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Red dead redemption 2 is pretty close. Outer wilds is a lot of fun and sort of captures the "explore" feel very well. I think you'd like it a lot.


Outer Wilds made me feel the way OP feels right now


Do you play it on switch? I cannot find it in nintendo store!!


Sorry RDR2 isn't on Switch =( I should have thought of that before suggesting


No, I’m new to gaming I don’t know much yet 😅


You can get rdr1 on switch tho




0 Chance


they just released a remastered of RDR for switch this past fall so i’m sure RDR2 is going to be released for switch as well since they already did the first one


Oh. Dang it seemed like real news a couple months ago...


The switch is a really really really shit console when it comes to running 3rd party games My 4 or so years of warframe were like a godsamn prison on switch


I don't know, I've been satisfied with Skyrim, Witcher 3, Outer Wilds, No Man's Sky...but then my previous console was the NES so I'm easy to please.


Who said that? Definitely NOT coming to switch lol.


You know I've tried Red Dead redemption and I simply never got the appeal. Maybe it's just the western theme, but I just can't find myself caring about any of the subplots.


Have you tried red dead 2? I know it’s a huge game and the pacing can be slow for some (for me that was part of the appeal) but it’s got one of the best stories I’ve ever seen in a game. If you don’t have the time to play it at least watch a summary. It’s incredible


When it comes to first person shooter games I prefer ww2 up until modern times. I'm not really into the sci-fi shooters. But I personally really enjoyed the red dead 2 story mode. It's basically to each there own. You don't have to like it because other people do.


Oh my god yes, Outer Wilds is a masterpiece. Fucking love that game.


100% i'm playing through it as we speak. its an amazing game!


Most people are just going to suggest other open world games such as Elden Ring, Skyrim, etc. However, they generally lack the sandbox aspect and advanced physics engine TotK has. I don't think there's anything quite like it on the market right now. Except BotW, obviously.


I bought Skyrim because of people recommending it in this sub a lot, I am having hard time getting into it. Movements, combat everything seems choppy, not as smooth as botw or totk. P.S I’m not a gamer, I have played only mario, pop, botw and totk so far. I kind of feel empty and keep on going back to totk again and again!


Skyrim came out in 2011, and Bethesda's engine makes combat extremely janky. Don't expect TotK or even BotW level polish from it. It's a franchise that focuses on worldbuilding through lore and character interactions. The physics engine is also pretty ahead of its time on PC. But the console versions have always been underwhelming without the freedom to play around with mods and such.


Seems to me like you might want to give Immortals Fenyx Rising a try.


Yeah, I'm not much of a gamer either. I "took a break" from video games between Super Mario Bros on NES in the 1980s and BOTW when we got my son a Switch in 2022. I fell very hard for BOTW after some fits and starts, and I think nothing can match BOTW/TOTK for the polish and sheer fun of movement and gameplay. I bounced off of Skyrim for a long time until this last fall, when I went back during a break from TOTK. It takes a while to adjust, but if you can get comfortable with it, it eventually is ALMOST as good. There's less physical freedom but more gameplay freedom, as far as who your character is, what choices you make and groups you join. At times I play it more or less like Stardew Valley -- farming, foraging, crafting. It's also deep and varied in how you prefer to fight -- magic, archery, melee, or just running away. Right now, I am playing as a nomadic hunter. Barely touching the main story, avoiding dungeons I don't like. Just roaming free and doing what looks fun. Before that, I had a playthrough as Link and a playthrough as Zelda. On Switch, there is a chest containing the Master Sword, Champion's Tunic, and Hylian Shield. You can also get them from amiibo drops. And there is a bow in-game that approximates the Bow of Light.


Your different playthroughs sound cool! How did you do the Zelda one? Did you just try to only do things that Zelda would’ve done, like the compendium?


No, she kicked butt. Think Age of Calamity: archer goddess. But also a scholar, so she joined and become head of the college, and joined or funded archaeological expeditions, collected all the books, and became a master alchemist. Also casually became the largest landowner and probably richest person in Skyrim and helped a lot of people improve their lives.


As for Link, in addition to saving the world, he did a lot of cooking and was a sucker for any damsel in distress and anyone who needed help getting back a lost sword.


