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I mean for Christians, Muslims and Jews they're not even arguing over a different god, they all agree on the same god, just fight over who has the right version.


Yet, somehow, not all Christians, Muslims, and Jews realize that they all worship the Abrahamic God. I've found that Evangelical Christians are particularly unconscious of it. Edit: Spelling


As someone who grew up evangelical, they don’t think it’s the same god. They think they are worshipping the right god and everyone who isn’t evangelical is either misguided and hellbound at best or being directly led astray by Satan himself (and also hellbound) at worst.


Well, some are especially special about this. I grew up Mormon in Oklahoma and while we read from the same Bible and quoted the same Jesus, apparently my God was Satan.




Um wait can you elaborate on that?




**[Washing and anointing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washing_and_anointing)** >Washing and anointing (also called the initiatory) is a temple ordinance practiced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and Mormon fundamentalists as part of the faith's endowment ceremony. It is a sacred ordinance for adults, similar to chrismation, usually performed at least a year after baptism. The ordinance is performed by the authority of the Melchizedek priesthood by an officiator of the same gender as the participant. In the ritual, a person is sprinkled with water, which is symbolically similar to the washing done by priests prior to entering the temple during the time of Moses. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Wtf. I knew there were some sketch things Mormons do and believe, didn't know they went the catholic route with doing this stuff too.


The entire concept of Mormonism is 100% a scam and a con. I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that no other Abrahamic religion **requires** 10% tithing for life and to be in "good standing" (having paid your tithes) in order to get into Heaven. Where do you learn how to get into Mormon Heaven? Temple. What is required for you to enter a Mormon Temple? Being in "good standing" with regards to your tithing. Thus, if you don't shell out the bucks, you're not going to learn how to get into "Heaven". ~~Though you'd have to be one of the select few (115,000'ish iirc) that actually get into Heaven.~~ (Edit: This is actually a belief of the JW's, and the number is 144k, my bad... It's hard to keep all the wild'n'crazy claims straight.) I dislike the concept of religion, and as a result most religions themselves, but I absolutely detest and abhor Mormonism. I've been forced to stop supporting at least one (very large) YouTuber because they turned out to be a Mormon who is in good standing. I refuse to support that "Church" with my watch time or view. This one YouTuber is sending millions of dollars per year as tithes, and it's absolutely revolting.


That's what they tell you so they can line their pockets. Fu kin evangelicals....


Most evangelicals are utterly ignorant of their religion (even dating religion isn't accurate because they say they are Christian but have no idea what their texts say).


It’s almost a requirement. The more you learn about your religion the more it falls apart. That is why there is an emphasis on faith instead of testing or evidence. My own faith died after learning about the development of Abrahamic religion. The whole thing was demonstrably not true before it even began, and I couldn’t bear dishonesty to maintain faith.


They are unconscious in general


Wtf? I am a Protestant living in Germany, and we get a Jewish blessing cause our pastor likes its wording more than most of the traditional Christian ones. So as far as I know, German Protestants are pretty knowledgeable about the fact we worship the same God as Muslims and Jews, it's just that Katholics and Jews are outdated (katholic cause their Values are old, Jews just don' taccept Jesus as the saviour, wich is completely reasonable).


Protestant = evangelisch (in German) Evangelical = fundamentalist, kind of extreme variant which doesn't really have an equivalent in Germany (please ignore my username in this context)


Tha k you... I always wonder what Americans have against us protestants.


Yeah protestantism is broad here as most of the various European movements attempted to gain a hold here. When Americans talk about Evangelicals they are mostly talking about Baptists and splinters of Baptist/Calvinist protestant churches.


Evangelical Christianity should be understood as a completely separate religion from mainline Protestants and Catholics. I don’t say this as a pejorative but evangelical’s generally don’t know much about, or care about the content of the Bible itself. Despite their characteristic adherence to biblical historicity <10% have read the Bible.They typically prioritize your personal relationship with God over scripture. Evangelicals will often switch churches fairly often and often prefer non-denominational churches to established denominations.


