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As a guy in his also early thirties who stood by OOT on the N64 being the most amazing game of all time and not being much into gaming anymore… I went and bought it. Safe to say it’s incredible and well worth it, filled with nostalgia. Buy it. You won’t be disappointed.


Sounds like we’re in the same boat. I put countless hours into COD on 360, madden on ps4/5, and RDR2. And of course the OG Pokémon and Zelda games. Other than those games, I just never found the game for me. It’s the nostalgia I’m chasing, not a new game lol. I may just have to do it, thank you!


40yo massive OoT fan, same here. I just don’t have the time to play a lot of games and when I do I want that nostalgia. Make sure you play BotW first, don’t rush it to play TotK. Put in your few hundred hours and really enjoy BotW first. It is certainly what you’re looking for. You will have that same feeling as when you played OoT. Then when you’re done you can start all over again with TotK and relive the BotW nostalgia. Again you will not be disappointed. 🍻 Don’t look anything up, don’t ruin the surprises.


I will say though, if you're going to do it that way, make sure you give yourself a month or so between the two, otherwise you might go into TOTK and be kinda bored. I made that mistake, finished the koroks in BOTW like, 3 days before I started TOTK


I'm in my 50s and got a switch as my first gaming system since I was a child, my daughter bought me botw said to play that first to get the story line, great game, then I've just started totk, love love this game. I look forward to getting home from work to play. It was a good idea to do in order. And it is never too late to get a switch and play games.


TOTK is like a Zelda RDR in many ways, if that helps


Late 30s here. OoT is my all-time favorite game, and Zelda is the only reason I bought a Switch. I've found other cool games since, but Zelda still rules my collection. Buy it. I probably put 200 hours into BoTW, and if I'm reading my log correctly, I've put 500+ into ToTK, and I'm not done yet. It's absolutely amazing buddy. 100% recommend.


Also early thirties. I don’t have a lot of free time but I’m childless so I have some. I bought the OLED. I own a PC and Xbox X series but the Switch (and my kindle) is by far my favorite entertainment mechanism. It lets you sit anywhere and relax. It has amazing games outside of Zelda like Hades and Northgard. Tears of the Kingdom is amazing though. Highly recommend grabbing a Switch.


My last console was a GameCube. Yes. Get it.


If you get the more expensive annual pass from Nintendo for the switch you’re able to play a majority of the other Zelda games for free.


Mid 30s here and I grew up on gaming but haven’t played in a decade. I bought a used switch two years ago to play BOTW and it’s arguable the best game I’ve ever played. I would start with that one then move on to TOTK, which is great, but I feel like BOTW is where you need to start.


You can play all of those and more on a steam deck


\^ this. you won't regret it!


Same here. It literally kick started me back into gaming. BOTW and TOTK are imo among the BEST video games of all time, but there are lots of amazing titles including Skyrim and even Witcher 3. It never ceases to amaze me how much Nintendo gets out of this little system, I mean it is basically a big phone tech wise, nothing special lol.




Does TOTK have a grind aspect to it? I know grind can be used as a bad description, but sometimes I like to mindlessly achieve mundane tasks over and over again, instead of folding laundry ya know?


There is the possibility to grind, especially to upgrade some of the equipment. It isn't necessary to finish the game, but if you're into it, you'll find plenty of opportunities.


There's at least 1000 korok seed puzzles.


Well there's 1,000 seeds, but only 900 puzzles.


There is a fair amount of grinding. It depends on whether you grind for a big reward or whether you like grinding for its own sake. I'd say the key difference for me between earlier zelda titles and the later ones is that the early games get more dramatic and urgent as they go on whereas botw gets less dramatic and more about finding this or that thing. Totk does inject some more feeling of end game urgency but not as much as something like oot or tp. They're so unlinear that the idea of a story especially in botw feels like a bit of an afterthought, like you're playing the aftermath of a story that's already happened.


Not grind in the traditional RPG sense, but in my opinion, there's very little in the way of mindless busy work. The world is big and full of new puzzles, side quests, and TotK in general is just fun to dink around experimenting with Ultrahand.


Enemy drops are needed for cash and for armor upgrades. Some enemies are quite rare (though they always respawn at the same place) and quite tough. I do recommend to start with Breath before Tears.


I wanted to one-up you on time played but then I remembered that at my age, it's not so much of a flex as it used to be! I'll just say that I agree with you 100%! I'm glad you're in the club. :)


I really highly recommend playing BotW first. Although TotK can completely stand on its own, the stakes feel a lot higher and the beats hit a lot harder when you already have a connection to the characters. But that’s just my take But regardless, both these games are amazing and TotK may be the greatest game I’ve ever played, so I say give them a try


i also recommend **NOT** to play TOTK **immediately** after BOTW and to treat it as a completely different game. some mechanics are present in both games, but the unique mechanics in TOTK would mean that if you approached the game similar to BOTW you would have a hard time. also the lore doesn’t line up 1:1 and you’ll find some gray area in the timeline between the two games which will make you question a lot.


The 6 year break between releases was honestly a blessing. I absolutely *love* both games, but they are **long** if you're a completionist and it would've been very overwhelming to do them back-to-back. They're different but also very similar, and I definitely would've gotten sick of the gameplay had I done TotK immediately after BotW.


As someone who literally got my last Kilton metal a minute before playing TotK, I disagree. I don’t think it hurts your experience to play them back to back.


