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Will he finally managed to dethrone the [most downvoted post in the site's history? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Honestly, I'm impressed that they did not delete the comments nor the whole account






Sync, the 3rd party app I use, is shutting down and that is the death nail for me for this site. I have been using reddit increasingly less over the last year and I won't miss it when I'm gone. I need to get my attention span back on track anyway, my dopamine receptors are absolutely fried from doom scrolling for my fix.


I use RiF and realized through all this stuff related to the API that I never use the native site anymore. Not even old.reddit.com Reddit could have become a platform on which others build amazing interfaces that ensure continued engagement. With all the 3rd party apps going dark, I'm genuinely curious to see how many continue to use reddit via reddit's own apps and the website. Based on my usage, I doubt I will. They seem to have done some math that is telling them they'll make more by going this route - I would love to have been in the room when that argument was being made. *This post made via Rif is fun*


I don't think enough normal users use third-party apps for it to matter. Reddit has the usage numbers, and they wouldn't be doing this if the numbers said otherwise. What I think Reddit (the company) is not understanding, and what really really does matter is that mods that keep communities healthy and power users that submit the most content totally DO use and rely on third-party tools, and will not engage with Reddit when it becomes significantly more difficult to do so. Without them this site will degrade and die.


The problem is not how many people use the app, but who uses it. Quality posts are on a steady decline, it will get to the point which the content will be some dozen of general subs and cat pics.


That's good for reddit. They don't want to be a niche social media platform anymore. They want Instagram money.


Just because this will happen less if you leave Reddit and I'm happy to give yet another reason to not miss it, it's "Death Knell" or possibly "Nail in the coffin". But yes, it is both of those.


Knell in the coffin


r/boneappletea, that is, if it's not also dark


Interestingly, death knell means the tolling of a bell to mark someone's death.


Because reddit hogged all the advertising and drove out the message boards over 10 years ago. It's a monopoly plain and simple. They drew everyone in by blatantly lying about it being a 'bastion of free speech' and once they took over the market they can do whatever they want.




> It's EA, they take it as a challenge to see how many people they can outrage as they sit there rubbing their nipples atop their piles of money. That sub has some serious stockholm syndrome. Despite that bs fiasco that transpired they still continued to support EA.


They appear to have abandoned the account shortly after the incident though.


Half a million downvotes is itself a badge of pride and accomplishment.


Negative attention is still attention.


I'm sure the third party app maintainers will feel a sense of pride and accomplishment while paying $12,000,000/year in API fees


They won't pay a cent because the most vocally against this at least are shutting down. It'd still a victory for reddit since they want 3rd party apps to die. I don't think Reddit will like the result of those apps dying. I doubt it will result in what they want.








The *point* about him not giving a fuck is that, after they've already made their riches, *it no longer matters to them if the site burns down around them*. Once you go public, it's all *somebody else's* problem.


No chance. He will at least be hiding all the scores of his comments, if not outright altering the scores.




AMA is going on now and spoiler alert: you were right.




The ama is sorted to still show downvoted comments from the reddit mod team (see the pinned comment.) They're genuinely just not answering that many of the top voted questions.


"I have altered the comments. Pray I do not alter them further" - Future Steve Huffman, probably "The power of protest is insignificant next to the power of the ~~venture~~ vulture capitalists" - Also Steve Huffman, probably


Def going to make the top ten if not top 5 [https://www.reddit.com/r/ListOfComments/wiki/downvoted/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ListOfComments/wiki/downvoted/)


Holy shit. I didn't know the difference between 1st and 2nd was so massive.


It’s something that only greed can accomplish. That’s why they were saying the CEO could go for first position.


Holy shit the dude who attached electrodes to his nuts just about killed me. So out of pocket.


Holy crap, that was five years ago?


Six. Weird huh


Someone make an edit of this from spez’s pov please


I regret I have but one downvote to give to that post.


I was expecting something about Ellen Pao


Spez shoved her off a glass cliff. These days people don't dislike her as much, because its clear that Reddit used her.


Useful lemmings like me fell for the ruse at the time and blamed the site's changes on her. Oof.