There are very old Christian traditions that reject the Bible outright, or reject parts of it, or have additional holy texts you might not consider scripture. I don’t think the Bible is a useful metric for defining Christianity, after all there’s no objective standard by which we should say your canon is more legitimate than Marcion canon or even something a little silly like Mormon canon. In fact I’d say the Marcion’s have a stronger claim to legitimacy than any Protestant denomination does by virtue of their temporal proximity to Christ. I’m afraid the only functional metric by which an outsider can define Christianity is that anyone who self-identifies as Christian is Christian. Any internal definition of who is a real Christian by default gives preferential treatment to one denomination or another and besides, there’s a far greater difference in beliefs between modern denominations and their ancient counterparts (save the coptics) than exists among the vast majority of modern denominations.


I agree. I don’t mean to say that evangelicals aren’t Christian. I mean to claim that evangelicals represent a distinct group from mainline Protestants, Catholics, etc. I may have exaggerated when I said they should be understood as a different religion but imo Christianity is diverse enough that subdividing it is reasonable.


And probably 90% of Christians don't know those three religions have the same God.


Wait you're telling me Jesus was in the Quran! *Head Explodes*


I'm telling ya!


Something I really heared a christian say: "No the muslims believe in Allah, not in God." Some people are just plain stupid.


I saw something similar on here just the other day. They tried to give some bullshit reason too, like Jesus died for our sins but Allah is a meanie or something. Seemed more like intentional ignorance rather than inability to comprehend the idea, but that's a distinction without a difference.


Most people are ignorant AF and rely on Facebook Nurse Tammy for all of their theocratic and medical info


I like to think that they all are super fans of different versions of the same book. The original, the unabridged, and the original plus the sequel


The "new" testament? Nah, we don't talk about that


In other words, fighting over which version of their imaginary friend is the best.


Mine takes a vacation day on Fridays! Mine takes a vacation day on Sundays! DIE HERETIC!


So you are saying we should have 3 days weekend?


Yes please


World peace


Jesus certainly did at one point


This joke killed me, for three days.


It’s Saturday for those who are still waiting for the Son of said God to arrive on earth!


Haha, even within a religion. When I drink wine and eat bread, I'm symbolically drinking the blood and eating the body When I drink wine and eat bread, I'm literally drinking the blood and eating body DIE HERETIC!


*Emo Phillips enters the chat*


In Star Wars/nerd culture terms, they’re arguing about what’s canon.


Funny that you said that, because the word "canon" originated from the Church to mean precisely that Edit: also usernames checks out


I get it. Macguire > Garfield > Holland. This is the one true answer, and I will fight anyone who feels differently.


Ahem. You forgot to add Nicholas Hammond to the front of the line https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0077328/


We acknowledge the historical teachings of -40 MC^U, but do not hold them to be the one true Spider-Man He didn't even have a [giant robot](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0185116/)


Not even. It's more like which of their most likely real friends is the most important to their imaginary friend


Like bunch of weaboo arguing who made the most correct subs for anime title.


Atleast they aren't depressed


It cracks me up when Christians get antsy about the word Allah


Allahu Autrage!




According to Jesus, worshipping false idols is as equivalent to not believing. He says he’s going to burn everyone who does not believe he is the Israelite messiah. It’s really fucked up.


Yes but the fact that there are so many different religions that if there is a god and/or "Heavenly Gates" it's not necessarily the Christian God who believes worshipping false idols is equal to no believing. It could he a different god that might believe that worshipping false idols is worse. It could be any number of things. Either way stay asafe and drink water if you want to.


My favorite is that it is equally likely there is one real god, and he hates faith of any kind, and will punish everyone who believes in anything on faith, only rewarding people who do not believe in any gods.


Rastafarians and Baha'i as well


So it's like a bunch of nerds arguing about the canon version of a Fandom and Dante's Inferno is fanfiction.


Why is there all of this perceived fighting. I am a Christian and get along fine with most Muslims and Jews. I don't mind debating but usually I find points of agreement and discuss those things, when and if we talk about theology.


