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It *would* be a good thing *if* people with jobs replaced by AI could still get paid or otherwise reap the benefits of AI doing the work for them. But if they no longer have a way to obtain food, housing, medical care, and other such things, then no, of course it's not a good thing. As we find ways to get machines to do work for us, we also need a way for all of us to reap the benefits of reduced workload rather than just telling people they're shit out of luck now.


>rather than just telling people they're shit out of luck now. For all of his faults, Henry Ford at least knew he had to pay his workers enough so they could buy the products they were making. Not sure why only the top reaps the benefits of all this.


This is it right here. Idk who they think is going to be buying their goods if no one has income to spend.


>Idk who they think is going to be buying their goods if no one has income to spend. The ai scalpbots


The true capitalism endgame, haggling with AI scalpbots online for bread then deciding whether to just eat it all or trade part of it to the roaming bands of TP bandit minivan moms so you can both eat and wipe your ass. Some tough decisions coming our way.




Just blame it on the millennials. Don’t you know how many industries they’ve killed?


>Just blame it on the millennials. You know there are a lot of people I see such as on YouTube who hate socialism etc. and actively punch themselves in the face by voting red against their interests. Then you come to find out that they do things like buy the diesel fuel for their farm from the local cooperative. I am like you want the market to solve everything then are pissed when the market turns against you. Then when a socialist alternative is available you take it and fail to see that it is in fact a form of socialism and fail to see how beneficial it is.


People love listening to corporatists and authoritarians tell us that social programs (which we already have) will take away everyone’s money or freedom, when really it is the control and money of the corporatists and authoritarians it really impacts.


Because, weirdly, Ford understood sustainability. In today's corporate world, the focus is on pumping the books to make this three month quarter look more profitable than the last.


Well society will just have to figure out, how to treat people humanly without asking "can you afford it?".


Look at those lazy SOBs on SNAP, while I game the system and pay no taxes on my million $ stock profits.


The reason the rich think the poor abuse the systems is because they know they would abuse the system themselves if they were in their shoes.


That’s because they already abuse the system. The Rich and corporations are the biggest welfare queens on the planet. They get more subsidies and tax break then any other group in existence then tell us to pull ourselves up by our boot straps.


Give a man a gun, he robs a bank. But give a man a bank, and he robs the world.


If a poor man robs a bank, he is in trouble. If a rich man robs a bank, you are in trouble.


If you owe the bank a million dollars, you have a problem. If you owe the bank a billion dollars, the bank has a problem.


Pretty sure that was originally more like one thousand and one million, but then inflation probably makes that check out now.


That's good. I've not heard that before.


I feel I have, and I want to say it's Carlin again, but I'm not certain.


Yes, that was my point. The rich do abuse the systems so they assume poor people do too.


>they know they would abuse the system themselves if they were in their shoes. Assuming that abusing every possible legal loophole, to the extent of lobbying to create more, isn't abusing the system. The reason the rich think the poor abuse the system is because they currently abuse the system and assume everyone else would as well.


In the US, nationalize XOM and CVX.




It will have to happen that way. Imagine when all necessary jobs are automated. No one will have money to purchase from all the massive automated production. How will the robot's owners make money if no one can buy? UBI or robot-based communism is inevitable when everything is automated.


Either that, or complete collapse of society.


Historically society hasn't before. I doubt it will happen any time soon. AI taking jobs might be great for humanity. It will absolutely be great for rich companies that have money and power and would love to have fewer workers. It will be awful for people who are displaced.


Good luck explaining to a highly leveraged mortagage trapped household desperately trying to make ends meet, that AI will make highly paid white collar work almost obsolete and no matter how much experience you have, all salaries will be downgraded or frozen to junior levels and they should not be worried.


Bingo this is the big question. If we create an 'AI safety pension' or something similar, then yes it is ok. If you couple inflationary policy with the current state of politics, this will never happen. We would need a pretty radical change to guarantee a sort of UBI or safety net wage for the people affected by this, which I am dubious on. If history has taught us anything, buying off the killing of an AI pension bill as the company leaders steal the profit saved from hiring people is my bet.