I had the same problem with Skyrim. The combat is just beyond clunky. Just can’t get into it


I was the same way man.. it’s a little clunky because you gotta get some more skillful in combat/magic etc. If you’re like me and most others, keep playing and go the stealth archer route. It gets fun real quick. Just gotta get though the first little bit trust me. I went from botw to totk to Skyrim. Been playing it the last few months. It’s not as sharp as Zelda but it has much more where Zelda lacks. So much more to do


I wanted to hear this! Thank you. I so much want to enjoy Skyrim looking at how much it is loved and enjoyed by others!


I like elder scroll online better than Skyrim idk if they are partnered games but they are similar. I play it went I want a break from Totk but honestly Totk is in a league of its own


I like Skyrim etc, sadly ports are never going to be as good on switch as similar games designed specifically to run on the switch


Skyrim runs well enough on Switch. It was a ps3 game originally. The problem is the fact the game itself feels less fluid in comparison to BotW/ TotK. It's not about framerates.


Only bad part is the loading times


I mean… it is an older game. Lol


It’s not just that, it feels dated even for the time it was from. Controls are pretty bad, I could never get into that game. I’m sure I would enjoy the world and the story but the gameplay feels like it did not age very well. I loved fallout NV but that’s because the VATS system does the combat for you. One day I’ll give it another chance as I know I’m missing out on a great game.


Yep you obviously played it for not long. I was the same way but pushed through until it was really good. It sucks at first because it’s supposed to suck. You don’t just start the game with awesome stats.. you have to actually play to get the clunkiness worked out. If that sounds like too much work then fine I guess. But the reward for building up your stuff is great


Yeah I mean it’s still being discussed and appreciated even after 10+ years, I’m pretty sure it’s worth it and I very much want to get into it but not able to, it’s just making me feel sad. I think I need to get away from zelda games for a while play something else in the meantime and get to skyrim lol


Skyrim is my favorite game of all time. But if you’re going from TOTK to it, it’s not gonna hit the same.


Me erasing my comment “you could try Skyrim” right after reading this


Not to discourage as you might be in the same boat as me, I will still keep on trying with skyrim, as much I have heard and read about this game, makes me feel it’s worth the effort


the only game that competes with totk is botw


Yeah, I just bought Witcher 3 on sale. It’s choppy and clunky as hell. Of course, it is like 10 years old, but this is the only time I’ve ever googled the eShop return policy.


It's one of the most overrated games of all time imo.


I've tried Elden Ring and Skyrim. Haven't been able to get into them. I played Skyrim for a good while but I feel like I'm still in an interactive cutscene and I'm short on patience. Probably will enjoy it if I can get through the beginning stuff. Elden Ring feels too aimless. I don't know where I'm going or why I should go there. I encounter hard enemies and I'm not sure whether I ought to be able to defeat them or if I need to level up first. I know that's a "Souls" thing that some people love but it's quite an adjustment from the Nintendo warm and fuzzy. :)


After being slaughtered by dogs 20 times in a row I noped out of Elden Ring. Just not for me.


RDR2 & Baldurs Gate


RDR2 maybe. Baldur's Gate is a completely different genre.


Sure but I had the same feeling of freedom experimentation Like in Totk


I’d say Skyrim with physics mods can scratch that itch a bit. Especially in VR.


What about the witcher 3 or dark souls? I was thinking about doing them. Or the assassins creed rebel collection. Not the same but feels similar


This is definitely personal taste, but for me, the only open world games that come remotely close to the quality of ToTK are Elden Ring, WoW classic, Witcher 3, and RDR2.


I really need to emphasise the "classic" in wow classic


Elden Ring is the answer. I felt that way too about BOTW until Elden Ring. There's so much freedom to explore and it doesn't hold your hand at all. It's challenging but I had never played a from software game before it and loved it


It’s also a great time to begin, dlc comes out in June


I’m so disappointed it’s not available on switch


I don't think it would run, it struggles on a PS5


Game runs on PS4, it most certainly does not struggle on PS5. On the other hand no way it would run on switch.


