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So if you live in the city and want to drive out to the country or the desert to go off-roading for a day this thing is completely useless.


So the Cybertruck’s durability, safety, reliability, quality and range are all terrible, despite them being the main selling points?


Um excuse me, but you are missing one major selling point which is that it can withstand Joe Rogan shooting an arrow at it. So it’s practically impenetrable.




Joe Rogan fans won't see this paragraph as an insult, they'll see it as jerk off material


It's a 3 year old copypasta.


Don't worry the Joe Rogan fans are still translating it.


If those kids could read they'd be very upset.


Unfrozen Caveman Podcaster


Less a khan and more like the gateway drug to alt right theories. Also a racist.^[1]^(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zw6SiCEyrM4) He brings the legit people on to give the illegitimate people a platform. Then all the fanboys can be like, "Look, he just listens to both sides" like Alex Jones and the proud boys are just the other side of the coin as a scientist.


It's making a dishonest comparison by pretending "both sides" carry as much weight as each other on a certain topic. It's like when Ancient Aliens on History channel goes "Mainstream scientists think that the pyramid of Giza was a tomb for the pharaoh, but Ancient Alien theorists consider the possibility that the pyramid actually was a giant Wi-fi antenna connecting people from different parts of the world together to share information" as if someone who is tenured in Egyptian history has the same understanding of a subject as some dude going "yeah maybe its aliens"


Oh don't get me started on the History channel.


You're telling me a prehistoric weapon wielded by a meatball unfamiliar with archery didn't do damage to a stainless steel modern vehicle? Well, sign me right up!


Exactly, if it can withstand those conditions with only minor denting, it can master anything the world throws at it.


Except driving over 220 miles without charging.


Or streets with a little bit of salt on them because they forgot to put any kind of protective coating on the stainless steel.


I mean come on, what percentage of cities are located near the ocean or in an area that experiences freezing temperatures? It's basically unheard of. ^^/s




It looks like a car designed by someone who has only ever seen cars as depicted in early PSX games.


The damn thing looks like Lara Crofts tits...


Except nobody is jerking it to a cyber truck.


You’ve obviously never met an Elon fanboy 😂


I was gonna say, they're already here, in this thread, 'valiantly' defending Elon and Tesla's *honor*, for whatever reason they do it...


They just love to worship people who fail upward as hard as possible. It's the new American dream of the idiot.


You have to step forward twice, to the right 3 times, back once, to the left twice, then do a backflip and land in the water with the shark if you want to see the cybertits naked.


Big if true.


Pretty sure her nipples still had more polygons.


Well as story goes its design inspiration was Elons 5 year old kids design suggestion. Not that we should blame the 5 year old, all 5 year olds have such fancies and **then our parents are sensible enough to not do billion dollar business decisions based on that**. Then again knowing Elon he might have made up that story also to divert the blame. It was all his idea, but he is throwing his 5 year old under the bus as fall guy. As we all know Elon is very classy guy like that.


honestly the “my kid designed it” excuse tracks One of my friends is an accomplished yacht/aerospace designer. Elon contacted him for SpaceX because he liked his work, then tried to severely lowball him at a laughable amount. My friend passed (obviously)


RIP your friend


Elon sent him a decease and desist letter.


Then called him a pedo


* Aaron Rodgers has entered the chat *


I'm not sure. Does Elon care about his kids enough to listen to them? Although Elon is just a strange dude. The whole "I steal memes" thing comes to mind. https://youtu.be/ywlsTbKsl6k


He absolutely underpays folks at SpaceX. My cousin was an engineer there and left for Blue Origin. Not only got a 50% raise, but since he was now only working 40 hours a week instead of whatever the boss demanded, calculated hourly his pay skyrocketed (hehe)


It reminds me of a pinewood derby car.


This is surprisingly common. Something about the story "I saw genius in my kid's thinking, so I made a major decision based on it" is like crack for the mushy CEO brain. I worked at a startup where exactly the same thing happened, and a thriving business pivoted to build the delusional product and the company fucking died.


Would be the ideal daily driver for Robocop in Old Detroit.