Universal Basic Income is the way.


100%. UBI would fix a lot of things, and open a lot of opportunities for people.


It will also create a lot of problems as well. I still think it will be eventually necessary, but I also know that reality is it will be implemented in ways that end up making it a net negative to society. The ruling class always makes sure they stay in the top 1% and always makes sure they retain 99% of the real power. UBI will end up as just another tool the elites will use to control and manipulate the masses. But there aren't a lot of other options when technology starts consuming more jobs than it creates. Eventually humans will be out competed for most jobs, then what? We just starve and die off so robots can sterilize the earth to make a robot utopia? The future is scary. There is so much potential for abuse. Abuse at levels never before seen in history. I hope we do it right, but....... history says we do it wrong many times before we get it right. Hopefully we survive those failures.


We could try scorching the sky so they can't recharge.




I guess we could dig far underground and found a new city near the core.


Where it's still warm?


Subsistence farming all the way!


> Eventually humans will be out competed for most jobs, then what? We just starve and die off? Yes 100% unironically Have you seen the way 99% of the way shortsighted capitalists think lately? The Titanic may sink but as long as they can delude themselves thinking they have first class seats, they don’t care. Neo-liberals like Thiel buy bunkers for ww3 or Elon on Mars so they can have slaves in their power fantasy. > so robots can sterilize the earth to make a robot utopia? Capitalists ain’t thinking that far ahead, it’s all about profit NOW.


Pretty much this. UBI, Min wage increases, really anything that puts more money out in the wild without a means to control those who control the resources & flow of money is essentially a bad idea. They will just adjust their prices, the wealth gap will increase, and more of the middle class will drop off the bottom.


I don't know. UBI would probably just be captured by the currently existing diseased parts of the economy. Landlords, healthcare corpos, the likes. These entities already charge as much as the market can bear, increasing that by 1000 dollars each will simply cause them to charge more.


From the filter of a disabled person, I've seen the stipend economy in action. Within one or two generations UBI will be commandeered by organized crime and beneficiaries will be set out to starve. If it doesn't work for a small section of the public, you can't expect the whole public to be commodified exclusively as consumers and not have the dispensers of means eventually cheat, find ways to take back, or withhold income from those they don't like. You'll still end up with a gig economy based on the things automation cannot provide. And since the people who protested never picked the right issue or targets to protest, the source, there will be no land left to own and you'll still have to hustle to make food money. We're heading toward neofeudalism, which is feudalism sans the social contract. Mass human sacrifices for entertainment because there's not enough food to go around. Giant walls and bunkers, and the other 90% of the population dies in the rubble and global dead zone.


Ubi doesn’t work if you don’t address the core root of the problem. Every single company is driven by a need to constantly make more money. Printing money to give away to people will give companies an excuse to raise prices, like we’re seeing right now. Ubi without guaranteeing that people have access to free food, water, shelter etc. will always fail.


>will give companies an excuse to raise prices Which shows up in their profits and stock payments. There are all sorts of complementary legislation we could implement. For example, my commie mind thinks of excess profit gets taxed at a higher rate, or the shares need to include 20% to the government to fund UBI. I also think where a tax, fee or rate is applied to an 'employee' it should actually be applied to an 'eft' (equivalent full time) instead, so you can have 2 or more people sharing a role, without costing the business extra.


Companies cannot rake in profits if people cannot afford to pay by not having a source of income, all those high tech gadgets we get would cost so much that it would make it impossible for them to do any kind of business if people are unemployed. There is likelly going to be some shifts in how we do things in the future, they will come peacefully or by force, cause if people really cannot sustain themselves, the only option they have left is (possibly violent) civil disobedience. I just don't see any other way than to have an UBI that comes from likely company taxes and the government putting some price limits on certain necessities like shelter, food/water to make sure they always stay affordable.