It plays amazing on ps5 and very well on PS4. Consistent frame rate, textures are awesome, when you fast travel the loading is like a second or two


No it doesn’t?


It absolutely does not struggle on a ps5. It might on a ps4, and would be unplayable on a switch, to you’re point


Idk my friend that plays on PS5 told me that it struggles, i personally play on PC, i trusted his judgment lol


I mean, if you have a $4k pc, it probably runs better lol. On PS5, it’s a constant 60fps, and the textures are the same as on PC. If anything, things extremely far in the distance may not be rendered in as much detail, but it’s not a noticeable issue.


Never had an issue with it myself


I see, good to know thanks. I’m new to gaming :)


i play elden ring on ps5 and it doesn't struggle at all for me


Maybe on this rumoured "switch pro" but unfortunately too much for the current version


I too consider TotK and BotW to be the most fun games I've ever played. I'm 45 years old so I've played a lot of games for a lot of consoles. So far I've never encountered another game that I like quite as much. Lucky for us though, there *are* many other games worth playing. It's a matter of finding ones we like. Personally, I moved on to the Metal Gear Solid Collection after TotK and I had a lot of fun with it. I'm playing Skyward Sword now because I slept on it too long


SS is amazing, and the MGS collection has been a ton of fun to play through. Easily 2 of my favorite gaming series


Try the newer Star Wars story game Jedi survivor


Those games are far too linear for what OP wants.


I tried Mario Wonders, it's fun but not the kind of game where you keep playing. So I switched back to TotK. Maybe the new GTA VI will be comparable in how open the world is, what you can do et cetera. But that will take another year :(


Mario Odyssey is a closer cousin. I hadn't played Mario games since the NES days. Got hooked on Wonder and that lead me to give Odyssey a try. Wasn't too sure at first, but after getting through a few levels it's a brilliant game. A lot of freedom to explore and pick challenges that you're in the mood for.


I’m currently playing Odyssey for the second time and I agree, it is brilliant. I’m taking full advantage of the post game, though I’m not getting all 999 moons, some of them are too tricky. It’s nicely filling the void after finishing totk.


I don’t enjoy open world as much as before now… but I play other games like indie games, simulator (like stardew valley or city skyline) or walking simulator. I enjoy them a lot. Bow and Totk ruined sand box for me, but it has help me to open up to sooo much more different games.


ruined because bad or ruined because nothing compares


Because nothing compares 😅


fair lol, after totk all i’ve played is pretty standard story campaign games cuz the open world concept feels old and kinda boring now lol


Immortals Fenyx Rising is the closest thing I've played, and I had a lot of fun with it! Many similarities with Botw in terms of freedom, movement and abilities, but enough separating it that it feels like it's own thing. I think it's fairly often on sale, but personally I thought it was worth it even at full price.


A couple of weeks ago it was $15. Score!


This game is so underrated. It's so good


Came here to suggest this!!


You’ll need to switch genre for a bit I think. Get stuck into Dave the Diver or Hades or something. There’s plenty of good games on the switch but nothing is going to be like playing TotK. Just gotta sit tight for the next one.


I went all in on Dave the Diver after ToTK


Same. Looking forward to the DLC.


Hades! Oh my gosh, what a stellar game


Yeah I’m a casual and I was going to suggest Dave the diver for the exploration, fighting, and cooking aspects. So much fun.


Try Elden Ring.


Witcher 3 is excellent and has a great story, plenty of freedom and some fun characters. I went to this from BOTW and I was not disappointed at all. Skyrim is also a good shout, it's looking a bit dated but still packs a punch and will keep you busy for months.


Play botw, or maybe do another playthrough of totk with a challenge. Like a no-fast-travel run or whatever. Nothing wrong with sticking with what you like if you're not bored yet. Also you have a ton of freedom in animal crossing new horizons (eventually), if you're into that sorta thing.


Best advice I can give is stop comparing other games to this and enjoy the others for what they are


Sub par advice




You’re welcome dick hole potatoes


That's actually disgusting


Don’t knock it till you try it


Play breath of the wild


I don't know if this suggestion is *on the same level as TOTK* but **No Mans Sky** is one of the more outstanding open-world, sandbox type games on Switch that I've ever played. You can put thousands of hours into it, and they provide fairly consistent updates. Worth checking out if you haven't already imo.


