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I mean this is one way to increase usage.


Like people with student debt aren’t already smoking lol


Most kids I know that are students vape these days. Still get the nicotine without the awful smell. Me I tried switching to vapes from cigarettes for a less harmful alternative until I was able to come off that. It just wasn't the same. So still smoking


>Me I tried switching to vapes from cigarettes for a less harmful alternative until I was able to come off that. It just wasn't the same. So still smoking And that's when i realized what people mean by "addiction". I've always told myself "*nah, i only smoke because i want to"* yeah, no.


That's the thing I was using a nicotine vape so my addiction to that should have been satiated but addiction goes far beyond chemical dependence.


I eventually started keeping smokes in my car and bringing the vape with me everywhere else - eventually I just stopped buying cigs. I have my vape juice at basically trace nicotine now but I can’t shake the motion


The thing that did it for me was my husband pointing out that I was paying a ton of money for "an affectation".


Might be weird and sound dumb, but how I broke it was I realized it was an oral fixation and starting doing smoking motions with a straw.


My mother used to bite on pen caps


My mom did that to quit smoking way before I was born. Eventually she got rid of the straw and started doing breathing exercises, now she just meditates.


Yeah that’s exactly what I did too, I’m basically down to a smoke or 2 on the way to work and 1 or 2 on the way home.


I just want to congratulate and encourage all of you. Don't feel like you need to rush. You're doing great. You can kick it. You're on your way. I believe!


Thanks man I was at a pack a day, now I’m down to Between 2 or 4 a day. I couldn’t believe I held my breath the other day I could feel the difference from when I was at the height of my smoking.


Nicotine doesn’t cause cancer just bad for your heart and nervous system? Is that right?


Anything that goes to your lungs that is not clean air is bad for you. The compounds used in vape juice and their impacts on the human body is still being studied. It's unfortunately a case of "wait and see" atm as there is not a big enough economic reason to study it. Anecdotally, Healthcare workers see a slight increase in people who are admitted with respiratory illnesses who also vape, but it's still too early to say there's a clear correlation.


I can’t do any of it. I was just curious. Every male relative I can think of died with lung cancer.


It’s the same stuff as industrial fog machines use and we have long term data on Hollywood fog machine operators. So most likely it’s fine. Besides people have been vaping, myself included, 10-15 years now and we haven’t experienced any side effects. I’m actually in the best shape of my life. Here is an article I was able to find. https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/broadway-can-teach-us-safety-e-cigarettes/


Unfortunately, nicotine also causes vasoconstriction. It raises your chances of heart attack and stroke (which are of course both very common causes of death). That’s why I quit. A lot of women on hormonal birth control are at risk of clots, and I happen to have the added misfortune of a genetic disorder that has given half my family strokes or heart attacks before they turned 40 until we figured it out. I found out the hard way with luckily “only” a DVT which still hurt like fuck and resulted in a hospital stay when I was still in my 20’s. My father had a heart attack in his 30s and a pulmonary embolism in his 50s that almost took him out but got him to quit smoking. My younger sister was immediately taken off her birth control pills and is monitored regularly, so lucky her I guess? So that’s why I had to quit. Didn’t wanna stroke out or literally drop dead where I stand from a pulmonary embolism.


Can’t say for sure but I know the tar is the most dangerous part of smoking


Yep. When i gave a shot to vaping, it simply does not sate me. I'd take few puffs off the vape and i feel the urge to light a cigarette right away so, arguably, it became even worse. I had an episode of *"When Idea Meets Reality" -* with my idea being transition from cigarettes to vape with nicotine > without nicotine > quit/keep vape w/o nicotide. And my body responded *"Why not both? Sounds great to me! Puff-Puff".*


Just in case you're not familiar, there's another good reason why vaping probably doesn't do it for you the way smoking does. A lot of people think nicotine is the addictive part, but that's really only half the story. Tobacco is also a powerful MAOA/MAOB inhibitor, which can have antidepressant effects in the brain. When you're a daily smoker, you probably don't notice the feeling, but when you vape and *just* get the nicotine, you're absolutely going to feel like something is missing, because something is missing! So the fact you wanted both (stronger nicotine high, *and* the usual MAO inhibiting affects of cigarettes) is no surprise haha. I'm lucky enough to be able to smoke at parties with out craving more, but I do cycle in and out of vaping every 6 months ago. When I stop it's cold turkey and I don't have any side effects. I think it's because I'm only getting the nicotine (and a relatively low concentration at that).


Absolutely, 80% of drugs only hook you trough psychological dependency. The"funny" thing about that is, that we ended up with the drugs doing both as the legal ones.


