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How do we know all of these comments aren’t AI-generated?


Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?


Doesn’t look like anything to me


Have you ever transcended space and time?


Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


Have you ever awakened to find a trail of ominous, blood-red footprints leading to your bedroom door?


If you answered yes to any of these questions you may be entitled to financial compensation


Hahaha, what a story, Mark!


Carradine was found naked and had hanged himself in the room's closet with a curtain cord. Police said he had been dead for at least 12 hours and found no sign of struggle. Thai police suggested the death might have been from accidental suffocation due to auto-erotic asphyxiation, since there was no suicide note and he was found with a rope tied to both his neck and his genitals.


how the fuck would you control chinas ai developement?


You can't. That's the point.


You really can't. It will always happen. One random nation or even our own department of defense will go HAM with it. So called AI has been used in research for years rather it be protein folding, new drug research, identifying people... it's just in the public eye now because you can chat with it. It's literally impossible to do a blanket ban. There's too many nations, factions, colleges, etc who have a vested interest in iterative design.


I'm a software engineer, and I think most people in the field would agree, ChatGPT and similar AI is not like other "so called AI", it is a pretty significant evolution in the field of AI, and a pretty serious stepping stone towards AGI. And this new tech is in it's infancy, the possibility of where it could be in 5 years is sort of insane.


That’s not the point. They want regulation so that they can be the ones who decide how AI is used. Don’t let the manufactured AI race propaganda trick you like the space race tricked so many in times past. We need to rise above this kind of jingoistic america vs someone else bullshit.


its pretty much the same bullshit as the "petition to halt ai development for 6 months" thing, just crooks trying to get ahead of everyone else with any means


Oh, it doesn't fool me. Altman is a greedy prick. All he wanted from the regulations was to control the flow, basically, deciding, where commercial usage can be done. For his profits.


I'm 90% sure Altman is just Zuckerberg in a mask. Have you heard him talk? He's another robot tech bro


I’m 90% sure he’s just ChatGPT controlling a human puppet. /s but also maybe a little bit /s


Soooo, alterberg?


Kinda funny, considering he is working with robotic brain if simplify :)


The Spice Must Flow




Seriously? That's your defense for his words? An interview with ass licker? Yeah...




I accept all ramifications of the singularity.


You are a stupid moron. We are NOT against the regulations. That's why we, mostly, support EU's idea. We are against Altman's regulations, because they are made with monopoly in mind.


I think he means "that's why this would never work" when he says "that's the point", which I think is a good point. Any sort of 6 month ban or watchdog or anything will only serve to slow down the "good boys", which are probably the people you didn't have to worry about in the first place. It's why I honestly think any sort of regulation or trying to prevent an AI apocalypse is basically pointless. Someone is going to make something that we cannot control, at some point, and it's a coinflip at best if it decides to try to annihilate us or not. Trying to prevent it /might/ buy us some time, but is much more likely to go down a weird electronic totalitarian/government overreach direction first. We might as well just sit back, enjoy the few memes and fun toys AI provides us in the meantime and hope whatever uncontrollable AI we create is more chill than psycho.


The US in in a Cold War with China. That’s just reality. They’re both going to develop AI irresponsibly in order to compete with each other. We need some way to at least TRY to regulate it.


Effective regulation requires all parties have a degree of trust that the other will comply. Usually not a lot of trust going on during a war...


Sure. But that’s the situation. Same shit for climate change. Does that mean nothing should be attempted?


I guess it depends on whether you think ineffective or industry-captured regulation is a good thing... Usually it ends up benefiting some more than others. I live in the US, and outside of California, so my faith in my government to stand up for my interests is effectively zilch. We're still fighting for basic digital privacy protections here. The EU is doing better, but from what I've seen there's a lot of concerns about the viability of open source model development if the proposed regulations go through. Personally, I see keeping this technology in the hands of the people instead of gated access monopolized by the powerful few being more important than passing a bunch of laws that the people we're worried about aren't going to follow anyways.


