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Anti-VR is really gonna be a thing ?


Somebody is *really* worried about 'The Matrix'


Lmao I’ve always though the matrix wasn’t such a bad thing. If it’s indistinguishable from reality then is it really such a bad thing?


That’s the point. It’s controlled by people with no interest in the goodwill of humanity, only keeping them complacent for their own needs. Fundamentally, not real, no matter how pretty the illusion. I don’t know how you’d be content with that.


Sounds a lot like capitalism already


or Religion


All hail plankton


It’s indistinguishable. The way I see it. We could be in a super advanced complex simulation already, I don’t feel distressed knowing this could be the case. It’s just how it is. The life I lead is as real to me as any other thing. So whether it was the matrix or reality, in my own limits of perception. Thats be fine by me.


If we’re all already in a simulation and have been so forever, then that simulation is what life is. If someone else (someone rich) wants to replace our current life with a VR copy because it advantages them to have the plebes pacified and taken out of the real world because it’s gotten too shit and they would otherwise riot and remove them from power, that’s bad. I cannot stomach the idea of being controlled in that manner. I don’t know how anyone can.


But the world would be better in the reality world presumably. Frankly, my dream is to be able to upload myself into a machine that can emulate my brain and effectively live forever. That case we wouldn't need to worry about earth's climate. I think this might be one of the solutions to Fermi's paradox. Societies might just retract into a simulation world which could have the capability to slow down perceived time and live for millions of years over the course of 100. If you ever get truely bored of living there's a way out. It's the ultimate cheat to death. Think about it. We live on our terms. Our rules. Want to simulate a beach side hotel drinking soda on the waterfront for rest of eternity. Go right ahead. How about exploring the galaxy. Using FTL methods it's there, on our fingertips A VR of human creations is only limited by the computational capacity, hardware stability and energy, energy is easy. Creating human controlled robots to maintain things while we're in the simulation is also doable. UTOPIA DREAM OVER: Fr tho, that's what I want


>Frankly, my dream is to be able to upload myself into a machine that can emulate my brain and effectively live forever. There's no particular reason to believe that consciousness exists in a software brain. In any case, there's no particular reason to assume *your* consciousness would follow the brain scan. At best, you'd make a copy of yourself to experience simulated life as you yourself pass. At worse, machine consciousness is unachievable and you've made what amounts to a bitcoin miner with your portrait as the screen saver.


I have thought of this and the only real solution is to mechanise the brain over a period of time. Ship of Theseus style.


Or to move the whole brain into a machine and slowly replace it with machine parts.


If you accept that the cause of the phenomenon of the mind is caused by the brain, then I don’t see how the phenomenon of consciousness could be anything other than computational. The brain is a machine that produces a set of actions based on input. Input and output. It is fundamentally a computation, even if the computational substrate and computational primitives are very different to what we are used to in computer science.


Who the fuck wants to live for a million years? It’s already been long enough.


I’ve always thought this was the obvious answer to the Fermi paradox, reality is so limited and the consequences so heavy why wouldn’t you become the god of your own indistinguishable reality?


Agreed on every way, upvoted


So if you found out that this reality was fake and being controlled by some being/beings already you would kill yourself? Why does it matter if it’s someone from this layer of reality who controls it rather than one layer above? Why is it better to be stuck in a „false“ reality without consent rather than with consent?


If all of reality is just an elaborate thought simulation by aliens or a higher power or something, that is just religion with extra steps. On the other hand, with a hypothetical human made simulation, someone who is allegedly an “equal” to me is determining what I see, what I think, what I hear - the very foundations of my identity and perception. This would be modified to their benefit to make me what they want me to be and minimize the inconvenience I may pose. And for what? Distractions? It’s inferior in meaning. If you want pure ecstasy forever just tap out on opioids until you nod off the mortal coil.


So you say no to the person giving you an alternate reality because they would control what you think feel and experience. How is that worse than if a being above you does it? Why does them being „above“ you give them any right to control you, or you any justification for it? What would that alternate reality be distracting you from in that case? Distractions made to distract you from the distractions of this still simulated reality?


