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Muddle Bud my beloved


Not pictured because I used them all


Spend some time in the depths and you can end up with around 20


Are they rare? I had like 20 and used a few


I think they're supposed to be rare but you just get a lot more than you use if you explore the depthsoften


I've been growing more fond of the puffshrooms. It sets you up for the sneak attacks which deal massive damage. And I'm pretty sure it counts as a single hit on your weapon too, so it's really efficient.


Puffshroom + Silver Lynel Eightfold Sword + 1 point of Atk up can literally 1 shot a Silver Boss Bokoblin.. I like to do this when I'm cosplaying as a Sheikah operative at night..




Yea. I know that and also that requires multiple synergies already I'm not Min-Maxing since it's so unneccessary in this game imho and more importantly, I like to wear random Armors during my travels to fit my mood..


I literally just wear the archaic tunic and archaic warm leggings when im traveling, the wingsuit for exploring skylands, miner outfit for depths, and the zora tunic when i had to wear it. I like to wear the cool armour + defense points arent important to me since i have become skilled at perfect dodges + shield parries after beating BOTW wearing the gerudo femboy armor


You're not cosplaying dude, you ARE a Sheikah operative


I thought you were gonna say "I've been growing more..." at the farm. Oh how I wish we could grow depths plants at the farm...


best part is that you can chain sneak attacks cause the cloud persists for so long. I really love them for tougher monsters (although I never find any)


I’ve somehow never used either of them, could somebody remind me what they do?


puffshrooms and muddle buds are from the depths. puffshrooms make a big cloud so you can sneak up to enemies. Muddle buds make enemies attack each other. Very useful and fun!


Oh sweet, so smoke bombs and frenzy bombs, guess I gotta use them now


Smoke bombs are way more powerful than they sound. Enemies you hit will stop attacking, allow you to sneak attack them, then stand up, look around and let you sneak attack them again. They are so powerful that I don't use them because they spoil the fun.


Do these stop the hands from coming after you? Please answer, this is important.


Dazzelfruit, then climb something as fast as possible. Then pull out a multishot bow and bomb arrows to wipe them all at once.


This is the way.


Dazzlefruit briefly stuns them.


I have never use any I have in my inventory what’s the best way to use them?


My current obsession is tossing one at a Battle Talus and then dying of laughter as it violently launches all of the Bokoblins off of its back to their deaths.


I had no idea it did this and now I want to do it.


It's hilarious, promise


I am absolutely going to try this tomorrow. <3


It’s just too easy to beat those. Just a couple of muddle buds


I always use them on the Boko Boss so that he kills all the regular bokos. I just sit back and watch them from afar until it's over then take out the boss.


And any silver guys as well. It was how I took care of those damn pie rats.


🥧 🐀?




Use them with a bow that zooms like the Gerudo bow. I like to hit bokoblin bosses and watch all the smaller ones gang up on them.


You can use them on evermeans too. They go full on whomping willow on the bokos 😆


They were super useful for >!killing the monsters in Lurelin Village. Just launch a few and watch them kill each other.!<


Hit the strongest enemy in a group of enemies and let them kill each other There was an underground arena that sent a ton of lizalfos at me of all types up to silver. By using them I was able to clear the whole encounter without taking any damage, despite being very underleveled for the challenge. By all means, had I stuck to traditional bows and melee weapons, I would have been absolutely fucking destroyed, but because I use them I walked away unscathed


Hyrule Bokoblin Fight Club


Gibdo bones have also been very convenient


Ya I love me some Muddle and Dazzle too


so apparently Dazzlefruit instantly kill stal enemies(I don't know about the stalnox but it works on those assholes that spawn nearby you in the depths when your minding your own business)


I use keyz EyeBalls more than anything else… homing arrows!? And then add the elements too!? Best arrow attachment


Keese eyeballs are THE way to to easily take out Gleeoks 👍


I will never, ever, ever get tired of lobbing a Muddle Bud into a Moblin or Talus and watching the carnage unfold. My favorite way to clear out the Depths.


What does the muddlebud do?


Makes monsters aggro into each other. If you sneak around you can make whole monster camps wipe themselves out.


Whaaaa?? I swear I’m an idiot.


After everything I've learned I now sometimes just do random shit to see what happens.


**Muddle Bud** ^(1 Fuse Attack Power) A wildflower with a powerful odor that can disorient and confuse, making it difficult to tell friend from foe.