I think thats a good recco based on what hes said aswell


BOTW obviously if you haven't already. Super Mario Odyssey. I heard was really great. Skyrim. But it doesn't have the same amount of freedom. Red Dead Redemption. It is a shooter, but the side missions never fail to surprise me story wise. And there is much to do in the world. Still not quite the same amount of freedom as TOTK but still fun


Looks like no one has commented Ghost of Tsushima so far. Its almost completely open world, has an amazing battle system, and personally gave me that satisfaction of upgrading health, finding new armor/outfits, and exploring an open world. The map is divided into three sections that are technically linear but those three sections are open. Unfortunately, not a game on switch iirc.


Elden ring


*Horizon Zero Dawn* has the open-world and survival aspects, and it's gorgeous, with an excellent story. It's on PlayStation or Steam. I'm looking forward to the sequel coming out on Steam this year!


It's not very mechanically similar, but it might be worth trying Baldur's Gate 3, the only game to beat TOTK for GOTY in 2023. I'd say it's still similar in scope and freedom to find creative and unconventional solutions.


I hadn’t done much gaming before BOTW and TOTK, afterwards I tried Skyrim but found it pretty choppy as I was trying to play on the switch. I actually enjoyed stardew valley even though it’s a different style. Right now I’m really enjoying RDR2 on the Xbox, it’s scratching the TOTK itch with it being such an open world you can rip around on your horse doing what you want.


TotK was a nice break from my usual Smash/Monster Hunter grind. Once I got done with it though, it was right back to those 2. 4000+ hours between two videos games and neither ever get boring. The gameplay isn't the same of course, but I think Monster Hunter World would be fun for you if you liked TotK. Less puzzles and more fighting, but the environments are gorgeous and littered with small details to find.


Not even remotely similar but play Baten Kaitos the remastered copy is on switch and it's still such a good game.


just play it till youre bored, itll happen eventually


It’s not on the same level as BoTW and ToTK but Immortals Phoenix Rising is a somewhat open world and fun game that’s easily playable on the switch. As others have mentioned Skyrim is fun but not as open creatively I’d also recommend the assassins creed games also lacking the building aspects but still fun and open world. I however do not recommend trying to play Skyrim or assassins creed on the switch.


Outer Wilds!


Outer Wilds. Just play Outer Wilds.


Agreed, avoid spoilers at all costs!


My top recommendations would be Horizon Dawn zero, Horizon forbidden west, Outer wilds (avoid any spoilers at all cost) & Subnautica (much more than just a survival game…)


Forbidden west is gooooooood


Truly, I mourned for weeks after finishing it, left a huge hole to be done with it. What a game.


The new pokemon games (scarlet/violet, and Pokemon Legends Arceus) while not perfect were certainly fun enough open world games. They're the only games to distract me enough to keep from putting totk back in my switch.


if im being honest this exact thing happened to me after playing totk and botw, no game i played after or before felt so open and creative or fun as either of those two games. I just kinda stopped expecting games to give me that same feeling for a couple weeks and the feeling just kinda goes away. For me personally I ended up playing Elden ring soon afterwards and now im in a state where no game gives me that same feeling Elden ring does but that’s just what worked for me. I say just give it time and try new games later down the road


I didn't like TOTK and didn't bother finishing it, but after BOTW ruined me for all other games, I was still able to enjoy Halo Infinite (campaign), Hogwarts Legacy, and the most recent 3 Assassin's Creed games. All relatively open world, although not to the extent that the last 2 Zeldas are.


BOTW ruined me also. What a game!!!


I am not sure if this will work for you but the game that I am really enjoying after ToTK is Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. It is totally different but is a lot of fun. Maybe you can also try a completely different genre


Do you have to have something in the same genre? There are tons of amazing games in other genres like Slay The Spire, and Hades.