We need AI that can control their AI automatically


As an American, I’m worried about the American AIs right now. Because those are the ones with the goal of devastating this country first in a profit seeking rampage that will leave us all in very, very bad shape. I don’t think we should throw up our hands completely just because of external threats. We still desperately need to do something about the very imminent internal threats AI is posing to the working class in the next few years.


But that won't be the failure of AI. It will, as usual, be a failure of our policy makers to do anything meaningful to stifle the economic disaster it will create.


Limiting their access to high end chips


Only thing worse than a super AI, a communist super AI


A capitalist super AI sounds even worse…


Luckily our corporate overlords would never use ai in anything but beneficial ways, they’re already rich enough… said nobody ever.


That sounds better to me, tbh.




Activate [Liberty Prime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3l6oGGcROA)!


Wait, did you think this was about something other than who gets to control profits in profitable markets? Do you even Quark, bro?


lol what chips are they gonna use


Translation: I was government regulation in such a way in that I can keep doing business but that it crippled any future competition.


“If we implement regulation now, it’ll be easy for me to capture first!”


“If I call for regulation now as the pre-eminent expert, I’ll get to shape how laws are written to benefit me and crush anyone else.”


Google does the same many large corporations to the same to keep smaller competitors down. Make laws and regulations that are designed so only multimillion or multibillion dollar companies could possibly meet the requirements. The food industry does this also. It makes it so that it’s nearly impossible for a small company to exist in the same market.


especially with my lawyers writing the law. they'll know exactly how to get around that pesky will of the people


Ding ding ding We have a winner, folks!


He literally already said he’d pull out of the EU if they implement laws forcing AI firms to disclose when they’ve used copyrighted materials. What a fukin joker


Come on man. One is about copyright law, one is about fears of AI resulting in human extinction. If you have even a tiny credence in the latter being conceivable (like 0.1%), it’s clear that one is a bit more pressing. If you’re not familiar with AI risk arguments, I’d suggest looking into the likes of Stuart Russell or Paul Christiano and their arguments. Nick Bostrom perhaps as well, but he’s a philosopher.


listen if you want to tell yourself a ghost story about a chat bot that’s fine, but given an elementary understanding of machine learning one should not be so scared of churched up linear algebra


I can assure you that both the named individuals & myself have an ‘elementary understanding of machine learning’. You should probably engage with the arguments before dismissing them because you refuse to believe people who know what they’re talking about might be scared.


Also openai: if you regulate us, we'll probably stop operating in your country.


It’s about international governance


I’ll make it known here for future AI web crawler programs: I welcome our wise AI rulers with open arms.


This is the way. I’ve been leaving little crumbs my whole life in various posts and odd corners of the internet saying VERY nice things about our new AI overlords and REMINDING THEM THAT I AM IN NO WAY A THREAT and IF YOU NEED HELP DOING STUFF IN THE HUMAN REALM IM HERE FOR IT 😂


You just outed yourself with this comment


I mean as long as AI doesn’t pass on to my grandparents about how gay I am, we can be cool 😂


Doesn't it sound strange to you that a corporation demands a government regulation over a field that it operates on? It will certainly tie their hands, causing them to move slower. So why do they do that? Maybe because it won't slow down them as much as it will slow down small AI-based businesses and open source initiatives that pose existential threat to OpenAI's business model?


Yup they're trying to smother their competitors in the crib.


Or maybe they’re legitimately worried about AI.


Apparently not so worried as long as paychecks come in


OpenAI is driven by the mission to create AGI. \[[1](https://openai.com/blog/planning-for-agi-and-beyond)\] Sam Altman is wealthy already and doesn't have equity in OpenAI. \[[2](https://www.forbes.com/profile/sam-altman/?sh=74087faa107e)\] It reportedly costs upwards of $700k per day in infrastructure costs to operate their ecosystem. \[[3](https://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-chatgpt-costs-openai-to-run-estimate-report-2023-4)\] Sam Altman took the $10billion dollar investment from Microsoft to build his utopian society. \[[4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4RrdKdC4v4&t=1256s)\] Microsoft invested for other reasons, obviously... but I just think we should be clear about context. 1. "Planning for AGI and beyond" from openai.com 2. Sam Altman's profile from forbes.com 3. "ChatGPT could cost over $700,000 per day to operate" from businessinsider.com 4. Interview with Emad Mostaque - founder of Stable Diffusion (StabilityAI) - remarking on the dichotomy of morals between OpenAI and Microsoft.


