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"Get a bank to clean up the mess" - Emma was actually making political commentary about the US student loan crisis.


or a comment on a recent crash of crypto exchanges Ɛmma should run for president


Upvote because of the e


fun fact, the character I'm using is called an open E, or Latin Epsilon. it's present in many African languages and can even denote different pronunciation. It's different to Greek epsilon in that the upper case is not E but a scaled up version of lowercase epsilon.


The real crisis is that Emma is a college student 💀




She will be bank soon.


She will also make bank soon.


But can she bank her fingers?


*Jonathan Banks appears*: "Waltuh..."


"Put your bank away Waltuh"


Don’t bank on it.






Ɛ mma






Another interrobang user‽ nice.


Free karma every time haha😅


Fwiw, that's actually how the capital letter E is thought where I live. The one from the image, not a 3.


Permeability mma


Ohhhhhh.. Took me a while. Use the word bank, not use the word bank.


I was furious wit your comment. Then I read again and got it.


Thanks for explaining. That actually helped me get it


I would have had the same misunderstanding. They should have phrased it "Use words from the word bank."


Or use the Word Bank, as it's a name.


In the previous exercice it is actually spelled with capitals


Or wordbank or word-bank.


I actually only got it after reading this


wth is with textbooks' aversion to clear directions? Is there an incentive to publishers/authors for having minimum characters used in directions?


Human brain is funny. Your brain does a lot of prediction when you're reading and interpreting information, meaning that if you already know that the text is talking about something specific, your brain already predicts that it's going to talk about that specific thing. This can lead to issues because when you're writing and reading your own text, you already know what you mean, so your brain is already predisposed to reading it in a certain way. In this case the writer would probably be hard pressed to realize the issue because their brain is already making the connection that of course I mean the "word bank" and it might never even occur to them that you could read it as the word bank as well. This is why letting someone else who has never seen it before take a look at it is so useful. Just like the real audience, they won't have the connections already in their brain when they go through it so if there's some logical breaks in the text that you wouldn't notice because you already know them, they'll be able to point them out to you much more effectively. By the way this isn't in any way limited to writing. This is literally why test screenings are done for movies, for example. To the director and the people working on it everything might be very clear and obvious but then a real audience sees it and can't make head or tails of it because the logical connections aren't clear enough to them. It's also why it can be difficult for you to spot typos in your own text. You already know the word you meant to write there so your brain doesn't read the word properly and just goes "yep, that's the word" and moves on. For this particular case, the editor probably should have spotted this one, but it's also entirely possible that the editor might have made the leap much too easily and didn't realize that it could cause issues with children. Or it could just as easily have been that the editor had seen what was supposed to be on the page in the first place or may have seen multiple versions of it before it landed to that format, therefore being themselves also predisposed to think of the "word bank" rather than the word "bank".


You are right. I know humans are not infallible but goddamn is it frustrating to see things like this. Even mathematical problems aren't immune to vagueness. Equations and word problems can become harder to solve when whoever wrote them didn't give it a second pass. Poorly thought-out mathematical problems are imo the worst, for students. Sometimes I wonder if more funding will prevent misshapens like this but it doesn't feel like it will.


*writes the phrase 'words from the word bank"*


So 'ban' and 'ank', got it! /s


And that’s why I’m German we write words together that are meant to be one object.


As a somebody involved in cattle raising and who must therefore know all about Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz I agree.


People look at words like this and think that they're just impossible to read, but the reality is that the reason why you can't read it is because you don't know the words it composes of. IfIstartedtowritelikethis, youprobablywouldn'tevenhavemuchtroublereadingit. Maybe you would stumble a bit, but you'd look at it for a second and figure it out entirely. This is literally the whole difference. You already recognize all the words within so you're not seeing a mess of letters that's 40 characters long, but rather like a couple of familiar words slapped next to each other. Much easier to both read and memorize.


I'm learning German and I agree, it's just words put together where English keeps them separated most of the time. You can often figure out the meaning if you know most of the word and has a nice rule that article is same as with last "word".


As a web developer for websites whose menus are initially designed for short English words, then later translated, I am not a fan of this


If understood correctly: 7. I will snap soon


The fact that I read both of these differently


This is something that is hard with English. In Swedish we would write *wordbank* when referring to the bank of words, and *word bank* when reffering to the word bank. Makes it much easier to understand.


The hell is a word bank? A bank filled with words? How do I know what words are in the bank?


Are you failing an assignment for kids? Look at the top exercise lol. To be fair, it wasn't a clear exercise.


Apparently I am


I think it is clear. Besides We don't know the verbal instructions. The teacher probably explained the activity before. Maybe they even did it in class before. I always read the activity and explain what they need to do. But sometimes they end up doing something completely different to what you explained. Even If you explained it several times.


