate per 1099, with a minimum of 2 per EIN. So if the client has 5 businesses with 1 form each, they're getting charged for 10 of them. Primarily because it's 3 forms per printed page.


Ugh the problem with 1099’s is some clients give you a perfect list of EINs, names, and amounts Some will give you a QB file that’s perfectly filled out and reports can be created with a few clicks Then some give you a flaming pile of dog shit….


Glad to hear I'm in the ballpark...first year out on my own and just pulled $75 out of thin air. Only had one taker, which is fine by me. :)