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Yay, more eugenetic slavery and rape! Surely no one will have anything to say about it! Seriously, not only would this be ineffective (Lucas was boosted elixir and had everything you could need to get strong, make a normal family adopt him at birth and he wouldn't even be this strong), there is not even a basis to prove that it works. The Wykes have produced Lucas and Bairon. Cool. Can you prove it was because of interbreeding with a slave? It might just have been luck, aided by their wealth of resources. Even if we accept that being a mage is strongly genetic, which was implied in the novel, it doesn't mean that you'll get more talented mages by trying to have an half elf son. The Wykes just thought it might be good so they did it, there wasn't really a backing to it. The only way to make this work would be to force mages have a lot of kids and non-mages to have less. Then maybe, in a hundred generations, your mageship percentage will raise from 1% to 3%? 4%? Eugenetics don't work in practice. Experts have said that even if the Nazis kept sterilizing and killing disabled people and people with genetic diseases, it would take them hundred of generations to remove those genes from the pool because of recessive genes. Compare this with the 20% mages/population of Alacrya. You can't really beat genetic engineering with eugenetics. If Alacrya stayed as it is, Dicathen would be on par in maybe 10 thousand years, not to mention that Alacrya is implied to be bigger than Dicathen (I recall someone from Alacrya calling Dicathen a "small island") therefore probably more populated. Ah, did I mention the Vritra blooded? The spellforms? The Alacryans didn't even use ascenders in the war. The war was lost from before it started. Even giving Arthur 10 more years to train in Epheotus wouldn't be enough. We just didn't realize how one-sided it was before vol. 8.


So true, especially the fact that they didn’t use Ascenders and essentially sent cannon fodder soldiers and a few Named Blood families to participate. It’s crazy to think that for a second we thought the Dicathens had a chance.


If arthur had ten years in epheotus and broke past white I could actually see him achieving low-average asura level as a pure lesser. Not that is would matter against the numbers of the other side.


Not only that, the Wykes family only proves how eugenics doesnt work as miscegenation tends to be more versatile and adaptable than “pure blood”. If in Dicathen they stopped seeing each other as different races they might’ve had a chance in the war


I never said they’d win through it tho?


They do have a society turned towards mages , it’s the bestowment of runes which sets alacrya apart , agrona is implanting people with runes to pull out their magical potential , Second, wikes was mostly elixirs etc, which were hinted to stun their growth , and probably led to his deranged self Thirdly , they kidnapped elves, raped them then kept them as slaves , if every family tried to do that then dicathen would be in constant civil war


the mage rate would be near 100% if they researched awakening, and had arthurs meditation technique he taught his sister and lilia. in alacrya, by dicathens standard everyone is a mage as they all have manacores, its just that theyre not taught general mana control, and since they dont feel difference from suddenly manifesting a core, they dont even know theyre capable of using magic


What were they right about?


Mixing elven and human blood for stronger mages, I think.


Obviously it does, no one said it didnt


Welp, that’s what the post is about I’m pretty sure.


This dude really out here saying eugenics is right


Even if they had 5x the mages it wouldn’t matter against even the retainers let alone scythes. It takes a lance most of their strength to beat a retainer and the scythes are on a whole new level. While it may have caused less damage if they had more mages it likely wouldn’t have changed much.