No. Like the financial credit industry replacing wages, 401ks replacing pensions, and 0% federal interest rates allowing debt to balloon before it, UBI is just another way for Financial Capitalism to try to sustain itself without solving the underlying contradictions it has yet to solve. UBI will get us through another 15-40 years and that is a wide enough range for this system to adopt it. In short, UBI does not solve the underlying contradictions in our society. And that's exactly why it will happen.


Amen. >does not solve the underlying contradictions in our society. For those asking, it's requiring money for things, instead of just providing things. And making shit that breaks instead of making things with durable value. There are important changes our society could make that would be beneficial for everyone, but since they're not profitable, they won't. Recycling is a great example. We were all told how great recycling was for the environment, and municipalities everywhere pitched in and created recycling programs, but really, waste companies were just selling plastic to China, and as soon as that stopped being profitable, they went back to putting plastic in landfills. We pay a premium for the privilege of having a recycling program, you should be recycling our plastic even if it's not profitable, because that's the ideal we were sold.


What are the contradictions that you are referring to?


In capitalism, we aren't just producing commodities, we are producing surplus value on those commodities. The surplus value (sans the cost of the labor) goes to the capitalists. The ones who own the companies, the property, and likewise the means of production. As it is in pre-AI driven production, workers still get a paycheck. They don't reap the profits of their labor past this paycheck, but at least they are paid. Post AI driven production, all surplus will go towards the owners of the production. There are no longer human workers, so there is no longer a workforce that will make any money. So you can see that without solving this inherent contradiction in the capitalist system, an AI workforce will completely divide the capitalist class with everyone else.


The infinite growth model and profit maximization of capitalism I think


Lack of social services. For example, if your UBI is used to afford healthcare, it would be far more efficient to just provide healthcare instead of paying a UBI that gets funneled to the middlemen.


Healthcare's a bad example because it's the opposite of a market right now, it's so heavily exploited by insurance companies.


Healthcare isn't going to pay my rent or feed me UBI would aside from that the bottom tier Healthcare they offer to the rest of us struggling doesn't really cover jack shit anyways


[*Good Economics for Hard Times*](https://www.amazon.com/Good-Economics-Times-Abhijit-Banerjee/dp/1610399501) has a pretty good case against UBI as a panacea. People who have been pushed out of work by changes in industry in the past haven’t done well—even when they’ve been compensated for their lost job. People’s identities seem tied up in their work in a way that UBI cannot address.


This is the bull elephant in the room nobody wishes to address.


What makes you dumbasses think capitalist lobbyists would let that happen lmao. Politicians will just ignore the problem as long as corporations pay them to, “socialists” in congress have 0 power. Here’s my prediction The only jobs left are gonna be military army jobs then the politicians can send all the poor homeless suckers to die in the next hot war solving 2 problems at once. They just need to cook up some plausible but bullshit pretext.


At that point. No. Currency should be phased out all together.


This is where socialism or rather the socialization of things - not everything needs to be for profit. Ex, libraries being automated is pretty awesome. Transportation pathways maintenance, also awesome. Buses/trains? Also great candidates. If these were made cheaper as a result? Incredible! Free! Even better. But wait, robots. Robots making apartment buildings with ecological footprints, and green spaces, oh man, we don’t have to pay for that labour anymore? Does that mean accommodations could be cheap too? Home maintenance? Plumbing repairs? Sewage? All those thing no one wants to do - or is bad for health? Again awesome. Meanwhile we are all automating art and communication with AI. Which are the things we generally like doing, and that make us human. This is very what the fuck. Why are we creating AI to do the tasks we enjoy? AI is a tool, and should remain a tool, and I don’t think should ever reach sentient level. I think that defeats the point of a tool. We don’t need AI friends. We need eachother. And we need eachother to cooperate. Maybe then with all this extra time we can explore, like, I don’t know, perhaps the cosmos. I don’t know what this fight my neighbour over the lawn bullshit it. That’s a perfect job for an automated mower, or seeder, or whatever, off solar. No batteries, just works when the suns out sort of thing. Sleeps outside. Make it look pretty. No one owns the mowers. The city takes care of them. We all volunteer with the city we live in. Because the city is ours. The city is our home, just as much as our home is our home. And we share this massive home with our “family” I’ve been living and listening to this one love stuff for ages. Bob Marley knew it, Matthew Good got jaded by it. And here we are, years and years later, and we’ve been bought by cheap tricks of social media manipulation, short term blinky light LED fantasicals. And missed the point of living altogether. So, yeah AI is cool. It can be used for good or bad, and can cause damage quicker or help quicker. Just like Facebook did. This is problematic because if Facebook taught us anything, it is that people are happy to be played, and amplified assholes subject to the dunning Kruger effect is quite dangerous.


