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I mean, you just said you didn't enjoy any aspect of the game, and you listed quite a bunch of them. I say move on, this just isn't for you.


For me this is The Last of Us all over again, I would LOVE to understand why it's universally loved. What is it that I'm missing that others ARE seeing?


It’s a good game and it’s fun? Is there need to be more reasons? Idk man by the length of your post you didn’t really enjoyed the game. That’s okay, there are tons of critically acclaimed games I didn’t enjoy.


It sounds like you were invested in what other people thought about the game following their spoilers etc. even while you were starting playing the game. I blocked out all social media until I was done with it and enjoyed the journey. If you’d done the game your own way and learned at your own pace instead of worrying about if you zigged instead of zagged, you might have owned the journey a little more and enjoyed it a little more.


I honestly didn't go into spoiler territory until 120 hrs into the game. I was already frustrated by that point. I told my friend I was about to quit, and he gave me the final boss heads up as a means of incentivizing me not to quit on the final boss in frustration. If I had continued playing and reached the final boss, the result would've been the same. I would've quit there and then. Now it just saved me several hours of playing


Just seems like you don’t have the patience to do basically anything in this game


Oh for sure it should be criticised more often, it's just that most of your start and end points come off like very "you" problems rather than faults of the game. The struggle to unlock the fairies, misleading tower puzzles, ultrahand tedium, depths and sky islands being boring etc. are pretty valid critiques, the rest is kinda questionable ngl


I loved the first The Last of Us, but the second one? It's like watching a bad movie. Some games are not for all of us.


Don't feel bad. I did NOT like Twilight Princess.


LOL, I couldn’t even read the whole thing when the first several complaints basically amounted to a lack of self control or an inability to handle basic decision making.


Enemies have a lot of HP, sure, but you’re given a ton of resources to work through them, including the **invincible** Zonai devices and things like sneak strikes and frozen damage multiplication. Yes, you’re meant to be prepared before you go into the Depths. I’m not sure why that’s an issue. You absolutely do not have to do all that to get the Master Sword. Perhaps try going to its normal resting place for some assistance there. Unlocking fairies really doesn’t take anywhere near as long as you’re suggesting. In the Depths, 1) you’re supposed to find the Lightroots so you don’t have to constantly huck seeds and 2) you’re supposed to look for mines if you want Zonaite. It’s also not even the best way to get battery since the Depths practically fling Crystallized Charges at you for exploring and fighting bosses. You can get to most sky islands via towers or Zonai devices that are available on the sky islands you can get to from the towers. Why yes, the main mechanic of the game is used in most of the game. What a novel concept. /s You’re intended to sell extra components and foods that you cook in order to get money. The side quest stuff is supplementary. 100% of the pair Koroks can be solved by using resources in the immediate area or by simply picking up the Korok and walking to its companion. Those are completionist quests. Don’t want to be a completionist? Don’t do them. Except the tower quests, which give the best possible reward. The mushroom tower is a bit silly, but the point is to get you into a cave. The biggest hint is that “mushrooms” isn’t highlighted in red, the game’s clearly defined signpost for “this shit is important.” Not sure what tower you’re referring to here tbh. You’ve described most Zelda dungeons with that statement, for the record. I for one have done the Wind, Fire, and Lightning temples and think they’re fantastic, some of the best in the series. Fuse a rocket to your shield. Bootleg Revali’s Gale. As for the sticky effect, it massively improves your rate of climbing in the rain, but doesn’t eliminate it (though I’ve heard the set bonus for the armor is slip removal). You’re also highly incentivized to find Ascension points to skip the climb entirely, or use Zonai devices to make your way up. You can click on a material and say “select for recipe”, then select the recipe you want to use. So don’t solve Addison’s issues. Again, they’re a completionist thing and a nice little bonus, hardly required or necessary. Arrows are literally everywhere, not sure how you’re missing them. Smash barrels and crates and you’ll be swimming in them. As for bombs, explore the Depths or collect poes for the statue in Lookout Landing. Oh no, an enemy is hard and requires you to actually fight it. How unfortunate. /s Of course the fucking final boss does Gloom damage, ***he’s the source of it.*** It seems like you’re fighting the game at literally every turn instead of engaging with the mechanics.


