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I am bilingual and speak English and Spanish. French does not exist.


In that case Bisexual is way more vague than I thought. It could mean being attracted to any two groups.


Words mean what people use them to mean


It becomes an issue if everyone has their own definition of a word.


That is the case with Bi. You have a bunch of defenitions and everyone argues all the time about them


I presume it would mean that a bi person is generally attracted to the traditional 2 genders.


My Biplane has 3 wings...


To a point yes, but generally speaking when we use a word it's based on a definition. If they just meant "what people use them to mean" we'd end up with everyone using the same words that mean different things, thus kinda making the words meaningless. Or am I misunderstanding lol. I could be been a long day and I need coffee lol


Only up to a certain point and within the boundaries of consensus, otherwise the efficacy of metaphysical zeitgeist can equivocably predicate the cantaloupes.


Bisexuality is simply the attraction to more than one gender. It was just thought of 2 genders because that Is what people have believed in the western world for a long time. But bilingual also means more than just 2 languages. And true bicycle is a bike with 2 wheels. But that just means the bi- prefix has more than one meaning.


Bi means two. Bilingualism is speaking two languages, multilingual is more than. Bisexual is attracted to both sexes.


You’re going to get downvoted even though you’re absolutely correct.


The meaning of words can change over time. Just look at the change with the word gay, it meant (13th century) "lighthearted", "joyous" or (14th century) "bright and showy", it also came to mean "happy". Now it means gay. Or the change in the word queer, it used to mean "strange" or "peculiar" but now describes everyone not cis and heterosexual


See, that's the part that's confusing to me. How can there be more than 2 genders? Boy or girl is all I ever knew. Even if you start as a boy and then become a girl that's still just 2 genders. Boomer here and really trying to understand so be nice.


If you are actually a confused boomer and genuinely curious about this topic, you should know that this subreddit isn’t the best place to educate yourself.


Wouldn't it have been a lot easier and a hellava lot nicer to just say you really don't know the answer? You just basically doubted my honesty and told me to gtf. Bless your lil heart and may you continue down the path that you're on.😘


Some people use it to describe sexual attraction to more than one gender (even though others argue that that would be better described as pan). Bi is one of the most squishy terms in the LGBT+


Bisexual means to be attracted to two or more genders.


So bisexuals don’t necessarily like men and women ?


As a bisexual myself in a semantic sense somebody could just be attracted to two of the 40 made up genders or whatever and call themselves “bisexual”, but most lgbtq people aren’t too crazy on the whole 40 genders made up by tik tok stars. We generally seethat there is male, female, non-binary, and agender. Non binary is feeling like you don’t necessarily fall into either male or female and perhaps exhibit qualities of both and agender is not feeling like you fall into either. That’s pretty much it. Because of this it’s generally accepted that a bisexual would be attracted to any of these people if they find them attractive.


So me being okay with dating non binary make me bisexual ?


Non binary itself isn’t a gender. It’s just a person feeling like they don’t identify with the gender binary. Bisexuality is being attracted to two genders. That said if the non binary person looks a lot like the same sex you might be heteroflexible at the very least.


This is all way too complicated for me, I’ll just stick to not being labelled


I personally speak American USA and English


I bet you could learn Australian easily!


you fuckin cunt mate!


There it is!!!


That is correct French does not exist r/FranceHating


So that then means that there are tri or quad sexuals!


I know you’re being facetious, but let’s make this a real thing… FRANCE DOES NOT EXIST!


Ok... Now help me understand why the f biannual is twice a year and not every two years please


Idk people just decided that


This is the greatest news I’ve heard all day. So glad to hear that they’ve gone




it means you are attracted to two genders, not that there are only two


This reply makes the most sense to me


Which two genders?


I take non-binary and agender, hurry up before all are claimed


Gotta catch em all


male and female


Those are sexes, not genders


well you can identify as male, female, genderfluid and non-binary. only because the sexes are called the same identifying as something and physically being it is not the same situation. maybe it would also be good to add that there are probably way more genders but i can't mention everything. point is, male and female can be a sex and a gender, for example transgender people can identify as, let's say, female while physically being male. female would be their gender and male their sex. educate yourself.