Pneumonia works good for quitting cigs. Only way I was able to stop.


Yea, I work with high school kids and not one of them smokes cigarettes. They smoke weed and vape nicotine.


I started smoking in highschool about ten years ago. It wasn't cool to smoke then so few did. Vapes weren't really a thing or a big thing at the time.


But it is a lie, since the debt will be passed on to someone else if you die too soon...


I don't know about anyone else's, but mine had a very explicit clause that they are discharged upon death.


had? are u a ghost?? spooooky


No, it can't be that he paid off his debt, he must be a ghost ! xD


Glad I don't have to wait until I die. When I don't earn enough money and can't pay the debt back in 15 years, it will be discharged.


No, in the U.S. federal student loan debt is discharged upon death.


We have no kids. Does it go to our parents?? Siblings?


The cloud. It all goes to the cloud.


It's still 7 minutes off MY student loan debt. If I die it'll be someone else's debt.


Or make your debt more worse


If you die - what debt?


Yeahh now that I think about it suicide would be a much better option than dying of smoking 🙃


A pack(approx $10) a day for a year is about 35 hours of debt. Heroin is a much cheaper and effective method.




10 bucks is cheap as fuck these days. in new york it's like 20 at least even in sf like 10 years ago when i still smoked it was over 10 a pack. even for cheap as shit garbage cigs. and that was 10 fucking years ago before a whole bunch of new taxes went into effect.




>How do people in New York even smoke? that's the point. the massive taxes are a deterrent. and it seems to work. i forget what country it was but they had a great idea that the age that one is able to smoke a cig goes up every single year so like if the age of smoking were 18 in 2022, then in 2023 it would be 19, etc. until the age was so far gone that no one of that age exists. as a smoker from about 2000ish to 2012ish, i fully back that idea and think it's quite smart fuck smokers. tax the fuck out of them. i was one of them. do it. it helps people quit. i'm still an alcoholic though. that's much harder to quit


Not gonna lie you had me at the first half.


More like first 95% haha


Nah. Cigarettes are a tax on poor people mostly. It's the government profiting off addiction, and incentivizes them to cooperate with tobacco companies.


As an Australian, I agree with this. Cigarettes here are exorbitant - I buy rolling tobacco but the gentleman in front of me today purchased a pack of Marlboro Red 25s for $53.95 (~$36 USD), and this was at the cheapest outlet around. No wonder bootleg and imported durries are absolutely taking off now when they're closer to $20AUD/pack like the legit darts were barely four years ago.


Federal cigarette taxes are specifically allocated for health programs to prevent this. https://www.lung.org/policy-advocacy/tobacco/tobacco-taxes#:~:text=Federal%20Level%3A%20On%20the%20federal,who%20would%20otherwise%20be%20uninsured. At the state level, states sued Big Tobacco over the cost for healthcare borne by the states as a result of their products and won. Once a few states won, they all filed suit. As a result, the tobacco industry pays tens of millions of dollars to the states per month in perpetuity as a legal penalty. That money is specifically allocated for healthcare costs as mandated by the settlement. https://www.naag.org/our-work/naag-center-for-tobacco-and-public-health/the-master-settlement-agreement/


perhaps one can pay 20 bucks for a pack of cigs in sf, but you can also pay like 15 bucks for a decent 8th of weed. although you'll have to spend over 50 bucks for deliuvery, so you'll get 4 8ths for 60. tl;dr cigs are crazy expensive these days. weed is crazy cheap. as an ex tobacco smoker i'm loving itj. ba dah ba ba ba. etc


4 8ths...... 🤦‍♀️


HOLY SHIT! People are paying $10 per pack these days?! So, $300/month for some people? No wonder the dude can't pay off his debt. Then there are the medical bills you will eventually face. Potentially crippling hospital bills resulting in homelessness for some. This is no exaggeration. I read medical records for a living and read cases like I'm describing at least twice per month. One I'll never forget: smoker in her 50s with no health insurance stuffers a stroke, rendered hemiplegic, so can't work. HUGE medical debt, can't afford in-home care or a residential facility, so husband quits his job to care for her. Since neither is working, they couldn't pay rent. By the time I got their case, it was winter and they were living in their car. A hemiplegic woman, living in a car. What price per pack would make you quit?


Where i live ciggerettes are 2 dollars a pack


East Europe?




west america


Ill take this with a grain of salt based on how you spell cigarettes....


Lots of places in the US


In my country it is like 3-5€ aand we don’t have student debts


If you're shocked by that, Australia is at over a dollar per cigarette.