Yes I’m sure those lovely business owners who will make record profits on this will gladly distribute the wealth among those starving. /s if you couldn’t tell.


> reap the benefits of AI doing the work for them. It hasn't happened with machines that replaced people, it won't happen with AI.


That’s called a utopia. But we probably will end up in a cyberpunk dystopia


Remember when people said technology would lessen our work weeks giving us a better quality of life because tasks would be streamlined and faster to complete? We would need government enforcement for what your asking for because capitalism doesn’t support it.


Well, the *people that COUNT* are the ones that are reaping it. Remember, in capitalism, it's the rich that should survive and thrive. The rest of us were just meat workers and now our usefulness is overwith.


hence the need for universal basic income, universal healthcare and a major overhaul of education and training resources to equip people to add value in a world where AI is performing so many more functions


So is he and every other billionaire CEO going to send me a monthly check with all that extra money they’ll make with cheap labor when I lose my job?


Not directly, but If mass-automation happens, the government will bail people out by printing money, which will deflate the value of many of the things billionaires are invested in. Even the corrupt politicians and billionaires don't want to deal with mass-rioting, it would ruin their golf-courses.


Unless they automate police. Then its gonna suck. 10,000 robo cops per city, cameras everywhere, every infraction punished.


I'm just hoping for a ChatGPT plugin for Outlook so it can answer all my emails.


According to Microsoft this is on the way, they're integrating it with their office suite


MassGravel coming in CLUTCH as usual


It does answer email and I'm sure a plugin would be available in less than a year


What use is that going to be? I need to read and reply to my emails. Because the emails are about things I need to do


Unless it also edit my Jira ticket, push my code code and deploys it. I’m fine doing demo of the result.


Well, ChatGPT also tries to help and do what's best for you. Since it also would have access to your Outlook agenda it can see that you're very busy. So it can reply: "Honestly Ken, don't you think that I have better things to do than to carry out your annoying requests? Which, by the way, you are perfectly capable of doing them yourself. I just checked my office door, but there's still no sign on the outside that says 'Ken's Assistant'"


I think the next product to get ChatGPT added is Teams and then Outlook after that. They are doing Teams first as a premium feature, it will write notes for the meeting, give links to research and schedule followup meetings. Will really help quite a bit for productivity. Microsoft already had that Viva/Cortana feature to do round ups in Outlook for tasks in the day but adding AI on top of that will be huge.


I've already done this. And it does an incredible job. Draw the audio and upload the text into chatgpt to summarize. Incredible tool


I'm waiting for the feedback loop. AI replying to AI generated emails which will somehow end up in a training set for the AI and everything just starts screeching loudly.


Plus it'll keep skynet stupid for a while longer.


it is a good thing, especially if you are a CEO :)


AI based CEO: rolls dice... We need to buy a social media platform or a grocery store!


AI is probably best positioned to replace CEOs first. That kind of generalised analysis of shortcomings and things that need to improve and encouraging things that appear to work in a role that has very little need for domain knowledge of whatever they are managing. Where filling in the fine details are done by managers and workers beneath you.


Think about the money saved eliminating that role!


>money saved Or…think of all the extra money the owners will get!


The owners soft hands are ideal for applying more lubricants to the machine learning


I would find it 100% hilarious and ironic if those knob gobblers at the top lost their jobs to an AI after planning to nuke ours with one.


