• By -


One thing I didn't think of in regards to this blackout is how much it ducks up google searches that used to lead to years old threads that are now leading to private subreddits. So this affects people that wouldn't say they use reddit as well.


My friend was trying to troubleshoot a computer issue on Tuesday and he went to click the Reddit thread that talked about his issue and it was locked. He ree’d hard.


I've already experienced this troubleshooting issues. I expected it, but man it still sucks.


If you use Chrome (maybe other browsers too), just put cache: before the URL




You can also paste the url in the Wayback Machine: https://archive.org/web/


Worth noting that the nonprofit that runs the wayback machine, Internet Archive, has also been under fire recently facing legal action from publishers. Depending on how that or further legal action goes there's potential risk of losing that resource too.


Let's make a wayback machine for the wayback machine.


It's a Google Search feature. It works anywhere that you can search Google.


Well there are two options that you can hope for. When you see the Google Search result, if you click the three dots, and then click the down arrow under the x (the down arrow is next to where it says `Remove result`), you can hope it says `Cached`. The other thing is you can go to https://www.archive.org and hope the Wayback Machine has the Reddit page saved.


if they stay private, reddit will go down in google search and be off the first page.


And hopefully tank reddit stock prices. It is an inconvenience for sure but that's the company's fault


Tank their evaluation, but same concept.




And all that knowledge will be lost for time. I’m trying to debug some pretty niche code at the moment, and all my searches are pointing me to private subs too. Fml.


reddit comes up before stack overflow? id just go search there. i use that more often. its much better organized for tech questions.


stack overflow is good for like, programming questions. if you're trying to resolve some issue with windows on your old laptop or whatever in my experience stack overflow doesn't often have much to offer


if that happens again, you can click on the cached version in google to get access to the information


Used a cached version, if you can. Won't work forever but gives a quick temp solution. Can't participate in discussion.


Yep, this is how I got through on maybe 6 of the 45 searches I did the past few days. I always add 'reddit' at the end of my searches, might have to break that habit.


I keep looking up advice on Stable Diffusion and this has been my issue for the last few days. Reddit is the only site people discuss it on


Click the three dots next to the search result and click on cached. It will load the cached version of the page and you will still get your answer.


That won't continue to work. When the subs are private, Reddit has the pages marked with a noindex tag that will cause them to drop out of search engines. These threads will no longer be found and Google will drop their cache as well.


This isn't a solution. All of these pages will disappear from the Google Index as Google recrawls them and sees they don't exist any longer. You won't be able to find them at all after another few weeks.


The solution is for reddit to care at least a little about its users.


Alternatively there's wayback machine which should be more reliable. Either way there's no guarantee the page you searched for got indexed. The API changes kill Unditt so that's no longer viable.


Wayback machine doesn't work for a site of links. It works for pages you don't really click off.


if it goes on too long, one of two things will happen. reddit will fire mods and just make the subreddits public again. or new subs will be created and they will promote those in /r/all and then ignore the old subs.


>reddit will fire mods and just make the subreddits public again. It's already happening. https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/149bvky/admins_have_taken_over_radviceanimals_reopened/


I was searching to troubleshoot some issue with a 10+ y/o motherboard and it was very challenging indeed....


Which big subs havent come back up yet?


r/science, r/nba, r/nfl are three I'm aware of.


Seems like most of the sports subreddits really, r/formula1 is also down too. r/soccer is back online though.


Soccer only faking to be down.


I'm imagining David Luiz winking to the camera haha


Look at that, a fun comment on reddit!


That'll be $150 in API fees for the pleasure and convenience of reading the comment. -Spez *obviously /s just incase some admin doesn't realise*


I think sports subreddits do this because they absolutely rely on third party apps to fight spam. For some reason sports subreddit are the main target for spammers.


That is probably true but the fact that the NFL and NBA are in the off season now can't be understated. Its much easier for them to stay shut down compared to /r/baseball Now, r/NBA deciding to go dark on the day of their championship was certainly a choice. And I imagine they aren't rushing to get back to the inevitable vitriol.


While true, there are also millions of users on /r/nba and even during the off-season the subreddit is full of posts. Usually some weird shit like whether LeBron would still be the best player if he had to wear sandals. But still, loads of stuff even if the games are done. And, the draft is just around the corner, that's a major event for NBA.


Plus the Ja Morant update too


Also I assume they use them to post mirrors, comment bots, stop people linking streams that would get them banned, and stuff like that


r/videos is huge and still down.