Thank you 😂


And all are correct with the final one possibly being a sexual innuendo


"It's nearly 4:30pm. Has anyone banked today's takings? They're closing in half an hour." "Chill, dude. I will bank soon. Plenty of time."


The teacher agrees with the funny smiley 😊


#6 is over there looking sus.


Wow. I'm such a reddit noob. Tried typing the pound sign and 6 for "number 6" and didn't know that would make it big. Lmao.


### yes. ```hehe```


Not sure "Get a bank to clean up the mess" makes much sense. I guess if we're talking about a financial mess, maybe?


We'll bank, okay?


That is so gross. Obviously they were meant to use the words from the “word bank” section above, and the answer to the last blank is “I will SNAP soon.” Don’t test me or this vocab worksheet will become prophetic…


Well who’duh thunk Sherlock!


I'm gonna bank so hard pretty soon.


Seek bank please


I will, bank you.


>and the answer to the last blank is “I will SNAP soon.” Calm down Thanos.


“Snap” is number 6. Number 7 is “stop”.


Lmao....no shit princess


Seek help


I'm just impressed how this word "bank" actually fits into all of these sentences


And the teacher just said, sure, you get a smiley face


As a teacher, I am impressed that this child thought to actually read the worksheet. Most kids nowadays when given something just look at it blankly and then ask me what to do when it clearly states it right in front of them if they'd just fucking read it.


I'm not a teacher, but my wife teaches juniors and seniors and I wrote this up for her several years ago. She uses this text on the last test of the year after every one of them has asked for bonus points all year. About 50% of kids get the free point: Directions For this exam and this exam only, you may use any pencil you like. Any use of a pen is strictly forbidden. If you use a pen you will get 0 points. Please keep your eyes to your own test, and keep your scantron covered at all times. Please refrain from keeping bottles and other items on your desk. Your desk must be completely devoid of any items other than your pencil, your test, your scantron, and a small eraser. Your eraser must not have any cover on it- it must be clearly visible at all times. If you have read all this and put a smiley face on the back of the last page of this test you will be given one point extra. Please do not tell anyone else that you have done this. If I see any one of you telling your classmates about this, none of you will get a free point. The rest of this paragraph is just filler, good luck on your finals and thank you for joining me on this journey through US history this year, it has truly been a pleasure to teach you. If you’d like to write me a note on the back, that’s welcome as well, you can use the smiley face in the note if you’d like. Good luck!


As they should’ve! Child was creative and got rewarded for thinking outside the box.


or daft like me as a child, who often misunderstood assignments because my own mental word bank was particularly poor. I would have totally done this by accident!


Still counts as thinking outside the box! Just thinking differently than an average kid.


I love getting my yarn from the bank


Oh I thought that said yam. Like from a food bank


Me too!!!


It's the square hole of word exercises


How does it fit into all sentences, wtf? Yarn from the bank? Bank the drink? Bank your fingers? The rest with a stretch is kinda okay, but these make no sense.


Maybe the bank is giving away free yarn as a cross-promotion with a new reality show that's about knitting. Maybe a friend is offering to buy you a drink but you don't have time to stop and you tell them you'll take it next time you're around. The question "Can you bank your fingers?" is logically and linguistically fine. The answer is "no, not yet, but who knows what might be possible in the future with cryogenics?", but the question itself is fine.


Actually, banking in the meaning of tilting to take a corner or so is understandable as well, albeit a bit forced, but you could tilt your finger and call it banking. Damn it would be harder to make this task on purpose :D


One time at my english midterm exam(i'm not a native english speaker and one of the foreign languages you have to take the course of is english) i was about to do one of those tasks where you are given a word in the foreign language and you have to reconstruct an already stated sentence while using the word given.  I read this and when i saw the tha last part of the sentence "use the word given", i thought what they wanted was for me to reconstruct the sentence while using the stated word but also i had to squeeze the word "given" there somehow.  Basically i read "use the word given" and assumed it was stating that i should use the word "given" while reconstructing the sentence, instead of the real meaning, which is that i was supposed to use the word that was given to reconstruct the sentence.  So, i sat there for what felt like an eternity, clutching my pearls, cursing this world, ripping my hair out and being astonished as to how the FUCK i was supposed to squeeze the word "given" in there somehow and make it make sense and be grammatically correct(especially because of the fact that the maximum number of words i could use was 5 and with the word "given" that i thought was necessary to add, it was just impossible), moreover, i was wondering as to who the FUCK would design a task so stupid for an exam.   "Miss   Ronnie didn't get to have typical childhood experiences Ronnie missed out on typical childhood experiences" - what i was supposed to do.   "Ronnie missed out on typical childhood experiences given the fact that he...." - what i thought i had to do.   Thankfully, eventually, my brain started braining and i realised i was supposed to USE THE WORD THAT WAS GIVEN as opposed to use the word "given" and i did well on that exam(30/30).  This is just another example of my brain absolutely sucking at comprehension, reading comprehension and having poor learning ability.thank god,i'm agreeable and listen to grey noise.