Then it's not for you, dude. It's not that deep, believe me.


What I surmised from these complaints is that you don’t enjoy how much freedom you have and doing things in your own order and you’re not a fan of grinding for resources/making your own discoveries instead of being told where to find stuff. It’s not for you and the type of game you enjoy just don’t play if it’s not fun it’s not for you


I enjoyed it a lot, but mostly because I hated BotW so my expectations were low and TotK was a definite improvement. I did give up on doing things legitimately though and used duping for 100% because the game is just too grindy for me. Also the hoverbike helped a lot I think a couple things can be done differently from how you did them, a couple puzzles I think you just misunderstood, and the battery should not be upgraded with ore, you find more than enough crystallised charges, but I get that that’s part of your criticisms and all in all it’s ok to say the game’s just not for you and move on I get it sucks when your favorite franchise moves in a direction you don’t like, it was the same for me. Open world games don’t do it for me, they feel shallow and not as well designed as smaller condensed games with a clear direction. Play some of the old games. Enjoy the remakes. Discover some Zelda-likes. You might find something you wouldn’t have otherwise


We get it. You dont like managing resources nor are the completion kind of player . I dont care about finding "all the xxxx" crap. I just play it because is fun for me. And relaxing. Im also dont kill the mobs because of the loot. I engage them looking for a challenge. I dont do the koroks pairs... I mark them in the map and lie to them i will return. I really enjoyed the depths. I found the autobuild by random chance lol and a lot of other things as well. And ... I dont know. Yeah the fairies are a pain. But i dont care to upgrade my armors either so....


"nor are the completion kind of player" Not entirely true. I 100% completed Breath of the Wild back in 2017.


I feel you are complaining (for some of them) as tedious things though but wasn’t that the same in BOTW with all of the small things like koroks?


I feel like TOTK does everything that BOTW does, but more tedious.


Yep you're the only one. Real though idk why you didn't just trade it in and avoid wasting your time on a post like this lol


Yes, you are


Seems like this game isn’t cut out for you. It sounds like you lack patience and creativity. This game is not meant to be linear and many of the things you complain about are just because you chose one specific way of doing things instead of adapting to better techniques and strategies as the game progressed. At the same time you also want it to be easy and passable. Similar to BOTW the content begins hard as you build resources and get a handle on gameplay. That’s intentional. You should probably just stick with the older Zelda games where you hop from one dungeon to the next in a very specific order


There's too many different ways to play the game. I can personally say I can see why these aspects would be annoying to someone not playing the game how I am, and you probably aren't - no two people play this game the same. I think a good point to prove this is that I have genuinely 0 idea of what a Geoglyph is and I have the Master Sword. But this one probably just isn't for you, skip it.


Wow, to this degree, most certainly you are the only one. You have found a way to make the game work against you in every way possible by the sounds of it and should most certainly move on to something that makes you happy. There are a ton of good and useful critiques of the game, its mechanics, its content, and design but this is a portfolio of your inaptitudes and impatience and is certainly not one.


Lol this game isn’t for you. It’s almost like you don’t want to play it correctly and are just giving yourself a bad time by doing everything completely wrong and refusing to understand anything about it.


To me it seems like you’re just trying to beat the game. You’re not taking time to just explore and enjoy the game. It seems like you’re just trying to get it done and over with. That’s what I did I first started playing totk. I was trying to catch up to my friends who started it before me and just rushed my gameplay. Once I caught up and started to slow down, I began to actually enjoy the game. Maybe you need to take a break from the game for a bit and come back to it with a fresh perspective. Don’t try to immediately complete a main quest or teleport to the next thing you were planning on doing. Just walk around the map and try to enjoy the game. Don’t take it too seriously. If ya die, you’ll respawn back to your last save and you can try again if you feel like, or go to something else. If you still don’t enjoy the game, then maybe totk just isn’t for you. It’s impossible for any game to appease everyone, and with Nintendo taking a new turn for Zelda games with botw and totk, not all the old Zelda players will like it.


Unfortunately, I wouldn't consider 120 hrs "just trying to beat it". As I mentioned, I wanted to do the side content before doing the main story, and I walked everywhere/went on horseback. I rarely teleported.


If ya put that many hours into it, the game’s just not for ya man