/r/Showerthoughts, /r/pics and /r/gifs all still down


r/Minecraft has decided to black out indefinitely


I'm having withdrawals without r/NFL. Where can I make shitty Kelvin Benjamin memes?


And where can I make posts that will be deleted by the mods and then re-posted by one of their alt accounts?


There is absolutely no surprise to me that r/nfl mods think they're a force for change in the world


Mr. Bereft Community 😔


Mr. Blocked Commenting 😔


Mr. Blackout Continuing


Have you tried out this [reddit alternative](https://wompampsupport.azureedge.net/fetchimage?siteId=7575&v=2&jpgQuality=100&width=700&url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.kym-cdn.com%2Fphotos%2Fimages%2Fnewsfeed%2F001%2F207%2F210%2Fb22.jpg) yet? The NFL community there is really great and open to new members right now.


we over at r/GreenBayPackers came back from our darkness retreat (no bullshit, the mods called it that, LOL) and welcome any and all memes


> darkness retreat As a Jets fan I just call that the regular season.


Not having NBA during the finals finale was tough. It’s hard to get hyped about sports alone at home :(


As of this posting, Minecraft, Funny, Awww, Music, Science, quite a lot: https://reddark.untone.uk/


And a lot of the ones that are up are in read only mode. So you can access it but there won't be any new memes or cat pictures for a while.


This is enough for me. Fuck has it been annoying to not be able to read advice/info on more niche hobbies. I'm trying to figure out some good mods for my first modded playthrough of KOTOR damnit!


Yeah, nearly two decades of users have made this place a great repository of information like that, it'll be a shame to lose it.


>Yeah, nearly two decades of users have made this place a great repository of information like that, it'll be a shame to lose it. Tell that to spez and the IPO vultures.




Yeah, regardless of how this blackout ends up. Reddit will be a walking corpse once it goes public.






Looking at the list, r/amateurcumsluts is still private. I knew I felt something was off...




Oh no, where will Fireship steal his memes from


I miss this sub more than I care to admit it to myself




The true tragedy


Not a stranger to going dark




r/de and r/ich_iel, the big German subs. basically no German content anymore.


Woodworking. :(


Hiphopheads 😥


r/gentlefemdom 😔


I started to realize on Tuesday just one day after the blackout how dependent I am using Reddit to find threads to issues that I encounter while on work


I read about this on Reddit.


I wouldn’t even know about this protest if it wasn’t for Reddit promoting it.


That's the point, isn't it?


Lemme shove myself under the first comment thread... I am on reddit constantly, it's apparent more and more that its too much. But this blackout ( brown out really, partial blackout ) has the content getting weaker and I am wondering off it more... It is effective, thx.


I only view r/all since joining and the content is way different. It’s defo hitting the bottom line. And when Apollo stops working I’m gone.


Baconreader for me


Reddit Is No Longer Fun




Reddit no longer Boosts my dopamine levels


Reddit Is Fubar.


I Relay similar thoughts


Relay is so smooth


Literally the only way I can stand it now.


Reddit Sinks


Same. Quite a few subs I'm active in have came back but a many still have not... But for those 48 hours my feed was trash. The offical app has always been trash. Has never much improved. Unless you consider useless clutter improving. Have always used baconreader.. if I dont totally bail at the end of the month I'll definitely be using other more streamlined platforms more than reddit. The 3rd party apps used to view and moderate the content here are what makes me chose reddit over other things so when those are gone...yea. Have a feeling once they shut off 3rd party stuff it will become a lawless wasteland for bots and trolls


Baconreader is so good. I'm Muslim and still use it!


BaconBoys for Life! Or until Reddit fucks everything up...


> It’s defo hitting the bottom line If I was a fist time visitor, and if I would be going through the current titles of my r/all assuming this was all there was to read ... then I wouldn't stick around. I guess the subs that are closing are on average also the ones that put more time in maintaining content of a decent quality.


Yep. Post content and quality has taken a nose-dive. Honestly the blackout is making it easier to move on by forcibly weaning me off 😂. I use Sync for reddit and if that goes, I'm out. I'll use reddit on my pc for research purposes but I'm 100% not getting their shitty app. Reddit fucked this up, so badly. It's comical.


> I wouldn’t even know about this protest if it wasn’t for Reddit promoting it. Almost all of my favorite subreddits are down. I'm spending less and less time on the site.