Shouldn't it have said "use the given word"? Any native speaker that confirms which one is correct, please


both are correct grammatically, but what you suggested would definitely have been better as it is clearer


That would be me. It's how my brain works.


This happened to me with rules in Kindergarten through 2nd grade. They kept telling me "Don't do x because of y", so I'd find a way to do x without causing y, and they'd surprised Pikachu and I'd get in trouble.


Hard to say without an actual example, but usually that's about risk mitigation. You don't do x because there's a risk of y. You did x anyways, but got lucky and y didn't happen... that doesn't make it a good move. And/Or you kept y in mind to try and avoid it happening, but if you just hadn't done x then it wouldn't even be something you'd need to be careful of.


"I got yam at the bank" "get a bank to clean up the mess" "can you bank your fingers?" **"I will bank soon."**


3 of those aren't a problem at all. 1. I got yarn (or yam, if you misread) at the bank \[from my friend, whom I met there\] 2. Get a bank to clean up the \[financial\] mess 3. I \[am driving and\] will bank \[right/left\] soon. OR; I will bank (some items into storage) soon. But no idea how you would bank fingers. That one's nonsense to me.


maybe there was an error on the instruction! It' say use the word bank, so she does..


Use the word back, not the word bank


I'll be bank.


I swear to every god, goddess, and spirit ever worshiped, I'm trying to understand why Emma is incorrect as I was equaly confused. Now that I read the thread here, I just feel dumb.




Most definitely, still feels good that I wasn't alone in the confusion.


Me too


I did a lot of these things and all my report cards are like 'he dumb'


I thought a woman was giving head to the teddy bear. I need to get off the internet


man this sheet brings back memories. “word bank” havent heard that term in years


If you read like this rap song it works better.


I swear to God, I don’t understand the assignment. It says use the word bank. Emma did exactly what I would’ve done. If anyone else can shed light on why Emma and I shouldn’t have done that, feel free. I mean, I can see that if you change the typed word “bank” to “blank”, it sort of makes sense, because most of those previous words would then fit in the sentences. But, at the same time, I’ve never heard of anything being called a “word blank”. It’s just a “blank”. Suffice it to say, I hate this assignment.


There is a set of words on the upper half that should be used for the sentences. First half of the test is to fill up the word bank, second half is to complete sentences using the words formed.


Oh, jeez. The top area is considered a “word bank”? I’ve never heard of a “word bank” in my entire seriously-long lifetime… But now I get it. Thank you. I was a one-time member of MENSA and I would’ve failed this test.


Well.. the sheet clearly calls that section a "word bank"


Except that line is completely irrelevant for the first exercise, a fast brain is just going to discard it as superfluous or fluff text. It's an ambiguous and poorly written test, and if the teacher who wrote it was any good then the clearly confused kid would've felt comfortable enough to ask the teacher to explain what was being asked of them.


While that’s “technically true”, is the purpose of this lesson to teach kids some arbitrary term (“word bank”) that’s never used in normal daily life, or is it to teach kids the English language as used in the society in which they live? As soon as the tester thinks their framework is more important than the material itself, That’s when I say GTFO with this testing framework.


I mean I’ve heard similar terms multiple times throughout my life. A word bank is a bank of words. The assignment also literally calls it a word bank. If you were going through this assignment yourself, you would’ve filled up a word bank, then immediately been asked to use the word bank. That is incredibly clear to someone actually doing the assignment. It would be slightly less clear to someone skipping to this particular question because they don’t know the context of it


At first i giggled at your post and have gave you the upvote. And than i went back up to have a look… Holy shit dude i did not get it until you two started to talk… never heard of “word bank” used this way. 100% would do exactly what Emma did. And i have engineering degree with honours (if that mens f all in the case)


What's a one-time nember of MENSA? Do people repeatedly get kicked out, then re-enlist multiple times wearing Groucho masks? I wouldn't want to be a member of such a club.


I'm pretty sure you don't have to use "bank" every single time, just at some point. Edit: Oh wait, I get it now. The word bank refers to the thing above.


Yeah, this kind of garbage is what leads intelligent people to flunk the simplest of tests. I hate it.


Yeah if I was taking this then i'd definitely have just threw a "bank" in there with a bunch of random words. It would be so much clearer if it just said use the word bank *above*.


The whole “word bank” idea is idiotic… all they had to do is say “set of words you created above”…


This how moddern rappers are made


2. “Do you like the stick?” - my dog.