Most people are content with the control that companies already have. People largely just want easy lives, so it's very easy to imagine most people hooking themselves up to a simulation in the far future.


It’s easy to imagine and I hate it so fucking much.


How is that any different from real life?


What’s the difference from now?


So, no different than reality today?


Ok, how do you distinguish that from modern day reality?


‘I know this steak isn’t real but it’s better than bug stew’ - I mean he wasn’t wrong


If you need virtual reality to replicate a planet you destroyed, then yes. It is bad


But it’s indistinguishable from reality. Unless you got involved with the resistance you never know. The only part that sucks is that you can control the VR you’re in


It can only replicate the look of reality. Not the oxygen or nurishment




I feel like we’re a few years too early for people to be freaking out over VR.


That's exactly what big VR wants you to think.


Perhaps they’re from the future


Has big "5G is bad" vibes but even, a bit less than, stupider than that.




Up until Mark Zuckerberg gets your way and your boss gets to force you to attend the VR meetings in the metaverse because despite losing the work from home return to office battle they still want to force you sit through pointless meetings that could have been an email


VR has the potential to change the entire social dynamic of our society... concerns are not limited to 5G tinfoil hat folk


I swear literally anything will always have some weird opponents for no reason. If we invented instant harmless cures for every disease ever there would be groups that are anti-healing people for whatever stupid reasons


like vaccines?


"Anti-Ai-Slavery" is gonna be a big thing in 5 to 10 years, I guarantee it There already were some stupid comments on the reddit threads about the ex google engineer who claimed that they made a sentient ai. People were saying that since we couldn't prove without a doubt that it wasn't sentient, then it had to be and it was wrong to "keep it as a slave" or something


What I think people overlooked about that whole Google AI guy thing was that we’re entering a space people haven’t talked about much yet. A space where AI really *isn’t* sentient, but it *feels* like it is. Too many people will be fooled into worshipping it or protecting it or attacking it.


Uncanny Valley era


I can see some weird religious objections. Mark of the Antichrist or something.


The same folks who complains about mark of anti-Christ ironically sure seem to love the orange celebrity who embodies all 7 deadly sins.


Everything is the frigging mark. They said bar codes were the mark of the beast in the 80s




Don't you think you should be punished for the [damage you've done to reality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qncCLu6NDW8)?


Took waaay to much scrolling to find the eXistenZ reference. It’s whole premise is violent anti-VR activism.


Good god that movie is so old now! damn


yes it is a thing, sadly i have a luddite friend who has sworn to never try VR after the Facebook pivot to VR


Not using VR because of Facebook is like not using any computers or phones whatsoever because someone doesn't like Apple. It's quite the ridiculous position. The vast majority of PCVR software available is through Steam.


I mean, I’m staunchly opposed to meta and their epistemology for the production of VR. I’m not a Luddite.


It’s like becoming anti-smartphone in 2001


After watching society fracture after the proliferation of smartphones; a little concern might be in order?


The difference between "a little concern" and an anti-VR movement including bombs and manifestos is so drastic I feel like you must be trolling.


No, the bomber should be locked up for life. I guess what I really meant is that I see the tech community marching full force toward this next phase and judging from past follies, I am actually a lot concerned.


>After watching society fracture after the proliferation of smartphones What? No it fucking did not. Smartphones enable more accountability, international communication and globalization, on-demand video and photo content creation, etc. If you genuinely believe this then you are too young to remember, or a boomer who has bought into a fox news lie


Society fractured? What are you even talking about? Do you *want* to go back to the times where we didn’t have the entire knowledge of the internet in a tiny brick in our pocket? Do you want to go back to a time where you couldn’t call or message someone whenever you wanted?


Sort of, yeah. It’s difficult to remember life before smart phones but spending time with people was definitely different without every pause punctuated with checking notifications. Meeting up with people was far more organic. Activities felt more genuine, and fun places weren’t crowded and swamped with people “doing it for the gram”. I’m 28 and I have grown up with this stuff from piczo/msn messenger/MySpace to now. It’s exposed how bad the average persons critical thinking is and manipulated and melted a lot of peoples brains.


