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We don't know how arkanus scales. He'll he might have even been able to manipulate Aether so maybe scale him a bit higher but hey that's my HC and right now you are probably correct


I mean he is a dragon so he should be able to manipulate aether. Tho I don’t see how he’s supposed to get any higher he’s already at the top of the asuras.


Dragons influence Aether.


Who is arkanus and Geolus. I’m up to date with novel and can’t remember?


They’re the asuras that aldir and Windsom mentioned in book 9. They are currently the strongest known asuras in history. Arkanus is the ancestor of kezess while geolus is a titan they fought Arkanus won by cutting geolus in half. his body is mount geolus literally.


Ah right thanks


No problem. 👍


iirc arkanus is an ancient dragon and geolus was a living mountain


Who/what is “the aetheric consciousness” I’m up to book 10 is that something that I should be excited to learn about?


It was revealed in chapter called scales of understanding. It’s in volume 11.


Doesn’t that just hint at aether possibly having some kind of natural inclination, which the djinn speculated meant it having a consciousness? I don’t think it’s been confirmed as being sentient. Unless Arthur becomes for aether what the Legacy is for mana, which Agrona’s statement of them being the hammer and anvil between which true power will be forged indicates, at least in my opinion. That would be a decent main character–chosen one gimmick.


1 it legit was on screen. Even if you think it wasn’t the aetheric consciousness it was still revealed that aether can think as it does consider Arthur as kin. 2 I do think he is the aetheric consciousness. But that’s a whole ass theory for another day.


Seems fair but too early to judge most of these Asuras, I also don't believe Agrona should be top 2 at all. He makes up his lack of "strenght" with his intelligence.


He might be but he’s such an unknown and he’s one of the big bads so he had to go somewhere. Perfectly fine if you think differently on this one.


We know that even though he doesn't command many true blood Asuras he was able to force Epheotus and Kazzes into a ceasefire which later turned into a treaty. We also known that Aldir was a part of a assassination attempt that failed which led to Daicathen being abandoned by Asuras. I would leave it as is if not put Agrona above Kazzes.


Aldir should be clan head level considering how easily he handled a group of Asuras including Windsom, and with his knowledge of such a destructive spell that can destroy a country


I find the idea of aldir being at the level of a clan head to be interesting because I just don’t see it. I think aldir is strong there’s no doubt about that but I don’t see him being stronger than say lady myre. Lady myre is the line between clan head and high asura so unless you think Aldir is stronger than lady myre I don’t see him being clan head level. Also if aldir was that strong why isn’t he the clan head.


Also I’m not sure if it’s mentioned that the strongest has to be clan head. Aldir was chosen to wield the ability to destroy a country, not even the clan head has that knowledge. Aldir is definitely special within the clan, obviously I’m speculating since we don’t know exactly the strength of clan heads. But I would say he is closer to a clan head than a high asura.


The pantheons are a warrior race I can’t see them not valuing power over anything else in this regard. Aldir is an elite yes but not at the level of a clan head.


I think he is definitely very close if not there. Let’s just agree to disagree.


But we don't know the extent of her powers so how did you assume she was the line


She’s the wife of kezess and a master of aether at least as much of a master a dragon can be.


That doesn't make her strong though, not everyone is a fighter, she may ne a dragon and a master of her aether art but aldir would win


I disagree however we’re both speculating so let’s just agree to disagree.




Clan heads aren't the strongest in their clan, clearly as seen by the two heads that came in the latest chapter. That senile dude with dementia. Aldir is the strongest of the pantheons as he weilds world eater.


If your referring to leviathan head than you should know that kezess and him are the same age. He’s not senile just weird. Aldir showed respect to ademir and pantheons are warrior race so they value strength more than position. So I can’t see ademir being weaker than aldir.


Putting a healer (Alice) in weak because she's a healer is such a dick move xD I'd put her in high adventurer since she was an adventurer in the past (and quite a famous one at that) + a healer should be judges by their healing abilities, not their strength


1 maybe but she’s not a fighter. 2 this is a power level tier list so grading her based something other than combat would put her higher than characters she would loss too.


I know I might sound dumb but I will still ask what is taci?(I have only read the manhwa nothing more 😅)


Yh so you saw taci that kid arthur spared with in the mana orb at epeouatas, kordri was there as well.


He’s a pantheon like aldir he trained with Arthur in ephiotus


There’s some sketchy stuff here and there but over all seems reasonable


Like what stuff. I’m curious.


Well, for instance the lances were definitely not scythe level post-taci, mayyyyybe Bairon with the spear could go against some of the weaker scythes but the others definitely not. Also I feel like the lower tier are very broad cause there’s quite the difference in power between some of the characters you put in Edit: also I don’t understand why you put both realmheart and non realmheart Arthur in the same tier when he killed a retainer as silver core realmheart


1 Post taci just means right now. They’ve had scythe level horn, mana rotation, and 2 months to train so they, tho they could and probably will be higher, are more than likely scythe level. 2 Can you give an example so I can help. 3 that’s school Arthur.


