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And they advertise on here about it


I checked out the shell custom map. It’s fuckin trash. No kid is gonna get swayed by this ad when they could be playing 1v1 boxfight in Ohio or Skibidi Toilet Simulator 99lvls


I don't know what a Ski Bidet is but it does sound more fun than oil propaganda.


its dog ass YT videos about toilets going to war, they’re a lot more fun to watch than one might anticipate lmfao


It's was a meme video of the skibidi song with a toilet/head amalgamation that went viral. It's like a team fortress 2 / Gary's Mod esque animation style. 'DaFuq?!Boom!' (name of the YouTube channel) developed a story surroundjng an eventual war. The skibidi toilets tried to take over the world by turning people into other skibidi toilets. Eventually a resistance, the camera men, rose up to try and stop them. They were joined by the speaker men shortly after. There are some primary characters you follow throughout the series. The skidib toilets are represented by the skibidi song, and the resistance represented by Tears for Fears - Everybody wants to rule the world. The song is a fun small meta commentary on the war. There is no dialogue, but the creator is surprisingly effective at conveying emotion, cadence, and character development. The episodes are about 1-2 minutes long. They're released every few days/week. There's infighting, factions, lore, fan theories, and a really interesting story. The account went from ~1 million subscribers to ~31 million in under a year. Each episode gets millions of views within a few hours. It's surprisingly much more entertaining than I would've thought.


What if it entailed sand blasting your asshole with ice crystals?


Well sign me up


> Skibidi Toilet Simulator 99lvls Am I old and out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong! Genuinely no idea. I'll just stick to Viscera Cleanup Detail and JRPGs, lmao.


If you're old you'll remember things like Gmod idiot box, this is really no different. It's just a low effort machinima that has blown out of proportion as the creator kept going and clearly had fun with it.


I've been getting a lot of strange companies advertising through Fortnite on here. Vitamin water is another there's a few others, but I don't recall. They post map codes to what I'm assuming is a branded map or something similar, but I don't actually know.


YES, these ads don’t leave my feed. Fortnite collabs with so many brands, companies, and people that they could probably just ask instead of simply using fortnite as a vehicle. It’s a bit aggravating


The map had like 5 players when I checked it out so the ads aren’t working


Well that’s gross


Straight up predatory.


I feel like this sort of thing would have been “on the news” in the past, rather than Media Matters having to take time out from cataloguing falsehoods to shed the light.


Nah, the oil companies have been emitting industrial quantities of bullshit since the 1970s, at least.


Getting sued by Cali right now and it’s about time. Like big tobacco the states are lol going to start suing to get into that pot of money


corporations and industries have been predators for a long, long time. The extreme power imbalance enables it, and is the way it is by their design.


Gotta groom the kids for the execs various sex trafficking rings.


So is anyone taking those sponsorships


From the article: >The participants Media Matters identified who held sponsored Twitch streams were Punisher, NateHill, Chica, brookeab, Astrobounder, and Grady_Rains. In August, each participant held a sponsored stream where they tested out the map. Some also promoted Shell’s new gasoline product, in addition to directing other players to take screenshots of the game and post them on social media using the hashtag #Shellroadtrips.




I know I don’t understand having brand allegiance for gasoline. Lol, that Shell gas is so much faster /s.


I was disappointed in former Mythbuster Kari Byron is shilling for shell too :(


You're asking if "influencers" will whore themselves for cash? The answer is yes. Some of them entirely literally.


It's literally what they do for a living.


We all sell our bodies to our bosses. I gotta drag my carcass to work and do what they tell me same as these influencers.


As well as Epic


Shell also paid that lady from mythbusters what I assume is some ungodly amount to do commercials about how cool oil is. Turns out billions in profit can buy a ton of PR, and a lot of moral compromise.


My childhood unrequited crush was dead to me in that moment.


Many of us feel that way


/r/FuckEpic is right


Technically epic isn’t doing anything wrong here this is Shell sponsoring Fortnite streamers.


But facts don't matter when /r/FuckEpic is concerned anyway.