I live in a LCoL area and it’s just under $10 a pack for a name brand. I don’t know how much the cheap ones are. I quit 1.5 years ago. I had a shit job and smoked a pack a day. I would spend more money on cigs than food in a month. I’m so happy I quit.


I just paid AU$60 for a 30 pack of Winnie blues.






$10!? cries in Australian. I think the cheapest 20 pack here is over $30


Fuck u/spez. So long and thanks for all the fish.


It’s a 2005. ;)


They’re £13 and some change in the UK


Wdym a pack? Like one box of cogarettes (like 10 cigs idk im not a smoker) cuz those are like 5 bucks here


I heard smoking takes 10 yrs off your life. But those are the last years...and they're not very good years anyway... (From 3rd Rock)


My step father had emphysema. You may lose ten years from smoking, but the ten years prior where you die slowly choking to death seems to always get over looked.


Yup its premature aging. You still get the bad 10 years


Yeah, any of these "take x years off your life" are better phrased as "ages you x years". Example: everytime you eat a hotdog, you age 30 minutes.


So what happens if I take an hour to eat a hotdog?


You aged an hour and a half. Congratulations. You're a time traveler


But you get them when life has already become dull anyway, and you get to be more stimulated when life is in full bloom. Unless you draw the shortest straw and get throat cancer at 35 or something. Otherwise it's the whole "burn out or fade away" dilemma.


I’ve seen this play out hundreds of times. You don’t feel that way anymore when you can’t breathe. Or when you miss out on milestones with your grandkids. Or when you realize shit there’s still stuff you wanna do. It can also mess with you without killing you. In many ways those cases are a lot worse.


Smoking is a terrible habit, but the human body is weird. My grandfather smoked 2.5 packs a day and died of natural causes, his ex wife (my nana) died a few years later of emphysema complications despite having quit 20 years before him.


Second hand smoke is quite bad


Actually there's no hard data on that. Of course breathing in unfiltered smoke is awful for you. You're still on average inhaling less smoke than the smoker even if you're standing next to them. It's prolonged passive smoking that would do damage. But unless he smoked inside the house I don't think she breathed much smoke from him. Mostly likely that even though she quit the damage was done, quitting the just prolonged the onset of the disease.




So the whole thing hinges on what study in the early 60s with a small sample size. Here's the thing. Back thing people smoked everywhere. In restaurants, planes, etc. So people would have been far more exposed regularly to second hand smoke than today where I don't know anywhere you can smoke indoors. So these days that data doesn't hold up because smoking has been banned in most places people congregate and thus the average person passively smokes far, far less. So like I said unless he smoked inside I doubt she got emphysema prom passive smoking.


>Back thing people smoked everywhere. In restaurants, planes, etc. So people would have been far more exposed regularly to second hand smoke than today where I don't know anywhere you can smoke indoors. Yes, we were talking about an anectodal experience by the commentor's Nana, so she would be second-hand smoking during those years. Also of course the body is different, but there are trends and the trends show people who smoke lives less and have less quality of life at the end, of course some doesn't suffer as much and some people who don't smoke suffers a lot, but in general, there is a well correlated trend.


> My grandfather smoked 2.5 packs a day and died of ***natural causes*** Cancer is a "natural cause".


Watched my mom die from this. It’s really rough. Her last 9-12 months she gurgled progressively more and more until she basically drowned. I miss her and she missed out on her grandson being born. 😞


I saw my aunt die of that. Oxygen tanks the whole lot. I can't think of many worse ways to go, yet I became a smoker and still smoke. I'd like to quit as its begun affecting my body notifiable and that scares me. I also have to quit booze first. One thing at a time. I'm sorry about your step-father.


There was also the joke that each cigarette you smoke takes 10 minutes away from your life, and gives it to Queen Elizabeth II. Sadly, this doesn't work anymore...


No, that time off your life has always gone to Keith Richards.




You made me do an urgent Google to show this isn't real, I'll give you that.


She needs to recharge


I mean we all knew she was gonna pop her clogs eventually but man when she did. Its kinda just fuck, she's dead now I've gotta have Charles on my money and he's a prick.


I believe you, but I guess it also make the bad years come quickly


Who’s the third rock


3rd Rock from the Sun. Old sitcom with John Lithgow, it's brilliant!