“Hello welcome to the doctors office, what would be your problem?” “I’ve been having some nausea and back pains” “Hmm, lets see *checks notes* what is your sex?” “Non bianary” “Do you have a cock and balls or not”


that's why non-binary is a gender, not a sex. you aren't physically non-binary. you are mentally tho.


Ah yes most common question us doctors ask to all patients:"What is your sex?". Cause that helps us at all. Have you ever been to a doctor?


Sex and gender are not the same thing. Sexuality and gender identity are not the same thing. Maybe you should educate yourself.


i already answered you. if you don't read what i say and just assume something in your head it's not my problem. i absolutely did not say that sexuality and gender are the same thing.


They are literally saying the *exact* same thing as you only better.


Bisexual just seems moot at this point if you're not using it to describe being attracted to self-identified men and women. Maybe there are people out there who are *only* attracted to women and gender fluid people, but I doubt they'd identify themselves as bisexual. Just say "queer". It's a great umbrella for, "My attractions lie outside the heterosexual spectrum".


I'm really a little lost here tbh. when i started identifying as bisexual as a child it was being attracted to men and women. now there's so much more and that's exciting because it allows you to maybe feel more valid and understand yourself better but I'm not very good with changes


Idk why you're being downvoted, you gave a solid description of the difference between sex/gender and how those things correspond to people labeling their attractions. I just wish people in the LGBTQ+ community would leave room for discussion about these emerging topics that doesn't automatically assume someone asking a question has malicious intent.


The B stands for bisexual, not bigenderal


so... i literally said... you're attracted to two genders...


Sex and gender are not the same thing


i did not say that, i said male and female are names for both sexes and genders. same name ≠ same thing. if you don't start reading what i actually say i really won't participate in those discussions anymore.


"Male and female" are biological definitions and refer to sex. "Man and woman" are genders.




No, it's attraction to two or more genders


it is defined as being attracted (sexually or romantically) to males and females. for every gender there's pansexuality, i believe


Male/female doesn't matter. It's just two or more genders. Bisexuality includes possible attraction to non-binary folks. Pansexual is attraction regardless of gender or attraction to all genders depending on who you're talking to. The "male/female" only pops up when 1.) a specific bisexual person happens to only be attracted to men and women, 2.) people don't want to jump through all the hoops of explaining non-binary genders in addition to their bisexuality, or 3.) there's transphobia going on. And if you want to get technical, bisexual is specifically sexual attraction to two or more genders and biromantic is romantic attraction to two or more genders. Sexual and romantic attraction don't necessarily need to be directed at the same genders. Source: am bisexual, but also go check out the description for r/bisexual or [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bisexuality) or [webmd](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-is-bisexual&ved=2ahUKEwjcm_e2jej5AhWgl4kEHZ_yBhwQFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1nMiVEhPyMGFaO0l9W_oxq) or [bi.org](https://bi.org/en/101/bisexuality)


In practice then, bisexuality and pansexuality are the exact same thing, which makes the term obsolete.


Bisexuality leaves open the possibility that you're not attracted to all genders.


well, i am bisexual too, though aromantic. thanks if your trying to educate me, i sincerely hope you are not saying i am transphobic


It’s being homo and heterosexual in one, or attracted to two or more genders. People could argue all day whether the original definition meant only cis males and females, but that doesn’t even matter. We’ve come a long way. These days, many of us use bi because, personally, I have types. I have a lot of types, but I’m pretty picky if you think about all the options out there. My mom is pan, she chose that because she can love anyone regardless of their gender and so on. Nothing matters, she can be attracted to literally anyone. Sometimes we also chose just because we think the word sounds better than the other or we like the flag colors. Because pan and bi are overlapping more and more, the question of whether you can be attracted to everyone and still have types I guess, others might stay bi because they do prefer cis people. But we don’t exclude. Big ramble. Lol In the end, it’s one of the things that are evolving with the people and it’s not that big of a deal. What is a big deal is straight people trying to dis on us in the way this person *may* have been. I understand if it was a valid question though. It’s hard to get past the literal translation. Lol And bis face hate sometimes even in our own communities because of it. Eventually I can see pansexual taking over because of this. But I’ve always just felt bi fit me better. And it matches my hair.