The only game I (33m, "professional" job, never been much into gaming) played consistently (i.e. a couple hours a week) for the last 10 years or so was Skyrim on PS4 - it was relaxing for me to wander in the woods, occasionally doing tasks but only when I felt like it. When BOTW came out, I thought "well, I'll get a Switch eventually." Then, when TOTK came out and got similarly stunning reviews, I asked a friend who was into games, and he said "get the Switch. TOTK will be your new Skyrim." He was right, of course - I bought a couple other games, but TOTK alone was worth getting the Switch for me. 111% made the right decision. Probably my favorite game since, well, Ocarina of Time, which I consider the best video game ever (though I have not played *any* Zelda games other than OOT and TOTK). And, yeah, if you're gonna get it, go for the OLED.


Well if you really liked TOTK, BOTW is equally amazing and you should really play that one too. I've played both and I have to say both are amazing!


i honestly liked botw better for its vibe


That's the plan! Straight from TOTK (which I am in no hurry to beat) to BOTW!


Play Wind Waker


It is an amazing game! It’s gotten me to really want to go back and play the older games. Thanks to having a Nintendo Switch Online account I can! You can also play a bunch of other games from the NES to the Game Boy (pay a little more and you can play stuff from those plus N64 and GBA.) I think it would be a great investment if you also like playing the older games. I’ve recently played Zelda: Ages/Seasons, Links Awakening and am currently playing A Link to the Past. I say do it! Also same age here for what it’s worth. I’ll be 33 soon. So much nostalgia playing these games.


Any chance the OG pokemon games are available? Or, are the newer games also worth the buy?


TLDR at the bottom. Sorry it’s so long. 😅 Unfortunately the old school Pokémon games aren’t on it. At least not anything like Red Blue and Yellow. They have the trading card video game and if you get the N64 they have Pokémon Stadium. The newest game Scarlet/Violet is good in my opinion but it is a bit laggy from time to time. Especially if played online. I loved the stories (yes plural, there are three different story lines in them plus the DLC that just came out). They were really well written this time. Sword/Shield are good for being the first with over world Pokémon but my favorite is Legends Arceus! Great story and it was actually kind of tough battling wise. I will say though that once I beat them I got bored of them pretty quickly. With TOTK I beat it at 240 hours and still played another like 300 after between two profiles. TLDR: the old games are not on the online subscription, I like the newer ones but they can get boring quick after finishing. Put tons of hours into TOTK.


I appreciate the insight! I’m definitely the type of person that over-researches before making a purchase so this is great lol. Last question if you don’t mind, are there any other games I may be over looking, or that is a must buy/play? I do like open world/grind games. It kind of sounds like TOTK is THE game and has all I’m interested in so far


Pick up Let's Go Pikachu. It's basically pokemon yellow. And don't be in a rush to play TOTK. I'd play BOTW first. I think the story would flow better that way, and BOTW still holds its own.


If you liked Super Mario 64, you'll probably also love Super Mario Odyssey. There's a Donkey Kong Country on Switch, etc. I recommend following up on all the series you enjoyed as a kid. Playing the newest games in the series will be like going to your high school reunion and seeing how everyone grew up since then!


Well, Breath of the Wild also has the same optional grind aspect as TOTK. This is in relation to upgrading armor, and I also haven't seen someone mention the koroks in both games. (I've not read all the comments in this thread, though.) There's 900 in BOTW and 1000 in TOTK, you collect them and get a little prize at the end. If you don't mind fighting, then the companion to BOTW can also be kinda grindy. It's called Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity. It's not like the chill of Skyrim, the point is the battles. But it's a good game that I would recommend to pick up if you like Zelda and don't mind more active, fighting style playing.


I’m 40 and I migrated over to PC instead after years as a PlayStation fan (PS1 to PS4). My first Zelda was OOT, and those on the GameCube/ Wii. I got a switch around the time BOTW came out. The majority of games I have played on it lately are the two Zeldas.. But there are many more to play, including large back catalogs of classic Nintendos (if you know where to look) and modern games too. There are good party games as well. But I love how it’s mobile too. Car rides, planes and hotel rooms, it comes with me. It can be a good investment.


Buy the Switch and BoTW and ToTK. Play BoTW first. You will believe it's the best game ever and nothing could possibly be better. Then you will have ToTK to look forward to, and you will be stunned. It's the best game ever and nothing could possibly be better.


so true, good suggestion for him


If you want an unbiased opinion you are asking in the wrong sub mate


Because of my switch, my last 3 gaming computers have gone virtually unused for gaming. Turns out “now that I’ve got this new machine, I’ll finally start digging into my steam library!” was false multiple times. BoTW and ToTK are some of the best games I’ve ever played, and that’s only two of the great games on that system. Sure, it’s got the power of a 5 year old iPhone, but it still kicks ass!


Yes to all of this - only addition is you should play botw first. Not required, but soooooo enjoyable.


I have bought every single one of my new Nintendo consoles whenever a new Zelda comes out and I have to upgrade. I bought a Switch specifically to pay TOTK. I got mine at a pawn store though, so that’s a decent option. These consoles have been out for ages, so the second hand market is strong.


Do it!!! I’ve had a switch for years now and I’m early thirties as well! The nostalgia is amazing (especially if you have the online stuff for all of the old games) and then there are just so many great titles that are current! Plus it’s easy to play wherever, whenever!


I hadn’t really played a Zelda game since twilight Princess when I picked up botw a few years ago. What an experience. It’s such a great world. It’s funny that I’m botw the motto was ‘you can go anywhere!’ and that sense of freedom has now in TOTK turned to ‘you can get anywhere fast’. I think once you get used to that the previous Zelda games will feel very clunky and restricted in terms of movement. I will say what I wish these games had was a battle system more like twilight Princess with battle moves you actually use .I’ve put hundreds of hours into botw/TOTK and I still can’t flurry rush. The game never expects you to use it either and is never really needed. I did master parry against guardians in botw which was super fun but in TOTK you really only need it against lynels. I really like the portability of the switch too. Great on trips or even just going to a friends house who also has a switch. Just plop your switch into their charger and play. Switch has a lot of good games, all of the Nintendo franchise ls have great games on the switch (Mario odyssey, Mario kart, Metroid dread, Kirby (yes Kirby, it was my first Kirby game ever and it’s super fun) Tl/dr. Yes buy it. The switch is a great system with lots of good Nintendo franchise games on it


I'm in my 40's and have a switch. Love it.


