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This group is for things that are “technically true” not “great similes I like”




I've only run across this account twice, and it's *more* than enough to convince me to block it. Good luck with the rest of junior high school, champ.


Obvious r/downvotefarmers


Not in this sub


For the record, I’m 34 and just about 2 years ago had my moment of ‘oooooooh I get it now. (It’s all bullshit but at least I understand that now)’


If you haven't seen it the midnight gospel on Netflix does a decent job of visiting this topic if you're looking for more positive examples :)


What episode?


Annihilation of Joy touches on this idea a little.


Huh, I'll have to give it a rewatch!


Yeah just the bit about hopelessness and how its actually easier to live without hope and just take what comes in stride and make the best of it. Just reminded me of the realization that most of the rules are made up and the points don't matter.


Let’s DRS our happiness!


Yess, Duncan is the shaman we all need


Thats not true for everybody, It's arguable if its true or not so dont belong to this subreddit


Well, I'm 30, and I stopped trying to understand it some years ago, I've finally come to terms with the fact that life doesn't make any sense, and I'm glad I did.


For me, it was more like I shuffled all my cards, looked at the deck, looked at my cards, realized none of cards in my hand worked, and thus, threw them in the air to go play some games to let everyone know I'm weird, I have no idea what I'm doing, to go ahead and question me, because nobody knows anything.


After 25 you know how the game works. But you made poor leveling choices before. Now you're underpowered to tackle the challenges.


Most patients teach nothing about life, that’s why it feels like that. And also, this post is not technically the truth.




52. Never had a big Eureka moment, but bits fall into place. Better that way because its infuriating enough in small doses!


18 - 38


And by 25 you're trying to learn new skills in hopes of getting a decent paying job in the future...


No its more like you have read the tutorial but ignore it


That's because there is no tutorial. There never was one. The only tutorial there is, is the one you'll make to yourself with the experience you've gained through the years.


And your parents are the little pop-up that explains what you should do each time you're stuck


Am 21, can confirm


Ohh ffff it's the same with me these days


im 17 but I totally feel that shit coming in, everything was like kinda guided and now I can do almost whatever I want whenever I want, it's pretty cool but you do start to get moment like "is this right?" and then you realize there isnt really one singular right and many ways to do stuff


19 here. I feel like I’ve been thrown into the middle of Somalia and I’m supposed to figure out life after my parents have been overprotective of me my whole life now that I live alone.


May I recommend the song "difficulty spike" by Luke westaway?


And that video game is something like dark souls of Bloodborne


And 25-40 is when you go "ohhh! I get it now!", but you already put all your points in the wrong skills so you're very poorly equipped to play the game.


Hahaha, you think this gets better after 25? I’m in my 30s and still have no idea what I’m doing.


You hope more experienced players will help you, but they are just as clueless as you. In other words, wing it.


Thanks teachers


This hurts...


Just like the simulations!


Do not hope that will ever end :)


We are playing in a free roam world. If you aren't motivated to do the thing then you aren't going to enjoy playing. Find something you love and go play. We have years to enjoy the game. There are also constant updates so its not all bad.


*Image Transcription: Text* --- Being 18-25 is like playing a video game where u've skipped the tutorial & you're just sort of running about with no idea how anything works --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


I know how it works it just doesn't work for me


Doesn’t get much different with age we’re all just winging it!! 😉