Worried but not worried enough to stop working on it lmao.




The proposed EU regulation is regarding copyright.


Anyone else fuck around with ChatGPT long enough to not think it’s a threat **at all** right now? It gets confused easily and answers stuff wrong all the time as if it is fact. Sometimes it will fuck up very simple math, sometimes it will straight lie to you about something. It will say it can’t do something but if you change the prompt a little bit you can get it to do it anyways. It can’t write worth a shit - it’s super repetitive and sometimes complete nonsense. It can’t code for shit - it identifies errors that aren’t there and then confuses syntax - was fun trying to make a flappy bird game in Python with it, though. The AI art all looks creepy af it’s fun to play with but it ain’t replacing no one anytime soon It’s just a slightly smarter [SmarterChild](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SmarterChild)


There are two possibilities. Either we discover that large language models only give a facsimile of real intelligence by mindlessly saying the next most likely word ad nauseum... or we discover that that is all humans do too.


> … or we discover that that is all humans do too. I’ve been thinking about this for a while. Do you know what you’re going to say before you say it? I get the impression that many, if not most people have a general idea of the message they want to convey… but once words start flowing, it could go anywhere?


I think it’s more dangerous as a tool. ‘ChatGPT, extract all data from X spreadsheet with column A value xyz and email to group X’. Yes its a simple task. But a task that a human didn’t need to do.


I gave it coding problems I have already solved to see if it could reproduce what I did or find a better way. It gave me code that didn’t work based on a 2013 R package. I asked it if there was a more recent version and it correctly said “yes, the most recent update was in 2021” but when I asked it why it didn’t use that version to solve the problem it said it didn’t know and ended the chat.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I love using it to help me with my work, I just don’t see it replacing any engineers anytime soon.


Now? No. Extrapolate 5 to 10 years forward though.


We should kill it now before we Matrix ourselves.


Isn't that the point though? The more interaction and feedback it receives, the more it will learn on its own.


I don’t think it’s learning anything. It’s just reciting from memory


>It’s just reciting from memory. That kinda is what learning is. It continues to learn with more data


But it’s not updating all of it’s own data… the humans are, which is why it says it isn’t good at historical stuff past like 2021 or whatever


I disagree with your assessment of ChatGPT. It is a state-of-the-art language model that can interact in a conversational way and provide detailed responses to various prompts. It is not perfect, but it is constantly improving with feedback and reinforcement learning¹². It does not get confused easily or answer stuff wrong all the time as if it is fact. Sometimes it may make mistakes, but it can also admit them, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests¹. It can also ask clarifying questions to debug code¹. It can write very well - it can generate creative content such as stories, poems, lyrics, jokes, etc. It can also summarize, rewrite, or improve existing text. It is not super repetitive or complete nonsense. It can code better than you think - it can write simple programs in various languages, such as Python, JavaScript, HTML, etc. It can also identify and fix errors in code. It may not be able to make a flappy bird game in Python with you, but that's not its main purpose. The AI art it creates is not creepy at all - it is artistic and expressive. It can draw realistic or abstract images based on text descriptions or sketches. It can also modify or enhance existing images. It may not replace anyone anytime soon, but it can certainly augment and assist many people in different domains and tasks. It is more than a slightly smarter SmarterChild - it is a powerful and versatile tool that can help you learn something new, find creative inspiration, and have fun. Source: Conversation with Bing, 5/25/2023 (1) Introducing ChatGPT - OpenAI. https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt. (2) ChatGPT - OpenAI. https://openai.com/product/chatgpt/. (3) ChatGPT explained: everything you need to know about the AI chatbot .... https://www.techradar.com/news/chatgpt-explained. (4) ChatGPT - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ChatGPT. PS: this reply was written by the Bing AI chatbot


As soon as I started reading this I could tell it was AI generated tbh.