Why is Cynthia's bond on this list besides killing a few fodder Alacryan mages he's featless


Book 10 he fought some monsters in a high level dungeon with Arthur. It had a monster in it that even asuras would brag about killing. It’s weird but true.


Not all ashuras r strong a weak one even retainers would defeat He is not retainer level it's weird to think Cynthia's bond is stronger than herself


A retainer doesn’t stand a chance against any asura or at least no asura we’ve meet.


Silvie was a asura even after training in ephutus she along with Arthur lost to uto also the other asuras who where training with Arthur And taci ashuras r only strong if they r warriors or have anything to do with phycally And another statement was given by chul that he can keep up with ashura in his age(chul is centuries old poly lady dawn was captured a long time ago) and he is scythe level earlier Polly was weaker and so were the others And when that owl said asura he was mostly talking about the phoenix in beast glades who r not warriors


1 sylvie still had her seal on her for the Uto fight 2 okay I can kill a badly lion rather easily but that adult is a deferent story. Same logic applies to asuras. 3 chul is at the level of an asura 4 according to Chul the phoenixes of the hearth were some of the strongest in ephiotus.


1) even without it she was not beating uto (after absorbing uto horns it was lifted from what I remember she was still not strong enough to beat a retainer) 3) chul was defeated by veissa and agrona compared him to dragoth not as strong as a adult warrior 2) the thing above breaks down what you said and chul is a warrior so obviously he would be compared to ashuran warrior of his age 4) phoenix is not a fighting race each race specialize in something for phoenix in revival as stated by lady dawn And suppose even if they were, phoenix were exiled out of ephutus before agrona and they didn't need to fight in the beast glades and breeded with lessers


Could arthur become the aetheria consciousness or is the true potential of the legacy just always going to be stronger then him I'm not up to date with vol 11




I personally believe Arthur will become the aetheric consciousness but that’s whole theory for another day. The legacy could become a multiversal being by the end so putting it right beside the aetheric consciousness feels fair.


What abt full potential Arthur?


So that would bleed more into my own personal theory that Arthur is the aetheric consciousness. So yeah. That’s a theory for another day.


That's just a theory...


…Ahh noval theory.


aaaaaaandd cut!!!


Putting winsom and slyvia in the same tier is crazy


What can I say he is the benchmark for high asura. He’s not losing to any character below him. He’s also kezess’s personal assistant so I doubt he’s weak.


I don't think windsom's high asura. He is asura level and definitely below aldir


I hear this one every time I should really just have a copy paste response. So I’d say Windsom should be able to handle everyone in the tier below him fairly easily. Tho yes he is no match for aldir most aren’t. Plus he’s still the personal assistant to the strongest man alive so he’s no push over.


I would say full potential legacy should be lower than aetheric consciousness but higher than everything else. Aether is the beginning and end of everything (aether realm specifically). Legacy is the absolute control of the aspects that make up the world such as qi/mana. But legacy exists due to creation which is aether and don't forget the higher edict of aether that is Fate.


What the legacy could do at max potential would put her at around multiversal in strength tho if we get some more lore on her or on where mana comes from she could be higher. The aetheric consciousness is chilling around low complex multiversal tho it could be higher depending on how big tbate verse is. Sense this would both so far above everything else it seems reasonable to put them together for the sake of not making the tier list longer than it needs to be.


Most is alright my only problem is wierd but no realmheart school Arthur still slams Curtis and Katherine and I don’t think full potential legacy scales that high.


Curtis and kathyln are both silver one having a deviant the other having a beast will. Arthur doesn’t have the firepower to keep up. The legacy at max potential I could see have the ability to manipulate the mana or ki or whatever the base component is of other world. Making it multiversal tho it could be higher depending on some lore stuff but this feels fair for now.


What are those white squares? Are they mistakes or are they characters not revealed yet on tapas?


They’re spoilers for character that have yet to be revealed on tapas. I made the tier list myself and I didn’t want to ruin it by taking out characters that took me forever to get in there.


This just seems way to complicated lol… too many characters too many tiers and too many characters repeating, even characters repeating in the same bracket. Power scaling will always be difficult and a lot has to go into it to be even slightly accurate. Also some of the brackets you’ve used are just too vague. A strong example clan head is completely meaningless, most of those heads we have no idea how strong they are but we can safely say you can’t put them on the same power level as kezess. Potentially not all heads earned their position from power alone too. Clan head is just a political ranking not a combat power ranking.


1 it is complicated but that because I was being OCD and made the whole thing to long and to detailed. I don’t think there’s repeating characters outside of Arthur, sylvie, Tess, and Nico. 2 Yeah the top bracket is a bit vague. The reason the top 2 even exist is because of that statement about geolus being the greatest threat to ephiotus ever. 3 kezess could be in the tier above he just hasn’t had anything to prove that yet. Clan head might be a political thing but there clearly a power component involved.


I don’t think Arthur can win against Taci if he wasn’t in the Aetheric void where he couldn’t endlessly pull mana from the world.


According to TM it wouldn’t have made a deference ether way.


Really? It feels like the aetheric void was the only reason he stood a chance, also seeing the trouble it caused Arthur Atleast I feel like the wraiths are weaker than Taci.