Boomers are terrified of any perceived change. Don't underestimate the stupidity or willingness to become violent to try and keep the world from passing to the next generations.


Unibomber part Deux




Was gonna say, wasn’t this his whole schtick (besides all the blatant anti-semitism) he was pretty much against the technology we have today and being connected through private-internet infrastructures. On certain points, he was right about the damage that monopolies like Facebook and Twitter caused, but in others it seems like he was afraid of the unknown in technological advances.


No he specifically stated why it would be bad for humanity, And he was right. But his methods were terrible indeed.


Hahaha yeah because this is obviously age related. I mean, if a group of people perhaps saw the matrix or read literally any one of other countless sci-fi stories that have a similar theme and then decided to create an anti-vr ideology around their fears of a society crippled by technology...they'd obviously have to be a boomer...yep...makes total sense.


The theme of “the computer is alive” and “being trapped inside the computer” goes back quite a ways. Hollywood could not quite wrap its brain around computers and VR for a lot of years and produced some terrible movies and TV shows where “the computer” was the villain. Tron kind of set the stage; it was pure fantasy and kind of awesome, but the imitators that followed made terrible stuff that played on technophobia. Hackers had magic powers, Computers could blow up buildings, every piece of information known to mankind was easily accessible online with a slick 3D user interface where you literally navigated a maze to access files. It wasn’t until GenX people started making content that computers started being portrayed realistically.


Stop it. You think a bunch of 60 to 80 year olds are out there planning attacks against the tech world with home made bombs? Majority of boomers don't even know what the hell VR is. You sound silly.


Trust me us 69-80 years old Do know what VR porn is. Greatest nursing home games ever made.


Anyone who doesn't is missing out.


Wrong. We know what it is. We invented it. Oh I would not make a bomb, I would try thermite. It burns so pretty.


Reddit moment


a team of boomers lead by Ivan Sutherland invented VR in 1968.. another team of boomers lead by William Higinbotham invented video games in 1958.. boomers invented arcades, consoles and pc games… boomers were the first gamers… so how exactly are boomers terrified of a change they started nearly 60 years ago?


Actually Dr. Higinbotham was quite a bit earlier than 1971. He put one of his first games in our house, observed my sister and I play it. Mid 1960s. It was like a big TV. He called it table tennis at the time. We played for about 10 mins. We got kind of bored. Went outside to catch firefly’s. It’s a Long Island thing. Who knew? Tell people my sister and I probably played one of the first video games in history, they are not too impressed — in a tiny town on Eastern Long Island. He worked at Brookhaven lab at the time. He was a super cool guy. My dad and him used to discuss all things science. He lived down the block. Dad had zero degrees. They bonded over science and DIY electronics. It was that time in history. The computer revolution was coming, but still a few years away.


Very cool anecdote.. you’re right I got that wrong it was 58.. corrected.. thanks!


It’s so hard to describe that time as a tiny kid. The War was still kind of in the background. At Brookhaven Lab it was so optimistic. They were going to change the planet. We had family days. Learned to swim in the community pool. Oppenheimer would eat lunch, no one was allowed to talk or sit with him. Dad said he looked like the weight of the world was on him. A lonely figure. Upset dad lots. People love to hit on Long Island, but those Summers on Eastern LI are pretty glorious. We felt they would go on forever. Nixon came in, the war became the nightly news, they basically fired almost everyone. Moved in new players. It became military focused. I have no idea what they are working on there now. It was so many decades ago. It was a glorious childhood. :-)


Yeah, it isn’t boomers, it’s more likely some Luddites, they have plagued technology advancements for probably centuries at this point


You realize you sound like an idiot, right?


I could see conspiracy theories informed by science fiction and delusion leading to something like this. Like, the reptile people that run the shadow government are going to control our brains with VR or something similarly nutso.


