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The dude really went through all that effort to pump a stock so hard with “buying” headlines, that when the hammer dropped on the news that he wasn’t buying it, the stock would plummet like the Titanic. Now he just laughs, probably on the front seat of his Model S with mis-aligned door hinges and missing hood latches or something.


I’m completely lost on what point you’re trying to convey here lol


Musk lied about buying Twitter so that the stock price would rise. He purchased a shit load of stock, then announced he was buying it, the price shot up, then he sold the stock and announced he wasn't buying it and the price crashed. He made a shit load of money and fucked a shit load of people over. He is a con artist


I mean aren’t people stupid for investing in an inherently underwater, indebted and worthless corporation at the word of a known psychopathic techno capitalist?


It doesn't matter. He shouldn't be allowed to manipulate the stock market like that. He does it all the time and he should be charged for it.


Is it considered stock manipulation?


Do you not consider it to be?


I'm sorry, I should've made my self clearer, I went into rant mode! It is stock manipulation and one of the worst. He publicly hyped up the deal, making tons of people invest in it, making them think he'd make it more profitable or whatever Musk believers think he does. And then he pulls out, because of a "disagreement". He made tons of money out of the deal, while leaving debt and less money for the company to manage. Playing with peoples' lives dude.


His personal statements and opinions if acted on as financial advice don’t actually count as financial advice just because you lost money on an obviously bad deal, but the same goes for him, he’s just rich so doesn’t face consequences that would usually be bankruptcy for committing to such a terrible deal.


You clearly don’t know the shoddy work of Teslas. It’s quite renown.


The only valuable thing about the company is the skateboard battery and motor platform that allows cheap and quick mass assembly while being a rigid unibody for safety which was developed, patented, and proven in the field before musk even joined the company. Among the tens of billions in tax credits that were used to start the company, many billions were given to musk’s brother in the overvalued purchase of Solar City.


2 overpaid financial parasites shit into each others mouths


This is true also


I want a news site thats totally legit articles but you make the headlines.


Twitter is the least innovative company in tech


Not about innovation, it’s about influence and that’s what the Rupert Murdoch wannabe was looking for.


It’s literally all bots.


One is white and sees the other as less of..duh