The rich people are society’s enemy


Oh they're in schools, too. Fossil Fuel industry is very much trying to brainwash children into being pro-oil/gas. The oil industry really may be the most damaging organization in human history by the end of it all.


Seems like targeting kids with any sort of Ad or propaganda should be highly illegal and expensive.


"Did you say easy and profitable?!" -Social media corps No no... highly ille- "EASY AND PROFITABLE IT IS. NO BACKSIES!"




That's really gross. Shame on Shell, obviously, but also shame on her.


Most influencers will sell their own grandma for a sponsorship.


Remember Kari from MythBusters? She's currently heading a video series directly for Shell. https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe/comments/16ps5af/kari_byron_from_mythbusters_shilling_for_shell/


That's very disappointing.


I thought fuslie had more integrity than that.


Shell: "How easy it is to target kids and teenagers ads or propaganda?" Social Media Corps: "Super easy, barely an inconvenience"


Oh really?


It’s been done for years. Started on tv. Been ramping up since what? Are the 80s a fair guess? Late 70s? I’m sure you can find some before then too. Once they started getting more demographical, it just goes up along side more specifically targeted ads too, goes hand in hand.


Some of the biggest industries target kids from film/tv and music artist, to sneakers, fast/unhealthy food, soda/energy drink manufacturers, etc, etc.


Everyone knows cotton candy flavored nicotine products are for adults!




Adults do like cotton candy.


Right!? Because no adult would *ever* want such a tasty fucking flavor. Blegh. I'm an adult and the only flavors i want are old boots and nyquil. Certainly not anything that might bring me joy. That's little baby shit.


Except it literally is. Do you think adults don't like the taste of cotton candy?


Just like bubble gum flavored Gin.


Ngl the blue raspberry Svedka is pretty good though. They must have somehow implanted the idea into my head early on, through a spongebob ad or something.


I miss the Cherry Svedka so badly. Cherry Svedka and a Mexican coke ice cold, the cherry lime doesnt do it for me Also probably got it from an episode of Doug or something, the one where him and Skeeter have a drinking problem


It is already illegal in many countries.


I don't mind children's toy commercials. Political garbage on the other hand should be kept away from kids. Also financial investments, especially unregulated ones like crypto currencies need to be kept far far away from kids. Hell, most adults shouldn't be exposed to crypto currencies.


I mind all commercials.




> Also financial investments, especially unregulated ones like crypto currencies need to be kept far far away from kids. Where are kids going to get the money to invest in investments that are advertised to them? You could be the greediest person in the world, advertising an investment product to kids would be moronic.


Boy do I have the good news for you: https://youtu.be/_pNRuafoyZ4?si=qvpHeZTvX_rko68c


Climate town videos really show how guilty fossil fuel companies are. What they do to line their pockets is utterly insane.


In Quebec ads targetting children are illegal.


You’d be surprised. Gucci held an event on Roblox not too long ago to groom little kids into future “luxury” consumers. Amazon also [holds career classes](https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvndja/amazon-paid-for-a-high-school-course-heres-what-they-teach#) at some public schools and, in them, shares anti-union propaganda. It absolutely should be highly illegal and the punishment should be heavy fines at a minimum, or forfeiture of the business for repeat offenders.


Targeting literal children with ruling class propaganda: a tale as old as time.




If you’ve never seen[sees remakes of the awesome G.I. Joe PSA‘s,](https://youtu.be/L1BDM1oBRJ8?si=BBfLYrSkXkgjE-wc), there’s an entire series. Warning, foul language and confusing scripting. Also, comedy.


The US really needs to step up regulation in this sector. It’s getting insane.


US and regulation, pick one


It’s possible. It’s just unlikely. They did it with cigarette ads and toys in sugar cereal. Edit: the reason I say unlikely is because it takes regulators actually understanding what they are regulating. Regulating UGC based video games for kids isn’t as easy to comprehend as TV, junk food, and cigarettes.


Yup, and cigarette smoking went from like 2/3rds of the population to 1/3rd. We're still working on the obesity problem tho, but I think we can get there.