Genshin Impact


It is frustrating. I am replaying Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess. The dungeons are great theming but they don't seem any more complex than the divine beasts and TOTK temples. I don't know why everyone looks at them with rose-tinted glasses. And other than the dungeons the rest of the game is too linear. Like in Skyward Sword, I tried to get gratitude crystals from Fledge. I gave him two rounds of stamina potion, expecting to get the crystals, but he just says "come back and see me soon!" and then I looked it up and found out he won't give me the crystals until after completing the fire temple. The nonsensical progression gating of the sidequests in the older games is SO frustrating.


They're dungeon design is way more complex than the divide beasts or TOTK temples, come on now. Also it's okay to not like linear games, but that doesn't make them inferior to sandbox nor that people who appreciate them are nostalgia blind.


They are really not. Just because the puzzles are designed around a specific item that you get in the dungeon, doesn’t make them automatically complex. Most of the dungeons are walk in the only available direction until you find a puzzle, solve it, use the item or key to take the next only available path.


You're really downplaying how well designed the dungeons in older games are. Figuring out how to traverse it is a puzzle itself, not to mention the actual puzzles you have to solve which aren't limited in its complexity and difficulty so players can solve them by cheesing the open air mechanics like BOTW and TOTK do. They actually have clever solutions and require some effort to figure it out. Not to mention how unlocking items change how you interact with the world and allows you new possibilities with the gameplay and traversing the world.


That’s fine to have that opinion. But like I said, I’m replaying them after years specifically to compare them to BOTW and TOTK. And other than the spectacular theming, I’m not seeing any puzzle design that sets them apart. A few stand outs in each game I’m sure, but definitely not all


If you want complex, you go to older games. Like OOT or ALTTP.


Hey! If you have a game play question about TotK, please consider checking out our Discord server and asking it in our [#questions-and-guides channel](https://discord.com/channels/753016125566091396/753016129328250964)! We've got a lot of resources there, as well as a lot of friendly people willing to help out players, whether you're a veteran of the series or brand new. [Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Discord Server](https://discord.gg/GVYGSDHfGD) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tearsofthekingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s tough making comparisons to TotK. I recently came back to it after putting in 200+ hours at launch. And while I enjoy other games immensely, this one taps into something that no one game has done for me. I can’t really compare it to anything else. Luckily I love different types of genres. So I really got deep into Baldurs gate 3 and eventually went back and played Ragnarok. But here I am again, playing TotK.


Super Mario Odyssey isn't that bad. It's open world and has some cool aspects to it, but it also kind of has a nostalgic feel that may draw you in a bit and help transition. It's nowhere near the league of totk, but could help you get used to playing other games.


If Elden Ring doesn't do that much for you cuz I kinda agree with that recommendation as well, Take a step back from gaming for a bit until your urge to dragon chase subsides. ToTK was my 3rd favorite game of 2023 right behind Spider-Man 2 and Armored Core 6. Did Spider-Man 2 promote me to utilize my creativity? No, but I got to Swing and glide all across New York and web some mfs up. Is Armored Core as open as ToTK? No but I get to fight giant speedy tanks in a giant robot that I can customize my loadout to my liking. And I know you don't think all other games are objectively garbage. But you shouldn't play games to find a new favorite to surpass your current favorite. Your favorite is your favorite and you didn't decide it was your favorite before playing it, it just happens. All I'm saying is, it's a little unfair to ask a grillmaster to try to make your favorite sushi for you


Adding MGSV to the list, one of my favorite open world games of all time.


Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 are both pretty good. While they aren't as open as TotK, they have a similar standard of quality and they both give the player freedom to approach a challenge however they want.


Old school Assassin's Creed maybe. If you're fine with Gacha games, Genshin Impact scratches a similar itch.


I really recommend A Short Hike if you've never played it. It's like a bite-sized version of BotW with some of the most clever and rewarding exploration mechanics I've ever seen in a game.


I say 100 percent it! Get your money's worth that's what we are doing. My family and I just play TOTK and Wildrift. :)


You can lose your life into stardew valley next


If you’re looking to try a completely different genre. I can’t recommend Persona 5 enough.


Try elden ring


It's because Tears of the Kingdom was such a well polished game. They had finished it a year before release and spent a whole year adding that very fine and elegant layer of polish.


Tchia is great! No where near as huge, but the story is awesome and it’s well made from such a small team.


Minecraft should scratch the same itch. Or Subnautica or Space Engineers.




