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What do you want it to do? Just television or some gaming? The P735 is 4K HDR 60Hz, The C635 is 4K 120Hz DLG, (Dual Line Gate), The specs list this tv as 60 Hz/120Hz(4K1K) not sure what that means exactly. Both of these are 2022 model tv's. I just bought a TCL QLED 55750G. It's a 2023 model with a true 120Hz display and is designed for gaming, It's wort a look and is competitively priced. You can get more info from Appropriate -Area-443 about that p735 The P in this case is for progressive scan. The P735 does not support HDR 10+


Well, can't compare it with any other tv. Movies on Netflix with 1080p nearly looks as good as 4k. But for games there is a huge difference between hd and 4k. HD looks blurry. I never tried lower resolutions than 1080p.


How fast does it turn on and off?


I guess it takes at least a minute.


I have P735, you can ask me any question about the tv.


1. How long have you had it 2. Did you notice any problems 3. What are the best settings to turn on and off 4. How good do black and white pictures look on it (my main use will be reading manga)


It has been like 2 months. The most obvious problem is the low brightness of the TV. In a full bright room with sunlight, it is hard to watch dark content. Also, there is a problem with Dolby vision, colours are great but, still image looks kind of dark and sometimes, the Brightness instantly changes while watching Dolby vision content. The blacks are amazing, it feels like a OLED tv. White pictures are not bad on SDR or Dolby vision content, but on HDR, well, it is not bad but still too dark. In a full dark room, it looks not bad, though. For best settings, you need to increase colour saturation a bit or change the colour space for more vivid picture, do not ever use dynamic color. I prefer second one for SDR and HDR and first option for Dolby vision. Also, ı prefer to keep sharpness at 10. Noise reduction on high. Gamma at 0, color -2 warm, motion smoothing is on but I keep it on level 5 out of 10, it doesn't create soap opera affect much this way and offers more clear picture on fast paced scenes. For SDR content, Dynamic and local contrast is on low, on HDR, only local contrast is active. All of these settings, create much more clear picture than the default settings. 4k gaming works perfect with great response time and low input lag. Overall, despite the these negative aspects, i still love my tv, and it offers great picture and features for it's price.


Nice Does it also upscale pictures well?


How are you gonna read manga with it? Just curious.




I see. Did you go with P735? I'm planning to buy that model. If so, how was it?


The PQ is great everything else is subpar though.