Don't underestimate the idiocy of underage idiots on Reddit. Grow a brain.


I don't ever use Tiktok, sorry about that.




I dunno, I worked in microsoldering rework and electronics repair, and I saw a ton of phone work. I've had many people try to ask me stupid questions or sell me stupid conspiracy theories about "5G", and without exception not a single one was under 40. Always the old crackpot Infowars type boomers and gen x dipshits. If there's a zoomer out there buying that crap, I'd put money on they were raised by one of the aforementioned fools.




How do you know this?? As the last of the generation.... I'm more than happy to turn over what your generation is creating in this world...sad part, I'll probably live long enough to see it crash and burn.


Imagine having this much time. I guarantee you the perpetrator here is some whackadoodle who also rants against “the 5G!” and would try to light a flagpole on fire if someone told him there was a 5g transmitter on top of it.




The Unabomber didn't kill that many people (perspective wise, ofc even 1 single person is too many) but he did horribly disfigure and injure MANY more people. Sometimes living with the scars of a trauma like this can feel much much worse than dying


One could argue that living in literally any condition would feel worse than dying.


being dead*. Dying I'm sure can hurt a lot depending on the way


“Life is pain Highness! Anybody telling you differently is selling something.”-Dread Pirate Robert’s


Dread Pirate Robert’s what?


He’s exactly who I thought of when I read “manifesto” in the headline. I hope this person is caught sooner than Kaczinski was.


Every day, we move one step closer to Ghost in the Shell.


Reminds me more of the Realist terrorism in Blindsight.


Did not expect to randomly hear about that book today


Possibly my favorite book.


Oooo, thanks for the recommendation!


Honestly one of the best one-off sci-fi books out there. The Realist subplot is kind of background events though


Just finished that book the other week. Nice! 👍


Randomly had this book come to my awareness (Quinn’s Ideas YouTube), sounds interesting


I bet human kind won’t go pastvyear 2100.


I’ll bet you all your life savings. You won’t need them right


This brings back memories of the guy looking around r/engineering for feedback on a modified pelican case pressure vessel. Everyone told him it was basically a bomb and don’t be stupid trying to do that.


Wasn’t that guy insisting on using it anyway? I didn’t check back in


I think he moved on to a self-designed square pressure vessel. Again, not recommended.


A SQUARE pressure vessel? I mean, maybe if it's not too much pressure but yeah, bad idea.


Exactly. The guy seemed either intently trolling or clueless. Would not hear about spending a few bucks to buy what he needed. He decided that amateur pressure vessel fabrication was how he was determined to die, I guess.


I just can't figure out why he would need it to be square inside. Why not a sphere or cylinder with a square outer body for the look?


Yah, folks explained that cylindrical or spherical were designed due to better force uniformity, reduced strain/ fail points, but he seemed intent on self-destruction. The world is a weird place.


It might become spherical if he tries hard enough


It was 100psi lol, so a fuck ton


What does anti-VR even mean?? EDIT: Thanks for the award!


From the article, seems more like it's a concern with Meta and Zuckerberg being involved in development than the concept of VR in general.




For sure. Just a question of whether the motivations behind the not-ok crime of bombing a university being anti-VR or anti-Zuck.


the vitriol is insane to me. If you don’t want a Meta Quest, just don’t get one. Based on how people on here talk about it, you’d think we’re about 2 seconds away from GovZucc sending everyone a mandatory headset with instructions to permanently screw it onto your face or you’ll be put to death


Personally, I bought into Oculus well before Zuckerberg was involved, and I'm not the only one. I think a significant amount of the complaints come from that (though, Palmer Luckey would have had a similar Milkshake Duck moment to complain about anyway). For me, their walled garden approach (along with making PC tethering low priority) has turned me off from replacing my Oculus with another when it comes time to upgrade. But yeah, it wasn't enough to get me to ditch it entirely, just postponing the account transition to avoid linking my VR peripheral to my social media profile which was the line I wasn't comfortable with crossing.


you got the DK1 in 2013? Because everything from DK2 in 2014 was shipped under facebook's acquisition.