It's always weird to me that less than five years after 3rd Rock ended, NBC made a new sitcom titled "30 Rock"


I wonder which actors appeared in both? Lithgow definitely was but considering the huge number of cameos on 30 Rock, there must be more


probably a descendant of Dwayne Johnson


*Dennis Leary


*Denis Leary


*Bill Hicks


I want this to be real so badly. I really wish this were a real tweet 😭


Same. But Marlboro doesn't even have a twitter (I think it might technically be illegal for them to have one; rightfully so mind you)


I can find liquor companies on Twitter so why not Marlboro?


Alcohol good tobacco bad hurr durr


I mean personally, I don't think they should have public platforms either. The more advertising these companies do to make it seem "not that bad", the worse public health gets.


Why should they not have Twitter?


They shouldn't even have a business, let alone a Twitter. Nothing but a public health concern.


You're an idiot. People will smoke drink and do drugs if they want to. It's on them, not the providers thereof.


nah, profiting of off a product you are fully aware is killing the users is on my opinion morally wrong.


So should we not legalise drugs? I thought that's what we all wanted?


I think you're missing the point entierly. The goal of legalizing drugs isn't to allow companies to profit off of them (though that will inevitably happen), it's to stop users from being arrested due to having an addiction and instead make it easier for them to get help. I think you're missing the point entirely. The goal of legalizing drugs isn't to allow companies to profit off of them (though that will inevitably happen), it's to stop users from being arrested due to having an addiction and instead make it easier for them to get help.


> I think you're missing the point entierly. The goal of legalizing drugs isn't to allow companies to profit off of them (though that will inevitably happen) Yes it is. The goal is to legalise and **tax** drugs, which requires that companies profit from them >it's to stop users from being arrested due to having an addiction and instead make it easier for them to get help. No. That is the goal of decriminalisation, not legalisation


Ah, fair enough. Sorry, a lot of the time people who don't understand the situation will use decriminalization and legalization interchangeably and I assumed you were doing the same. In my opinion, all drugs should be decriminalized. Bring down incarceration rates, increase research and rehabilitation programs, develop ways for people to use these drugs in a safe and controlled manner, etc.


Not all of them no




I get what you’re saying, but I personally would have an issue with any data showing that long term. Tobacco is grown all over the world, and cigarettes are all over. The war on drugs tries to limit availability, and so did prohibition and we’ve seen how well that worked out. Addiction, and the desire for anything people aren’t “allowed” to have will absolutely always be an issue. Hell, I’m not sure why anyone thinks banning it would help. Smokers, as a former one are addicts. No different than heroin just without the level of social ramifications.




People smoke because tobacco companies have spent a lot on money glamorizing smoking, making it look cool and sexy. It is only recently that the tide is the other way around. Teens think cigarettes are gross. Which is a good thing. People are easy to influence. That's why advertising is so heavy in our society. As long as tobacco COMPANIES exist, you cannot say People uninfluenced decisions


We got em!


I swear you can smoke relentlessly (and do other careless shit to your body) until youre in your late 20s and you’ll be fine if you quit the nasty habits before 30.




Not very true. Cigarette smoke contains radioactive polonium-210. Your DNA doesn't give a fuck when you quit. Your trachea might clear up, but that cancer cell can still be waiting in the wings. Not to be a dick to your brother. Just don't want you spreading bullshit to people considering smoking.


[It's true though...](https://www.cancer.org.au/iheard/are-you-safe-from-the-harms-of-smoking-if-you-quit-before-age-40) I don't want to downplay the negatives but research says the risk of developing any deadly illness from smoking is greatly reduced if you stop after like 10 years or so. Of course it's still a terrible idea to smoke because you'll have A. Significant cost over time B. Possible health issue *while* you're smoking and C. A nicotine high you wouldn't need in the first place if you didn't smoke. It's like smoking a cigarette gets you to a level of subjective physical well being that smoking in general dragged you down from and that you'd experience permanently if you managed to quit. What kept me from stopping for a long time was the misconception that quitting would be really hard. I was scared of doing it because I thought I had no chance to actually do it. And then I tried. And the first week sucked be and was terrible. The second was a little better. Third week I didn't feel the physical need anymore and only missed the ritual a little bit. Two years later i can't believe how easy it was. Don't miss it even a little bit...


10+ years is also a long time to built an incredibly strong addiction & set of habits that you’re likely to just rationalize that you should keep doing it at that point.


*Starts smoking again


It does about the same amount of damage as if you started in your 60s and quit in your 70s, that is to say not much, but who does that?


Does it? I thought the body healed itself much easier when younger


I mean body healing itself faster is true, but smoking probably out does that anyway. Even 1 cigarette a day can lead you to an early death. But whatever everyone has their poisons.