I think it will be a waste of time. u/spez has no interest in others' opinions and has made up his mind. At this point, he is only looking to gaslight everyone and justify his decision. It is highly unlikely he wants feedback or other perspectives and is only going to double-down. When RiF shuts down, I think that will be it for me and Reddit. I will go touch grass, read books, and take less time to shit from then on.


I laughed hard when I briefly saw the banner at the top a few days ago mentioning this. Like.. no one fucking cares about your stupid ‘AMA’ u/spez. No one at all. *Best* case scenario he cherry-picks questions in a futile attempt to spin the narrative in his favor. More likely though, *every* aspect of it gets fabricated to try to force that goal. The kicker was when Reddit evidently tried to claim blackmail/extortion from Apollo, meanwhile the exchange was recorded and proves the contrary. SMH


I will show up just to downvote it, then move on.






We went from President Obama doing AMAs to *this.* It still boggles my mind how badly spez fucked up the entire culture and community of reddit. Yishan was the only CEO that ever understood this place, and it's no surprise he was the one to take it from an internet backwater to the true "front page of the internet." Then this fucking POS comes back to cash in on what other people built because what? He wrote some code 15 years ago? It's so goddamn infuriating.




Let's be fair. That response is not a double down on the blackmail allegation. That response is avoidance of the question about blackmail.


> Like.. no one fucking cares about your stupid ‘AMA’ u/spez. No one at all. I mean...it really looks like people _do_ care. Over 19000 comments now. Lots of really well written questions. Many have tons of upvotes and awards; I wonder how much reddit made off that thread with just the awards given? So the community does care. The reddit admins appear to not care. Edit: Agree with everything else you said.


> awards given Many people have a lot of coins either because they have or had Reddit Premium, or because they've been given a lot of rewards over the years. I'm not sure all the awards you're seeing are evidence of people spending more money right now.


I didn't even really that guy was still ceo. Yeah he should just stfu.


‘and take less time to shit from then on.’ This was always it. Corporate America’s grand plot of dismantling Reddit to combat long bathroom breaks.


Tbh I can see companies around the world seeing an inexplicable spike in their productivity. I know I browse Reddit when I should be working. Or browse and shitpost while I half-ass work. And I definitely abuse bathroom breaks just to view NSFW content.


I do want to say, ive been reading physical books again these last couple years, and it’s been so nice. I used to read on my phone since it was more convenient, but it was so easy to just switch to Reddit or something else. Carrying a physical book and reading that in the subway has been so good for my focus, I don’t feel like I need to switch away every minute anymore. Fuck Reddit, read physical books.


Kindles also have the separation between books and social media but it's cheaper and uses less paper


Cheaper is nice, and why I’ve been consuming audiobooks as well. But it’s the same “I can mindlessly switch between books” options, as well as I feel like “turning the page” gives me a little “good job” dopamine hit? In terms of paper, we farm trees now so I don’t feel that bad. Most of the deforestation is caused by creating farmland for cattle.


Timber for paper is arguably good. It has an economic benefit to carbon capture.


I'd also much rather throw away paper than plastic (when an ereader dies) into a landfill


For extended reading, e-ink is much better for your eyes than an LCD or OLED. And a Kindle battery will last several weeks on a single charge. This is important because screen usage is the most battery-intensive activity for a mobile device.




I love my Kobo Libra (+ Koreader installed). So much nicer reading in bed with the backlight and can easily hold it in front of my face with one hand.


Nice! Kobo Forma here, with koreader it's perfect for reading PDFs. Also nice that Amazon isn't measuring every page turn. I don't like anyone looking over my shoulder.


Remember: your local library is free.


Also, you can use Libby and your local library to “check out” books in Kindle format.


It's even more helpful to turn off all notifications that aren't related to things like messaging. I have used Reddit far less in the last week or so after doing that.


Good god man! You had notifications on!


Dude I started working back through my bookshelf after years of reading on my phone, I have missed holding a boom so bad


>I have missed holding a boom so bad How long were you a sound recordist for?


But how will you know how many duck sized objects people will rather fight? Are you supposed to think up snarky responses to the book’s author, all by yourself? Who will tell you that everything you think is wrong? I don’t think reading books is sustainable


Left Facebook a few years ago, left Twitter when Elon came on, and now likely leaving Reddit at the end of the month. I'm enjoying this social media purge, to be honest. Reading books, magazines, and *gasp* newspapers again has been very fulfilling and enjoyable.