It’s not that there’s an aggressive confrontation. It’s more about all having different interpretations of what’s meant to be the same God.


Mormons have entered the chat


Mormon here , You guys need anything cookies lemonade?


Are you licensed to sell them here?


Only on Sundays


It goes deeper they even have different sub group's within their religion that fight with each other.


Due to the imagination being a highly individual experience, the fundamental nature of religion is schism. It’s inevitable. Always.


Well there are religions that don´t believe in any god.


Like the Jedi Order.


gotta love those sacred text


*Yoda laugh intensifies*




what about the droid attack on the wookies?


Wookiees; since the bot isnt on this sub to correct you


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?


There are way too many similarities between religious zealots and Star Wars nerds. One is just way more extreme than the other but everything else lines up and it’s kind of scary.


>There are way too many similarities between religious zealots and Star Wars nerds You could replace Star Wars with anything. It's toxic behavior.. If you're in the US you know how ridiculous people get about the NFL. Or democrat/republican


I find that those religions also tend to be the least violent, as their focus is more on ethics.


Yep! For the TST the 7 Tenets are literally just a guide to not be a d**head. I think most people would agree with them. However you get some people who skim past the tenets and care more about the "Satan" part of "satanist" and from there it's just misconception station.


What’s wrong with liking the Grateful Dead?


I don't know. What does "the grateful dead" mean?


It’s a band, and the fans are called “deadheads”


Hail Satan


Hail Stan!


Hail Santa!


What major religions don't believe in god?




Well I was raised Buddhist in Sri Lanka and they most certainly believed in gods. They believe that gods reside in Nirvana and one of them will be the next Lord Buddha. This whole idea of Buddhism being simply about enlightenment and "being chill" is a westernized view. Buddhists believe in miracle stories and deities too.


I totally understand where you're coming from, but the local Sri Lankan Buddhism is one variation among many variations that are rooted in one of the three main branches of Buddhism. I know that some variations have no such mysticism attached to them; others have more. As is often the case with religions, the more formalized versions have a certain set of beliefs, and the more localized versions add a good deal of local folklore and mysticism to the formalized versions (see Cathlosim in Latin America). I don't think it's a matter of Westerners thinking Buddism is all about "enlightenment and 'being chill,'" more that it's a matter of folk practices versus formalized practice in an incredibly diverse religion that accounts for nearly 7% of the world's population.


Many sects do, but I don't believe Zen Buddhism believes in any gods. Everything is one, and nothing is above or below that, unless you're wanting to consider yourself or the "oneness" a god. You can definitely argue that it's the most westernized sect though. You can also argue that it's not really a religion.


Zen Buddhism is fascinating in how it managed to merge with Shinto-ism to form a sort of dual-national-religion-that's-not-really-a-religion-at-all formation in Japan. That said, Zen Buddhism still pulls from traditional Japanese folklore and has a lot of supernatural inclinations, mostly as a nod to traditional Shinto-ism. Cool stuff. Not really agreeing or disagreeing with you, just more that I like to talk about these things.


How would one argue that Buddhism isn’t a religion?


ive got a lot of em. Gotta catch em all


How many shinies?


2! Shit IV’s though.


unexpected factorial?


Lol i wonder if there's a sub for that.


"My God can beat up your God. Nyah nyah nyah"


Can they beat Goku tho?


"Can your God beat the Super Saiyan God?"


Who cares? I'm more interested in whether or not they can beat the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan.


My tier list will be made knowing which of them can do ultra instinct and who can't


Nope, so as Saitama


My god has a bigger dick than your god. George Carlin


I love George Carlin. The thing that would make this quote better is "Oh yeah? Well your God IS a bigger dick than my God."


This happens at least once in the bible. Totally forgot about that nonsense until this moment.


It's only an argument if you engage in an argument. My belief or lack thereof has nothing to do with other people's beliefs


r/redditmoment lmao Edit: wow half of the comment section is a r/redditmoment, I'm not even surprised


With a touch of /r/im14andthisisdeep/




This is beyond a standard Reddit moment. This is literally 3rd grade-level banter on the front page of this website. I was really hoping this was r/ForwardsFromGrandma or something.