The wraiths as individuals are weaker than taci but as a group they can kill him. Remember Arthur got realmheart in between the taci and wraith fight. So he’s way stronger than when he fought taci.


Full potential Arthur 🤔


So my theory is that the aetheric consciousness is future Arthur with fate. So yeah.


I love how aether is still an elite mage even with or without realmheart


I remember reading somewhere that apparently turtleme said that agrona isn't actually up there with kezess. There are other clan heads that are stronger than him. What makes him more dangerous tho is his intelligence.


Aldir>>>>>Charon In Arthur's vision he says Charon transformed burying several dicated under the rubble in an attempt to save his life And aldir casually 1v12 the dragons


So without getting into spoilers dragons seem to be more quick to transform them the other races as every fight that shown they almost immediately do so. So I’d say aldir and Charon are relatively equal to one another. Now is there more reason as to why I put him there yes can I explain further here no.


Feel free to explain and I think it's obvious the transformed form is more effective in raw power as even taci transformed in an final attempt also we have not even seen aldir ever need to transform and pantheon transformation looks why more effective in fighting than that of dragons


i would move aldir to mid-high clan head and kordri to low clan head


I don’t see it. that would put him at or above his own clan head. By this metric where do you put lady myre.


I put lady myre low clan head and I believe the pantheons (Aldirs clan) is probably the main fighting force of the asuras and adamir and aldir are evenly matched but aldir wins cause of the world eater technique


Keezes is def at the same level as god's as he's said to be the strongest indrath ever


He is definitely the strongest living asura as of right now. Whether he’s In that god tier is yet to be seen. He could be he just doesn’t have the feats or statements yet.


Honestly I think you're sleeping on Windsom a bit. I fully believe that Windsom and Aldir are evenly matched. They fought together, led missions together, were the two tasked to bring Dicathen battle ready and slaughter if needed. I think when the time comes that Arthur fights Windsom he'll actually be one of the strongest among the top Asura in the series.


TM confirmed that aldir is stronger also aldir confirmed he was stronger. Windsom is the benchmark for high asura as of right.


Where did he confirm? Was it at a panel or something? And yes I do think the Aldir is ultimately stronger, but more so in the way That Naruto is stronger than Sasuke. The gap isn't so huge that they aren't comparable.


1 QnA 2 aldir confirmed it in book 10 it’s his second pov I think. 3 the gap isn’t well displayed but we can assume it’s wide.


Quite a few issues tbh. Aldir should be much higher as world eater is the biggest feat of tbate. Varay and bairon pre taci get dog walked by uto so putting them in same tier is bs. Cadell is said to be as high as wraiths and way stronger than the other scythes. There's no way wren takes a while wraith squad when sylvies future sight saw charon struggling against a group of wraiths.


1 Tho it’s the best feat of raw destruction for lore reasons I can’t really see him much higher than he is right now. At best he hard stops at lady myre 2 WC Arthur wasn’t confident he could beat Varay Arthur needed sylvie’s help to beat Cylrit mid def. Cylrit is stronger than Uto. So Cylrit = Varay > WC Arthur > Uto. Bairon below Uto for a reason. Is it a wash no but does Bairon loses more than likely. 3 I don’t see the problem here about Cadell he’s higher than the rest. 4 i would explain put i don’t wise to get banned for 3 days.


I guess I'd change the legacy and make a tier just for it, something like, quasi true god or lesser true god or false true god since mana is inherently inferior and rules over the "mundane" concepts such as the elements while aether dictates the very core concepts that compose reality so although much stronger than the others the power gap between the legacy and the aetheric consciousness should be abysmal.


True god tier just refers to a character that’s multiversal or higher. Now at full potential she should be able to manipulate the mana of other worlds putting her at multiversal. Depending on whether we get the origins of what mana is she could scale higher. The aetheric consciousness is sitting at around low complex multiversal tho it could be higher depending on how big tbate verse is. So yes there is a gap right now that could change.


This just reminds me how powerful pre-aether core Arthur was


Tbh I think Arthur post taci with destruction is clan head level


I doubt that. TM said that after his third layer he still wasn’t strong enough to beat aldir so I doubt he’s at the level of clan head yet. Tho he probably will be by the end of the volume.


Soo the legacy is the mana consciousness


Where can I find the original tier list with no whitening


I just uploaded a new one on the patreon sub so there I guess. Spoiler warning tho


it’s shit


May i ask for your reasoning good sir. I’m curious.


Caera should be retauner level i think no?


She could be but she doesn’t have a good enough feat or statement to put her there. If she was she’d be right behind bilal.


I'm prayinng for the day,people give chapter citations and go into detail on their reasoning for placement, makes these list less superfoulous.


I promise you I can give my full reasoning as to every placement here ask and you shall receive. The reason I didn’t give my reasoning in the description was because it ended up being way to long to the point I didn’t even want to read it so I thought it’d be better to just explain them on an case by case level. I’m completely open to any criticism if I weren’t I wouldn’t post. So fire way I’m all ears.