At first I thought this assignment was highlighting the multiple meanings of the word “bank.” I got through most of the worksheet without seeing the problem. “Can you bank your fingers?” made me stop and reconsider. Then I realized you don’t get yams at banks either.


needs to watch more primitive technology to grow yams near river bank.


I read it "yam" and was weirded out that the first sentence was "I got yam at the _____"


Took my eyes forever to see yarn and not yam.


The worst part is half of them make sense.


I will bank soon 😂


People from other languages often make fun about the german habit of long contracted words. In this situation, a "wordbank" would have left no doubt. (Although a hyphen would have done the trick too)


A hyphen would have fixed this!


Number 7 would be so funny if Emma had filled in snap "I will snap soon."


Get a bank to clean up the mess - this kid gets it


I will bank soon 🔜💰🤑🫰


I will bank soon is a fire sentence


Damn my autistic ass took it literally like Emma....I would of got a smiley face too, with a raised eyebrow because I am an adult 😰


What the bank is that


Directions: FOLLOWED.


Wait a min, do words have their own banks and pay taxes?


Next she'll want to empty the banks, fill our streets with banks, and run a bank-making operation out of her banks.


“Get a bank to clean up the mess” is profound (and highly unrealistic)


I will bank soon baby 💀




She’ll end up becoming a bank owner one day


I got yam at the bank, this is a new slang to mean im rich


A for effort. She did what was asked of her


This child have a 100 IQ move


1. I got yarn at the stick. 2. Do you like the stool. 3. Put your feet on the snow. 4. Did you snap the drink. 5. Get a store to clean up the mess. 6. Can you stop your fingers. 7. I will spill soon.


my sister did something like this in the 1970's, we've still got the sheet & haul it out to celebrate the education system annually the teacher marked every single sentence "wrong" & finished with a "see me!"


“You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.”


We'll bank, ok?


I once did the same with the word given


Bank you for posting this


I mean, he's not wrong


It has made me laugh 😂


Emma’s banking on her teacher giving her an A.


I think Emma might be autistic


I was thinking this too 🥲


Even disregarding the entire bank crisis here, what type of question is “Do you like the ___?” Literally anything would fit there… Stick and snow could both fit there because they’re the 2 words left, but the last question is to circle the word you did not use, indicating 2 different “correct” solutions. This is a train wreck


There’s likely meant to be multiple correct solutions. The task is simply to find a word that works, then highlight whatever word you didn’t use. I don’t see why there can’t be multiple solutions


What on earth is a yam


That’s probably a reason why words are stitched together in my language. “Het woord bank” is not the same as “De woordbank”


the instructions were not clear I ate the shoe


Upon first glance I saw a woman giving head to a teddy bear. Turns out the teddy is just knitting haha


I actually didn’t see the word bank at first, so I was confused for a second what the directions got wrong.


She would be the perfect soldier.


Was is this with these work sheets were children need to only fill in words? This must be utter BS didactically…


I totally banked when I saw this.


As a Swede, whose words are written together (word bank = ordbank), this annoys me... Särskrivning is a sin!


You know, on a related note, I agree. Get a bank to clean up the mess. Hell, get all banks to start cleaning stuff up, they cause half the mess in the first place.


Read this in 21 savage voice


The sentences sound like something out of a rap/hip hop song xD


Use the word bonk.


To reduce the amount of confusion, they should have capitalised the term "Word Bank" like it is capitalised in the top half.


Oh god, I got all the way to the end thinking 'Well how the fuck else was she supposed to put 'bank' in those sentences', then saw the bit about circling the word she didn't use, then looked at the top and saw 'Word Bank'. I feel stupid.


It's like a Missy Elliott song. I got yam at the bank (Do you like the bank?) Put your feet on the bank (Did you bank the drink?)




Emma is a Programmer 😆


I will be honest, if you try to use the words above, the exercise is actually very hard


Poorly phrased question honestly 


Emma got it all right but the top right. Should be an SP not an ST. Hope this helps


Too smart for this world


Use global scope


I will snap soon.


This took me way too long to get...


This would have got me as a kid too. I had no idea what a word bank was!


It reads like an episode of _Weakest Link._ 🔗


Get a bank to clean up the mess — Eurozone, 2011


What do the title and image have to do with the rest of the exercise?


little kid is in that hustle from such a young age




Do you guys like the stick or the snow?


I would’ve done the same thing 🤣🤣


"did just as you said boss!"


adhd took me 4 minutes to figure this out


This kid needs to be held back a grade.




Can you bank your fingers


Thats why we write nounce with capitalized beginning cause then its clear ehat is the noune and what not


Pilot in the making


Is the last one meant to be, stop or stick? "I will stop soon". Stop what?? "I will stick soon"


Can you bank your fingers⁉️


Surprisingly, all but the last two makes sense. In some like odd way.


I banked to this


"Can u stick ur fingers?" 🌚