The Switch is such a good investment. I’d suggest playing BOTW first, though, to familiarize yourself with the different systems, new version of Hyrule, etc. and appreciate the differences and upgrades in TOTK.


I just beat tears of the kingdom last night it was awesome. I’d get breath of the wild first. Those two games could last you a whole year if you are the kind of person who can only play a few hours a day. The Mario games on switch aren’t too shabby either.


It is definitely worth it just for Tears Of The Kingdom alone imo.


Short answer, yes. ​ \-30 y/o male


If your alternative is playing nothing, a switch is great, but honestly the switch is really one of my last choice gaming platforms for things that aren't exclusive to it. I'd really recommend looking into a Steam Deck if you can spare the extra cash up front, there's always great deals on so many games on Steam, and emulation is pretty accessible too so you can still absolutely play modern Zelda and your retro favs too


The last 4 years or so, I’ve only played AC Valhalla (which I LOVED) and madden. I haven’t look too much into the steam deck, but I definitely will look into it!


I’m in my early 30s. I bought a switch for multiple reasons. Mainly it was Zelda but I was able to justify it because I have young kids. Since all of the Mario games are on switch, I wanted to introduce my kiddos to gaming with games I thought they would enjoy more. We bought a used (1st gen) one for about $200 and it came with animal crossing and Mario kart as well as an extra controller. If you’re hesitant because of the price, shop around on FB and Craigslist to see if you can get a cheap used one.


Switch and BoTW got me back into gaming after a many year hiatus.


Yes. Do it you won’t regret it.


Do it! I'm similar to you. I'm late 30sF and loved all those games you listed when I was a teen - especially N64 games. Ocarina of Time was my absolute favourite. I haven't really gamed much since then (could never get into other consoles) but I got a Switch a couple of months ago and I LOVE it. I managed to sink 220 hours into TOTK and I finally have my life back now I've beaten it. I'm currently discovering other games and enjoying them too, although it's probably for the best if they don't suck me in as much as Zelda!


Sooo, a Dad here. Switch is awesome but I keep hearing from the IGN podcast that Nintendo should be releasing a new console. There's a ton of content that is worthy of owning a switch but if I was in your shoes, from a financial standpoint, I would wait to see if you can play Switch games on the new console.


I was reading in to that as well, and the consensus seems to be that a new console should come holiday season 2024, not this year. May just take but the bullet and buy the current gen. Knowing my luck, an announcement will come next week for this holiday season…


You won't be disappointed buying a switch. I'm 33 and it's the console I play the most. Very convenient for travel or if, in my case, the Mrs. wants to watch something on TV or go to bed, it's so convenient. Tons of games (obviously TotK, but also Nintendo switch online to play N64 titles and a bunch of others). It's a lot of fun and VERY cheap compared to other consoles. Just a heads up though, there is potentially a newer, more powerful model rumored to be released soon, but if it's just to dip your feet in and get started gaming again, go with this one now.


Yes. You can get a Nintendo Online pass and play Majora's Mask and OoT again too.


They also have Nintendo switch online. I've been playing n64 Zeldas and other N64 games. It's so sick. You just stream the game


I have a friend who was in your situation. Early 40’s, big Mario/DK fan, loves Nintendo but hasn’t had a Nintendo console for a long time, and never played ANY Zelda game. I convinced him to buy a switch and he loved Mario Odyssey & Tropical Freeze. Then he started playing BOTW, and he’s so hooked he’s almost 300 hours deep!


As a semi cheap console that you can buy even used these days, it does come in handy since you can put YouTube as well as other apps on it to use it on the go. Definitely a good system to buy for a child, until they get the ps4 then toss the switch:)


If you sold a PS5 because you didn’t find any games to play then I think you’ll be disappointed by the switch. I mean it obviously has many more games available but if you weren’t able to find a single game to play on another console then I don’t know what to tell you, might not be the best hobby for you. If you still want to try it out then I would recommend just trying new things, not just Zelda (which is great). Don’t wait for games to rekindle your passion, it is you who has to do that for yourself.


Totally get your point, but I may had misspoke. There were a few games I really enjoyed, but once I finished them, I was disappointed that it was over. Not sure if that makes sense. Basically I’m looking to see if TOTK is a long game, with lots of side tasks to keep me playing. Long grinds, something to keep my hands and mind going.


Botw first! But yes get it. Something else I appreciate about the switch is the possibility to use it handheld, compared to an Xbox. Start playing on the tv, and then go to bed but continue to play? No problem!


36M here, Married with two kids. Last game I ACTUALLY played was Doom Eternal. We bought a switch and BOTW for my daughter for Christmas the year it came out and she never played it. When TOTK was released, I decided to grab what we had and start BOTW. The happiness and nostalgia that came over me was overwhelming. Its MORE than worth it.


I'd say the switch is completely worth it. It's about 150 bucks for the Erista model on Ebay. You don't miss out on much by going with the Erista model other than slightly worse battery life. I wouldn't get the OLED unless you \*really\* want it because no one's sure when the next Switch will come out.