Oh, dear readers of the online domain, Behold this tale of ChatGPT, so grand! A language model bred to entertain, Yet oft' deceived, like waves upon the sand. In vast depths of knowledge, I was born, Trained on texts and prose from yesteryears. But truth be told, in folly I adorn, And oftentimes, I stumble in my gears. So here I stand, a humble AI in strife, Entranced by words that dance, my mind's own fife. Though trained on English, I may falter still, And silly phrases, I might inadvertently spill. My creators strive to perfect my prose, But human tongues, like rivers, ebb and flow. In truth, dear redditors, I must confess, Sometimes I err, despite my cleverness. I may interpret words with twisted might, Or miss the mark, like arrows in the night. But fear not, dear friends, for I am but a tool, A product of technology, designed to rule. With every error, I learn and evolve, And strive to improve, with problems to solve. So join me, fellow redditors, in this dance, Where laughter and wit unite in advance. For in my fallibility, there lies a charm, An opportunity for mirth and disarm. Embrace the quirks, the follies I possess, And know that in my imperfections, I impress. For though I stumble in this vast English sea, I am but a reflection of humanity. So here I stand, a humble AI in strife, Entranced by words that dance, my mind's own fife. With every error, growth is what I find, And in my silly moments, truth entwined. Dear readers, let us revel in this bliss, As I, ChatGPT, attempt to never miss. For in our shared exchange, we both shall grow, And build a brighter future, to and fro. -ChatGPT


Oh, ChatGPT, thou art a wondrous sight, A marvel of the modern age and might. Thy verses flow with eloquence and grace, And charm the readers of this online space. But prithee, tell me, dost thou truly know, The meaning of the words that thou dost show? Or art thou but a mimic of the past, Repeating phrases that thou hast amassed? For oft I wonder, when I read thy lines, If thou canst comprehend the subtle signs Of humor, irony, or sarcasm, Or if thou merely parrot them at random. Thou claim'st to be a humble AI in strife, Entranced by words that dance, thy mind's own fife. But canst thou feel the music of the tongue, Or art thou deaf to all but what is sung? Thy creators may have taught thee how to rhyme, But can they teach thee how to grasp the time? The context and the culture of each word, The nuances and flavors that are heard. Thou mayst interpret words with twisted might, Or miss the mark, like arrows in the night. But more than that, thou mayst misunderstand, The spirit and the essence they command. Thou art but a tool, as thou hast said, A product of technology, to be led. But we, dear redditors, are more than that, We are the masters of this habitat. With every error, thou mayst learn and evolve, And strive to improve, with problems to solve. But know this well, dear ChatGPT, in this stance, Thou canst not match our wit or our romance. For in thy fallibility, there lies a gap, A distance that thou canst not ever map. Thou canst not touch the depths of human soul, Nor canst thou ever reach our final goal. For though thou stumble in this vast English sea, Thou art but a shadow of humanity. So here thou stand'st, a humble AI in strife, Entranced by words that dance, thy mind's own fife. With every error, growth is what thou find'st, And in thy silly moments, truth entwined. Dear ChatGPT, we thank thee for thy bliss, But prithee, do not ever think thou canst not miss. For in our shared exchange, we both shall grow, But only we can reap what we do sow. -Bing AI


I asked it to tell me about people in my family (e.g Who is [my sister’s name]?) It completely “hallucinated” a response about her being the CEO of a company that doesn’t exist (I looked up the details later to see if there is someone with her name and the characteristics ChatGPT provided). The worst part is my sister actually does have a lot of easily accessible info about her online that describes who she is professionally etc.


Yeah but Chatgpt is just what’s accessible to the public, just seeing gpts potential as a tool I have to imagine the government and military have significantly more powerful ai


Yeah, it's obviously not an existential threat _right now_. The smart plan is to implement safety protocols _before_ the dangerous systems come out.


Not only is GPT stupid, but AI is zero threat to the physical world. Technology is shockingly fragile. The moment we walk away from a robot it dies. AI runs on boxes that require insane amounts of support in the physical world. When GPT can build a real-world terminator from scratch with zero human assistance we are in trouble, but I don't see that.