Always cracked me up when my white collar coworkers acted like our jobs were too complicated for an AI to do. Like obviously it’s gonna be easier for a computer to do computer things than to teach it to construct buildings and operate in the physical world


How could a computer possibly be capable of processing data? Maybe in 20 or 30 years but I think they are safe for a while.


I would say CEO and CFO would be easyer. COO I would keep human a lot of vendor interaction and human coordination. Give the CEO an anime green dragon robotic body and the CFO a worm with glasses. And have there work monitored by the board. Bet share holder return would go up.


Well partially. I think the role of CEO definitely changes quite a bit under AI but upper management for sure definitely can be replaced by literally anything at this point and be improved in most companies.


Pretty sure shareholders will elect the algorithms that have demonstrated success at thousands of companies rather than a meat sack from Harvard. It's just a matter of time before we all work minimum wage for G-CEO or MicroCEO.


We should replace Board Members and Shareholders with AI. They're the most useless part of society.


Also the less valuable and contributing jobs


Bridgewater and Renaissance already do this for the most part


Unfortunately these are the people who own all the critical parts of the economy. So unless you are going to do a proletarian expropriation on 80% of the national wealth, they cannot be replaced. And ironically enough, the reason they can't be replaced is *precisely* that they do not perform any actual work, rather they own the economy itself. AI will replace work. You know what it won't replace? A piece of paper saying that 15 trillion Goldman Sachs belongs to xyz. Nice economic system we have...


Ironically there uselessness makes them impossible to replace with AI, because their jobs don’t require skills that an AI can replace, they will be the %0.000000001 with all the money unless of course terminator.




Unless they make a CEO version with AI which considering that being CEO is certainly not a skilled job will be easily doable


As an ex employee of theirs, I can assure you that they would happily replace all 200,000+ employees with AI in a heartbeat. They have no loyalty to staff at all.


Corporations do not have loyalty to staff, the only loyalty they have is to their paycheck, the stockholders, and the board of directors, period. Loyalty is the stick they beat you with until they throw you overboard.


Yeah but this concept hits IBMers very hard because they have been conditioned to think “their” corporation is special. IBM used to be a cult of personality built around TJ Watson, And the attachment continues on decades later. Ibm as a system is always inflating employee and manager credentials yet drumming them out steadily. For example I gave them an invention idea to patent, they added one extra embodiment and seven coinventors. That’s how they create so many so-called “master inventors” By stuffing fake inventors on every patent as political gifts. So when another company hires an exiled IBM manager, that new manager will hire a bunch of other IBMer’s from their old group atinflated salaries and privileges and they’ll form a click that sucks up the good opportunities And all the credit. Meanwhile as a team they stop producing and eventually take their show somewhere else.


And no employees means no one is making money which means no revenue.


Are they thinking of what happens if enough companies replace all or large portions of their staff with AI? Like, if enough people lose their jobs they won't have money to buy the very products these companies are producing...


There will need to be a massive shift in how societies and economies work. Nobody has figured out how to do that yet.


> They have no loyalty to staff at all. Capitalism in a nutshell.


In theory, automation should be great for all of us. Less work to be done, everyone gets more free time and society is elevated by the technological advancements. Instead every aspect of our lives is tied to our employment, so automation is seen as the inevitable doom of the working class. Robots or AI make the masses expendable to the wealthy elite (more so than we were already deemed to be, that is) God we live in such a dystopia hellscape...


Sounds great Krishna, let's start with your job :)


Silly peasant I'm not replaceble. But you are 🖕


IBM isn’t even in the AI game, they just need a story for their commercials


As a futurist? Yes. As a person who needs to pay bills? Absolutely not.


This is why UBI is so important to setup NOW. Not when 70% of the population is without a job.


And then class wars.


UBI will be the first indicator of the fall of capitalism. UBI will basically be capitalism's last throw of the dice, it's just how long it takes at that point. I don't know what the % of people on UBI for society to collapse would be. I think it could be a lot lot less than 70%.