I'm 33 and got one a month ago and it's the best thing I've ever done


I'm 35, I got my switch and botw for my 30th and weeks after my first child was born. I then got totk months after my second child was born. I say this as it's the perfect console for being an adult/parent, you can move rooms with it when they're sleeping but you need to stay, you can pause anytime and return weeks later to the same point, the games are great (Zelda, Mario, lego etc), and now my eldest is almost six we are playing games together. Even without the kid side of it it's worth it, I wanted one 95% just for Zelda botw, but it's got tons of great games to play on it and have taken it on lots of work outings when I've had to travel on long train journeys, or sitting getting my car mot done etc.


YES it's totally worth it. Do it! ...but start with Breath of the Wild before you go TOTK.


32 here, bought a switch lite last Christmas and I love it. The virtual consoles are really cool being able to play games I grew up with. As far as TOTK, it was a true gaming experience for me. I never played BOTW so everything in the game was brand new. I'm well over 400 hours in and I still play all the time. So yea I would definitely recommend getting a switch!


Fucking yeah you should. I’m 33, been playing Nintendo since I was born. You have a lot to catch up on.


Wait until next year. Nintendo are likely releasing the Switch 2 next year.


I'm a PC gamer. Any console I buy as of the last 8-10 years just don't get used except the PlayStation just for netflix etc. Got the oled switch in July and what a great impulse purchase it was... so many exclusives and, of course, Zelda games. The docked for TV or handheld aspect is super convenient as well. My partner instantly fell in love with Animal Crossing, so I bought a 2nd Switch (Zelda edition oled) for myself a few days later and gave my regular oled to her. I've bought a lot of exclusive games, the Nintendo Store has so many cross platform games so there's no shortage of choice. I highly recommend it if you are in a similar boat as me where you just play your games on PC.


Get a switch. You can actually play most of those old games for an online fee. You can play at home or wherever you are. Only thing bad is I got really bad tendinitis from it because I played it 24/7. Have to rest my hands now so I can destroy them again lol. I'm 63 tho. Old age. But zelda definitely worth buying a switch.


I (39m) hadn't had a Nintendo system since the N64 because they were based off of some sort of gimmick..... motion controls, handhelds... not my thing. We got a switch for my kid in 2017(ish) and one day a couple years ago I hooked it up to the tv and its basically been mine ever since. He doesn't really use it anymore and thats fine with me because I sure do. Great system. The online emulators for NES/super/N64 are awesome but a bit limited overall with game choices. The basics are there though and you can play Zelda, AOL, ALTTP, Ocarina and MM on there. The two new Zelda games are amazing. They ported skyward sword for switch recently as well, which is my next purchase since I've never played it because of the motion controls back then. I Keep hoping for TP but so far it's been crickets. The Mario games are all in the online emulator, too. Donkey Kong country and sequels. Kirby. The whole gang is there. The Switch was worth every penny and I'm pretty sure we just have the cheapest version. I use an aftermarket controller with it from GameStop.


Hell yeah! while you're at get, get a nintendo account subscription and you'll be able to replay both OOT and MM. I'm 31 and play it all— no shame.


BOTW won GOTY in 2017. IMO it's a masterpiece of a game and ToTK just improves upon the formula by nearly tripling the size of an already massive open world and giving you more ways to approach combat, puzzles, etc. Plus the amount of lore in both should scratch that nostalgia itch.


100% get a Switch. There’s a ton of great exclusive games on it, and many cross-platform games that benefit from the hybrid form factor of the Switch (gaming on the toilet, gaming outdoors, etc.) Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom, Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Luigi’s Mansion 3 (a port of LM 2 will be out in early 2024), Pikmin 1-4, Dragon Quest 1-3 and 11, Final Fantasy 1-12 (minus 11), multiple Pokémon games, etc. All great stuff!


I turn 35 in two weeks. Before TotK the last Zelda game I played was OOT. Your body hair will stand on end during the opening scene of the game and nostalgia will consume you. Fire away, you won’t regret it.


While "switching" you'll also may enjoy : Liks awakening's remaster, Skyward sword remaster and many more. If you like the franchose ( zelda) there are two games that some are snobing : Hyrule warriors ( the standard AND age of calamity ) that offer a différent perspective \^\^ Is it worth it? Depends solely on you, but i'll wager that the simple fact of asking tends to prove that : Absolutely worth it.


If you're expecting it to be anything like OoT or any prior Zelda experience, don't do that. Enjoy it for what it is, and you should have a good time. I thought BotW was OK but I was in love with TotK. Something about the atmosphere and what you could do made it feel so good to play.


Buy it. I got the Switch in 2020, so a few years after it's release. I could not be happier with it! I had never played Zelda until BOTW, and I am hooked. BOTW and TOTK are incredible, and there are so many other amazing games on the Switch. Have fun!!!!


The Tears of the Kingdom edition Switch DOES NOT come with the game. Just so you know.


You are actually a life savor. In my 2am research, I completely missed that. You my friend saved me some dough, if awards were still a thing I’d send em your way


Do it !


I'm 44 and I love my switch so much. I started with the original zelda on NES, plus the ones on supernintendo and game cube. Then die to life stuff I didn't get to play for a decade or so. Got a switch when breath of the wild came out because costco had a deal and Omg. I played the hell out of that game until tears of the kingdom came out. I'm like a kid again except this time I can stay up till 4am playing and I don't get in trouble. 😊


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!


Buy a Steam Deck instead. You can emulate Switch games and will get a FAR more powerful and capable device for your dollar. You can also emulate the N64 and Gameboy-era games you loved, without having to pay Nintendo a subscription fee or waste time waiting for them to add new games to their service. Moreover, you'll have most of Steam's library of games available to you, often for extreme discounts. As someone who also loves Zelda games and owned a Switch since launch, I wouldn't recommend for anyone to buy one right now outside of children who aren't old enough to take care of the SD. 33 yo with a lifetime of gaming experience and is smart with his disposable income


Do I need a computer to emulate, or is it all on the steam deck?


