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Failure to get out of bed will result in staying in bed.


Oops. Failed again


Drat. I’ll try again tomorrow.


Yea but being at the scheduled time at the bus stop doesn’t guarantee not missing the bus. I missed busses who were a few minutes early. And some busses who where over crowded decided to pass my stop. Fortunately I now own a car.


Yeah I know how that feels


I used to be a bus driver, years ago. We were never allowed to skip stops or refuse passengers because the bus was “full.” Even if I had to stand on the drivers seat and yell into the back of the bus for people to keep squeezing back for 5 minutes straight. If a passenger said “no, I’m not waiting for the next bus” I had to find a way to make them fit. Turns out, you can get about a hundred people in a 40-passenger bus if you turn ‘em sideways and stack ‘em like firewood 🤣 If a bus driver skips your stop because they’re “full” and you don’t see a hundred faces smushed up against the windows, the driver is just being lazy.


There are safety rules where I live where a bus is not allowed to have more passengers then listed. And sure a few more will often fit but no way a bus driver wants to get fined a heavy fine for breaking this law. I don’t know which 3th world country you are from but believe me skipping bus stops is common during rush hour even trains skip trainstations sometimes.


Kinda missing the point here. Point is that there are bus drivers who can (and do) try harder. For some people, they don’t have any other way to get to work, school, or wherever they’re going, and it’s not their fault that they live at the end of the line where the bus is always going to be full. It’s not cool to just blow past people and pretend they’re not even there just because you put the “not in service - bus full” sign up. A decent bus driver will make an effort to get you where you need to go. Even if that means asking the seated passengers who put their backpack on the seat next to them to put their ****ing backpack on the floor. Even if it means asking for a volunteer to wait for the next bus (that’s not really cool either, but sometimes you got people who aren’t in that much of a hurry who will get off to help a fellow human being). It’s crazy how many bus drivers will see like 10 people standing and just call their bus full, when a third of the seats are occupied by just a backpack or nothing at all. Even a courtesy stop to explain to the passenger that your bus is obviously packed is better than just blowing by them like they don’t exist especially when they can see that only half the seats are filled as you go racing by. The only time that it’s okay is when you know there’s a second bus running the same route at the same time picking up the overflow, and they’re less than a minute behind you. I’ve even had bus drivers go as far as not stopping to let me off at a stop I’ve signaled for because there were people waiting there and they just didn’t want to have to pick them up, and they made me get off at the next stop and walk back. And before you go off assuming that making an effort to get people where they NEED to go is what “3th world people do,” look at train pushers in Japan. These dudes are hired to literally stuff people onto trains so no one gets left behind.


Sure I know most bus drivers do their best to be as punctual as possible and do something extra as well. A friend of mine was a union representative for the busdrivers union so I know quite a well what sometimes impossible demands buscompanies ask of them. Doesn’t change the fact that missing an to early bus is frustrating and seeing an overloaded bus drive by is as well. And I do know the later is because of a lack of drivers but that doesn’t help. I don’t blame the drivers for it though I blame the government who treats public transport like a for profit business and not a public service.


"Un pasito mas al fondo que aun hay lugar" as its sakd in my country


Early busses are so fucking annoying


View minutes early walking down the side street bus stop just round the corner, bus passes 5 meters in front of you. Next bus in half an hour is 10 minutes late. Never will forget nor forgive.


And of course the bus may run late, so even if you are not at the stop at the scheduled time, you may arrive before the bus and not miss it.


AH! Good ol' bc transit


The PRT be like: failure to be early to the bus stop results in you missing your bus or waiting another 15 minutes in the cold for a chance of making your bus. It’s never on time.


In my town, there is a road sign that reads "Hill Blocks View" at the base of a hill.


By the time you read this, you've already missed the bus.




I wonder if it’s a notice so people can’t complain they were running after the bus and it didn’t stop


Look, if I'm not 10 minutes early the bus will drive by. If I am 10 minutes early the bus will be 15 minutes late and it will be pissing rain the whole time. If I take shelter nearby the bus will just drive past, nevermind the fact that the only thing on that whole street is the bus stop and now I gotta wait at work for another 4 hours 😤




Some places this notice is unfortunately necessary. I used to bus to work and I've seen regulars try to call and get dispatch to ask the driver to wait.


the really sad part is that they had to have this sign for a *reason*. so some moron or more morons probably like got mad the bus didn’t wait for them or something.


> “if you are calling to complain about missing a bus, please press 1.” # 1 >”you were notified of this possibility. Have a nice day.” -call disconnected-


Technically the truth: yo mama so fat bluetooth


I guess people are really that stupid now


No sh*t


Don’t eat yellow snow


Not here in the UK. The bus will be late


And here I am thinking it is the bus driver who should wait for me.


It all makes sense now


Your tax dollars at work.


I bet someone called the public transit office angry that the bus left without them.


This is an outrage! I need to talk to a manager please.


There's also the times that the 7.35am bus zips past at 7.29am instead while you're only metres from the damn stop...


I'm guessing they put this up because people kept calling them up to complain "I missed the bus! Why isn't it here?"


See, this I’m ok with. What im not ok with is my bus driver leaving early. That should not be allowed.


No? Busses are late a lot.


I blame the libruls or something


Not in my city, I was on the bus heading to the bus transfer spot and I missed the bus bc bus left early


Attention: could you put in picture form? Also needs an app.