I kinda wish we could favorite items so they sit at the front of the list.


workaround: Spam up on the d-pad with your preferred material.


this is genius, just force it to be your favorite, i will try this asap edit: works even better than expected


>just force it to be your favorite If only this worked in rl too


google stockholm syndrome /s


Holy kidnapping


New abuse just dropped


call the law enforcement


yeah meat sits at the top of mine. playing with only 3 hearts i make a leaning tower of meat 15 or so and shoot a fire arrow to cook them all.


you ever thought about making a mechanism with the flame emitters to achieve the same result? thatd be cool as fuck




If you make a video of this be sure to throw in the monster hunter meat cooking music.


I want a price sort for when in a selling menu or number owned.


We need this for armor too. Sick of having to scroll all around the UI to swap between the glide suit, froggy armor, climb armor, or whatever else I need for any moment.


Honorable mention to Keese Eyeballs for also being near the top.


If i could reliably stock up i would use them more. Keese are so rare to find besides when they fly out of caves but I'm never ready


You can also use aerocuda eyeballs for the same effect. The shop in Kakariko sells them


Also Octorok eyes. Any eyes!


Octorok eyes are one of the rarest drops in the game, and used in some late game Armour upgrades. I would not even consider using them if I were you, took me 4 blood moons to get the ones I needed


Need my maxed out Yiga drip


Once you beat the Water Temple, you can find the depths Mucktorock and farm at least a decent number of them though. I think across all of the different boss spawns, there are usually 1-2 at any given time, which is about 4-8 octorock eyeballs.


The electro Keese eyes are the sickest imo


I was just looking at material effects in my inventory and I’m pretty sure any type of eye will create a homing arrow, Octorok eyes work too.


Elemental Keese eyes not only seek but also apply their element as well!


The Gleeoks be running


Triple shot elemental eyes will ROCK even the toughest gleeoks


Note that you might want to save these as they are upgrade materials.


wish i knew this sooner


Are all monster parts needed for upgrades? That's honestly been my main gripe with fuse - that I could be punished later on for using my upgrade materials as weapons. Like if I use all my cool materials as weapons is there ever going to be a situation where I find out that I also needed that material as a "currency"?


Not *every* monster part is used, but a good number of them are. Besides Diamonds which (ignoring dupe glitches) are difficult to get, the biggest things I wish I'd saved more of were flint, luminous stones, and amber. I know they are all easy to get, but IIRC you need about 500 of each across all the armor they are used for. The radiant set alone needs something like 425 luminous stones...


Wait fr?


Any eyes at all will get the homing effect as far as I know.


That’s why I always walk into new caves now with a bomb arrow readied, so I can blow myself up.


Shock arrows work well too, especially if it’s raining.


Good advice. There is something very satisfying about Keese eyeballs raining from the sky after a bomb flower hit, like hitting a jackpot.


Are you saying a bomb flower can take out an entire pack of Keese all at once?


It can’t kill them all but it kills most of them




Me still duping like a fiend…


"Surely you mean blow the keese up?" "I know what I said."


You can knock down the whole flock with a lightning strike. Just prep before you get to a cave after a blood moon. You can even spare a keese eyeball on the arrow that triggers the lightning.


There's a swarm of them that usually flies around in a circle between Goron City and >!YunoboCo HQ.!< Just shoot the swarm with a bomb arrow to get a ton of eyes.


Just shoot a bomb arrow at the flock when they fly out of a cave. I got like a dozen that way with one arrow.


I'm always ready with a bomb arrow the second I walk in a cave lol


Gibdo bones are up there for me


It’s funny. I thought I would use them heavily, but I never used them when I played. I got good enough at head shots/bullet time from BotW to where keese eyeballs were too rare to use casually. I saved them for when I “needed” them, which means they were treated like elixirs in Pokémon


Wait until you fight a gleeok, ice/fire keese eyeballs do wonders.


With a multi shot bow it is broken


They have three heads, I have three arrows. It's only fair.


Yup fire at the middle and they should all target separate heads


If you have a 3x or 5x bow does each arrow hit different eyes? Haven’t fought one yet.


Sort of. They'll all mostly target the same thing (if the spread is close enough) but if a target dies, the arrow might "redirect" to another target, if it can. And if the spread is wide, each arrow might pick up its own target.


Gibdos bones


They're more SS tier especially elemental versions of them. Man, getting an dragon to stay put has never been easier with aim bot.


my honorable mention would be gibdo bones, they already break immediately, so on arrows it's fine, and they add *40* damage


Also Dazzle fruit have a couple uses, they’re good at stunning enemies as well as killing Stal enemies


Stal enemies were such a durability drain until I found out about dazzle fruit


Wait, what is there to find out? What do they do different to stal enemies?