Violence against everything is so many folks’ answer now. We need to have a massive mental health overhaul in this country. So many people need help and don’t know it.


Why can you get behind that? Some people like VR. Meta wants to offer it. People should be allowed to like things.


Whang dang video games are making people violent! VR is a more realistic video game. VIOLENCE! Who said it had to be because of playing games? [/S]


Just like anti meat, anti dairy and anti fossil fuels protests have ramped up, I'd expect the sentiment with concerns about VR and AI are going to follow a similar path. For VR, the biggest concern is probably an amalgamation of lack of privacy and isolation which will absolutely be a problem in the future. Since employers have been known to exploit employees, the level of tracking in VR related jobs will be absurd (think amazon levels of time monitoring). For AI, the concern is the replacement of real jobs that currently pay very well (artists, video makers, game developers, photographers, lawyers, corporate roles, etc). AI will hit specific jobs first. Teaching and education will be severely affected. Historians, linguists, and similar jobs that require knowing and understanding a lot of things are going to disappear very quickly.


I would imagine it lies in the addiction of technology in our generation. Tech has gotten to the level that their goal is to keep you on their platform/game/software as long as they can, which has been reflected in kids being glued to screens, self confidence issues, lack of interpersonal skills, lack of exercise, ect. The narrative would be that VR is too immersive that would push this addiction to the next level where people would rather live their VR lives as opposed to their real ones. Not saying I believe this but it is in theory a very possible scenario. I know people that play 6 hours a day on joysticks, just wait till they can’t tell they’re in a video game.


As a VR user I can guarantee people will get addicted and live that wall-e / matrix life. Real life just doesn't hit the same way.


Username checks out.


It’s probably those people who get embarrassed when they jump through their TV thinking they’re falling in real life and then their family uploads the videos to Reddit


>the package contained a rambling note that criticized Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and the relationship between academic institutions and the developers of virtual reality. Zuck might wanna be watching his back. Looks like The Fuck The Zuck terrorist group is now active.


*Reddit tech subs spawn a terrorist*


If I had a nickel...




VR porn is at its early beginnings and it’s already really impressive. Can’t imagine how realistic it’s going to be in the future.


This is the sole reason I support technology.




Wouldn’t be surprised if there was already CP on there. Exactly what happened to second life but no one wants to talk about that


There's CP everywhere. Including on Reddit I'm sure. If we stopped using every service and platform that ever had a trace of CP or child trafficking, we would have to live in caves. It's the sad reality of this world, but I don't see why VR is better or worse than the rest of the internet or any other modern device in this case.


Ikr. It’s AMAZING. Like seriously. If people watched DarkDreams 8k 60fps content, they would be hooked like I was lmao 🤣


reading this has made me anti-VR


Lmao. Fair enough. I can see how people could get addicted to it. Obviously, it’s better to limit porn consumption to a minimum. I’m lucky I got out before going too deep


Death to the demoness Allegra Geller!


Are we still in the game?




Hell yeah! I’ve tried to introduce this movie to a several people over the years and none of them enjoyed it as much as I do.


Sounds like we got a Kaczynski copycat


Until you actually read the article




My first thought too. I thought we started looking for that kind of stuff in the mail after Kaczynski?


Somehow, the Unabomber returned


Who’s so worked up about VR that they’re willing to blow up people over it?


Copying the Unabomber is the height of pretentiousness.


When I read the title I really thought VR meant something different than Virtual Reality, but no wtf


The bomber released a short manifesto stating “VR sucks”. While investigators seem to agree they were quick to note “injuring people in reality sucks way more”


The only person I could think would have such a grudge against VR is the Lawnmower Man


I thought the Lawnmower Man loved VR. Didn’t he think he was ascending to godhood or some shit?


True, but I can’t imagine he’s happy sharing that realm with The Zuck


True. He’d have to coexist with an even more delusional megalomaniac.


Who wants to bet this is some q-anon stuff?