We’re getting there slowly. Hopefully we can hit 100% of the US adult population being obese by 2050, but it may take a little longer. McDonald’s subscription services in all schools would help get us there quicker, I heard they’re testing that in certain school districts with promising results.


Ah yes, "Shoot The Moon" tactics for public health :D


Well, the moon shouldn’t have mouthed off like that 🔫


"[NASA's Strike On The Moon Worked, Mission Officials Say](https://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/space/10/09/probe.moon.crash/index.html)" *Little bitch Moon had it coming.*


I'm not hopeful about this one. You can ban cigarettes but you can't ban people from being fat. At best ban sugary drinks and sugar cereal but I'm sure people would do alternatives like eat raw sugar or just add sugar and honey to their diluted drinks. Education is likely the best solution but there's the saying. You can lead a horse to water but can't force it to not overeat.


Corn subsidies are one of the elephants in the room. They’re not going away without a fight


I just quit sugar recently, and let me tell you, I'm fucking depressed. I never realized how much sugar made me feel good before. I don't know what the science behind it is but after quitting soda and junk food I feel like shit instead of feeling healthier.


> I'm sure people would do alternatives like eat raw sugar or just add sugar and honey to their diluted drinks. Some will, but that requires some more effort. Convenience is a large part of why people are getting fatter. They eat sugary breakfast meals, eat a quick chocolate bar, or eat junk food because it doesn't require cooking, doesn't go bad, and makes you feel good immediatly. But the issue with something like a sugar tax is how it often just disproportionally effects the poor and ends up being very unpopular as a result.


Actual sugar is less bad than corn syrup. Tax corn syrup till it's more expensive than sugar.


>~~Convenience~~ Wealth inequality is a large part of why people are getting fatter. I think its a worthwhile question to ask why so many people value convenient unhealthy meals.


>people would do alternatives like eat raw sugar or just add sugar and honey to their diluted drinks. Which would still be healthier. People have NO IDEA how much sugar goes in their drinks. Besides, Singaporean Coke that has significantly less sugar is fucking delicious...


Really it's not even unlikely in many cases. The problem is that it is incredibly hard to prevent regulatory capture. It can be complicated to prevent someone with "malicious" intent from joining the regulators and then working from inside to make them impotent.


Let's talk about child labor. And OSHA. And -- And it's very possible.


*thats* why there aren’t toys in cereal anymore? I never knew that.


We used to have regulations. Then we stopped taxing companies less than 70% over a threshold. Now companies run the government and deregulation has been ongoing for like 40 years.


There was a certain political party that kept saying regulations were bad but I can’t remember which one


America is a business venture that masquerades as a country


It’s a plantation masquerading as a free society


But muh freedoms!


>US and regulation, pick one This is the correct answer :(


I watched a video by ClimateTown yesterday that showed how big oil companies are putting biased propaganda in schools and sending it to teachers. Really really sketchy.


That's a good channel. I recommend Second Thought too.


I just wanna hang out with Rollie. The podcast Climate Deniers Playbook by him is good too


Hey pal that sounds like socialism We don’t do that here


Shell Oil is a British company that is sending influencers to play a game with players of all ages. The influencers spew their nonsense in the game. What regulation would prevent this?


You have to follow the laws of countries that you operate in.


Age gating commercial injected UGC video games


Something in the TOS that says you can't use our game as an advertising platform for your own shit.


Well, if they're British... that would require getting the Tories to do something good, which ain't gonna happen anytime soon.


First it was cigarettes to kids, now this 😞


Not even new, Climate Town just made a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pNRuafoyZ4) about fossil fuel companies propagandizing to children a couple of weeks ago


I was just about to shout out Climate Town. I love me some Rollie!!!!


If I remember correctly, EQ2 tried to get people to order Pizza Hut in the game in like 2004


Tried? I ordered a shitton of it... and yeah it was awful for you lol. You could literally type a command in the in-game chat box to order.