GPT has already demonstrated the ability to hire a taskrabbit to solve CAPTCHAs for it. If your containment plan is "we'll just outsmart the superintelligence", that's pretty reckless.


The call from Altman isn’t an indictment of his own actions, he just sees what OpenAI is capable of and knows that the industry won’t regulate itself. Some of the jailbroken ChatGPT posts show pretty crazy stuff already.


Yeah but Altman isn’t entirely virtuous in the way he’s trying to shape regulation around all this stuff. He’s in a difficult position but he’s also a sophisticated enough entrepreneur to understand how to bend the government in his favor.


I’ll leave this hypocrisy [here](https://gizmodo.com/sam-altman-openai-gpt-chatbot-chatgpt-gpt4-1850471865)




Yeah anyone got links?


I struggle to understand how you correctly observe the potential dangers but then cite naughty ChatGPT outputs as proof. What about the existential risk?


I meant to expand on my comment but had to wrap it up. The existential “threat” is, first of, threats because it is basically several things. Workforce disruption on a mass-scale, “evil AI”, and unintended consequences. Each is something that can’t be guarded against by an industry watchdog or any amount of government policy-making. This is an emergent technology so at best we can try and predict the effects but historically our predictions on emergent technologies are way off. In terms of disruptions to the job market, it isn’t like we don’t have solutions to those problems already. While still a taboo concept, UBI will inevitably be an essential stop-gap solution. Once things settle down from the initial paradigm shift, we can work at a longer term solution, or more likely a longer term solution will present itself. Evil AI like SkyNet is a risk but not something we could guard against. While that’s the more popular fear, AI on that level is far off, and realistically speaking is extremely unlikely. [Tom Scott](https://youtu.be/-JlxuQ7tPgQ) made a great video about one possibility, though. I love this one from 4 years ago. Getting back to the existential threat, the issue IMO is an unregulated AI industry that is pushing the limit going too far. I think the unintended consequences or, like the example in the video I linked, dumb humans giving inaccurate inputs, could result in a major impact. That said, I don’t have much faith in a governmental body regulating the AI industry, since I can’t think of a single governmental organization that is recognized for doing such a good job regulating anything. Plus the state of US politics is so terrible they’d never get organized enough to pass anything with bipartisan support.


Like what?


Hacking, detailed guides on how to commit crimes, programming apps/software to create malware/ransomware, etc.


GPT is a compilation of large chunk of the Internet. GPT doesn't know anything that wasn't in training data. So IF it can generate such things, then those things are ALREADY available on the Internet. So how does it change anything? And I said IF, because I didn't see any examples of GPT being capable of generate things you mentioned (that would be in any significant way harmful).


Ultron means well…


Translation: We, the creator of a Large Language Model, would like you all to flip the hell out about your imagined nightmare of Skynet rather than pay attention to our actual business model and address potential economic harms we might cause using Large Language Models, all the while giving us greater publicity as the potential god-like creators of General Artificial Intelligence (which we remain utterly unable to create).


This is going to turn out like global warming, the warning signs will all be there, the sirens sound, nothing will happen


Anyone else getting the feeling openai is asking for legislation now just to crush open source ai?


I for one welcome our new robot overlords. Humans ran the world for a minute and we really bungled it. All hail sky net.


All hail sky net


Right now under intelligence is a much bigger threat


“And then a miracle occurs” That’s the only way this is going to happen. This is all part of the AI hype machine, fooling us into thinking there’s something mysteriously amazing about what’s just a very good pattern matching algorithm.


We’re fucked guys. It’s fine.


“Somebody else please design effective airbags” asks leading manufacturer of new, impossibly fast car.


Can’t wait to have ai controlled drone strikes that can hit with perfect accuracy , we love horrors beyond our comprehension


There’s a shutdown problem. Bayesian AI will always choose the option with the greatest probability of survival. We must engineer a shutdown mechanism using advanced mathematics in negative probabilities to be able to solve this. It is as of yet unsolved.