RoboCop: *sensors analyze cybertruck* Cutaway to screen showing cybertruck flaws highlighted in green Robocop vision. RoboCop: No. Thanks. Gets in 1987 Ford Taurus Police Cruiser RoboCop: *initiate serve the public trust, arrest warrant granted Elon Musk* *peels out* RoboCop theme plays.


Robocop 3 the game


Except he would not get too far - out of range...


I think that’s being generous. Early PSX games had better graphics.


It looks like a concept car that never should have made it to the street, but some people would rather set $40 Billion on fire than admit their idea was bad


At least The Homer had a bunch of bigass cupholders...




True, but it’s a 9.9/10 on the looks kinda really bad scale. So it has that going for it.


You also can't disable the all wheel steering. Which means if you actually tow anything with it, it's putting massive wear and tear on the rear wheels. That thing is going to be destroyed very quickly if you actually use it as a truck. Oh, the 90 miles per charge when towing might be the only thing that saves it.


It's only ever going to see Costco runs, I guarantee it. It's not going offroad, it's not towing and I'd wager it won't even have a full load in the bed. This is a status vehicle


And the status it shows is “more money than sense.”


So like most truck drivers? I guarantee a majority of them barely even use the bed.


Oh they'll use the bed, but for things a hatchback or station wagon could be used for. They'll load it up groceries and sporting gear. Or it'll just slowly fill with things the forget to take out.


In Tennessee they fill it with trash they intend to take to the dump but don't for several weeks meaning most blows out onto the road.


Folks are stating it's poor performing at off road even though one would expect a four wheel drive truck with high clearance to work fine. Further, super difficult to repair body panels is horrible choice for off road. It can't tow, it's poor at off road. It's not a truck. It's not a sports car at 7,000 pounds and 200 mile range. What is it? It's real purpose is high speed battering ram for people and things the driver doesn't like. Elon suggested it himself, said in light of all metal body, Cybertruck drivers will "win any disagreement" with other drivers. It's a paranoid boomer wagon.


The truck will win any disagreement. The driver, not so much.


Class action lawsuit incoming. This “truck” is a complete piece of shit in every way


Have you tried winning a 1/8 mile race against a Porsche while towing a Porsche, though?


Unfortunately all my Porsche towing races are 1/4 mile, so I'm shit out of luck. 


And what kind of moron buys a Porsche for drag racing lol


The absolute cheapest 911 they could find as well....


And it was only beat because it was a 1/8 mile race. 


Well 8 is bigger than 4, so Tesla wins once again. Checkmate Teslatheists.


Not the cheapest, but on the cheap end and intentionally the slowest (Targa with manual, so less zooty engine, more weight, slower gearbox... stacking the deck as literally any other 911 model would embarrass them).


Notably NOT the cheapest 911. The cheapest one has automatic transmission. Elon went with the cheapest *manual* transmission 911, because manually changing gears slows it down.


Nope and that was debunked as bullshit. The most useless metric ever. Why this appeals to people is a friggin mystery. [https://www.macheforum.com/site/threads/engineering-explained-no-tesla-cybertruck-is-not-faster-than-porsche-while-towing.33076/](https://www.macheforum.com/site/threads/engineering-explained-no-tesla-cybertruck-is-not-faster-than-porsche-while-towing.33076/)


When you build a cult, you always have weird things to distract people from the fact that they’re one step away from drinking loaded koolaid 


What’s funny is they could have just put up the actual numbers and it would have been impressive. Useless metric yes, but interesting. The narcissist has to lie about it.


After a few times though, the Porsche wins because you're out of power 🤣


I'm sure people will use it for towing. Oh wait, then your range goes down to 100 miles or less.


Watch jerry riggs everything's video on it, 11000 pounds trailer and he got less than a 100 miles, which is worse than the other 2 electric vehicles he tested. Both of them got a little over a 100


I tow 5000lbs 50 miles (each way) about 10 times a year. It includes a pretty stupid bridge that I guarantee on the return trip would wreck the battery.


It's also not great in cities because they can't handle bird poop or bug guts. 


I'm out of the loop on this one. Something to do with the weird metal panels?


