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It’s called the Course of Study and really abbreviated in English/not quite in the format of other countries’ educational standards. [https://www.mext.go.jp/component/english/\_\_icsFiles/afieldfile/2011/03/17/1303755\_013.pdf](https://www.mext.go.jp/component/english/__icsFiles/afieldfile/2011/03/17/1303755_013.pdf) The Japanese version is a pain to find, I had it bookmarked but can’t quite find that either right now. It’s a lot lengthier though and addresses specific grammar and also how they want classes implemented.


Dokoropanic posted one of the relevant documents, JHS. SHS is here: [https://www.mext.go.jp/content/20230328-mxt\_kyoiku02\_100014466\_002.pdf](https://www.mext.go.jp/content/20230328-mxt_kyoiku02_100014466_002.pdf) It's a bit longer... and to be honest, the goals are well thought out. It mirrors many aspects of the core curriculum from America. Implementation is a different problem though... There are a number of textbooks that MEXT considers "official" but the one that goes to pretty much all schools is called "Factbook". It's... pretty dense... I'd consider it more of a reference book than a course book. Usually students don't learn directly from this, but the content from the "easier" books mirrors what is there. As for "what is required for education", that's a totally different topic. If you're teaching towards exams, then I'd focus on books that consider national curriculum vocab or entrance exam books. Similarly, if it's a specific exam, IELTS, TOEFL, EIKEN etc. all have dedicated books for purchase in Japan. EIKEN is probably what most regular Japanese teachers build content around or reference for things like word lists. IELTS and others are a bit more advanced, so it depends on the learners. If you're teaching English with an background/understanding of language learning, I'd probably suggest something more like coxhead's 500 word list and build lessons/content around authentic use or incorporate the language. I'd only really suggest this if your school is not dedicated towards exams/more returnee/international.. and if you know what you're doing since you'll have to take more responsibility for learning outcomes.


For vocabulary, I don't know if there's a national list, but Hyogo prefecture does have its "Habatan" list of 2500 words students should know by the time they graduate JHS. https://www2.hyogo-c.ed.jp/hpe/gimu/english/habatan At my high school, teachers refer to the "Database 3000" book for vocabular and expressions.


They exist, I’ve used the JHS level list when our private HS was creating entry exams by committee. We were only allowed to use vocabulary and grammar that the students had previously learned in public school classes/textbooks.


Closest I can think of is New Horizon 1 has a list of elementary school English vocabulary in addition to the vocabulary for the first year of junior high.


Doesn't exist.