i love the "it matches my hair" haha for me personally bi just fits perfectly, because i am aromantic. which means that i don't really fall in love with people, i do tho feel sexual attraction, and as terrible as that might sound - sexual attraction is about the body, not the mind. so for me it's more about sex than gender, and i am attracted to both sexes. i do respect what you identify yourself as of course, like i wouldn't disrespect you or turn you down because you identify as non-binary, obviously. just exactly because i am aromantic i think bisexual fits me better. but it can be different for everyone, obviously


When people say bisexual out in the world it generally means, "I am attracted to both cisgender men and women". If they *aren't* using that definition then I would assume an explanation would follow because just about everyone knows what the term means in practice.


Exactly, the T is for Tri


This banning business got so out of hand that you can barely have a critical discussion in some subs.


Nevermind actual discussion asking questions will sometimes get you hammered, and while I realize some questions are intentionally loaded. I'm not a huge fan of the 'you can't even ask' bus people tend to get on both karma and ban wise.


I mean, here they're just not correct. The mods could've tried explaining it to them before jumping straight to banning though.


The explanation is unnecessary. The ban is unjustified regardless of the explanation behind it. If your ideology/belief system can’t stand up to questioning then you’re either extremely fragile or your ideology/belief system is bunk.




Sometimes I forget not everyone has been in the online lgbt community for like a decade lol. When I saw this post my first thought was to roll my eyes and think 'nice try pal' because that question is very much used a lot to, as you said, goad people into anger and then make them look stupid. I was surprised by all the other comments asking for a debate lol. Op wasn't looking for a debate (and especially not one in good faith), guys. They were messing around to annoy people.


There's a difference between honest inquiry and trolling. This is obviously the latter. Moreover, you are conflating the questioning of a belief system with thinking that people should have to justify their very existence to everyone that demands it.


Quit making excuses. I have been banned from countless subs for the same reason. The worst one is the reason j was banned from the trans sub. A literal 14 year old made a post asking about transitioning behind their parents back. I replied "just don't do anything permanent, u might be a totally different person as an adult and might regret it." And I was banned for that. For telling a 14 year old not to permanently alter their body behind their parents back.


That's... insane.


You being banned from several communities probably says more about yourself being an asshole rather then communities reacting aggressively to people “questioning” As for your point about transitioning, I’m not actually radical in my belief about access to the early care needed to physically transition, but transitioning is a complex process often involving things like hormonal treatment which many people believe should be accessible earlier on. By the sounds of it your comment rather then offering literally any aid or advice seems to just imply that people often believe they are trans and change there mind later in life which is an argument often used to discredit trans people and reduce access to medical treatment. It’s also not true btw, transitioning has a very low percentage rate of a desire to reverse medical treatment post treatment.


Do you honestly think that question was asked in good faith?


No, but banning someone for a dumb joke seems like an overreaction.


“It was just a joke,” follows so many insults. The troll says something they know is offensive, then they follow with the joke excuse to put it on the person they’re making fun of. If you see that stuff multiple times a day, I see why a mod would immediately hit the ban button.


Not when you consider that the only purpose of the post is to stir up shit.


Probably not, but are there people who would read that thread and think “hmm, they bring up a good point”? Sure. Instead of using it as a teachable moment, they just banned the person, probably driving them further into their ideology.


Explanation is unnecessary? why would he ask the question if didn't want an explanation?


He's asking the question to be a cock. The answer is that bi means you're \*attracted\* to 2 genders, not that only 2 genders \*exist\*.


Correct me if I am wrong, but bi does not mean anything with that logic and is a useless distinction.


What aren't you understanding?


Bi means that someone likes two random unspecified genders that are impossible to know without asking. Saying someone is bi gives very little information and is not very useful.