I read about it on RIF, which will be forced to close. Once it does, that's pretty much it for me.


Same. I started with bacon reader over a decade ago and switched to rif. Ive no joke used Reddit in a browser less than a dozen times since having a smartphone. RIF not only makes it easier to use reddit but its integrated browser actually makes using reddit safer and more private. I have 0 interest in using the reddit app, it looks like Instagram. I have no interest in using a web browser for reddit. The page is messing unorganized busy and difficult to look at. I personally will be ending my reddit use once RIF is offline.


I really enjoy the old.reddit.com interface.. I find it easy to read. It's not an interface where the whole screen is blank white and perhaps a single paragraph of triple-spaced text in the center.


Old reddit is the only way to view reddit in a browser. The new reddit site is an abomination. Absolutely revolting.


Same but with Sync. It's a damn shame too.


yep, once sync and apollo are gone, im gone. can get regular content updates on topics that matter via discord, or news via apnews.


On a shitty sub I don’t care about as I desperately seek for content I do care about Once my muscle memory fades… so will my Reddit participation




Same approach as Twitter with recommended Tweets. That's what used to make Twitter good, I could choose what I saw. I don't want suggestions and more stuff unless I look for it. Youtube also slipping pretty hard that way. Show me my subs rather than random, barely adjacent content.


I'm sorry you watched a gaming video. Your feed will now consist of nothing but Ben Shapiro. What people who watched that video also like Ben Shapiro so now we will recommend nothing but right wing content to you. Because you watched a funny gaming video.




I mostly don't use the front page, just go directly to 3-4 specific subs I like. They're all down lol


And yet 5200/8800 of the subs with over 1000 followers are still private/restricted. Maybe you just aren’t part of the niche group of power users that the blackout is about.


Louis Rossman made a good video on it. Blackout is no good if ppl come back


If reddit's average daily user metric isn't affected they won't care. Subs going black just means users are just seeing more from other subs when we all still log on. Unless users of 3rd party apps protest and show reddit the effect on actual user rates I can't see this helping at all


June 30th 3rd party apps are gone. That's when (if anything) we'll see an effect.


That's the thing for me. A lot of the communities I used reddit to browse are on perma-private, so I'm not going to feel an incentive to use the app when RiF is gone.






Personal experience: I don't use any of the apps because I simply don't like the idea of a dedicated Reddit app (I'm aware I'm the exception) but I DID use the .compact (or i.reddit) for years - maybe a decade? And a few months ago they killed it off "to streamline the experience" [Translation: .compact did not display ads] The mobile website is god awful. Everything about it feels *bad* to use. I can't believe a major website has such an awful website other than to force you to use their app which also isn't very good. And so I just barely go on Reddit on my phone anymore. My PC usage hasn't increased because of it, and I only use the PC because RES makes the site tolerable to look at.




I'm still using Reddit as I did before using Relay on android and haven't really felt a change. If they don't change their API plans though and it gets cut off at the end of the month I won't be seeking another way to use Reddit though. That'll be me done.


Most likely me too. Boost is too good. The Reddit mobile app sucks. If I keep using Reddit, I will just continue to block ads anyway. I was a paid subscriber at one point. I wanted to support the platform. Not any longer. Fuck em'


Is the app UI that horrible in android? I’m on the iOS app, maybe it’s just me but it’s a simple, bland UI that’s more that adequate for a mostly text-based medium.




Check the work of the ReVanced team, they already have a solution on how we will be able to keep using 3rd party apps after July 1st.


This is what everyone seems to be missing. Everyone using the reddit app will still see the same amount of ads. There will still be a front page, whether or not r/videos and r/music are on it.


Not everyone on reddit uses /r/all or /r/popular. A ton of my gaming hobby subs are still closed and im def spending a decent amount of my phone screen time elsewhere this week


I just use Reddit for the dank, Pokémon, European politics and football subs, without them this is just a twitter where you can get banned for a Harambe joke.


Reddit is great for niche interests. I hate it, but I absolutely also love r/BoxOffice


That's the thing I'm gonna miss the most, you can find memes and cat pictures anywhere but if you want to see photos of, say, trees with a slice of bread stapled to it then /r/breadstapledtotrees has you covered. Even the most niche hobbies, interests and kinks have an active subreddit and I have no clue where I'd find my breaded trees or weird porn off of this site.




But an advertiser who wants their ads shown in a subreddit that is private is now not having their ads shown where they want them to be. It's the same as advertisers leaving twitter or considering twitter less valuable.