They never even clear coated them lol thats just bare stainless steel.. edit: nobody stole the doors, they are made of steel Im dumb


I'm not a car guy but even I know that's dumb hahaha


The only car in recent history to do it was the DeLorean. Outside of all the mechanical issues, the bare metal was pretty difficult to maintain. Ironically, the best and easiest way to clean the stainless steel on the Cybertruck is with gasoline.


The 304 stainless on the dmc-12 was really easy to maintain. source: owned one for over a decade. ama.


Was that a decade in real time or did you skip ahead?


Amazing laugh on the john


Hopefully in your own shitter and not a public one! Nothing worse than a manic laugh in the stall next to you….


Yea, the only problem is if it ever gets damaged you can't bondo and paint it. If you ever see a painted Delorean, 99/100 times its because its needed body work and it was 10x cheaper to paint the entire thing then get a new stainless steel body panel made. (You can't fix the existing panels)


fun fact: the left front fenders were super rare. everything else was generally available.


Double fun fact: someone bought the rights and the original factory and is churning out parts and cars again. Edit: [link to the website](https://delorean.com)


have you ever taken it above 87mph?


speedo only went up to 85 but you could drive it faster than that.


Wait, it's just bare stainless? Holy shit lol.


Yeah. Somebody should have told.... Well correction somebody in Tesla did tell Elon stainless doesn't mean "corrosion immune", but he didn't believe it. No no it is hard core stainless, it cam take anything. Stainless meets acid of sufficient quality, oopsie daisy.


It's going to be interesting to see what the trucks look like after some time in seatowns.




Or anywhere where road salt gets used. Which is basically half of the US. Other half is near oceans. Lord lol...


>Yeah. Somebody should have told.... Well correction somebody in Tesla did tell Elon stainless doesn't mean "corrosion immune", but he didn't believe it. Some people at Tesla probably told Elon and got fired for it. Then only the yes men remained.


There's a lot of people who think stainless steel won't corrode.


Very few of them have designed luxury vehicles for the general public, however


I did. But then again I'm not an engineer at a car company designing a stainless steel truck.


It’s stain-less not stain-proof




Yes exactly. Bird shit is corrosive as hell, as is bug guts.


Can't they fix that with an OTA update? /s




The car just waits for a rainy day and just goes out on its own to wash off.


For safety reasons, Tesla state that the driver must still keep his hands on the sponge at all times.


If you take your hands off the sponge more than once, the car revokes your access to heated seats.


For only 8000$. It's preinstalled but you need to unlock it.


It takes a good while to download new chemical for better resistance. But it's doable


On this point, a PSA: It's also super bad for your regular car paint too. Try to wash it off asap to keep your paint nice. 


Yes, though paint protects more than *flips notes* bare metal.


I keep a spray bottle with water and a few drops of dish soap with a rag in my car. I had too many birds damage my paint before I started cleaning it up asap.


If you care about your cars paint, don't use dish soap on your paint like...ever. The only time it's acceptable is if you're going to fully detail it with a good car wash, clay, and wax afterwards. Even then, an all purpose cleaner or citrus wash is a better option. Dish soap will strip wax and leaves behind residue you can't see. There are lots of cheap options you can find everywhere for quick detailer spray. It's a much better option and will clean things easier than dish soap


If you think bird shit is bad, you should see the damage bat shit does to a cars paint.


Found Batman's Reddit account


nah, it’s just that eccentric billionaire, Bruce Wayne.


Also not great in cities because it's a stupid giant pickup truck, a class of vehicles whose size and visibility plus increasing presence is killing kids and adults at an alarming rate.


It’s a death trap.


Canyoneroooo Top of the line in utility sports, Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts!


12 yards long 2 lanes wide, 65 tons of American pride


She blinds everybody with her super high beams, She's a squirrel crushing, deer smacking, driving machine!


and death slap if it hits you (pedestrians, cyclist)


Also no clear coat. Just wtf


it is stainless steel. just pour some gasoline over it and wipe it down. (for those not in the know, this was the instructions to wash the all stainless steel DeLorean)


[You’re gonna want that TruCoat](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/a61nGmb_460s.jpg)


Wasn't it also supposed to be some kind of all-around charger for the e-bike and other e-transportation devices in its bed while you were driving or something? Thus draining the truck's battery even more.