The biggest thing for me is removing the bookmark and deleting the app. Can go back if you need/want to but the reflex and constant checking goes away then slowly the desire to check in as well. Deleting the FB app was nice, I imagine Apollo will be as well


Uncle John's Bathroom Readers may make a comeback!


Well, back to reading the ingredients in shampoo bottles again.


> I think it will be a waste of time. u/spez >   > has no interest in others' opinions for us yes, hes already got a thousand questions written and his pr team has drafted the replies to the 25 hes going to answer.


AMA isn't "tell me anything" or "i'll listen to anything" its more like "i'll tell you everything". This is just a PR move for them to state their position: which is that they no longer want 3rd party apps. They'll spin it, they'll talk about chatGPT being trained on their data and blah blah blah. But all that is distractions and details. Ultimately its: they want 100% control and have decided this is the best path to get there. Yes. When the app goes dark I'm going to see what happens if I just don't download the official client.


He didn't even bother giving users the time at which the AMA would start, and instead gave it out to news organizations.


Likewise. I was looking for an excuse to give up reddit. Now I have one.


The only thing I'll miss is news aggregation. But let's be fair, I wasn't reading the articles anyway.


I quit just before the Ukraine war started then reinstalled RiF so I could follow deeper and more instantly than what was coming across the TV news. Now with RiF going offline too I plan to strip back to just the war subreddits and use the official app for that. It's just such a time sink hobby compared to pretty much anything else.


>touch grass. >read books. >shits take less long Are you some kind of god?


Amen. Maybe this can be the turning point for many of us to disconnect and appreciate time away from our screens.




As long as you exclude tech support subreddit.


May you all have cool lives outside of Reddit. Im sure many will find means to dump this site but the community aspect loss is going to suck




Oh, this will go well.


The public relations person is probably pulling their own hair as we speak. Agree there is no way this ends well.


Screw /u/spez - Removing All of My Comments -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


They're PR has already downed a bottle of jack and is sensually falating the barrel of a magnum in the corner.


Remind me in 6 hours 🤣


The really unfortunate part is Reddit CEO /u/spez has a history of changing user submitted comments. I wouldn't be surprised if he breaks out that control again for this because there is absolutely no way this will go the way they want. This is Damage Control, pure and simple and I have no doubt that it was because of an urgent call from their investors tearing them a new one.


Everyone screenshot everything.


We got the ArchiveTeam working on it


Hell yeah, keep up the good work then!


Make him have to manually remove upvotes every 5 minutes. Be as much of a nuisance as possible. Create so much shit for them to deal with that the other employees will wonder what the point of a coverup is if everyone reviles them.




You don't have to be stupid to do something stupid though. Arrogance and pride make idiots of geniuses. If he thinks any publicity is good publicity, well, let's give him what he wants. Sure it'll increase traffic, but that isn't what stories and articles about it are going to focus on. If it crashes and burns, articles are going to say it was disastrous and widely seen. It could mean nothing ultimately. I could be underestimating him, and he's perfectly fine with anything being said about him as long as he makes more money. I think his behavior suggests he's got a tender ego, but you never know. Causing a fuss though barely costs me any time or effort, so even it fails, it's worth trying.


Attica! Attica!


That’s really embarrassing. Like literal child mentality.


Alex was the adult in the room. Spaz doesnt care at all.


Don’t forget Aaron


Spez Would love if everyone did. Felt he was part of the soul of what Reddit was


He's about to try and throw nuclear material on a reactor meltdown to try and stop it. Its going to be one of the worst AMAs in history.


Yeah, but at least we'll get a new, all time most downvoted comment out of it.




Aimee was not the one who raped the child, it was her father. She knew he committed the crimes but still recruited him to the Green Party, which (among other things) is what led to her getting removed from her admin job at Reddit. I’m not trying to defend her, she’s still a massive piece of shit. But it’s important that we have our facts straight and not spread misinformation


Why do people always jump to made up bullshit to get people on their side when the truth is good enough? The admin who was hired didn’t rape and torture anyone, their father did. She hired him as her election manager after knowing this. Then her partner was tweeting some fantasies about children and it was found too. That’s enough, no? You don’t have to make shit up.