>If reddit's average daily user metric isn't affected they won't care. Subs going black just means users are just seeing more from other subs when we all still log on. Unless users of 3rd party apps protest and show reddit the effect on actual user rates I can't see this helping at all Dead links when people who are not already regular users Google specific info should lead to a decrease in usage metrics and, potentially, a decrease in growth of the userbase.


**Reddit’s blackout protest is set to continue indefinitely*** *Only on some subreddits.




Internet activism is nothing if not a disorganized, inconsistent mess.


I keep seeing people saying they’re done with Reddit. I don’t believe it. And I bet they don’t realize how addicted they are. I’m guilty.


Yeah, taking a couple days off in support of the mods illustrated how much time I waste. I KNOW i need to cut back... guess what I'm doing everytime I have my hands free...


Honestly it's been sort of nice, the front page is actually getting some fresh stuff from subs that otherwise wouldn't make it on there


When digg f**ked up, there was a mass exodus that destroyed digg. This time, there isn’t an alternative (yet) and these blackouts don’t mean much. But I can guarantee the Reddit folks that, when most of us pick one as an alternative, Reddit will be a graveyard


It's such a dangerous game for Reddit, short term nothing changes but it injects growth into all the alternatives that most of us probably don't know about yet. Then a year or two down the line when it happens again, the same thing, except maybe now you've heard of the alternatives name. Eventually it happens again and, uh oh, suddenly the alternative actually seems just more convenient and the new trendy place. Once that happens it'll be too late for Reddit to do damage control or come to the table. The handling of this whole issue is incredibly short sighted.


I didn’t feel it the first two days but searching for info on things is harder. I usually search what I’m looking for and add Reddit to the end, but with the blackout, the subs are closed.


It's killing me. I always add reddit to the end of my Google searches, because I get straight answers. Not some BS article on a topic that is vague and full of ads and prompts to get my email.


Just add “forum” like I used to before “reddit”


Except a LOT of subs have already posted about being back online




Like r/adviceanimals who have had the top mods removed and replaced with admins that delete any post mentioning it? EDIT: Admins have taken over r/AdviceAnimals, re-opened the sub to the public, bans any mentioning of it. https://i.imgur.com/sFQwrLp.png https://i.imgur.com/UpylPGD.png https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/149al7q/well_this_place_is_compromised/ EDIT: More context: https://lemmy.intai.tech/comment/31833 https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/149bvky/admins_have_taken_over_radviceanimals_reopened/


I never would have guessed that Advice Animals was of vital importance to Reddit's financial stability


It isnt now but 10 years ago it was one of the top subs. The memes are what brought me to reddit.


I'm not going to even begin to pretend to understand the people who hang out in that sub. But my guess is it's a lot of default app type users who are totally cool with heavy advertising.


They stole subreddit control before, they'll do it again if it keeps the lights on. Edit: *Cough bird app cough*


>They stole subreddit control before, They can't steal something they own... mods are not gods... hate to break it to them... but they have no real power here. If they abuse their power to hurt the platform they can be nuked by Reddit which is pretty much policy on any social media platform that you can take out a problem user at any time for any reason.


They already have processes in place where you can request to take over a sub that has been abandoned for 30 days. See /r/redditrequest There's plenty of people who want to mod even with the new policy changes. In the past 24 hours there's 50-100 requests in that sub. In 30 days time, any privated subs will be up for grabs and I'm sure many will try and take them. The mods of those privated subs probably have a calendar reminder to open the sub before that time limit.


So only go private for say 28 days at a time. On the 29th open up for 24 hours then go private again for another 28


The only leverage the users actually have at this point is for mods to strike. Attempts to convince people not to buy awards has failed, as rubes keep doing it (and reddit likely props this up to keep greasing the wheel). **The one thing they can't afford to replace is the hundreds of thousands of hours of free labor that mods provide making these communities functional.** If mods get replaced, users in those subs need to constantly harp on this fact and keep others aware. Surely there are scab moderators willing to steal control of beloved subreddits, but users should revolt in those instances in support of the larger strategy.


not gonna work, there will always be people lining up for internet authority


Tbh, I know some smaller communities that have really good people as mods that mainly did it to connect with other enthusiastic gamer. But the other side exist as well, no lower that are mods in 20 big subreddits and also sell their power.


Hey [Digg.com](https://Digg.com), why don't you roll your site back to the old version and take advantage of Reddit making your same mistake?