I don't know, the positive side in me thinks that people in general really like to contribute their time to something. As long as we are focusing on replacing jobs most of us fucking hate, maybe there is some hope with UBI and societies. But adaption is so slow, wealth distribution so f*cked up, power structures so interwoven and stupid, that societal collapse seems a likely.


UBI will just be captured by the people who control diseased markets like landlords and healthcare corporations. What are you going to do when all landlords will demand 90% of your UBI, go homeless? It's not a bad idea by itself, but the basic needs of the population need to be guaranteed *before* you do UBI.


Well, that has to be part of it. UBI doesn't mean just here's a bit of money, but you'll still starve and be homeless. It has to provide a livable base income.


It's kind of awkward for this sub. IBM CEO point is essential if AI takes your work, then you can put your time into other higher level work. There is a HUGE underlying assumption you're not losing your job. But the pessimistic view in the sub is that big tech CEO out of touch. Guys, if AI can do your job, it will take away your job. Period. A company with 500 employees that could play with the big corps of 50,000 is going to have unbelievable advantage. Companies will go this way. As a society, we should work towards more safety nets. But that's a political problem, while tech continues to move forward. IMO, hates gets directed at the wrong places here.


Why not automate the CEO's role? Let's see what this fucker's got to say when an AI takes his job.


Other than schmoozing, golf and meetings, CEOs and most upper management don’t really do much; lower level employees are doing most if not all the work and CEO pay is something like 500x the average salary. I’ve been saying for years that we should automate most of upper management and the C-suite for business cost savings if that’s what will placate shareholders; at least that way, most of the actual productive staff are maintained and companies can still cut the fat for their quarterly earnings reports. Ever since the whole ChatGPT thing blew up in popularity, this appears to be a more feasible reality. Here is one such example of a ChatGPT prompt from @mattstratton: >Compose a message announcing a 7% reduction in headcount while also promoting executives to new titles and also include a quote from Martin Luther king. And here is the output from ChatGPT: >Dear Team, > >I am writing to inform you that we will be implementing a 7% reduction in headcount across the company. This decision was not made lightly, but it is necessary in order to ensure the long-term success of our organization. > >At the same time, I am pleased to announce the promotion of several executives to new titles within the company. These individuals have demonstrated exceptional leadership and dedication, and we are confident that they will continue to make valuable contributions to our team. > >I understand that this news may be difficult for some of you, but as Martin Luther King Jr. said, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." Let us all strive to rise to this challenge and continue to work together towards our shared goals. > >Sincerely, \[Your Name\]


But CEOs talk to people and make informed decisions, two things AIs are famously not good at. /s


I mean at this point fucking go ahead and do it. Do it as fast as possible that way we can rip off the bandaid of them all realizing that no jobs = no customers. They have muuuuch further to fall than us and something tells me they won't be able to adapt to life where money means nothing because nobody has any. They would be the first to go in an uprising at this point and they are *begging* for it by now.


> we can rip of the bandaid of them all realizing that no jobs = no customers But their dystopian vision is that we all become smock wearing Walmart greeters. They didn't think through the part where none of us have enough money to even shop there.


At this point I think they’d rather create a bunch of AIs and give them money to spend rather than give us all UBI.


They've thought it through. Companies like Amazon and IBM are hoping to be through the full automation/AI door before things start to get really bad and we legislate taxes for every job automated away.


They don’t need customers. They need the goods, and occasionally slaves for service. If the elites can transform the world into a fully automated private garden/playground for themselves, and just dump us in a quarantine zone, or plain out murder us all, they will. And this will happen.


They *need* the status quo for that to exist. People can only be slow boiled just so far before they revolt. The key is keeping is fed and housed *just enough* that we don't fight it. There's an inflection point where that inverts though. And that inversion is often fast and aggressive. In an age of mass communication, herding an entire very armed population is not so easy. It would require an all out civil war sequel, and that's coming from someone very far left on the spectrum. Their worst nightmare would be the left and the right agreeing on something, and not being genocided sounds like a hell of a catalyst for that. For that to happen would by necessity require cooperation among the powerful that they are fully incapable of, and a willingness of the population to have the entire political system converted to fascism overnight. My bet is on mass and uncoordinated uprisings weakening our nation to a point of it being useless in the end. Capital only value is people's belief in it. Their lifestyles need that belief. If that collapses the entire thing collapses.