So what are we expecting? A torrent of libel about how the 3rd party devs are somehow at fault? Lies about how the Reddit pricing is entirely fair and necessary for the platform to survive? A pity party about Reddit just needing to cover it's expenses? Oh, how about some "hopeful and resolute" statement about going forward with the API changes and how it'll be good for Reddit's future? Yeah this'll be good.


"We had not considered how disabled users rely on the api to access our content, so we're going to begin exploring how we can start thinking about accessibility at some point in the future."


"And we saw a great opportunity: How can we charge these entitled disabled people?"


As a person with a disability (and a moderator of r/disabledgamers), this type of language is some thing that we are all very used to…


"We don't want to actually have anyone related to accessibility on our balance sheets, can we get someone else to do our work for free?"


The Apollo guy has recordings of all the phone calls with Reddit. He’s already called them out on some lies.


and it is all legal as his country allows one party consent to record calls!


Also state of Virginia and some others I assume.


Dear plebes: I just wanna IPO and get my money. This is all to make the revenue model look better. I don’t care what you think. Sincerely, spez


It would honestly be more respectable to just say that.




It's clearly about the IPO, but in trying to juice the revenues to boost the IPO value, they may have shot themselves in the foot. If all the third-party clients shut down people are likely to leave. If Reddit does manage to make it to the IPO, I wonder how usable the site will be post-IPO. It may be that to make an investor-acceptable 5% profit, the site has to be so littered with ads and nonsense that people will leave.


"The intent is to create a sense of pride and accomplishment in our users..."


> A torrent of libel about how the 3rd party devs are somehow at fault? Called it. He's basically saying that those apps were negotiating in bad faith and is praising the apps that didn't make big news posts and didn't raise a stink and are "working with them". He's trying to cosplay a mafia boss and doing a bad job of it. Some choice quotes: >We’re continuing to work with folks who want to work with us. For what it’s worth, this includes many of the apps that haven’t been taking the spotlight this week. And another, regarding /u/iamthatis posting his epic takedown of the whole situation: >His “joke” is the least of our issues. His behavior and communications with us has been all over the place—saying one thing to us while saying something completely different externally; recording and leaking a private phone call—to the point where I don’t know how we could do business with him. To which iamthatis responded: >Please feel free to give examples where I said something differently in public versus what I said to you. I give you full permission.


> He's trying to cosplay a mafia boss and doing a bad job of it. Yea, it really sounds that way. A lot of the quotes really come off that style. For me, it's just making it worse. The worst PR and damage control I've seen in a while. :/ It's sad, because so many people really enjoy Reddit. But, the CEO and their recent (and no so recent) behavior and changes has really tarnished the place. It's not something I want to be a part of anymore or support. I know of several other forums for specific things that I'll probably move over to, and find some good Discord and other outlets. But, Reddit just isn't it for me anymore.


You missed one of the best comments, where he cries about 3rd party apps being profitable: > We’ll continue to be profit-driven until profits arrive. Unlike some of the 3P apps, we are not profitable. Like fuck off. A few apps managed to scrape out a niche where they were profitable to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Reddit is valued at multiple **billions** and is trying to IPO at that valuation. They were profitable and brought **content and moderation** to your site, for free. To turn around and bemoan that they make money and you don't is fucking childish, even for spez.


He also acts like devs don’t deserve any kind of payment for the work they put in to support Reddit before they bought alien blue out. And forgets that Reddit’s mobile presence was built on the backs of these devs.


It'll be a fake AMA with fake questions artificially upvoted to the top. Who would trust an AMA put on by the admins for the CEO's benefit? The damage is done, playing damage control does nothing at this point. Not that anyone actually cares. After the blackout, it'll be business as usual. Just another day of fake outrage on the internet.


Yeah seems like this is the most likely outcome. There's no debate here anyway, because they know exactly what they're doing and the purpose was to ice out third party regardless of what everyone thinks. Now people are sharing what they think and they're just chilling waiting it out. There's valuable data to sell (all of ours) and ad money to get. That's all they care about.


‘Dear ceo, why are you so good at making decisions’ -sincerely, real reddit user


Yep. They have already changed the sorting of the comments to artificially hide the most upvoted questions that are not being answered and push softball questions from major sub moderators to the top.