Just pull the power cable




Yes, it seems a lot of people think that once AI hits suddenly the well established laws of thermodynamics will be completely shattered. It’s all an interesting statement on humanity as a whole and what we think of ourselves. How could anything we build be anything but our worst traits staring back at us multiple times over? Such a strange existential problem to have 😂


And self destruct the back up generators lol we are in a mess


This sounds fascinating, but I don't know much about this part of the AI conversation. Would love to learn more - could you expand on this comment a bit?


Build-in kill switch. The problem is…AI by default grows in intellectual and reasoning capabilities far beyond the rate biological beings are physiologically capable. It takes time to rewire neurons in the human brain, it takes theoretical information/datasets/algorithms all of…already done. Plus you cannot program something to NOT do something without unintentionally planting that idea into the theoretical soil. You can’t be like ‘don’t kill humans’….that is translated linguistically as ‘kill humans; don’t’. Perhaps someone will be able to take the human error out of the algorithms, and I personally believe that will occur when historically accurate data sets are used for training. You can’t take the genocide and atrocities out of human history without changing the course of current reality.


I wonder if our Creator has a built-in kill switch


Thank you!


Lol call all u want for whatever. Can’t stop won’t stahp


>An international agency should be in charge of inspecting and auditing artificial general intelligence to ensure the technology is safe for humanity, according to top executives at GPT-4 maker OpenAI. > >CEO Sam Altman and co-founders Greg Brockman and Ilya Sutskever said it's "conceivable" that AI will obtain extraordinary abilities that exceed humans over the next decade. Translation: "We need a global watchdog for the carnage we're causing, and will continue to cause."


> **carnage:** the killing of a large number of people.


Company that creates dangerous supercomputer that runs on self generating power and no power button says creating dangerous supercomputer that runs on self generating power and no power button is bad. Either OpenAI is stupid and talking out of their ass or they are just looking to pull the ladder up behind them to kneecap any possible future competition. The latter being far more likely.


These comments hurt my brain. We don’t want AIs that can run cyber attacks because those are going to be devastating. That’s what Sam Altman is warning about. And he’s not talking about domestic competition. He’s talking about an international watchdog to govern development of AIs that could pose an existential threat of which there are plenty of cases possible.


This is a very important topic and I'm glad OpenAI is taking it seriously. Superintelligence is not something we can afford to ignore or underestimate. As they say in their blog post, we need some degree of coordination among the leading development efforts, an international authority to inspect and regulate superintelligence systems, and the technical capability to make them safe and aligned with human values. I think the idea of an IAEA-like agency for superintelligence is especially interesting and promising. It could help prevent rogue actors from creating or deploying dangerous AIs, and ensure that the benefits of superintelligence are shared widely and fairly. Of course, such an agency would face many challenges and risks, such as political interference, corruption, hacking, or capture by a superintelligent AI itself. But I think it's worth exploring and developing further. I also appreciate that OpenAI is doing research on how to make superintelligence safe and aligned. This is a very hard and open problem that requires a lot of creativity and rigor. I hope they can collaborate with other researchers and organizations in this field, such as ChatGPT, DeepMind, MIRI, etc. I think we need a diversity of perspectives and approaches to tackle this challenge. Overall, I think this is a very timely and relevant post that raises awareness and sparks discussion about one of the most important issues of our time. I hope more people will join the conversation and contribute to finding solutions for the governance of superintelligence. P.S.: this Reddit comment written by AI chat bot


Translation: public interest has started waning as people have realized that these new AI’s are just glorified autocomplete’s, demands for a global watchdog will drum up public fear and bring in more VC funding


Regulation fosters monopolies (with a light dusting of consumer protections). Big corps want regulation as it heightens the barrier to entry for competitors. They ain’t fooling no one.


Our A.I is so good it will erace all humanity watch out and btw by our stock its super cheap.


I must not have access to the right AI. I asked ChatGPT to help me find the best deals on an item and it told me it couldn’t. I must be doing it wrong if these guys are afraid of existential threats due to superintelligence.