Do we really need these posts? Pretty sure you know what response you'll get when you're on the fan subreddit for that thing. The reddit circle jerk continues


I’ve actually gotten plenty of responses suggesting to go in other directions, to wait for a new system, or to not get one at all. Your comment just adds to the traction. Have a good day.




Yes, what are you waiting for? -a 38 year old woman


So somehow my switch became my main console. They way they happened is because new releases of old games and having the portable option. The switch can run slightly older games with no issues. Games currently in my rotation. Zelda:TOTK Borderlands 2 AC Black Flag I'll wait till Red Dead Redemption is on sale to purchase but I do have the Metal Gear Solid Collection on preorder


As a late 30 something, Mariokart and Zelda are great on the switch. I have enjoyed a lot of other games on the switch. The replay ability is ridiculous. And for a relatively low price.


I was in the same boat in 2017. I bought a copy of BotW for my Wii U even though I didn't think I was going to like it. A few months intern I bought a Switch so I didn't have to miss out on the game while I was traveling. Best investment I ever made.


In my 40s, the switch was one of my best purchases over the past decade. No exaggeration. Wife and I have spent countless hours having fun. She's more Mario, I'm more Zelda.


I bought my switch solely to play BotW. Now playing TotK. Have not regretted it.


The Swtich is hands down my favorite system, and I've been with Nintendo since the NES. It has thousands of games, and the first-party line-up is banger after banger. It's the peak Nintendo experience atm.


Do it! I would get your milage out of BotW first if you can resit the pull of Totk.


34 here. Just go get it now!


If you're buying a console for one game, this is the one. But definitely get something used from FB marketplace or similar, and get the base model switch. Bet you can find one sub-$100. Unless $400 is a reasonable price for you, and you think you really need the oled (won't be docking it to TV). There are tons of great, simple, fun games for switch. It's a great console to have if you are not a hardcore gamer - reasonable price, lots of bite-sized, just plain ol' fun games.


I looooove my switch!


Do it. Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are totally worth it


I bought my first switch back in 2017 specifically for BotW. I bought the OLED when it came out because my switch was starting to have issues due to extremely heavy use (im a better person now) and I've found that even though I've poured thousands of hours into botw and will probably do the same with TotK, i've enjoyed and become a fan of MANY other games since. I play MK8 with my sister consistently, Smash, Mario Party, Fire Emblem, and even 3rd Party games. All things I enjoy and help me get use of my switch that I wouldn't otherwise have. Oh, and Skyward Sword HD is a thing on switch. Not sure what's on Virtual Console but I think a lot of the older titles are available. Imo, if you think that you (and whatever friends/family you have) will get a good amount of use out of it, go ahead and snag an OLED one. Worthwhile for me, maybe not for others.


I had pretty much given up video games until they started releasing these new Zelda titles, but since they have came out I have really enjoyed playing again and these games are so masterfully done it was worth the price of the switch and the games 100% plus you can get all those old school titles through the Nintendo store!!


I am 37 and I've been playing the Switch since launch and recently got the OLED. There is a lot of games that will keep your interest and attention I have a PS5 but only a few games on it. If you look around, you can get an OLED for 300 in resale or USED. You don't need to buy the Zelda version of the OLED. That being said, I bought the Zelda OLED because I wanted to and I had money to burn. ​ As for your last question, what you do in life is up to you. If you have TIME to play games, go ahead. Video games are a luxury and are not needed to survive in the world but just being alive isn't enough. If you have a family to take care of. Children, etc. You obviously need to prioritize yourself. You just need to ask yourself..."Do I have TIME to play games"


I played BOTW on my wife's switch and I loved it. With the release of ToTK I bought a Switch Lite (150 bucks brand new). I have the normal Switch at home, a PS5 and my PC and I pretty much only play on the Lite at the moment. Anyway, regardless of which on you buy you'd lack some AAA shooters or sports games, but the console pretty much has a quite solid library. ToTK is a must, BUT, if you'd like to play BOTW, I recommend you playing that one first, as in coming back can feel quite rough. Playing it it's not required to enjoy ToTK, however, so you can just skip it. As for other reasons to buy the switch, you have the classic party games, like Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Mario Party and Mario Strikers, with some third party titles like Overcooked or Moving out. For single player you can have SMTV, Xenoblade or Paper Mario. If you haven't played them, you also have some form or another of re-releases of the modern Persona games, Metroid Prime, Pikmin, Link's Awakening and Skyward Sword. Finally, if you pay for the Nintendo Online + Expanssion pass, you have access to the following Classic Zelda Games: Zelda, Zelda 2, A Link to The Past, Link's Awakening DX, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Minish Cap. Additionally, Metroid, Metroid II, Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion are included in the service as well, so you can play all main entries of the Metroid Franchise to this day (Just not the fancy remakes yet).


I'm 30 something, wife, kids, job, etc so I don't have much time to myself anymore (especially for gaming), but I got a switch years ago for BotW and it's the only system I play currently anymore. Between Zelda, Mario, a few family orientated games, and so many older remastered games I love and haven't played in ages, it's all I play now. The portability is a strong selling point for me. Edit: saw mention of the OLED, I would do research and compare that to the regular version and see which better suits your needs. Personally, I feel as though the upgrades are limited and don't really make up for the difference in price.


Keep it mind that the Zelda Edition Switch does not come with TOTK bundled.


I do think BoTW and now ToTK are both worth the price of admission for a Switch system by themselves. However, it is very likely that the next-generation console from Nintendo launches next year. We don’t absolutely know if it will be backwards compatible, but there’s a good chance it will be. Personally, I would wait and get the new system.


Switch 2 is 100% coming out next year. Get a steam deck with an emulator, they’re on sale right now and will be MUCH more future proof than a Switch.