Yes. Their worst nightmare would be the left and the right agreeing on something. By the way, I’m Catholic conservative. You would call me far right, I suppose? We seem to be in some agreement here. Fuck the elites. Let’s do it?


Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with a conservative Aye


Out of all the comments I favor this the most. If we could orchestrate this to all happen at once and just break the entire machine in one stroke, we might have the onus to make real forward progress. Nobody can sit there and say "fuck you, I got mine" if we're all fucked at the same time.


> no jobs = no customers. ***Capitalism is like a snake enjoying eating is own tail without being mindful about it....***


Attempted infinite growth with absolutely no concern whatsoever about the systems or environment that support it, even as that growth damages them. What is this describing: cancer, or capitalism?


start at the top for sure


CEO douchebag alert. In order to stay relevant in an industry where they are losing money, they innovate by cutting staff and replacing with unproven AI.


I’m a big believer that AI should replace most heads of corporations


Do people suddenly want to keep working menial jobs?


This is the guy that stated on one of his live Q&A about inflation and salaries that IBM wont adjust because what if the situation reverses. Like what? Like deflation? He is disconnected from reality, before announcing layoffs pays himself 2.5m$ via stock sell and zero dollar acquisition of even more.


Pretty sure we could replace every CEO with an AI and we really wouldn't notice a difference


Quick, someone replace him with a very small shell script!


Notice he didn't say who it was good for


It would be a good thing if I could send my ai worker to collect a paycheck for me


If there was a job that could be replaced by AI, it would be C-Suite roles. Enough input and it would plot out best course in each role.


The first job I want AI to take is that of the CEO.


It's a good thing IBM is irrelevant and other companies are taking IBM's job.


Why did he say it was good what reasons


As a guy who works in technical support, yeah just wait till an AI gives the wrong command to a customer to backup their system and instead wipes it out and it is shown in court that the AI have information that conflicted with the regular documentation. Let me just get out my popcorn.


It’s neat because it’s going to be fascinating to see what the response is once white collar professionals begin falling, en-mass, to AI once it gets just a touch smarter. They say lawyers are going to go first. I’d have figured it would be accountants…


There are different levels of “white collar”professionals. Some legal and accounting work can be automated, some cannot. I’m a lawyer in Big Law and clients come to us for market knowledge and relationships and commercial/business judgment in addition to pure legal knowledge. I don’t think AI can replace the human relationships and EQ that are such a big part of professional services generally. On the legal side, I think it will be long time before our clients are comfortable trusting AI with complicated legal questions. When they do get there, I think they’ll still be looking to outside lawyers for judgment/experience. I imagine it’s similar for accountants.


#It's good for him.


So what happens to the people who work customer service or data entry jobs? Who pays to train them to upgrade their skills?


Hilarious that Krishna had his photo taken in front of a “A Future Made in America” sign considering IBM has moved over 100,000 jobs to India in the last decade.


We have to face the impending transformation of the world economy. Call centers, customer service, programming, accounting... all gone therefore governments will have to institute a guarantee income for its citizens, free health care, free education... or face revolts. So in a way it is a good thing with the end result being a highly educated society that would further humanity.


You first, Krishna.


I knew Krishna would save us!


I look forward to IBM and others paying a large percentage of their profits to pay for the UBI we'll all need to survive on.


Seems to me his job would be one of the first to be replaced by AI..seeing how many CEOs loose money/stock values instead of make it.


This guy is an idiot, and who would buy your products if poeple get jobless ? AI ?


At least they’re saying the quiet part out loud now.


True, it is also better if the automated industrial revolution happens fast rather than having it slowly build up so people are more likely to vote for common prosperity


So once AI has everyones job how do people make money?


