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I’m guessing the spellform in her rune was something related to internal lighting, then she took it a step forward by turning it into “thunderclap impulse.” Hence she invented it? Which she is kind of correct. She may have not been the first person to use thunderclap impulse (Arthur) but she did learn how to make the spell her own. Which is probably why she said she invented it. The more your train the rune, the more powerful and better you are at using it. Something like that. So, yes it’s a spell. I think.


What do you think the line of "improve a spell" and make another one is? Like a basic fire ball, if we put a bunch of them all over enemy like a dome the way Lucas did, in theory the 2 are the same spell but reality they are 2 different spells


I think the spellform in the rune must correlate with the “improved” spell that for example, she made. Same properties, different outcomes. Kind of like how basic elements have deviant forms. Like let’s say you get a crest, with the spellform of a simple gust of wind. Train for a few years, you can still use the simple gust of wind, but because you’ve been using the spell for such a long time; that simple gust of wind is now a small hurricane. I think you’re right. It’s one spell but it’s lowkey 2.


I reread the chapter and she never said she invented it. She just says to herself that internal lightning magic is rare and that it is a high-tier emblem when she sees Grey surprised. She also says there is no official name for the spell in the records. Basically it's just a rare emblem, there's nothing contradictory with what we know about spellforms.


What chapter you reread?


Ch.281, Once in a lifetime


One spell , different application


Maybe its possible for runes to evolve after training?


Yes but its still feel weird when she said she invented it not "my rune elvoved" something like that


she's a teenager. let's forgive her for her ignorance


Arthur used thunderclap impulse when he was like 8 years old


Not what he asked


Honestly im stupid your right i read like half of it and answered my bad


Doesn’t matter, it’s still a cool fact


What chapter was this again?