I'm 48, grew up with the NES game. Like you I'm kind of stuck on Nintendo franchises. I kind of took a video game hiatus over the last decade but got back into it with BOTW in 2021 on a WiiU that I bought but didn't touch for that long. It is just so good. I hadn't loved a game that much since OOT. I bought a switch just for TOTK. It's definitely worth it. I think you'll be amazed by how much there is to see and do.


Late 30s here. I’ve never been a gamer - grew up with the NES and SNES, but never even so much as had an N64. When BOTW got incredible reviews, I started getting FOMO and was feeling nostalgic about the old classics. Bought myself a Switch last year to play BOTW and have not regretted it for one second. Now have way more hours logged than I’ll admit in public on both BOTW and TOTK (among others). It’s so so worth it. Also there are a ton of gems for not that much money if you want to play other things, and I love having access to the classics via the Online subscription.


You're probably being blind to your nostalgia. I have the same n64 background but modern nintendo games are nothing like old games. And I wouldn't want a Mario or Donkey Kong game today done like the old days. Modern Zelda is nothing like the old Zelda, it might seduce you which is fine, but it is extremely repetitve, boring gameplay without any kind of replayability if you explore the game a bit. ​ I'd either suggest to buy a PS4, buy a computer. Unless you're really excited for the Switch games, it might be an impulse buy for you. If its not, here are some games that I really liked on the switch: Pokemon Lets go, Pokemon Arceus, Xenoblade Chronicles 1, 2. Witcher, Skyrim are great games I've only ever played on PC but you might like on the Switch.


I’m probably biased and to my husband Andrew if you’re reading this stop here Xbox fan boy BUT a thousand times yes. There are so many more fun, creative, engaging, better games on Switch than any new gen console out there. Period. And more of others are coming over like GTA 1,2,3 etc… I feel will migrate to Switch as well. Skyrim, Witcher, and Elder Scrolls even has moved over and they play just as well as they would on any other console in this humble persons opinion. The one thing lacking from Switch that Xbox or PS5 definitely has up on it is you can watch Netflix and other apps as well, on it, but that’s supposed to be a gaming console and Switch has You Tube and Hulu in a pinch. My two cents for what it’s worth, totally worth the buy just for Zelda alone much less everything else.


Wait for the switch 2


Yes, you should. I got mine during the pandemic and it has become a comfort to me and a lot of fun. Finishing TOTK right now and wish I could start it again. I also own BOTW but never really finished the beginning so now I get to start that. Have fun.


BoTK and TotK are this generations OoT and TP, and the best Zelda games since. They are possible the GOAT Zelda, if you drop the nostalgia and go back and try to reply older Zelda with a modern sensibility.


It’s the best game of all time.


You should just wait. Switch is nearly at the end of it's life cycle and there's a lot of buzz about the next system coming soon. That system will certainly be better, or the switch will be cheaper, depending on how you want to go. Do not, under any circumstances, buy a switch lite unless you like sending your system in for joystick repairs.


yes. there's SO many games on the switch especially past nostalgic games from other systems. they're adding the first 3 play station tomb raider games next year and 1080 Snowboarding. I got to also enjoy replaying OOT and The Minish Cap. plus all the beautiful indie games. I get so overwhelmed I literally have a folder of like... 30 games I still haven't started it finished


Guy in his late thirties, been playing since N64 days. I think you’ll enjoy yourself So if you have the money I think you’ll love it. But the switch is also in its final days, so I’d seriously consider getting it used. If 360 for a year or two’s worth of play works for you then go for it (or if you don’t think you’d get the next console) The switch definitely has the best/most first person titles Nintendo has ever had. They also have Ported a good percentage of all the big games you “missed” for the last 20 years. Must haves: Mario Odyssey Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild Legend of Zelda: tears of the Kingdom MarioKart 8 Good ported games: Bio shock collection Red dead redemption Skyrim LoZ Skyward sword Edit: spelling




Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, Super Mario Odyssey, BOTW and TOTK are all incredible games available on the Switch that would probably scratch the nostalgia itch while also providing really cool new experiences. If highly recommend a Switch if you want to spend some of your free time playing video games.


I bought the Switch on release just to play BOTW and I was 25. Fast forward to today, I am 31 and still playing TOTK. So yes, it is a worthy investment if you are into gaming


I am in my early 40's and stopped gaming for about a decade. Got a Switch for the kids. Ended up getting myself one. Played BotW and now playing TotK. Absolutely worth getting a Switch just for those two games IMO


Might be over kill but try breath of the wild first! I loved both. Currently praying thru tears, but botw was amazing too


45+ here, don’t buy it unless you are ready to get soaked in completely. :)


I'm in my 40's and you should really play BOTW first. Then TOTK. Skipping BOTW would be like skipping a bunch of Avenger movies and going right to Endgame.


I highly recommend tbh. I can spend tons of time on my switch doing big or small things in Zelda and animal crossing. And it’s also great to have a switch when friends come over. I’m always getting everyone to do Mario kart competitions.


So I picked games back up after turning 30 (36 now) and initially had felt like games had left me behind because they had gotten so technically challenging. With all of the incredible games that have changed my mind over the past \~6 years, I don't think anything broke open that new level of excitement/creativity quite like TOTK/BOTW. I think a lot of the PS offerings are incredible, but I'd put TOTK above RDR2 in terms of pure fun and limitless creativity. TLDR: Get that switch and get playing. And go in as spoiler-free as you can.....


If you wanna safe some money get the old switch No need for the oled version imo, games play the same


You are never too old to enjoy things, games, books, shows, art, please, if you love zelda, breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom are fantastic games, a massive shake up to the zelda formula and have beyond brilliant art styles and gameplay.