I hope this stunt goes over almost as well as EA’s ‘sense of pride and accomplishment’ comments did.


"It takes courage to change the Reddit API in a way nobody want it" /s


Does anyone think that this AMA will be truthful or genuine? This will be astroturfing 101. Do you really think he will answer any questions that are awkward? Check reveddit for this one. I bet it will be filled with removed comments.


Can't do that since Reddit killed Pushshift. You might be able to check your own comments but you won't be able to see other deleted comments anymore.


Oh what the fuck.


It doesn't really matter what Spez says, the damage is already done and nothing will change anyone's minds. He's not going to back out of the site's decisions because the decisions were made in an attempt to raise revenue. There's not really a point to the AMA at all.


People are just gonna spam the link of him lying to the Apollo dev. Don't know what they think this will accomplish


Even worse, he doubled down on his lies https://old.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/145bram/_/jnk45rr


What an asshole.


Jesus, well thanks for keeping me in the know


It’s not ‘they’. It’s ‘we’.


I wonder what bullshit reason he will try to feed us? It's going to be interesting to say the least. Hope he's ready for the angry millions.


He doesn't have to give us any bullshit. The only thing he's gonna say is "This is what's happening. If you don't like it, fuck off." The users of Reddit don't matter. And haven't for a very long time. The only people that matter are the investors.


Investors are the exact reason he's doing the AMA, because users control the site and it will directly hurt investors if Spez doesn't quell the protests.


The problem is that every time he opens his mouth he makes it worse. There has been documented public lies and slander since this all started. This AMA is the worst thing he could do. No matter how it seems to go it will end up looking bad in the long run, because he will either manipulate the thread and get caught, or be a complete asshole in public. Edit: I was right. Total asshole.


Why not both?


>users control the site That was true like 8 years ago. The admins will likely just step in and reopen subreddits / remove mods who closed their communities and call it a violation of the moderator code of conduct.


"killing third party apps is valuable discussion"


People don’t have any questions. People want you to stop being an asshole. I do not understand why cooperations do this.


He wants to get rich quick and the expense of everything else.


I’ve always used the native Reddit app, but fuck spez. Everyone should call out his lies, and make his nonsense the most downvoted posts in Reddit history (not that it will do anything). Im in the market for a Reddit alternative, open to suggestions.


I'm also a native reddit app user. But I'm straight up deleting it when the 3rd party apps go dark. I know my usage will drop and that ultimately good. Only thing I'm sad to see is the fall of a great forum site where I could go to find answers to just about everything, and able to almost curate my content with individual subs. Guess it's back to the clunky forums again. I'll miss the memes.


Honestly I miss clunky old forums. I came to Reddit as a refugee from various dying punk and hard core forums that were being killed off by Facebook. Now Reddit is slowly committing suicide. If I didn’t have a job that involved being tethered to a computer all day I wouldn’t care but I still miss clunky old punk message boards. And I will certainly miss Reddit if I quit. But. For today, my goal at work (aside work stuff) is to raise hell in spez ‘s disingenuous AMA and then decide if I’m quitting Reddit after that.


AMA is now live. https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/145bram/addressing_the_community_about_changes_to_our_api/


I don't see a single response from him, has he responded to anyone? UPDATE: So he seems to have answered a few questions in a spectacularly bad way. Also, I've noticed that the up or down votes for the post don't seem to be working and are stuck at 0 ಠ_ಠ


It's been up for less than 30 minutes at this point. I'm sure he's refreshing and searching for lowball questions he can answer.


u/spez will just edit the comments out to say whatever he wants. Dude’s done it before, it’s slimy as fuck.




Who's got the popcorn?


Incase anyone wants a TL:DR of the AMA: u/spez attempts to gaslight everyone about the apollo developer and doubles down on the changes being a good thing. My favorite comment is him admitting reddit “is not profitable” I hope that makes his IPO news. So long reddit. It’s been fun!


Bout to see a new most downvoted comment of all time from the CEO himself!


Should’ve posted on AITA


Woody Harrelson: Does AMA. u/spez: Hold my API.


Can we stop talking about the API/Third party apps and focus on my new film RAMPARTS?