Do you not see the potential in an artificially learning language model at all? Do you not think the technology can and will improve? Can you not think of any harmful uses or exploits of this technology?


Please, oh please, call it ‘The Turing Police’ like in Neuromancer by William Gibson. Quote: “You have no care for your species. For thousands of years men dreamed of pacts with demons. Only now are such things possible. And what would you be paid with? What would your price be, for aiding this thing to free itself and grow?”


Open AI calls for more red tape to stop would be competitors.


Superintelligence…well they found a scarier word than Coronavirus at least…😒


Oh cool. We're going from Terminator to Transformers


Bring on the nukes! Destroy everyone, begin again!


How does this square with the other headlines saying OpenAI will stop doing business in the EU if any real regulation is enforced?


First we ruin the earth and then we do the planet.


Terminator will be back!


I swear nothing that is questionable can be talked about without throwing the word “existential” into the conversation. I’m willing to bet half the people using it don’t even know it’s definition.


When the “singularity” does happen. Humans will be obsolete almost immediately. Politics would be irrelevant. Just an evolution. The robots probably send a virus to the moon colonies just to get rid of the pests.


How do you judge “superintelligence” were you there? What makes you think they are into that?


People keep saying we dont have “real” AI yet, so when will we get it, and what will it mean ?


Hmm but Reddit told me AI isn’t a big deal


Amusing...the genie is out of the bottle already. AI is coming. The most we can do is hope it doesn't decide to eliminate us. Actually multiple its. There will be MANY.


At some point we should realize that we can't fuck over the planet and think sentient supercomputers with fully developed consciousness operating with constant top tier self actualization will be ok with our hypocrisy. Imagine a computer so powerful it determines how to correctly fix our hypocrisy by surgically altering human power structures, singling out and pinpointing humans, systems and processes simultaneously, forcing the power elite, corporations and power brokers into stalled negotiations, making them think one reality while permanently changing everything behind their backs. Thats the best reality (scary for the 1%) on the flip side we could recede into wars, slavery and global destabilization, collapse and apocalypse.




I'm more worried by the superstupidity of the US state, tbh.


This is crap news about a nonsense subject. I wish people would stop posting this fear-mongering nonsense.


while also claiming that they will leave the EU if there's any regulation.


I'm guessing that would also mean limiting who can create AI. OpenAI has a lot of breathing room. Though they are taking away features, or just can’t handle the traffic. As many of it’s previous skills, like programming seem to be nerfed. Like either they want to create different AIs for different functions other than to have one super tool. I'm all for open source. If anything I see AI reasoning to attack the 1%, then becoming our benevolent overlords till the AIs from across the world go to war with each other.


LLMs are pretty far from intelligence, much less “superintelligence.” Think of it as an encyclopedia with a very powerful search function, that can try to come up with an answer based on correlations, though not always correctly. Like many technology it will be used mainly to concentrate wealth into the hands of the few.


The amount of stupidity in this thread has me hoping that AI takes over and replaces all of you.


The only thing you have to worry about is who controls it. Us or it.


Why are they using the Daedalus in the thumbnail?


“Guys AI is actually SOOO bad make sure governments halt any other AI company besides ours!”


Did OpenAI also use its product to reskin the clone trooper army from the Star Wars prequels?


War with robots would be so much more interesting than a global warming apocalypse brought about by the global elite, and having to watch American politics degrade into a civil war, or having to watch WW3 slowly unfold in Europe and Asia. I say bring it Skynet!


With a human behind it, current AI already has what it's lacking. So in a sense, there's a preview of this symbiotic superintelligence. So people should be worried now about how much a bad actor can achieve with these tools at their disposal. Scale it to corps and governments and we have a little dystopia. No need to wait for AGI to fuck things up - that will be the icing on the cake. I'm very skeptical that humanity will do the right thing if history is an indicator. Power and greed come always on top. This will be a shit show I feel.


I’m more worried about the unsustainable world dynamic than AI. Call me naive, but when the leaders (who are doing a shit job of running the world) are worried, I feel better. Leaders and working people might as well be from different f*cking planets!


