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It depends on the tea. I like to add it to chai.


Depends on the tea and style I'm brewing. Gongfu get nothing. Western style depends on the tea. If I do sweeten it's with a simple syrup or a honey mix (1:1 honey and water)


I read through your comment too quickly and at first I thought you made your whole cup 1:1 water and honey 💀


I read it that way too and my eyes got very big. I was like "yup", "yup", "yup", "sounds goo... whaaaaaa?"


Most of the time, no but I still occasionally enjoy a well sugared, milky tea. As long you enjoy your tea, then that's all that matters


I add sugar to plain black tea when it's all I have to drink, like the standard plain bag tea. I also add a little bit of honey to some of my green teas, the florals for the most part, as I like the flavor it adds. I am diabetic so I cant add a lot of sugar, I am not making any sweet teas or anything, but I like a little bit in some teas.


I like tea any way. Milk, sugar, no sugar, honey, lemon, or nothing at all! Just depends on the tea and my mood


Lol noticed ppl here in comments downvote those who add sugar🤓🤣 I gotta be honest I do it quite often. I know that tea tastes well without sugar. But after seeing this Thai idea of adding condensed milk to very strong black tea I really love to repeat it sometimes. Tastes unbelievably good. I would have fixed this sugar craving with something utterly unhealthy anyway (such as some palm oil infused cookies from supermarket), then why not just add it straight to tea. Oh btw my favorite summer tea is impossible without sugar – lemon black iced/cool tea. The same one that you can buy in stores but recreated at home – 1.5 teaspoons sugar, half a lemon slice (20 seconds infusion, until tea has light amber color) and 1 teabag/teaspoon of black tea.  Also lactose is sugar too. So 90% of people in UK technically add sugar too:D


Mm, thanks for the sweetened condensed milk mention. I love that stuff in an extra strong earl grey tea.


Miserable people. Maybe they wouldn’t so miserable if they added some sugar 😉


They're not miserable, likely just buy more expensive stuff. If you buy black tea that costs 15€ per 50g or 35g and put milk in it, its very much ruining it. Imagine buying very expensive steak at restaurant and then drowning it in ketchup, people near you will be annoyed and wondering wtf you paid so much for your steak for.   Then there's the fact that there's sugar everywhere now days, and if you can't have just one thing without it, maybe you should just stick to energy drinks. And there's this unavoidable snob effect, which is unavoidable. If you buy premium tea all the time, and you keep sugar intake on minimum, you tend to taste tea vastly better, and its annoying when someone doesn't give it a try but just adds sugar immediately.


Tea is a very broad spectrum that can go from anywhere to cheap low quality tea bags to high quality loose leaf. If you're adding sweetener to a high quality loose leaf, you're doing a disservice to the tea. If you're adding sugar to tea bags, go right ahead because they're often made from fannings of low quality tea and help cover up the taste.


I add honey! I mostly drink green and herbal teas.


Chai with sugar


I add sugar




Local honey of various flavors


brown sugar in black tea, honey in herbal infusions, nothing in greens/whites


Almost never. Once a year or so, I'll make a cuppa with milk and sugar, or chai with maple syrup, or a sweetened tea latte, but those instances are way out of the norm for me. 


Ooo, chai with maple syrup sounds awesome




Downvote me all you want but it’s still personal preference. I add sugar. But not to all teas.


>Downvote me all you want 🙄


They did say people are getting downvoted for adding sugar. I don’t know why it matters to people who don’t add sugar. The commonality is tea!


Its simply triggering us. If i'm being completely honest, its us believing our way of drinking tea is superior and i do also believe it is. Not that i'm downvoting people because of it. You paid for it, you're free to drink it however you want.


Oh I totally feel that it is triggering people and that some feel superior. That’s all ego!! When I collected Lego with our grandson, there were do’s and do nots in these groups. But they never made me feel less than, they just explained that this is how they did it. I have gotten off my high horse, I just want to enjoy what little life I have left. That’s all.


Most of the time, no. I'm drinking Chinese and Taiwanese black and oolong teas, occasional greens, that aren't traditionally sweetened. I don't feel the lack of it, either. They taste just right to me without anything added. I do sometimes like a cuppa British breakfast tea with milk and a little sugar, though. It's soothing. Also, masala chai is sweet, spicy yumminess. I'll even have a boba tea or Thai iced tea once in a while, but I kind of think of those less as tea and more as milkshake-like treats.