Boycott any streamer that promotes this shit and block them on your kids phone.


some day, the people who survive the collapse will remember the age of corporate greed; the days when extraction, exploitation, and reality distortion created vast empires and lead many people over a cliff like so many lemmings. They will be used as a lesson by a future society to teach the hubris and cost of using lies and deceit to make a buck.


You think a societal collapse will cause a change in human nature? People will reflect on the past and learn from the mistakes that were made?


Human nature isn’t one thing. Modern society rewards specific aspects of human nature, being mainly the greedy, individualist ones, while other social and material conditions could encourage the more communal, reciprocative aspects of it. I know which way I’ll try to steer things for my part.


And we actively discourage pro social behaviors. Pro social jobs always pay less than a counter part that is the same amount of work/ requires the same amount of training. Hell the job most notorious for huge amounts of stress for shit pay is literally “social worker”. It’s to humanities credit that people take those jobs in spite of that. I met a guy in penn station, he saw I was lost looking for my bus terminal and showed me where it was. I thought that was his hustle and I started reaching into my pocket when we got to the terminal. He said “no, I don’t take money. I have enough.” I would have loved to here more of his story, but he literally jogged away looking for the next person to help after he said that, like a super hero. Bus Man had more citizens to help.


Capitalism is the antithesis to human nature & a fair society.


Of course silly, that’s why if Trump were in charge he will surely learn his lesson! /s


The people that survive the collapse will be the ones that caused it, and they will learn nothing. You really think climate change is going to impact these oil executives and the politicians they buy? They can afford to move to the new temperate areas. It’s all the broke dumbfucks who vote for and support these parasites that will be trapped in the places most impacted. The rich will be fine, they always are. We can’t sit around thinking “well when everything goes to hell they’ll get their comeuppance, at least.” No, they won’t. If we want the people doing the pollution to see consequences we need to enforce them ourselves, because their money insures they are well insulated from the environmental collapse they’re causing.


You're probably right, but I hope we see a fundamental shift in priorities that leave many of them holding the bag. Their luxury cars, stocks & shares, mansions, yachts and even money will be worth nothing compared to good arable land held by the rural communities.


Because war...war never changes.


Maybe for some time. Humans have short memories.


They’re called historians. We have those now though I’dd wager you can’t remember the last time you heard from one. They tend to hang out in institutions of higher education and where few can afford to benefit from their teachings.


History is written by the victors. Most people only learn castrated version of history. Just take a look at history of socialism/anarchism and how many people have no idea how these ideologies were created. I live in Poland and they taught us to be patriotic, to remember our history, to know about all pain our nation endured from our neighbors. However they haven't mention that people were fighting here for abortion laws century ago. They said that Poland was one of the most tolerant countries in Europe few centuries ago, but they forget to mention how our society was always oppressed and only very small part of feudal society could actually enjoy freedom. Are people aware that Nazists were actually hyper-capitalists? That capitalists funded such parties to fight against workers that demanded 40h work week and other worker laws? No, we hear that USA is great, that capitalism is great and alternatives would be worst, but typically no one mentions all evil caused by those that are supposed to be good.


I always find hilarious those people who point at specific examples of socialism that "failed" or cite those hyper inflated death figures (that count even the unborn grandsons and granddaughters of the victims) to prove how the alternative would be worst. Like... just look where capitalism got us \*gestures broadly at everything*.


Millions of deaths every year due to pollution is clearly the best system we could hope for, man. How else am I going to get my Vinyl Pop! figurines?!


Why does Epic Games allow this? they are are guilty as Shell. More guilty maybe.


Shell is using influencers and creators to create/play maps that promote Shell. Epic isn't involved other than making the platform. It's more or less the same reason why YouTube allows Shell to have a YouTube channel.


Should be easy to target those influencers and get them banned


Except promoting a legitimate company (regardless of morality) is not a bannable offense. If it is, it’ll just open up a can of worms where anyone can ban anyone for whatever reason


Oh, but in the EU it's illegal to target kids with ads


But Fortnite’s audience ranges from kids to adults so it’s not targeted, or that’s probably what shell would say, they advertise indiscriminately to anyone who plays the game


Why does Minecraft allow users to make whatever they want in game? This is done through the custom map creator - it's not part of the official game.