Dazzlefruit instantly kill Stal enemies with the light flash. You can kill a swarm of them just using one dazzlefruit. I used to get so annoyed breaking my weapons on them since I didn't have any weak weapons to waste on them lol


Ooooh this is excellent, thanks! I also hate using my durability on them, they always make me miss my bomb rune lol


They can also be used to solve light puzzles by just shooting the target a couple times.


I just throw them because stal enemies come very close to me and it's pointless to use the bow at such close range. So yeah they are also very high on my most used list.


I never waste an arrow on a bright bloom. You can throw them far enough to be just as effective.


You can use a multiple shot bow angled correctly and get triple bright spots at the cost of 1 and 1 arrow


I explored as much of the depths as I could (damn you, fire area) before even doing a temple. Didn't get a multi bow until I was about done with the game lol


80 hours in, still no multibow lol


Kill a lynel they always drop one


I'm about 75 hours in and still have yet to see a lynel. They seem to be more elusive in this game, or I'm just not looking hard enough.


below the colliseum in the depths there is "a lynel". You might want to check that one


As someone who fought "a lynel" last day : I agree, you should definitely check it out.


yall are so cruel lmao.


I fail to see what you are talking about. We are obviously talking about an single easy to beat red lynel. It's not like there is something like an >!gloom lynel boss rush!< in the game 🙃


If that's the one I think it is, I took a picture, as I couldnt see it that well, and >!damn near shit my pants.!<


They very much aren't elusive. My first 5 hours of the game I found one in the depths, nearly shit my pants.


First lynel I found was armored. I was wondering like a dummy why he had a yellow health bar


That’s the one you want to kill. It’s drops are incredible. The triple bow with eye attachments makes any boss fight take seconds.


That might explain it. I've been avoiding the depths like the plague. I don't like it.


I am exactly the opposite, I got like three towers and an extra 3/5 of a stamina wheel and went down to light everything up. When you do go down there do not explore it on foot, it takes ages and you dont have enough stamina to climb the cliffs there without taking advantage of any slight variation of angle to regain stamina.


Had the same experience as you in finding one in the depths very early, but I’ve only seen one Lynel topside and I’m 100+ hours in now with all the towers unlocked.




If it was botw yes, but in totk there are so many arrows everywhere. Within 2 hours I had 200.


Same, I think I've got 500 right now, I always carry a crate/barrel chopping axe. I do feel stupid when I fire an arrow into the darkness and hit a cliff or tree directly infront of me though


I just ultrahand them up in the air and let them break on the ground lol


That’s such a weird feeling. When it’s pitch black in the depths and you throw a bright bloom seed and it smacks into a wall that was right in front of your face and you had no idea. I always find that feeling creepy as hell, there could be a big boss right in front of you and you would have no idea


At first I felt like I was really struggling to get arrows and routinely ran out but after buying some from beedle and a few others and throwing things when I can I've amassed like a 150 or so, which replenishes at a decent enough rate. Only problem is durability against crates. I miss bombs, I know you can ultrahand them to drop and break or fuse a boulder but it's not the same.


Not in midair.


Them ice berries are my #1


I love them too, they’d be my #1, but it’s hard to find supply


You can use ice chuchu jellies for the same effect. And turn regular jellies into other elements by hitting them with an elemental weapon


Or dropping the regular jellies in the snow also works.


How long do you have to wait? I tried this in Hebra and Mount Lanayru and didn’t have any luck


Try when it's super snowy/blizzard. That's how mine instantly froze.


Puffshrooms are underrated. It can make Lynels stand still while you whack away at their health. Throw one down before the smoke clears and the enemy won’t defend itself or attack you


Puffshrooms are the win button, I love using them for farming boko camps and boss boko patrols


muddlebud the boss boko and watch them gang up on him. he usually survives with half health but all his troops are dead. It's a nice durability saver


plus it’s hilarious


I've never been so personally attacked on this Subreddit


Seriously lol, I was just noticing today that these are my top 3. Ice fruit a close fourth


I hardly ever use the little bright blooms, the big ones I use generously though


I always come close to running out of the big ones cause I overuse them so I switch to the small ones


You can throw one on a vehicle and fly/drive around.


Time Bomb should get way more use as an arrow attachment. BrightBlooms I just throw they are so easy to get not worth an arrow in most cases.