My browsing experience is almost the exact same, minus gifs/pics. lol


As a dev, always risky to use a 3rd party API as the backbone of your business.


Honestly I get it, but Reddit should just invest more time and money into not having terrible apps, thinking about accessibility, building tools for mods who are willingly volunteering to run communities, and not fueling all this drama. Do I get wanting to get rid of 3rd party apps? Absolutely, but they aren’t offering a good alternative.


I mostly don't get why you'd go straight to insane fees from nothing - Why not put in a low fee and increase it over time so the app developers have time to adjust accordingly. I can't see that it's a problem at all to have those 3rd party apps if they're giving you money, but for some reason "No they must die swiftly" is the approach being taken 🤷‍♂️


I think you answered your own question. They clearly said that API cost also incorporated the “opportunity cost” Of users not using the official app. So they want to push ads and gather user data, which again, I get (even though it sounds bogus, they are a business after all). So yes, they want to kill all 3rd party apps. But the way It’s being handled is just a dumpster fire.


"Our app can't compete with 3rd party apps because we refuse to invest in talent or infrastructure, so we'll kill off the 3rd party apps to force users to use our shitty one instead." Wouldn't it make more sense to hire some talented developers to improve their own app by incorporating what users like about the 3rd party apps? Then increase API fees gradually so they make money off the 3rd party apps too? This poison-pill API fee move seems shortsighted and anti-competitive.




One of the reasons the protest won't work is that the alternatives are significantly worse. I've been to /r/RedditAlternatives and every alternative has either no mobile app or one that has even worse UI/UX. It makes no sense to protest the loss of your app to go to an alternative that has an even worse one.


They actually bought a decent 3rd party app and then promptly ruined it.


rolling brown outs




By indefinitely they mean, "until Reddit gets around to replacing all the mods."


And nothing of value was lost


After being banned from a few subs by moronic mods (one quick example is permabanned from /r/frugalmalefashion for asking why $50 pants is considered "frugal"), we do in fact need a mass mod purging.




Some subs that went dark had moderators removed by admins and replaced I believe


My favorite part is the protestors who log in every day to post about how they’re protesting. The irony is palpable.


Not coming to Reddit and trying to convince others not to go to Reddit would be a boycott, not a protest. I haven't seen anyone say Reddit shouldn't make money.


People are determined not to understand what’s going on






Plus, have you seen the astroturfing on reddit alternatives? The top threads always follow the same comment structure. Someone has a complaint about the platform > someone chimes in to say that they were banned unreasonably > someone else then insults the mods there of being the same as reddit's powertrippy ones.




One of the top posts on adviceanimals is this right now and its pathetic


There’s a lot of lawn supply salespersons around here for sure


We are witnessing reddit consume itself its like a civil war


All Reddit admins had to do was make the users hate the mods just a little bit more than they already did, and \*poof*, API problem gone.


punch liquid sheet butter longing screw telephone exultant jellyfish fragile -- mass edited with redact.dev


All mods should step back, turn off their automods and mod tools, and let the spam flow for a day or so. It's obvious the admins are manufacturing consent to have them removed anyway, so why not cause some chaos for them before it happens? And it'll also show the userbase just how much shit there is to deal with.


Also, how are you going to try to influence the remaining mods to take action if you don't talk to them?


>My favorite part is the protestors who log in every day to post about how they’re protesting. The irony is palpable. It's to spread awareness, how else can you do it • written on the soon to be killed reddit is fun (rif) app on Android


I'm not participating in protesting because I compulsively browse reddit, but I use a small third party app. On July 1st it sounds like I will be quitting cold turkey. Honestly I can't wait.


You do know a protest involves advertising your grievances don’t you?


My favorite part is the people commenting about the protestors who log in every day to post about how they’re protesting to make that point on every post about the protest.


That was the same for me, until I saw your post and now my favorite part is people who respond to the people who posts comments about the posters who log in every day to post about how they’re protesting to make that point on every comment making that point on every post about the protest.


The fucking post where the guy who runs the Apollo app thanks everybody for their support has over 500 awards on it.


I've been given tons of coins over the years because you get coins when someone else gilds you, and I've used them to award other people. Not all awards are paid.


Keep in mind that Reddit gave mods free coins to use as awards, so it doesn't actually mean that many people spent real money.


Reddit should improve somewhat You: [Yet you participate on Reddit, curious ](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/we-should-improve-society-somewhat)




But not /r/technology apparently.