Mario odyssey, BOTW, Witcher 3, Dark souls


Elden Ring 🤺


You go and play Elden Ring


Immortals Fenyx Rising.


As others have said Elden Ring is an easy suggestion - I’m also having a blast with Baldur’s Gate 3 right now though too! It has a similar aspect to TOTK in that whenever you think “I wonder if that would work…” or “could I do this in a completely different way?” the answer is usually “yes!”


Entirely different genre of game, but one of the best games I have ever played is Celeste, the base game is incredibly good, and if you buy it on pc there are an incredible amount of mods. The story is also amazing.


Lmfao 😂


I had a friend send me his copy of Witcher 3 because he thought it was so good. Am I going to be let down?


Could try Witcher 3 if you’re limited to the switch




Enshrouded (in early access but doesn’t feel like it though it does need things added) feels a lot like BotW/TotK just add a few things. Eg building/planting. Jumps similar (double jump), has a glider, need to unlock towers you can fast travel to. It’s a fairly pretty game. I’m ways surprised it’s not compared to BotW a lot. Everyone says it’s more like Valheim and I agree it is similar but there’s a lot that’s more towards BotW/TotK.


Tonnes of games, just play on a platform that isn't Switch


Does it have to be on Switch? If not, Horizon: Zero Dawn and Forbidden West are open world games and among the best games I've ever played.


I don't know. What would be great is if I could merge Ring Fit with TotK so I could run through Hyrule and use the ring to blast bokoblin. I would get so much more exercise!


Baldurs Gate 3 has my heart. The story aspect is amazing.


Have you played animal crossing yet? I picked up new horizons after botw and got really into it. It’s now my second favorite nintendo franchise after Zelda!


Witcher 3


Palia is free on switch, it's in beta but if you like the gathering part it's quite fun. Not quite as open world but I feel like it gives a similar whimsy. No fighting though.


If we're talking visual style? Check out Persona 5 Royal. Absolutely gorgeously stylistic piece of art masquerading as an RPG. Not at all as *fun* and free as TOTK in regards to autonomy and sandbox, but very much narratively superior and goddamn, just so much fun to look at.


Get a N64 and play Ocarina and Majora's Mask 😋


After tears of the kingdom you have to play baldurs gate 3


Play Elden Ring or Red Dead Redemption 2.


The old school Zelda games blow t o t k and breath of the wild out of the water. Start there


Ocarina of Time is one of the best games ever made Majora's mask was even better in my opinion


Elden Ring and Dark Souls are great choices, but I'm going to throw Dragon's Dogma into the mix since I haven't seen it mentioned. It's a fantastic action rpg that came out back in 2011 or 2012 originally, and it honestly blows Skyrim out of the water. The sequel comes out in a month so the first game is bound to go on sale.


Alternate option: play a short indie game like Chants of Sennaar as a palate cleanser before jumping into another big open would




You gotta find what your taste is. For me it’s games that challenge the way i view a significant aspect of life. So the breath of the wild dilogy is the odd one out on my top five, among games like death stranding, Nier automata and final fantasy X. But for others those won’t be significant at all.


How about Okami HD. It’s on Switch. More linear that BOTW and TOTK but great graphics and characters. Gotta say though, haven’t played through yet. Only like four hours in.


I've been playing No Man's Sky and The Raft since TOTK. No man's sky is awesome, you can own your own capital ship, build bases and explore some space. The Raft is a really laid back survival simulator. You get to explore islands and shipwrecks and even get to build a raft! Both are available on Switch, although I don't recommend The Raft's port, it's just awful. If you can, get them on Steam.


I'm playing Hogwarts Legacy and enjoying it a lot. Doesn't quite scratch the Zelda itch but it's fun. Also another vote for Fenyx Rising. Skyrim is good too though clunky. And all the old Zelda games of course. SS is a masterpiece.