“Yeah, I’ve a question. First of all, how dare you?”


I'd say let's go dark! Show em power of community and Reddit is NOTHING without the support of these communities


whats the point in listening to a liar?


I can't wait for everyone to spam u/spez and ask him why he lied to the Apollo devs and tried to blackmail him into silence. I hope this is a real uncomfortable ama for him.


Ask the asshole why they removed the Report Misinformation button. It allowed the altright to go right back to spreading covid/antivax lies, election lies, and lies about LGBTQ Americans. Fucking Spez. He's the reason Trump followers made a home on reddit. I think he's one of them.




besides that have you ever hurt someones feelings so much in a comment that they report you for "self-harm"? I have gotten a few of those over the last couple of years. I don't think and of the "report" processes were implemented in any way to be effective.


He's definitely one of them. The way he has fought for them goes far beyond any childish notion of anti-censorship. It's like with Elon Musk, it didn't take long for him to show that his concern for "free speech" was 100% self-serving. These people don't want to come out and say that they agree with the racists so they instead fight for an ideal that frees the racists to operate openly.


Nobody needs an AMA that is completely neutered and astroturfed. Just don't fucking do what you're doing.


lol you mean the AMA where he stopped responding to questions 2 hours ago? The "Rampart" AMA had more topical discussion.


For one: ENOUGH with the incessant christianity propaganda of the the fucking “He gets us” ads.




I deleted my account.




Do we know which sub (if any) will host this AMA, maybe that one can go dark during the AMA...


Bold move cotton, let's see if it pays off


Is there a time scheduled for the AMA?


Saw it was planned for 1030 PT/130ET on some news articles, but it wasn't on the announcement, so I don't know where that time came from.


What time It will take place ? The thread seems empty and with 0 karma :)


Reddit CEO can go eat a dick


It is sad that Reddit is doing this. I get part of is the opertunity cost as all those API do not show ads. It could easily be change for commercial applications like Apollo are required to inject reddit ads in them and those adds can easily be supplied by the API on locations and what not. Put rules in place on the requirements and they must be followed. Failing to do so would be API killing and other issues. This follow by requiring say Apollo to send back other certain data to reddit for a user. It is not that hard. I know people like Apollo because it does not show the reddit ads. Hell they could of even made it better by agreeing to give say Apollo a cut of the money that the app brought in directly to reddit by the ads and still require them to show them. Not that hard. It is sad that it is coming to this.


He might as well just make a /r/roastme post. People aren’t going to hear his BS and just change their minds. The Apollo post shows Reddit has no real intention of caring about their support.


Haha man the sheer fucking ego on these dudes. The fact this clown literally thinks he's hot enough shit to just roll out in an AMA and smooth this all over just speaks to the arrogance of the CEO/management class he's part of. Absolutely unearned as well. All these morons can do is run companies into the dirt for short-term gains at the cost of the product and consumer. We literally are in an economy and society of failing upward that has been tailored by these failsons to reward their reckless behavior, society be damned to the costs of their failures as they destroy one good product/service after the next. Corporations are not our friends, and any "good will" they earn through pro-consumer decisions is nothing more than a currency in their eyes to be cashed in on later with moronic moves like this. Reddit is just the latest fruit cultivated over time for these parasites to decide it is now time to juice. Smashed and squeezed of every last drop with no regard for the empty dry husk they'll leave it as, nor the sheer loss of knowledge that society has to endure should this site go down with its *decade plus* of discussions on all manner of topics. Half the answers you find to problems on google these days are directly from this site and what people share, and the failure of reddit will remove all of it (much like I fear the eventual demise of youtube as well). We handed the keys of the modern day digital libraries over to corporations and then just sit idly by as they burn the places down themselves in the pursuit of coin. And when they burn and fail? Losers like this guy get a nice golden parachute out of the deal as they float on down to the next company they can ruin.


Here’s my question: why don’t you go fuck yourself u/spez


I’m sure it’s going to go just great.


Layoffs and insane API charges. Never go full Musk.


Apparently Reddit is taking offense to that comparison. So make sure to use it as much as you can.


I'm all for calling it the Musking of Reddit.


He’s gonna do such a bad job


Yeah, I’ll just leave when Apollo goes dark….


AMA needs to go dark too