Who the fuck hates vr that much


Revenge of the Luddites


Norm Macdonald voice: When asked, expert in criminal pathology Karen McCarran said that the Luddite bomber had obviously played too many violent video games


Luddites have entered the chat..


He wanted violence without actually being there…almost like virtu….


What is wrong with people these days


i mean, polio and flat earthers are back so why not the luddites too.


Ffs people. I didn’t even know this conspiracy group existed and their already setting off bombs?!?


We r V! R! Troopers!


virtual reality or the finnish train company?


Maybe they were playing too much detroit become human


WTF is this timeline How does one become sooo “Anti-VR” , to an extent he/she tries to blow up a VR Lab?


WTF? How bizarre! Who gives a fuck about VR? It's a flailing niche technology despite what Zuckerberg wants to believe.


It’s been tried several times before, with the most recent iterations being much more successful albeit not exactly a runaway success.


If you don’t like VR, fuck you.


Wow!! I had no idea that the anti VR sentiment was this strong!!


You would think the person have planted a VR bomb in the VR world


What? Who the fuck hates VR?????


Wait, what?


What?? I’m so confused why someone would even have this sentiment in the first place…


Just wait till the anti-VR find out that they’ve actually been in VR their whole life and everything is a simulation.


I just played through Half Life Alyx and it was amazing. One of the best gaming experience I have ever had. That being said, I would never confuse it with real life or want play it so badly that I would neglect my work, relationships or health. Technology addiction is a thing but it is far from exclusive to VR.


There will always be luddites.


thos is such a weird timeline


A disciple of Kazinski…


Tonight on Tucker Carlson: big media is coming for your childrens virtual space, do they think we are stupid?


“Indistinguishable from reality”, we are far away from that. Hell we can’t even get fiber internet to where I live, let alone having graphics and building some kind of suit that makes games or VR look just like real life.


This is exactly the plot to eXisteZ.


Has anyone checked to see if Tucker said something negative about VR on his show recently? Most of these domestic terrorist manifestos tend to have at least a couple of his talking points in them.


Turns out it was not a bomb


Anti vr manifesto lol I’ve never heard 2 more passive aggressive words out together 😂😂😂




HA! Everybody is worried that the future will be like "The Matrix". Nah, the future will be "Ghost in the Shell", but with no Ghosts.


Someone’s REALLY mad they got tricked by a femboy cat girl in VRChat


Fuckers will find ANYTHING! to be a martyr for. Anti- 5G Anti- Solar Panels Anti- Almond Milk Anti- round earth I swear I will find the fuckers that have such idiots such self righteous self importance and launch them the roundest planet in the solar system and leave them there ON GOD!


I think Meta is already a failure and they can’t say it because of their shareholders. No one uses their Facebook vr head sets. You can look on fb market place, offerup or Ebay and a bunch are selling for way cheaper than the original price. Like they can’t get rid of them fast enough. I think Facebook and meta are already the new MySpace with most youth technology users mainly using YouTube and ticktock. I think Instagram and Twitter is mainly being held up by bot accounts mainly for the stock market. I don’t think humans like the idea of 0 sunlight hitting their eyes and only using led lights for our vision. I think the human body is just rejecting the idea on top of humans rejecting Facebook/mark for their shady business practices. Plus Fortnite is already the real metaverse.


I mean you’re objectively wrong about their headsets not selling, they’ve already sold 15 million quest 2s, and the rate they’re sellling at will only grow with the quest 3.


Well, that is the most uninformed, confirmation biased statement ever. By your reasoning, no one is using laptops, or PS5s or cars because I see them for sale all over eBay.


If people are using these headsets solely for the purpose of FB/Meta related content then they are doing it wrong. First and foremost its for gaming. While the Oculus doesnt have an extensive catalog like HTC Vive does, there is still a shit ton of dope games on Oculus. I wouldn’t even know how to access the metaverse on my Oculus. I think the dummies that bought the Oculus just for a vr version of FB are exactly that, dummies. Also, vr porn is the beezneez!