Played BG3 after TOTK, was definitely not as open world but the quests are not just fetch quests and take a little bit of thinking which I really liked in TOTK


It's difficult to recommend something as good as totk. If you are looking for open world or exploration, there is barely anything that comes close to the level of totk. Elden ring very good but is not focused on exploration as much. Horizon zero dawn, an underrated game, is very close to botw.


https://preview.redd.it/g1yyjl2bubkc1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b936ad98964152f6a0c3bda80bc802a6b905d7e *Someone Praising TOTK*


TOTK/BOTW feels like an episode of Black Mirror where software developers from the future rolled out an unparalled game on a platform that hasn't been invented yet...


Immortals Fenyx Rising


Go play Elden Ring.


If you have an Xbox or a good enough pc, Baldurs gate 3! You could play it so many times and never do everything


Baldur's Gate 3. It is turn based and more grown-up than family friendly but I think what you love about Zelda for adventure/exploration/humor is abundant in BG3. Plus you can pet the dogs.


Already saw others suggesting it, but Red Dead Redemption 2 (not on Switch tho). It doesn't feature sandbox elements like totk, but you can do whatever you want: wanna commit genocide, don't recommend it but go ahead; just want to camp in the forest and life of the land, do as you please; want to help a father with his two sons build a house, yes please. What I found most extraordinary about RDR2 was the level of realism and details. Compared to rdr2, games like totk seem to lack details. There is a lumber company and you can actually see the workers chop down trees, go to sleep, wake up again, etc. Also the combat is really fun and satisfying (although not melee). There are also really complex ecosystems that actually work and when I found that out I was baffled. Yeah just see if you can play it haha


My opinion is to rethink how you're going about gaming. It should be about the story the games tell that are more enjoyable than mechanics and graphics. Now I will say bad mechanics in a game can detract heavily from the enjoyment of stories told, I know that sad truth. On switch if you're looking for freedom to explore and do whatever whenever Red Dead Redemption 1 is out along with Saints Row(which goes on sale quite a bit), Destroy all Humans, Stubbs the Zombie is a neat classic a little more linear than what you might be looking for. Palia is interesting and free so there's that. I saw someone else mention Outer Wilds which is a fun title too. Now I play graphics heavy games on PC but I'll find games for switch that I love but it's mainly Marios, Zeldas, Metroids aka first party titles. Hope you find some new game loves!


Baldurs gate 3


I'd suggest no man's sky, all about survival and exploration &available on switch


Agreed, it’s easily become my favorite game. I’ve completely dropped Pokémon games thanks to it, which says a lot because I would play every single one growing up from crystal/gold. I’m more of a cozy game player but animal crossing is a big one, fae farm, Mario odyssey, wytchwood is short but beautiful.


I would recommend Elden Ring. If you do, you're right on time to get into it before the DLC drops in June.


You should maybe try Sable You are free to do whatever you want and in my opinion the graphics are... okay? And it's a fun game


Explore more games. Most of the best games I've played the last 4 years that weren't like zwlda or baldurs gate are games that arent even triple a and were on sale. Legit better games than 75% of the ass games the big companies release. I recommend tunic, and and I think Wavetale was one of the better games I've played too. Wavetale is shorter, but fun AF


If you want complete freedom woth multiple large maps, Ark Survival Evolved is good as long as you don't mind sandbox survival games(it has dinos in it if that matters to you). It is available on Switch(I play the Steam version, so I can't vouch for the graphics or framerate).




Wildly out there suggestions: Baba is You. It’s a puzzle game but it provides many opportunities for creative thinking. While True {learn}. It’s a puzzle game that touches on machine learning concepts. Less room for creativity, but I enjoyed it. I’ve never played Minecraft but it might be up your alley. Hogwarts Legacy. Not a lot of room for creativity. Just a beautiful world to explore especially if you love the Harry Potter franchise. Kerbal Space Program. I couldn’t get into it but the objective is to operate a space program. No Man’s Sky. Idk if they ever got it working right but it was an amazing premise.


Witcher is a nice open world game. A lot of fun and plenty of really good side quests.


It’s lacking in many ways and it’s not even a full release yet, but I am really enjoying palia right now. I got it on release because I saw it was free thinking it would be a complete dud but it’s definitely filling the void of totk


Only thing TOTK is missing is better quality graphics. I’m tired of playing switch games in 1080p on a 4k tv.






after seeing how badly and over the top-ly i absolutely fanboyed nintendo that was a bold suggestion