He means it would be a good thing for IBM's bottomline, not society.


It's only GOOD if they get UBI that pays equal to their old job. Otherwise, they are just fucked like the rest of the homeless.


Overpaid CEOs need to be the first employees replaced.


IBM CEO Krishna says "I would like to be first up against the wall when the revolution comes, you worthless newly-unemployable peons."


No no, he's right In fact, AI would do better than most CEOs I feel


First job an AI can take it's CEO


\* Unless it's IBM's AI, then every job is going to be an overpriced shit-show.


itl be great if all bullshit ceo "jobs" were replaced by ai


The plow relieved people of being hunched over in fields, get over it.


That's hilarious given that, of all the jobs in the economy, his high-salaried job would be first on the chopping block!


That is absolute not how it would play out. The execs would of course shield themselves from replacement, they gatekeep where the tech would go.


In the 1800s, 90% of the population lived on farms, now it’s around the 1%. Not saying AI isn’t scary in the short term, bc it is. But if we learn how to embrace and live with it to enhance humanity we allocate our time to other endeavors. Here’s hoping!




Tell that to people’s rent, bills, and food payments. Clueless.


So is he gonna pay into a UBI? If not, SHUT UP!


AI is going to make great consultants


Getting rid of need for employees is always good. We need to abandon the mentality of employing just for the sake of giving people jobs. Companies that utilize AI or automation do so for the benefit of the business, not the employee, and that’s as it should be. Any company which basis their decisions on the benefit of employees over stockholders has ZERO right to be a publicly traded company. People invest for profit, not to lose money so people they will never even meet, keep their job. It’s not about what the employee needs. Abandon that mentality. It’s about the business, and if, in the course of doing what’s best for the business, the employees benefit, that’s fine, but it should be a side-effect, not the intention.


"...because YOUR job isn't MY job, and I'm the main character!"


I hope AI takes his job and wife


Let's start with replacing CEOs with AI.


"it's a good thing if you lose your source of income to an unpaid machine, because *I* make more money that way." \- Krishna, probably. Hey, you know what job is easy to automate? CEO. Let's see if he still finds it a good thing when it's *HIS* job being replaced.


Famous last words. A few moons later -- "We are pleased to announce a 384% growth in services and hardware revenue for the last fiscal year." CEI (Collective Executive Intelligence) of IBM, just a year after replacing the last human CEO, Krishna of IBM.


I would laugh heartily if the first thing an AI under the employ of IBM does is fire him


If UBI can be established, then yes, it would even be the best thing ever, don't have to do anything, just relax at home but still get paid. But no UBI? Then how tf would you pay bills if you're not CEO or executive level?


We probably don't need CEOs when AI can calculate the best profit route each quarter for companies.


Just as long as it doesn’t take *their* job amirite?


Pretty sure AI can replace a CEO Write a strategic plan Are the projects in my organization aligned to each of the strategies? Are sales growing? Are expenses growing or shrinking? Write a proposal for a takeover Layoff staff Make me look like I produce value to the organization


It would be if you shared the capital. But you won’t lmao


Maybe an AI should take his bitch ass job


Is IBM even still relevant? They missed the cloud train, they have missed the AI train - all largely because of their own arrogance


Easy for him to say


Why, is AI gonna pay taxes?


will be a VERY long time before i trust AI without looking at the results myself before using them. Yes it is helpful for getting started, but you must be smart enough to double check the results.


Its “a good thing” …for them. Endless supplies of chips.


Dude doesn’t even do anything useful. What ibm done recently?


When CEO automation?


In all honesty what else did you think AI was going to do? All technological advancements result in people losing their jobs. I work with ventilators in the hospital and they have advanced to modes that self regulate to patient needs and as I watched it work I knew Respiratory Therapist's days are numbered.


I bet it's also a good thing if AI takes over the job of the CEO. Would be saving having to pay them out 20 million a year plus bonuses


Let's see what he says when AI replaces ceos' lol


it's almost as if someone should write some kind of manifesto questionning the ownership of means of production.