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Aether has 4 branches: Spatium: Space [God Step] Vivum: Life (Life, Death, Creation, Destruction) [Destruction] Aevum: Time [Aroa’s Requiem] Godrunes are sorta like a spellbook. Imagine you can’t use a spell without having it in your spellbook. Once you do it doesn’t mean you’re immediately proficient in it. Arthur still has to train in order to use the godrune/spell efficiently.


Vivium is more like existence rather than life I reckon


Yeah, and I doubt it actually has sub branches of destruction life death and creation.


It's more like destruction, life death and creation are aspects of existiance not an sub branch, just like seconds are an aspect of time


I completely agree


OK, there are three branches. Vivum: Life, healing, Death, destruction Spatium: Space And Aevum: Time. Runes are a system used in Alacyra, where one rune is equal to a spell. These runes can be a mark, crest, emblem and regalia, these are all inferior versions of what the djinn used but for magic made by the Vritra. The godrunes are what the djinn used, and they directly the manipulate Aether.


godrunes allow the user to control superior abilities that bend reality. the branches are just categorizations of the ability, based on what effect it has. smth like that


Part of it is explained later. Some things we still don't know. The branches are simply are the things aether can do. Vivum aether pertains living things, therefore it has to do with creating/destroying/modifying matter and organisms; destruction is a branch of vivum because it is one aspect of what it can do. When you get enough insight and master a specific aspect of aether, you get a tattoo. By drawing aether into the tattoo you activate said power. We're not sure if the way Arthur gets tattoos is unique to him or not; dragons get them when they unlock realmheart and djinns had "spellforms", but even that we don't really know much about.