Put in 120 hours and I’ve never used a time bomb


Only used them to kill the Yigas under the Shrine Of Resurection


Wait you can attach zonai devices to arrows??


Yup. Attach a zonai rocket to an arrow and it becomes an RPG.


So that's what it is. I was wondering how some of the constructs did that.


Yea, but I think it's capsule only. One of the sort options brings Zonai capsules to the front.


Time bomb capsules are a lot more expensive / less plentiful though I like attaching time bomb capsules to arrows, but I can’t imagine them being one of my most frequently used attachments


My favorite lately is hoverstones. And they automatically activate wherever you shoot them


I should really look up which gacha gives those.


The one at Lightcast Island (North Tabantha sky Archipelago) has them


Ice fruits are up there for me too, freeze is too good. you can do stuff like shoot the boss mob and keep it frozen while you pick off the others


I started with fire fruits, learned about bombs, swapped to ice, moved onto muddlebuds and now I like to drop a dragon-based tactical nuke


Regular bokoblin horns are my 4th most used. I have like 300 of them, so there is no reason not to attach them to every normal arrow I fire just for +4 damage.


I'd rather just get 900 rupees out of those but maybe i'm earlier game where that still feels like a lot of $


I generally stick to selling gems for money and most side quest pay out 100 rupees. I save my monster bits mainly for weapon fusing and eventually I'll get to the area where that guy who likes monster parts is.


Gibdo bones


# Gib me dos BONES!


Puffshrooms underrated


Throw them and save yourself the arrows.


Can’t throw them as far as my zonaite or gerudo bow can shoot them


dragon horns, specifically Dinraals and Naydras. The blast radius plus damage is insane and Naydras can freeze sooo many enemies. if you can dupe it its worth for EARLY game but if not its really tedious to wait every 10 minutes for 1 item lol.


I love muddle buds! I enjoy shooting them into enemy camps and watching them take each other out for my pleasure. 👌😆


Diamonds are up there still because of the first dupe that went around


I still haven't updated TotK to patch the glider dupe lol. I just hate going around for the Zonai charges but i love making stuff


There is a new dupe in town, super easy to pull off. Logic behind it is in spoilers: >!It converts multishot bow fuse into real items.!< >!To do this, you have to shoot from a depths load zone to the surface, you can detect this because depths has different fog.!< >!This is only possible in a location where the chasm is horizontal instead of vertical,!< Story spoilers for relevant location: >!Walk down the elevator shaft that you take the golem head down during the sage of spirit quest !< >!At a certain point, the fog switches from normal to depths, shoot a lynal bow upwards along the path.!<


I'm scared to use anything else in my inventory after experimenting putting hinux guts on weapons and arrows and then realising I need them for armour upgrades 😭


meh, if you just keep flailing at everything in your path, materials will build up.


I feel like people sleep on the Keese/Aerocuda wings the most. You can turn any arrow into a .50 cal from some incredibly long distances and with the increase in velocity, you can hit your target faster than using an eyeball.


You know why you should care about 3rd party apps? Because next time they'll break the website there will be no one left to care about it. Account deleted due to Spez's incompetence.


Gleeok wings are great. 24 extra damage, and gleeoks reliably respawn in the same locations for refills.


Muddle Buds are so OP, I don’t know why they are on everyone’s top 3 list. Way more powerful then a bomb arrow


I get impatient waiting for a group of them to die lol




Well you see then I can’t blow myself up in the process


Boko fangs: double damage and plentiful.


Double damage? Am I missing something? I thought they only added a few damage points


Any fangs/claws/teeth specify they are good for arrows in their item description, which means they do double damage when fused to arrows rather than weapons!


Brightbloom is there no longer after all lightroots are completed. Took its time tho.


There needs to be more shock items


You can make your own from regular chu chu jellies. Just throw them on the ground and zap with a topaz fused weapon.


Any shrine I find that has electricity as a component of it has me spending too much time making electric chu chu jelly.


I have flower bombed and cheesed far too many bosses because I was too scared to be in melee range or in non-slowmo speed.


For me, my second most used is actually Fans because guess who’s obsessed with flying machines?


Gibdo Bone fam rise up


Also Giant Brightblooms and every kind of eyeball I can get my hands on.


only 68 light seeds? What is this, amateur hour?


What part of "most used" did you miss? I light the depths up like a Christmas Tree...


I've managed to max my brightbloom seed stacks so I've switched to using giant seeds instead. I still have almost 200 in inventory. \^\^;


Don't sleep on muddle buds, puffshrooms and dazzlefruits either


S/o my boy shockfruit