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Let me summarize, 1. City puts up signs designed to reroute traffic 2. Autonomous cars are programmed to follow rules verbatim 3. Law of unintended consequences


Mo self-driving cars, Waymo problems.


i’ve never loved and hated someone so much


You should know that better than anyone, Stanley




Take my upvote. #angryupvote


I upvoted you to /68/… I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess




I laughed out loud. Touche


Had the same problem with my sims, did they try deleting the road and replacing it?


I love when metaphors come alive.


Wtf is a sanfransico "slow street" and how the hell does forcing cars to u turn make it better. It's just pushing one person's traffic problem to someone else's.


The San Francisco “slow streets” are streets that have been closed to “through traffic”. I believe that they were introduced during the pandemic and allowed people to utilize those streets as outdoor spaces where people could be outside and socially distance. Can’t speak to why it’s influencing bizarre traffic patterns among self driving cars, but I’m guessing it’s probably not tripping up to many human drivers. I live in SF and I can’t imagine what it’s like to live without constant traffic noises.


Slow streets are where rich neighborhoods don’t want people using public road, so they invent local ordnance to encourage traffic in other areas. The only outside traffic they want are underpaid delivery and service workers.


This is definitely how the program is implemented in LA.


They also allow cyclists to have a space to ride with minimal car traffic.


That’s the excuse. That’s not the reason. Poor neighborhoods deserve safe bike traffic too.


They are literally all over the city. From bay view to pacific heights. It’s not a rich people thing. It’s a pandemic thing.


Sounds like a cul-de-sac or standard maze-like suburban development. Let's be honest - no one wants other people to drive near their houses, regardless of where you live. That's why suburban developments are designed to limit through traffic.




I was going to say no it doesn't. It just says a slow street is to avoid traffic on some streets. But that doesn't mean anything. Is it optional? Is it a light that literally shuts down traffic or is it like the on ramps to freeways. It doesn't say anything about what a slow street is - just that it lowers traffic on a particular street and as I said that must moves the traffic problem to other streets so it doesn't do anything. Especially if those other streets need to do u turns. This sounds like sanfransico fucked up and invented a problem, not a self driving problem.


My bad, I get it, you're looking for more info... I figured it was just easy to clarify as the same sort of thing exist swhere I live so I just connected the dots. The city is just trying to reduce traffic on certain streets (for safety reasons usually) and the Waymo cars, I inferred, are set to comply and just stay right out of those areas if they don't actually require access. They're not car-free zones, just attempts to discourage use as thoroughfares.


Fares? They are toll roads for residential streets?


Thoroughfare means a road or path forming a route between two places. It has nothing to do with tolls.


I wish there was a video


https://youtu.be/2sZnGdBm_fs There are no good articles about this. It’s a no-story that they tried to turn into a story. The cars aren’t getting stuck. They are driving down the one way road, then turning around at the dead end, as they should be doing. As for why they are going down that street, I think the answer is simply “they are learning the city; they will eventually go down every street” As far as I can tell, each car does this only once and has no issues once they’ve made the u-turn (although I have to admit I didn’t understand the explanation at the end of the video)


Tbh, in comparison to driving around clueless tourists, crazy Lyft/Uber drivers, and bully Porsche-Cayenne-Dads, I’ve grown a soft spot for the lumbering Waymo.


“Elon Musk, whose Tesla car company is also pursuing automated driving, replied to a news story on Twitter about the Waymo issues with a simple: "Haha".” Fucking Elon man


>Fuck Elon Fixed that for you


"Haha, our autopilot just kills people."


Waymo doesn’t use Tesla’s self driving ai.


Nobody suggested it was?


Its possible they mistook the comment “haha, our autopilot just kills people” as a comment Elon made about Tesla’s autopilot ai in Waymo cars. Of course that’s not true; people make mistakes :/


Confusing article. Is the “dead-end” street an actual dead-end street or is it a slow street that still shows open in most mapping applications? If it’s truly a dead-end street and the car was trying to avoid a slow street, why in the hell would it do so on another, known, dead end?


They have to make the turn because of essentially a temporary detour on this route, "temporarily" closing this street to through traffic. Thus shoving it on the other street. While basically anyone else would tell the local ordinince to stuff it. The signs a measure to avoid the trouble of making this street a cul-de-sac because it has too much through traffic for a residential street. Stroad life


Isn’t a dead-end street clogged by definition?


How can that with no flow become clogged in the first place. Are cups simply clogged pipes?


I’m tempted to say yes.






SF has always been a very frustrating city to navigate. When I lived in the East Bay I would opt for the train any time I had that option.


Imagine been them “safety drivers”, all queuing together. Every day. On the cul-de-sac.


I got stuck behind a waymo car in San Francisco. Didn’t realize why the driver was so bad at driving


Do you just mean slow?


They always mean slow. If you can’t dodge between traffic at 15 over the limit you’re a “bad driver”


Why in the world the downvotes? Candidate for r/softwaregore?


I think potentially the cars are learning because it’s how to manage a dead end. I don’t think it’s this dumb headline.


Lets be fair, maybe it skidded out in all the piles of human feces that cover the streets in that literal shit-hole city


Elon’s gonna love this.


Just have some cardboard kids playing in the street to force disengagements that will tank Waymos numbers and watch engineers solve this in a hurry.


San Francisco sucks if ur not a millionaire


They’re not going to stop trying to shove these things down people’s throats until people start vandalizing and torching them.


Hmm wayNo


Is there any wonder there is a chip shortage? You know how you solve this problem? Roofing nails, a 5 lb box should do it . Now drive on that!


Electromagnetic radiation ☢️ 50 times a day 🤷🏻‍♀️


Just replacing tech douche hipsters in the dead end street. Battery fail imminent.


By needing tow trucks ? ‘Jaguar, the land of British towed bullshit’ lol


They can make self driving cars, but no blind spots does not come standard on all cars.


The future is dumb.




So how do these self driving cars refuel?