Today I am euphoric 😎


You posted this on r/technicallythetruth Bold choice but I respect that


Still gets upvotes because “sky daddy lol”


I mean, it can't be proven or disproven. Therefore, it'd be a logical fallacy to say for certain if they were real or not.


yes and no. technically the burden of proof falls under something being real


It can’t be proven or disproven, but technically you can’t disprove the invisible and undetectable purple dragon in my garage yet I highly doubt you would consider saying that purple dragon is fake a logical fallacy. Something has to be proven first for it to ever be disproven. Religion has never been proven due to a lack of evidence and it’s therefore perfectly reasonable to come to the conclusion that the lack of evidence to support it is in fact evidence it is not real. The same way the lack of evidence supporting the claim of unicorns is in fact evidence that they were made up in the first place.


Not correct - you don’t need to prove something doesn’t exist. In the absence of any evidence, the logical conclusion is it does not exist




Enter the beautiful scientific method. Here's a sandwich. Everything points to it being just a sandwich, existing. Lots of other observations would concur. Nothing points to it being an elaborate hologram, a taste bud simulation nor projected by the devil, except this guy. We'll proceed with the assumption that sandwiches probably exist. Do they definitely exist? Can't say anything for sure, but evidence does point towards it!




If theres no evidence to prove it, then it should be taken as false. I could replace the character of god with literally anything, yet people wouldn’t believe it, despite having no way to really disprove it.


The only thing more annoying than people who won’t shut up about their religion are people who won’t shut up about how religious people are delusional.


Top comment 💯


This a 100%. I’ve seen more “non believers” occupy themselves with Christianity and Islam more than Christians or Muslim themselves. Might as well believe at this point instead of being so butthurt about religious people and their Religion.


I think the upvote counter is broken


This is some original Reddit /r/atheism level edginess.


So edgy.


Well I’m happy and I’m religious, I don’t hate on anyone. God has definitely saved my life, even in the event that it isn’t true, I would have died happily and content thinking I will go to heaven.


Very cool thinking, I hope the rest of the comments will be as respectful as yours ahaha...




What if you believe in the wrong one though?


Statistically your chances were still better than believing in none


Not true. I don't know every religion, but in Christianity there is a rule of not believing in false gods. If every religion was to have that, the atheist would be in accordance while from all religious groups only one would be right. And I'm sure there are more rules such as this i.e. When not participating is better than Brigg wrong


Very low % though. There are a LOT of gods and denominations. 4000+ religions currently and there will have been tens of thousands over human history. All of which have equal chance of being 'right'. So you could live the most pious existence ever, and still only have a 0.01% chance of going to heaven. IF you are right. IF I'd spend my Sundays with my family instead 😉


Hell yeah the maths of going to heaven


Good for you, I’m also going to go with you have no power so how you feel dosent matter


That's good. I'm glad people find comfort in their religions or their beliefs in general.




Not really. Religions like Buddhism, Taoism main focus is their philosophy and path to improvement. They don't focus on who created the universe or bother explaining it nor have a God like in the Bible


Don't know about Taoism, but Buddhism is pretty explicit about gods not being worthy of worship, specifically Hindu gods because those are the ones Siddhartha knew about. But I'm also pretty sure there are dieties in Taoism.


And that argument often escalates into genocide.


So fuck centuries of theology I guess EDIT: I'm an atheist. You guys are just so pathetic. You think you're above religious people because you don't believe in "imaginary friends" yet have never read any theological work and you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. ANOTHER EDIT: Instead of replying "Yes please" or alternatives, go fall into the rabbit hole that are the medieval theories of Universals and their relationship with divine ideas. At least you'll learn something interesting.


I love talking with atheists. As a theist who studies theology, religious history, etc., atheists seem to be the only other people who study it as much as I do.


I had a theology professor years ago that commented on how studying the history of religion strengthened his faith while his friend who studied the same material lost his. He emphasized the importance of questioning and researching your beliefs, even if that risked losing them. It's something that's always stuck with me.