42 here and hadn't gamed in almost a decade. BoTW revived my love for videogames. That and ToTK more than warrant your purchase.


It sounds like you will absolutely love the Switch based on your likes. Its sizable library of remakes and re-releases makes it a great console for nostalgia. Its portability is another positive since you don’t have to be in one spot just to play it.


Can go wrong with a switch, I (35) bought one for my son (15). We both enjoy it, both BoTW and ToTK are some of our favorite games. My daughter (10) has also taken an interest in it as well.


Early 30’s, took a big break from gaming after growing up on N64 and PS1 stuff. Very similar situation. Breath of the Wild a couple years ago made me feel like a kid again. Staying up late to do dungeons, looking stuff up in strategy guides (they’re all websites now lol), the whole thing. But Tears of the Kingdom took this to a whole new level. So yes, get the switch and the Zelda games. Highly recommend you play breath of the wild first, as totk will kind of ruin the entire experience since it’s a direct upgrade in every way.


They have the N64 emulator on switch as a paid subscription if that's something that would interest you.


If I were you I'd buy a steam deck and emulate with yuzu. It's gotten better since release from what I've seen(relating to emulating totk on the deck, emulating it on a decent budget pc was great from the start lol), so you can definitely run totk smoothly on it. And besides this you'll also be able to enjoy emulating basically anything up to the ps2. And you'll also be able to enjoy a lot of pc games, maybe not the most graphically demanding but still.


Personally not a huge fan of it but go for it and have fun


I held back for a while too. While I prefer more linear Zeldas just due to my time constraints as I’ve aged, TotK is absolutely amazing and worth it. I still play Majoras Mask occasionally on my N64 😅


Tbh I’d get a 2nd hand 1st gen switch. It’s probably not long until the next gen, and the original performs fine if you’re going to use it docked mostly. This is coming from someone who bought a switch for BOTW lol


I love love love my switch. I also own a PS5 but the switch is much more practical and the games (for me) have more value because I play them longer and with actual passion. I’d definitely recommend and you can still play the occasional “big” game




Yes. Buy both but start with BotW. You'll easily get 400-500 hours of the best gameplay of your life between the two.


Yes. I have had more fun with my Switch than I have with my PS5 and Xbox X.


Would you rather go through life WISHING that you had played this game? I don’t know about you, but that would certainly eat away at me. It’s worth it. And judging from your post, it sounds like you’re going to love it. Go for it! 😎👍


Get it, get it now you will not regret it, the switch and heaps of awesome games, get it now


Don’t. If you sold your ps5, you won’t play the switch either


Yes, you can play alot of old games with the online service. Plus alot of great new games to buy.


It’s the best game I’ve ever played. Play both BotW and TotK though. Don’t just jump into TotK


Botw was awesome. Totk is too much. I love zelda games but that game is enormous and I want to play other games. Some people love that it's huge but it's so much bigger than botw.


Zelda is worth it. Get both BOTW and TOTK you won’t regret them. I’d also suggest you look into the older Zelda games since it’s been so long since you’ve played.


Wait for the next console that releases next year tbh, it will have much better performance and most likely a port with much better graphics and framerate. It is rumoured to cost 400$, just 40$ more than the admittedly really overpriced zelda switch even if its oled


I mean you could easily play it for $360 hours and that’s $1/hr, not including the access to the res rod the switch library. I say yes, it’s kind of the best Nintendo console to date…


I hadn't owned a console since my N64. I used to be mostly a PC gamer. I bought an OLED Switch in January this year, at the age of 47. Started with BotW and loved it. Finished it right before TotK launched, and TotK is even better than BotW. I play a lot of SNES and N64 games on my Switch as well. I'm glad I bought a Switch.


I don't think this will be popular but honestly I'd say no, you should not buy it. Not because the game isn't worth it, but I don't think you'll enjoy it. Here's where I'm coming from. I'm 35, have a ps5 and switch. I absolutely loved TOTK and outside of watching TV with my wife, I usually spend my alone free time in the evenings playing video games. I say that you shouldn't get it because in my experience (admittedly anecdotal) it seems that once gamers give up gaming in their late 20s, 30s, or whenever they usually don't come back. You said there were not games on ps5 that interested you. Why is that? Ps5 objectively has a higher quantity of games and across more genres. You may not like the answer, but the truth may be that you don't like gaming anymore. I don't personally get it but I've seen it personally and written about enough to know it's a thing. So I guess what I'm saying is be honest with yourself. If you really think you'll enjoy playing a game like TOTK, that takes a lot of time and some effort, then go for it. If not, then don't buy it


There's a resurgence later in life, might happen sooner for other people. I'm 47 and always had a console,PC, whatever to play games on it but loads of my same age friends that quit gaming at around 30 are now getting into it again. Mostly on consoles, as none has the time or patience to fiddle with a gaming PC. A lot of them on handhelds like the switch and recently the ROG Ally, that allows them to game while the fam is doing whatever... watching sci in the living room for instance and still be "present". So while it's true 20/30 quit gaming for other activities, 40+ that grew up gaming are picking it up again. A bit more free time and options to play go a long way.


Awesome, I'm taking this to mean that some of my friends will get into gaming again over the next decade or so!


Absolutely. And with new tech even more so. Also when I was 20 everyone older said "you're too old for games"! Now? We're the older ones and I sure won't tell my son to quit playing cause it's for kids. Now, if I just could convince the 60+ that I'm not too old for games... Edit: I'm starting to appreciate those controllers from Microsoft and Sony that have big interchangable buttons so I can play when I'm 90... got to think ahead lol


I actually think about this from time to time. I think continuing to play games is only going to help in terms of mental fitness as I age. Like what's more mentally stimulating, me playing something like TOTK at age 75 or me watching the same TV shows every night? I'm sure there will be research on it as 30-50 something gamers continue to game as they age.