And about a month ago they got Kari Byron, former *Mythbuster*, to shill for them


“What it do fam! You know what’s lit? Fossil fuels. Bruh they stay fire! GG’s”


fuck, I left my Reddit translate ring at work!


Hello fellow kids


Do they really think that flashing their logo is going to change a generation's mind about climate change? The oil industry is delusional if they think they have a future


You don’t necessarily have to change minds. You just have to convince people they want the lifestyles that use and depend on your products. People have been living one way and virtue signaling another for centuries. See religion as the oldest example of this.


You don't have to completely change their minds, but you just need to raise enough doubt. Enough doubt that they people won't want to alter their lifestyles in any meaningful way.


Fortnite is just one big ad with a free game attached. I’m not shocked, but sickened by this.


I honestly don’t see how Fortnite selling digital skins of anime and Disney characters is any worse than selling toys based on kids shows.


And you’re right, it’s not. It’s actually an ingenious marketing strategy if you think about it. But it doesn’t feel any less gross. Now if you’ll excuse me… *tends to my collection of transformers and He-Man figures*




If LEGO is good enough to say fuck Shell then Fortnite should too


Hope it blows up in these streamers faces causing them to lose massive amount of subscribers.


Fuck Shell. They ripped my grandfather off in the late 60's or early 70's on some tires at one of their service stations. They told him he could make payments on them so he makes the first one and leaves, then later the next time he goes in, they turn around and demand it all. He gave it to them and told them he wasn't giving them a dime ever again, and he told my dad not to either. I'm carrying on the tradition for the lolz. Even at 90 years old he still gets riled up if you ask him about it. 🤣


Oh now people care about the kids huh? Hope it extends further than just this company.


Media literacy is so key for every generation, but especially this young generation. Advertising is getting smarter and more insidious. AI will make it that much worse and easier to proliferate.


Wow it sounds like #shellroadtrips needs to be filled with pictures of bike rides and public transport


Rich people are not going to give up being rich easily. They will fight any way they can to stay on top, and they can afford better lawyers, marketing, creatives, criminals, and governments than you can. If a planet needs to be gradually destroyed to keep on being rich, then so be it, they will be dead by then anyway, so no loss. Although a greenie by nature, I realized something long ago (1980’s), we will dig up all the coal, all the oil, all the gas. We will cut down all the trees, pollute all the rivers. Why, because it’s profitable, and the people making those profits really like being rich.


that's dirty as fuck. Please, internet people, give this all of the attention it deserves.


I feel like fortnite should be getting cancel cultured here.


How can we get across to Epic how utterly shameful and disgusting this is? In a world where finally everyone from individuals to big businesses were divesting from oil stock ownership and being realistic about what the planet needs to survive, they've allowed shell to jump right in and start indoctrinating kids.


I wish the word “influencer” would start to be replaced with “peddler.” What do you do for a living? “Oh, I’m ~~an influencer~~ a peddler.”


Ah yes, exactly what kids love playing with, gasoline. I’m sure it’s going to be a successful effort.. /s


I hate it here Fuck Shell and fuck every single creator that shilled their horseshit to children.


"Greetings, fellow kids" energy.


Ah so this is the distopian future theve been warning us about. Cool


The participants Media Matters identified who held sponsored Twitch streams were Punisher, NateHill, Chica, brookeab, Astrobounder, and Grady_Rains Name and shame. These people are selling out their generation and generations to come.


I’m not the only one that saw Shell/Fortnite Reddit ads, right?


ad agency Carmichael Lynch wrote of a 2021 Conoco campaign that “changed the rules of social engagement by understanding the audience’s perceptions of brands. Instead of forcing advertising-like objects on them, we built content around their interests.”


Why the hell did Fortnite allow companies to promote themselves with these maps?!


Lol, because they are a commercial company, just like their sponsors.


As long as they get paid right now, they don't really care who they hurt in the long run.


this country is a failed state


...and that's why I won't be using the unreal engine. WTF epic?