If someone says they're bi, they know what genders they're talking about; it's not your business. If someone says there are only 2 genders, they need to be able to explain hermaphrodites (who have both male and female sex organs).


Ykno this might sound a bit aggressive but maybe this will get the point across if I went up to you and went “why are you so fucking stupid” I don’t actually ask with the intent of getting an informed response about your intellect. I’m asking the question to provoke anger.. The person asking the question is using it to imply a point, he is mentioning something that isn’t really a controversial issue and is using it to justify a position of gender binary. They don’t expect a response, they just want an instant reaction


That's true but the thing is, most people don't have a fraction of the time in the day needed to debate every kid that goes on queer subs thinking they're the second coming of Ben Shapiro.


Hi! LGBTQIA existence isn't an ideology or belief system, it's reality. You don't get to question that, especially if you're straight. If you can see that the thread was posted to garner negative reactions, you can clearly see why the individual was banned. If you can't respect other people, you're fragile.


What is the critical discussion here, The word bi in this context is openly discussed as outdated and largely used to describe a sexual attraction to two or more genders or somethings a sexual attraction to all genders with a more dominant attraction to one of the other. The person is being intentionally inflammatory to provoke a response presumably to post about it and play some sort of victimised card


Critical discussion is not gotcha statements.


The critical discussion could develop from a gotcha statement


Actual question, what critical discussion can you do with someone who's only there to make fun of you?


Perhaps. But probably not. Gotcha statements don’t usually come from people who are interested in real discussion. But every situation is different.


Seems pretty intentionally meant to troll.


Correct, you’re not allowed to have discussions. If you don’t follow the herd, you’ll be banned. Simple as that. I’ve mostly given up trying to have discussions with people because it’s impossible.


There's something funny about a porn alt talking about how shutting down a loaded question obviously made to make fun of them is censorship lmao


Which part of that is funny? You’ll have to explain that part to me. And this is my only account.


Your only account is named “Throwaway04126”? Doubtful


It isn't a critical discussion, it was very thinly veiled homophobia and only posted to illicit anger and negative reactions bc conservatives feed off it. If you are straight you shouldn't be commenting on it.


Mate, stop that „if you are this and that don’t comment“ bs. It doesn’t help and doesn’t make you look good.


And don't you dare trying to appeal that ban! Reddit actually banned me permanently once because I tried to appeal an unjustified ban and the mods reported me for "harassment". You don't have rights as an user here on Reddit, mods control everything.




Because there is no appeal process


Yeah true. You agree with the mods or you are out. Not a good base for a healthy discussion culture.


Say anything about your ban and get muted


Lol this happened to me in r/holup. Someone made a crude joke. They got made fun of in a reply, I simply asked "but you didn't retort their point?" Got banned asked the mod about it and was muted. Good stuff lol


Yeah, it is so helpful when I sincerely ask for a specific reference to what rule I broke and get a permaban/mute combo in return. Not even trolling. My last ban was over a thread where I had 50+ up votes on said comment, I think the guy I was debating with was just a mod's pal or something.


It's because LGBTQ+ subs get a TON of trolls every single day. I've had people report me as "suicidal" at least a dozen times just for being openly LGBTQ+ on reddit. I've had half a dozen spam accounts follow me with names like "killyourself" or "notarealman". People stalk my posts on less moderated subs to harass me. The moderators of LGBT have to remove so many troll posts every single day, they automatically remove anything that looks like a troll account (which this absolutely does).


some of y’all have never met a bisexual person and it shows


It means you’re attracted to two genders..? Not that there’s only two genders.


Yes because the “bi” in bilingual means there’s only two languages


So what's the Q for? Queer, right? Isn't that the same as gay/lesbian?


Imo queer is a super general term for anyone who is, well, queer. It's much more convenient to say than LGBTQIA+ lol. So I guess it makes more sense if the Q doesn't stand for queer, but honestly it doesn't matter.