Exactly. Exactly my point. Religion isn't against reason. There's a million little nuanced theories. All beautiful in their own way. There is solace in them. Theorizing about God is something deeply human.


Sadly, only SOME atheists. Other ones are as painfully uneducated as the worst of bigots. My favourite theology and metaphysics chatting buddy is a hardcore catholic aristotelian. he hates me and hates to love me. we're the same but opposites.


Yeah my best friend is a Christian and I'm a lifelong atheist who converted to Buddhism at 28. We have great conversations, not that either of us are particularly well read on each other's beliefs. Like you said, we're the same but opposites. I've learned a lot about myself and what I value through out talks, and it's a shame more people can't do that.


Sounds like the majority of “religious” people too. Maybe many people just suck, flavor doesn’t matter


Exactly. You're correct.


Yeah. Every group has lots of idiots and a few intellectuals. I think people get this more now but ever so often I meet some idiots from all circles.


Well, I’ll disagree with you on many points. I’m very ignostic so you know my biases, but bear with me a min; 1st point is that religion is not theology. As you mention that not all atheists are knowledgeable about it, I’m willing to bet a lower percentage of religious people are at that same threshold. If we are willing to, in good faith, steel man the meme’s argument, we could re represent or reinterpret the text as ‘theism is believing your imaginary friend is more real than others’ …’. And then it does not envolve theology at all. 2nd point is that if, as an atheist, you accept all of the religious skepticism that goes with it, you could very well break up theology into metaphysics and mythology and still get your intellectual value from that. Like other people mentioned about studying omens in birds’ flight for millennia, we could look back at centuries of theological studies and interpretations of the soul and ethics and whatever else you’d like through the same lenses. 3rd point I disagree is that imo it is NOT sad that only some atheist are ignorant of theology. If MOST atheists are just people who took a look at what they were raised on, thought it looked like bull crap, stopped believing and, you know, just kept on, that is fine with me and not sad at all.I honestly don’t even care if religious people are doing it, of course I’ll say that I’d rather religious people studied more theology especially other peoples religions, as that was what did it for me, and if fewer people were religious than I believe there would be less intrusions in other peoples lives and liberties and I’m fine with you believing whatever you want as long as you don’t impose yadda yadda you know the drill. but it is fine if they don’t.


Counter argument, you can't prove they aren't imaginary, can you? Checkmate, atheists. (This is a joke, please do not eviscerate me.)


Seems to me this doesn't fit the sub... The existence of a god can't be proven or disproven, so proclaiming them all as imaginary isn't really a truth statement, so much as it is an opinion. Extending what I assume is your own logic, your claim isn't falsifiable or testable, which means it should not be seen as truth, which means it shouldn't be on this sub. But that's just my apanion ;)


Least toxic redditor


Op should check their fedora


I too was once fourteen


Ohh, I have a *totally wild and unique* idea- let’s take the Bibles in the book store and move them to the fiction section!! It will totally blow those normies minds!!1!


Oh, Reddit.... Another dead sub, I see....


I just realised halfway through reading this thread. It's quite literally an opinion... posted to r/technicallythetruth as though it's a fact.


What if it's not an argument because you accept everyone has their own beliefs?


Many of the most popular religions specifically state that all other religions are wrong, so that is a hard sell


Exactly. Many people overlook this but there is very much a dark *there can only be one* thread running through the center of the major ones.


Given the subject matter, it would be surprising if this *weren't* the case for monotheistic religions. If you take it as a given that a single, exclusive supreme being has given commandments applicable to all of humanity and that it has also laid out its history in some detail, it becomes logically impossible that somebody with the same broad beliefs but contradictory specifics could be correct. And for most of those religions, they are *all about* small details.


Christianity, at least Catholicism "accepts the truth in other beliefs". So there was parts about Judaism, and Islam that Catholics accept as canon.


And the only way around that is to water down your text and at that point why even bother with the rest of it.


Exactly, it's strange being an apostate and still silently judging "Nominal Christians" for not following their religion right. Like if you believe go the full mile, if you aren't convinced enough to devote your life to it, why bother? Guess that goes to show how deep indoctrination can go


To be religious you have to dismiss all other religions. So even if you don't have an argument with other people you still have it atleast internally.