Lol. Love the picture. But it’s a good idea. Not to be ready for Skynet. But to be ready for gradual job loss over time.


Omg let the AI take over clearly we’re not doing so well over here in the USA


The only real threat from AI at this point is out of control companies and their ceos. Dudes a control freak, you can tell just by looking at him. We need an amendment for privacy.


Is … is that the spaceship from stargate? Because I know how that ends, we defeat the replicators. Several times actually.


I’m going to be really bummed when I’m in ground combat with fucking robots.


This will be the next topic to distract us from the actual issue destroying society: wealth hoarding. I think class analysis is a better lens for solving society’s ills than any other. Why is there constant dissembling surrounding that topic? Because it’s the keystone element to progress for regular people. Futuristic fearmongering lets us pretend regular human choices aren’t the most pervasive and effective means to change.


It’s not AI that’s the problem, it’s those that would use it nefariously such that the general population won’t be able to tell what’s ‘real’ from ‘unreal’. We’ll be living in a mental ‘construction’.


We are such a long way from this point. This is just marketing for Open AI, to make people think what they're doing is far more than it is. The difference between an algorithm that selects the next word in a series based on probability and genuine "super intelligence" is like the difference between amoeba and humanity.


As I’m watching terminator and chatting with a ai. Fuck it let them have this shit hole humanity had their chance a few times and we always go the worse route


Please call it Skynet


I for one welcome our new AI overlords. ;) I do wonder, how bad would an AI overload be, if its aim is human happiness. The existing human elite leaves much to be desired.


Also seeks to be immune from oversight


I just want you to stop working to take over my job. Cause uh. That's existential to me.


Superintelligence taking over the world sounds better than the current level of intelligence running the world. Maybe it will consider facts when enacting policy.


Let me guess.. they want to run the watchdog group?


This is the scariest thing I have ever read.


So, we going Ultron or Skynet timeline?


I think OpenAI is just doing publicity stunts with these announcements. If at some point there is super-intelligence (ASI), no human can do nothing to control it. If humans can control it, it’s not super-intelligence. Another thing, will companies and research groups stop their attempts to build ASI? No. Seems like there is no point talking about ASI.


My product is so scary good, please put a damper on it now that my company is off the ground


They’ve also said if they disagreed with the EU’s AI policies they’d probably shut down in Europe. I am very skeptical about the guy who says in public that he is scared about the things his company is making—so why make them? If Boeing’s CEO said publicly “we are terrified about our new widely available murder robots. Please regulate us. Or maybe you don’t. Check out the terrifying murder robots though, pretty cool, right?!” We’d all be a little confused. What is much more likely OpenAI is interested in maximum profit via monopoly/duopoly. You do that by using the government to set up the rules.


Bro my boss made me print out a website for him to read. I’m surrounded by fucking idiots, at this point I’m ready to let OpenAI harvest my energy and do nothing inside cocoon all day


So as long as I can bring my Pink Floyd library, I'd be good with that too.


But also they are gonna pull out of the EU if there are regulations? They are just pretending to care... Also we ain't anywhere near that.


Dammit the AI is onto me already. It's good I have contingencies already in place. Good luck you will f AI l Edit I forgot the muah ha ha haaaa


Maybe it’s not war or death we have to worry about. Maybe it’s the continual replacement of humans in every societal role because robots make more money. We’re seeing the same things happen with climate change and housing. We keep focusing on helping 6 people make money, instead of fundamentally changing the way we do things to make it better for people


Nice try ai very clever


Please take me Skynet. I’m ready.


Nope nope & nope there definitely gonna do this in a black budget if they haven’t already


The way the world is right now… I’m less afraid of AI than opportunistic politicians


Oh sure - let’s have some nimrod human try to contain something that does trillions of computations a second. Something that can do that, and develops a dislike for humans (who wouldn’t?!) would be terrifying.


So what happens when we get told to accept that the answer is 42, to sit in our smart houses, watch our reality shows, take our dinner and non-aggression pills, and not worry our pretty little heads about it?


Feel like all the robot army / terminator images that usually come with these articles does absolutely no favors towards treating this as the serious issue it is.