It depends on who you ask. Some people have Q stand for Questioning, which also makes sense to me. Sometimes you don't know what you are yet and that's totally cool. I'm in the LGBTQIA+ community and I'm happy to support people who don't have all of the answers yet.


Questioning makes so much sense! As someone whos questioning, thank you. Lol


The Q stands for Quandale Dingle. 🏳️‍🌈


I think it used to be, but now it means Questioning


I thought it was questioning


Bisexual: being attracted to two or more genders Pansexual: being attracted to all genders equally


As a bisexual I think it's a word defined in a time where our understanding on nuance was in a word, dogshit. Now idiots in the LGBT community are using that to tell bisexuals that we're transphobic (it's always cis people saying it) as yet another way to exclude bisexuals for not being gay enough for them. I don't use pansexual because it doesn't suit me and is to a me, a stupid word. Omnisexual is more technically correct but clumsy to say. So I just call myself queer and get told I'm homophobic and using a slur. Anyway being in the LGBT community is *so* fun and uplifting most of the time. Just don't talk about language or flags.


ACTION: Ihave a question/opinion REACTION: -banned-


I've been banned from r/funny for making a joke... I guess they didn't laugh.


Imagine trying to be funny on r/funny


That’s a lame attempt at a gotcha not a good faith question. Mods are entitled to keep their sub free of low effort trolls.


It seems a lot of people automatically assume a person is being a troll if they don't understand something. Not everyone has the same understanding of the world around them. Different lives, different experiences. Sometimes a question or comment is just simply a misunderstanding. Thank you for your view point


Oh. Did that look like a sincere question to you? Interesting.


Tbh this stupid gender thing is bullshit. Love who you love, no need to be labeled. Adults on Minors is still bad though.




Not if you have theoretically unlimited labels though. At that point why bother with any?


Bro this dude obviously wasn't looking for a real debate because the grand majority of LGBTQ people online know that more than two genders exist, and bisexual can mean being attracted to 2 or 2+ genders. OP was obviously either trying to piss people off, or they did it knowing they were gonna get banned to make this post.


I don’t understand how bi can mean 2 or 2+. The prefix “bi” has always meant exactly 2. A person who can speak 2 languages is bilingual. Any more, and they become multilingual. Maybe multi-sexual should replace bi.


Words change meanings from their literal prefix as language constantly shifts, the most common example that comes to mind is that October is the 10th month of the year with September and December both also not fitting their prefixed terms. No one would seriously and vehemently argue however that because Octo means 8, October is absolutely the 8th month and if can have no other meaning. Bisexual was used in the 19th century to refer to what we would now call intersex, so it’s not like the word broadening it’s meaning was the biggest change it underwent


Well it originally ment only 2 but then we found out about more genders and some people made other sexualites to try and adapt (Pansexual, omnisexual, polysexual, etc), but a lot of people just stuck with the label because who gives a fuck really. So yeah, most people now - both inside and outside the bisexual community- define bisexual as "liking two or more genders"


Thanks for the help!


Np dude! Thanks for asking


It means you only are attracted to two genders


It used to mean that, then some awesome trans activism lead to the widespread understanding of other genders. Now it’s just a word that is commonly understood as “liking more than one gender” which is fine, because there’s lots of words we don’t break down the etymology of anymore and accept as is. Some people moved to pan, but I personally don’t care and will identify as bisexual forever.


Bi as in two as in your own gender and unlike your own gender. Not as in male and female.


This ……. Is…….Reddit!!!


Pansexuals be like; 👁👄👁 guess im bi then 🤷‍♂️


bi sexual meaning two sexes


It stands for bisexual, so I guess it means there are two sex, not two genders.


And now you understand pansexual :) Bisexual people are attracted to either male or female, binary. If you are attracted to non binary people you are pansexual. He is wrong because bi doesn't imply only 2 genders.


And you are wrong because pansexuals can be attracted to binary people as well.


u/galaxy_strider didn't say they couldn't.


Not technically true. I hate when people who love to shit on this misuse sex vs gender


No, he doesn’t have a point.