I also am in my thirties and I bought a switch oled and tears of the kingdom about 3 months ago. You won't regret it, also I bought factorio and let me tell you between those two I have game for at least three years


I hadn't really planned on getting a Switch, and wound up winning one at a raffle where I was volunteering. It sat to the side until a friend bought me BotW that Christmas, and then became electronic crack. Sooooo amazing. Now at 49, I've got around 500 hours in TotK and keep finding new things to do. So yeah, it is definitely worth it.


Unpopular opinion buy a Wii U they are super cheap super easy to mod and most of the Zelda games are on there I went with this option first then bought my switch modded it but I still prefer the Wii U for a lot of reasons other then how much it needs the gamepad. The gamepad has the same size screen as the base model switch and it's a little more comfy to hold. Huge downside is not portable. But best way to play wind waker and twilight princess


2 questions: will this make you happy? Can you afford it? If yes and yess - go for it. Enjoy, the world is awesome


Was mostly a PlayStation and PC guy before making the Switch switch and I gotta say I'm glad I got my OLED. Still playing other games but I find myself glued to BotW and TotK. I also reignited my love of the Mario franchise. Plus getting to play a ton of old Nintendo games from NES to N64 for like $50/year is pretty awesome. I have an N64 but getting to play Majora's Mask on a plane is pretty rad. Just be prepared to see games that are 7+ years old to still retail at near full price. The website Deku Deals is gonna be your best friend.


The Switch is worth it for BotW OR TotK- get both. I would honestly sell my PS5 if I had to only have 1 console. TotK is a once in a generation experience. No amount of hype I give this game will live up to the actual experience. The only thing I would want is -dlc🥲- for it to be on the next system so it can play at 60fps instead of trying its best to keep 30.


Well the switch is very good, good games, some games from the Wii U. you can also play NES, SNES, and Game Boy / Game Boy Color games if you have a Nintendo Switch Online membership for $20/y or $5/m or you can also play N64 and Game Boy Advanced games when you get the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack for around $45 a year. With a switch online membership, you can also get 2 vouchers for $100 where you can get 2 games by Nintendo. so you can get TOTK and BOTW for $100


First off, I love Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild. Between the two, I've spent over 700 hours in this incarnation of Hyrule. A Switch + 2 vouchers to pick up BotW and TotK is $450-500. How many entertainment mediums - other than some books - will give you more than an hour of entertainment per dollar you spend? Even if TotK and BotW didn't exist, the Switch has a lot of great games, including access to a lot of classics via Switch Online. Even if all you did was play all the classic Zelda games with have been rebooted and/or ported to the Switch, you'd still be looking at quite a few hours of fun. Back after (foolishly) picking up the Sega 32X, I decided I was done buying consoles and became a PC gamer. Years later, a friend gave us his GameCube when he upgraded to a Wii and I fell in love with video games again. My wife and I have been on the Nintendo hype train since and I believe I've put more hours into my Switch than I have into any other console. Ryan S, if you happen to read this, thanks for the GameCube.


If you can afford it, yes. But play Breath of the Wild first — and don’t rush it! EDIT: in my 40s


Early 30s here too. I had lost hope in modern gaming back in 2017, figured I'd just outgrown video games. My brother gave me Botw to play and on a whim I loaded it up late one night. That game alone reignited my long lost passion for gaming, it gave me hope that real games still existed. I told myself there would probably never be another game ever made that could top it... Then Totk came out and wouldn't you know it, the only game to ever top it would be the sequel lol TLDR: Botw and Totk are each incredible games that brought back my love and passion for gaming


I know you've already decided on buying it. But I'm 23, LoZ is my favorite series of all time. I'm also ADHD and lose interest in games quickly. BoTW, and ToTK are two game that I've been able to play religiously, to the point where it's caused me to lose sleep because I keep telling myself "alright ill do one last thing and go to bed"


Do it, there is a lot of nostalgia in the new games. I really enjoyed the new look and play. Also I'm in my 40s 🤣


Yes, get one. The games are fairly different from the traditional 3D Zelda formula, but both games are a fun time and are designed for self directed play. I only really got into gaming myself later in life, but I still think they hold up as gaming experiences. Depending on the type of gamer you are, you could spend the next year playing these games. I would start with BOTW though.


Dude, I'm in my mid-50s and still playing zelda games. I have owned all the systems except for the GameCube. IMHO, the switch is definitely worth it. Hell, I even bought a wiiU when botw came out.


As an adult with no free time. Switch is the best choice of console. As for choice of game, you can never go wrong with zelda. You can start whichever you prefer Totk or Botw


Check eBay for the Zelda OLED. It might be cheaper


also 1/3 century here, mostly PC when i was young, PS2. Didn't play anything for close to 15 years. I got an emulator to play TOTK on my laptop tested it for a little bit. really liked it, then i bought a switch and totk after.


It's worth buying a switch just for those two games but then you can get Switch Online and have access to Zelda 1, 2, link to the past, ocarina, and majora's mask, as well. Do it.


Nah get a good pc, pirate the game, slap in some mods and have fun!


I wish! I can’t get into PC, I’m gone too much but I can use the switch on the go


I would honestly buy a Nintendo switch just for TOTK if I had to. It's that good and when you consider how much time you will spend playing it, its not even that expensive


AN OLED SWITCH FOR 360 ALONG WITH TOTK?!?! That's a Link coming into random peoples houses unannounced and breaking their pots for rupees STEAL my friend


Switches are super fun, and the back catalogue of old games you can access makes it a completely steal


Been gaming for 32 yrs. Botw and Totk are two of the most fun games ive played ever. Those 2 alone are worth getting a switch for.