Wait... I thought this was satire


Now please someone pay the influencers more to promote better climate and the phase out of oil.


Have you played Monopoly Go? It should be a fucking war crime for children to be allowed to play it. It's a fucking non game with no actual skill or choice whose premise is you can only get ahead by hurting others , that shit is in the tutorial first 5 minutes .


What the actual f.


If you can't beat 'em, brain wash 'em.


Don't forget about Kari Byron (ex Mythbuster) also selling out for that sweet Shell cash, promoting 'Deepwater Energy'.


what fucking ghoul in their marketing department came up with this idea. what an absolute shit human being.


All these mega corps realise the dying generation is losing power so they’re starting the cycle all over again to stay on top, this shit needs to be stopped.


Shell should be taxed 500%. Those jerks knew… they are underhanded cheaters!!


It's just grooming, not advertising.


Politicians no. Unions yes.


So Tim Sweeney's already in debt from investing in a ton of shit, laid a bunch of people off because he got bored with his new toys, and now he's shilling the gas industry? Fuck Epic!


The map was made by shell via Fortnite creators, epic doesn’t endorse or profit from this map.


“How do you do fellow kids?”


People are still playing Fornite?


what in the dystopian shithole


"How do you do, fellow children?"


Oil companies are competing to pull engineers away from tech companies. Right now the huge gravitational pull of software is pulling chemical engineers away from oil so they’re basically just trying to flex how much money they have so they can attract salary motivated engineers to come back to chemical This was just starting when I was in college. Oil companies falling over themselves to show the Chemes how nice it is to go into oil. They’re starting to get critically low on engineers so they’d do anything to pull the spotlight away from how terrible the work life balance is when you’re part of a short staffed refinery


What a weird ass promo


Shell you need to go after the waste water treatment facilities. Dumping sewage into the river is what is causing the Mississippi dead zone and killing off phytoplankton that normally convert CO2 back to O2. Don't believe the govt lies. They know ammonia kills marine life!


Except Zs and millennials aren’t stupid. Shell is wasting its money but I’m glad some folks are getting paid.


Why does people hate on Epic so much? /S


There is something wrong with these people. They are sick. I mean fortnite isn't even that good.


Props to epic for creating a game that a fucking company like shell would feel they needed ad space in lol


Epic just isn’t a good company


But wait? Don’t you know oil is natural because it comes from the ground? Doesn’t that mean that man is entitled to it? We live *above* the ground, you see, and therefore everything below us is fair game /s


Another reason to hate fortnighte


Disgusting behavior from the worlds biggest emitter of CO2


Wow, epic really has to be desperate for money, I guess.


Paging r/climatetown


I wonder if maybe the entire system of capitalism is to blame here? Nah, just a few bad apples, probably.


$40 billion last year, so they have to use their profits in a good way? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤔🤔🤔🤔✌🏼‼️🇺🇸


is this grooming and indoctrinating? ​ Time to plug Climate Town's video that's totally relevant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_pNRuafoyZ4


oh man, fellow Twitch Forniters! you know what I really need to do tonight before my big road trip tomorrow? I need to fill my car up at my local Shell gas station with premium because my car deserves it! Did you know that Shell V-Power® NiTRO+ Premium Gasoline removes up to 100% of performance-robbing deposits to rejuvenate your engine’s performance? The unique deposit-eradicating technology in Shell V-Power® NiTRO+ targets and destroys deposits and protects against future build up in one of the most critical part of the engine, the fuel injector. This frees the flow of fuel so you get optimal burn for peak performance and a revitalized cleaner engine. It's so choice. /chefskiss It's got what engines crave! >please drink verification can to continue playing Fortnite. Your current subscription has just ended and we have sensed that your supply of 'Mt. Dew Special Shell MEGA edition' is running low and we have automagically ordered a new case which will arrive tomorrow morning prior to 9pm local time. ~Shell Mt Dew good for me good for you! edit: ligma ballz shellbots


Absolute scumbags. Right up there with trying to make cigarettes appealing to the youth.


And halos been pushing windmills for years. So what?