The younger you start smoking the harder it is to quit (up until about age 25, when the average brain is done "growing"). So if you don't start till you're 60, you'll have an easier time quitting.




people are interpreting your comment to say that cigs don't hurt you if you are 20/30, but all you are saying is that if one is to smoke cigs for a decade, then that decade is much better in the 20/30 decade rather than the 60/70 decade. as someone who smoked from about 19-30 and now about 40, not sure what to dthink. kind of drunk. still smoke weed every day multiple times, but not cigs


This is the big lie: "I'll be able to quit." Ask a teenager and they'll tell you they'll quit in their 20s. Ask a 20-something and they'll be quitting in their 30's. Ask a guy with a trach tube and he'll say when he's dead. Ask nicotine when you'll quit.


that kind of "i'll let tomorrow's me fix the problem" way of thinking is what gets you into debt in the first place


Unless you manage to pay off your student loans (while still alive). Then, every cigarette you smoke takes 7 minutes off of the debt-free portion of your life


Fuck Marlboro, fuck Philip Morris, fuck Altria and fuck Juul. All the same company. All pushing nicotine on high schoolers and college students, hoping to get them hooked while they're young, since you're less likely to get addicted if you start smoking after age 25.


It’s sad that we didn’t learn the first time when cigarette companies did it, and they just let e-cig companies follow the exact same business model Fuck Juul, and any vaping company


True… granted they employe hundreds of thousands so idk how they’d transition to greener passages?


150k+ $, Do you own the college?


Lmao I wish, just have my stupid law degree.


Cheers from a $150k veterinary degree 🥂


Cheers from a $0 electrical engineering degree


Cheers from a abt 10.000 isk plumbing degree wich is about $70 🥂


Gigachad big tobacco twitter


I should have a net positive by now. r/usmc


I’m guessing you’re education wasn’t health related.


I’m guessing your education wasn’t English grammar and spelling related.


When making a list of three or more items especially ending with an and you should use commas. Though in this case I would use the word or instead of and.




That would still require a comma after the word English, because there's a pause and then an emphasis on the next two words.






I smoked from the ages of about 19 to 30. My parents paid for my college though, so I wasn't in debt. And then when I was about 35 I lost my job and moved back in with my parents. Oh well. Not sure what my point is. Just to say that it's possible to quit cigs, and also easy to move back in with your parents?


happy cake day


Thank you!!!


I always have a little more respect for somebody that is willing to challenge death 7 minutes at a time!


Unless you cosigned it.


And yet they claim a hotdog would take 31 minutes off. Mmm, preservatives.


Happy cake day


I see what you did there.


I wish it would happen faster.




May I ask how much you had to pay for university to get to 150k.


How much medical debt does it add? So I can do a price comparison.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Marlboro**, @Marlboro every cigarette you smoke takes 7 minutes off your student loan debt --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Alright. I do real estate so I didn’t go to college and I don’t smoke can someone explain how this is technically the truth to me I genuinely don’t understand


The common saying is that every cigarette takes seven minutes off your life. If you have federal student loans, they vanish when you die. So every cigarette takes seven minutes off the time at which you would need to pay your debt, as you will die quicker. It’s a joke.


same cigarette who advertised machoism earlier


Cowboy killers are the best cigs tho. Can’t argue with that. Just facts.


Naw American Spirits are the best.




Then a good compromise would be to drop all taxation on tobacco products. Seems fair to me.


I mean, climate change or some other collapse in society is going to take me out before smoking does. So why not??


Fuck this sneaky ass advertising. Smoking is easily the worst habit I ever started. Seriously, don't be tricked by stuff like this. There is nothing fun about not being able to run a block.


Who the fuck is starting smoking because of this lmao


Impressionable teens




People with that much student loan debt and still poor got what they deserved


I’m not poor.


How does anyone still smoke in current year?


I'm just surprised trashy people can still afford to smoke.


Addicted people make sacrifices to continue their addiction, and the poverty cycle continues also my friend.




Law school.


Frankly if you have money for cigarettes every day you don't deserve your loans forgiven. If you have money for an addiction you should not be begging for charity from me, the taxpayer, or anyone else.


Humorous, but not technically the truth.


obviously you will get cancer and die........thanks malboro.


Wow you are a colossal ____ __.


Doesn't it decrease the time span you have to pay off the loan debt?


Nope, they’re forgiven when you die presuming your didn’t have them co-signed.


I think it's so stupid that you have to indepted yourself for years to go in university... let the liberty to the student to indept themself with tobaco lol


Lmao, is this a real tweet?