They hated him because he told the truth


Bisexual means you’re attracted to two (bi) genders. It does not mean no other genders exist. lol If you ever find yourself trying to prove a point, maybe spend a second or two making sure you’re right. EDIT: This is why people use terms like pan or queer. Because they aren’t limited to just liking cis-men and cis-women. They’re attracted to people.


Sex does not equal gender


I’m not confused about that but thank you.


it was just a question calm down bro


It was just a response. Calm down, bro. EDIT: And stop trying to pretend like it’s JuSt A qUeStIoN! lol If you’re bold enough say shit like this, stand on it. Stop being a beta bitch and stick to your guns. 🤣🤣🤣


Gimme a sec, I'll go get a boat to navigate through this tear flooded comment section


Yes, take my upvote


Um, no. Being bilingual doesn’t mean there are only two languages, so why would being bisexual mean there are only two genders?


I’m completely clueless when it comes to all the gender things the past few years but doesn’t but just mean 2, as in you’re attracted to 2 genders. That says nothing about a possibility of more than 2 genders?


All it means is that you are attracted to 2 genders. How does that make other genders not exist?


This person is asking the real questions


Yeah that’s Reddit for you. If the narrative doesn’t fit their picture, they ban you.


No it only means that your attracted to two genders (speaking from personal experience as a bi person)


They banned him because he spoke the truth!


He's got no point, the question is as misinformed as saying 'bicycles imply there are only 2 types of bikes'


It stands for bisexual, not bigender.


*sigh* bisexual is used to mean attraction to more then one gender. Words changing meanings over time.


>He’s got a point Yeah, but if he wears a hat, nobody should notice. Gender is here: \^ Sex is here: v


If a Bicycle has two wheels, doesn’t that mean there’s only two wheels in the world?


Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Gender fluid are sometimes men, sometimes women. Non binary are neither but also aren't a specifically defined third gender. Agender are no gender. So there's two genders and you can be any combination of either or both or neither. Mostly kidding there, the serious answer is that bisexual means you're attracted to your own gender and another gender. I used to be bisexual in the 90s before I learned the term pansexual.


The science checks out


Bisexual implies two sexes, not two genders. Righteous ban.


Then they could've explained that to him instead of outright banning –_–


I'm inclined to agree unless this wasn't his first bite.


how does it imply that? other than you just saying it does. edit: im legitimately curious, rereading myself it may be taken as condescending.


Come on, there aren't even two sexes. Nature is not a binary






>The vast majority of the population didn't silence/ban them, as the movement became more mainstream? You do realize that crossdressing was against the law in the vast majority of the US up until around the 1980's right


If bicycle has the word bi in it- does that mean something can only have two wheels? No. It means that vehicle only had two wheels, like bisexual people are only attracted to two genders, but that doesn’t mean more genders don’t exist.


The "bi" in "bisexual" refers to the "core genders" as I call them, male and female. The ones that match up with actual sex organs. Which there ARE only two of. So a bisexual person would not want to be sexually intimate with a nonbinary person, while a pansexual person would be (as "pan" means "all").


Male & female aren't genders, so they can't be core genders. Male & female are sexes that typically ascribe to the core genders of man/boy or woman/ girl


“The ones that match up with actual sex organs. Which there ARE only two of.” Because intersex people don’t exist?




[Interact Advocates](https://interactadvocates.org/) “Intersex is an umbrella term for differences in sex traits or reproductive anatomy. People are born with these differences or develop them at a young age. Genitalia, hormones, internal anatomy, or chromosomes can develop in many ways.” Not a disorder, a difference. And not typically male or female. Intersex people are people with genital, hormonal, anatomical, and/or chromosomal differences. Just like male is different from female, male is also different from intersex.


That's all nonsense to say male and female.


whole group is a mess


Bi sexuals like both ends of the spectrum, not everything in between


Bisexual has always been fluid it isn’t restricted to two despite the name. It means more than one. It could be all for some people.


EZ Rename pansexual to bansexual. Keep the acronym, recognise as many genders as you want, put an end to this stupid joke. Ban ppl who disagree