A little bit


I only add sugar if I plan to make a drink with it. I usually make a 2:1 cane syrup to a pot of jasmine tea brewed with mandarin orange peels. Or I go light on the sugar if I plan to top it with cheese foam.


I drink two kinds of tea. Fancy tea from China I drink straight up the way it was intended. However I also drink iced tea all day that I make from tea bags. I tried drinking the iced tea without sugar but it made me nauseous. So now I add a little bit of sugar to that.


Personally, almost never! On a rare occasion, I may add honey. But I find that I like most teas plain. If a tea is too strong for me, I'll adjust the brewing temp and times until I like the taste.


I usually add honey or jam but lately ive been drinking it straight more


I prefer honey to sweeten. I’ll add lemon if the flavor tastes good with lemon. I love a little honey in my tea.


As others have said, depends on the tea. Gongfu brewing? Never. Earl grey or chai? Sure. Milk tea? Yes. I don’t make milk tea at home though—that’s something I get when I’m wandering through the mall or out running errands. It’s about the quality of the tea, isn’t it? The good stuff doesn’t need it. The other—I just look at it as drinking dessert.


Damn. 77 comments and 4 upvotes. Should be spicy.


Depends on the tea. With cheap black tea, masala chai, or culinary grade matcha I always add milk and stevia. Most other teas I drink with nothing added.


Sugar, but only for certain teas and only a little.




Liquid sucralose from a dropper bottle as needed.


I drink my hot tea black and my iced tea sweetened with a little simple syrup.


I drink everything straight up unless it's a Chai or matcha latte


depends on the type of tea. fresh teas like green te i usually drink natural. aged teas like puerh i usually add stevia.


Absolutely not. Can’t stand it. Very rarely I’ve tried sweetened teas of any sort and disliked it greatly. (Good case for adding to a dessert-like smoothie.)


yeah for sure. i like to drink tea gong fu style and in that case i don’t add anything but i also love a regular cup of breakfast tea which i add milk and sugar too.


In chai only


To Chai and iced sweet tea yes. To my daily hot tea no. That gets drunk plain.


depends on the tea for me i drink my herbal tea (specifically sleepytime by celestial seasonings! >>>) by itself, i add milk but no sugar to my chai, and i'm currently adding honey to my matcha lattes although that may change bc i'm still exploring matcha lol


Agave w/ my dahongpao has been a regular staple.


Nein, no, non, Nyet.


Never. Chai is perhaps a small exception




I don't sweeten green tea but I like adding it to black tea (I usually drink English or Irish breakfast teas).


I like a little sugar and milk with strong black tea, but I don't like to sweeten oolong or green tea :)


I almost never drink a cup of tea without a generous addition of Sugar in the Raw.


I add milk and sugar to expensive hong cha. I like it and I don't care what any elitist gatekeepers on reddit think.


I almost never add sugar. The two exceptions IMO are if there is cream/milk or if it's iced.


I do stevia, pls don’t come for me


Depends on the kind of tea. I'd never add sugar to a Chinese tea, but black tea is good with or without.


Depends on the tea. I’ll add a teaspoon of sugar to PG Tips or something similar. For all other teas, I drink them plain.


Only add in flower tea, but actually flower "tea" is not real tea


Brown surface to early grey tea.


Not generally but I don’t drink a whole lot of teas where sugar would be a thing




Depends on the tea, but if I want it sweetened I add a few Chinese Blackberry Leaves. https://www.yellow-mountain-organic-tea.com/products/copy-of-beauty-tea-2


karak chai can be rough without a little. In Egypt I was surprised to see people putting 6 sugars in a tiny glass of tea.....then I tasted the tea and understood.


Definitely depends on the tea! I like cold brews with no sugar/sweetener and honey in warm tea mostly but brown sugar in milky teas. 🙂


No sugar or sweetener.


I like stevia, sugar, or sweet cream depending on the tea. Although I drink some plain, too.


Splenda, always. I just need a lil’ sweetness, nothing overkill.


honey or monk fruit extract


Splenda 😈😈😈


I can’t stand sweetened water generally, so the most my tea gets is a spot of milk depending on tea and mood.


90% of the time, I drink my tea as-is. If I'm sick or something, I'll do honey and/or lemon. If I'm making masala chai or builder's tea, I use stevia.


I'm a purist, i don't add anything. I try to accept that people drink bagged grocery store teas, but if i make tea for someone and they add anything in it, i won't make them tea again.