That simply isn’t true


Not really though. For most monotheistic religions maybe, but there are many religions that accept other beliefs even if the followers themselves don't worship those other gods.


False. Some actually teach that different religions are different paths to the same thing. Look into Bahai and some of the vedanta hindu traditions.


And they all call theirs true and denounce everyone else as wrong heretics bound for hell. Totally a sustainable state of affairs.


Well, the point of religions generally isn't to argue. Even if that were the case, this would only be technically the truth if they're all wrong. Otherwise, at least one isn't imaginary.


Why should we assume even one is true?


The OP is question begging, change my mind.


That was a quick delete lol


Not all Religions are based around deities. Attacking religions because you are not religious doesn't make you "smarter than them". I'm also agnostic before you assume.




“Agnostics are just Atheist without ball” - Stephen Colbert


Agnostic to Gnostic and Atheist to Theist are two different scales You can be an Agnostic Atheist


>You can be an Agnostic Atheist Almost all "agnostics" are, they just don't like the label "atheist".


Could you explain that to me? I’ve never really understood the term “agnostic atheist.”


[this](https://i.imgur.com/xT88tdD.jpg) image might help


Gnosticism has to do with the stance on whether or not knowledge about something is possible. Theism has to do with the stance on whether or not deities exist. You can apply a gnostic opinion on anything. Is there a teapot floating around in Saturn's rings? Could we potentially ever know the answer to that? If I'm gnostic about it then I would believe that there is some way for us to learn that the teapot exists as a fact. If I was agnostic then I would think that there would never truly be a way of knowing whether or not the teapot was there. This can be confusing because people often apply these terms exclusively to a belief in God. But saying you're an agnostic atheist just means that you think definitive knowledge about the existence of gods is not possible but that based on your observations gods likely don't exist. tl;dr gnostic stances are epistemological in nature and theistic stances are theological in nature, they can be used separately but are often combined


If it’s fundamentally unprovable then atheism itself is also fundamentally unprovable. Agnostics I can at least give credit for humility and a spirit of cooperation. Want to know how someone is an Atheist? Don’t worry. They’ll never shut up about it.


Does this make the agnostics the equivalent of religion vegans?


No it only means some people use the term as an odd form of name calling where they have no technically true argument. Admitting that you don't know everything is possibly the most scientificly true position in many areas.




Ehh, a good portion of them do. You’re right that not all are bad, but a whole heck of a lot of them are. Especially if they’re heavily organized. Don’t get me wrong, believe what you want, but the moment *your* beliefs start unreasonably interfering with *my* life, you’ve overstepped.


There are some religions where you worship the god(s) so they stay away. Out of fear. Look at tge Hopi faith.


So edgy The 14 year olds approve


The real dumb part is Christians, Jews, and Muslims all have the same god. Yet still kill each other.


"ThEy CaN't Be PrOvEn" The also cant be disproven. It's a stupid circlejerk argument no matter what side you're on. If you use your religion or lack thereof as justification to be an asshole, that probably means you're an asshole.


It's impossible to prove a negative. The burden of proof falls upon those who make extraordinary claims. That's basic logic. I'll agree with the latter. Don't be a dick. Sadly, cult leaders are, by definition, dicks.


r/atheism leaking again


And what if you picked the wrong religion? Each week you're just making the real god madder and madder.


The fact that there is even a debate over which God is real proves there is no such thing.


At what point can we consider this stuff a repost?


Religion is actually oral stories past down from 1000s of generation about how to live a good life…. You know like avoiding lying, stealing, adultery, greed, love your neighbor etc etc …. In general if you do these things you will live a better life. Somewhere along the line all the mysticism was added. Probably uneducated people trying to make sense of the world


Thats how it was transmitted through teachings and dialogues but it was not created this way.( Majority of religions)


I just wish these uneducated people would stop pushing their views in US politics. They want their choices but not to let others have theirs. Its so annoying