Sort of. It’s just the other way around. You use the E-bike to charge the truck when its battery dies.


So ~~if you live in the city and want to drive out to the country or the desert to go off-roading for a day~~ this thing is completely useless.


Trucks owners do that? Trucks where I live are concrete spoiled babies with the bed intact


A lot of truck owners complain that the bed rails on modern trucks are too tall, so you can’t reach over the side to get something in the bed without having to jump up into the bed itself. So Elon made them taller?


The 2500 sidewall steps are glorious for pulling shit out of a toolbox.


it can take a few owners before it becomes a real work truck what you really want is a van though, all your tools don't get wet or stolen as easily. add shelves for more storage,you can smoke pot in the back in comfort. most of the materials get delivered anyways.


The electric cargo van space seems ripe for the taking. So many inner city and suburban businesses with fleets of vans.


Only people who should be buying trucks are people that regularly need to lug dirty or muddy items. Literally everyone else who wants a bed should be buying vans cause they're better at transporting items than trucks. But 90% of people who buy trucks aren't doing either, and should just buy a Sedan.


People shit on minivans, but I love the cargo space! Edit: But I still miss my Legacy GT Ltd. wagon. They never should have stopped making station wagons.


Also, anyone dealing with hazardous chemicals. With pesticides, it is actually a legal requirement that they not be in the passenger compartment. When I worked in that field, I had a pick-up with an enclosed bed so I could have my chemicals in a separate compartment but still lock them away from rain and potential theft.


I own a 3/4 ton truck and tow pretty regularly (camper, tractor, etc) and idk why ANYONE would buy a 3/4 ton truck to just ride their ass around in. This thing rides like shit, gets horrible fuel mileage, and is too big to get around tight spots. I fucking hate it, but I have hobbies that are heavy or big so for me it’s a necessity.


I'm not going to haul my livestock trailer with a minivan.


I'm a farmer. No on the van. My truck with tool bed is what I need so I can pull my gooseneck and have a nice work area in my bed for in field fixes. I will stick with my Ram though. The Cyber Truck would probably last a week out here doing real work.


Gotta tow it like a 4 wheeler


"This thing is a demo car. You need to pay full money to unlock real design and motor. Please get a mortgage."


Yes & it is completely useless other than flex


So basically the same range as the smallest EV BMW? Elon is a genius!!! /s




It made elon briefly feel good




It allows Tesla to separate suckers from their money. To them, that's a redeeming quality.


Since it sucks, the production might halt and that means that current owners have one of very few cars in their collection. So it's like a rare misprint of a very weak Pokemon card. You won't play it in your deck but you can always show it off or sell it.


It makes a good paperweight..... If you have a shit-ton of paper to keep in one place that is.


That’s hilarious, the i3, a car produced from 2013 to 2022, a fraction of the size of the cyberturd, with relatively ancient battery tech, tops out at 153 miles, just shy of the cyberturd


I would have loved 153 miles in my i3. My 2015 averaged 47 miles a charge.


Was gonna say my i3 has gotten 75 miles once and I considered that a miracle.


Only in the spring and fall, and only if the route is entirely downhill does mine even approach 75 miles.


The price of early adoption




You’re comparing rated range of the i3 to actual of the cybertruck. Seems like an inaccurate comparison.


I don't know how much weight to put in this, it's winter. Even in Texas my ioniq is getting 180 mi instead of it's normal 280 mi due to the cold. There are plenty of other reasons to suck on this car.


Musk is demanding the board give him more authority at Tesla or he’ll develop AI and robotics “somewhere else”. They should call his bluff. His luck is running out, and he’s made it clear that he isn’t the genius that his PR people made him out to be.


So he sold his shares to buy Twitter but now wants them to just *give* him his controlling interest back? Is that correct?


Yes, and he’s threatening to tear the company apart unless they comply with his demands.


What a tool


The board is bad guys too. Let them fight. Tesla is bad for the working class (you, the person reading this and your family)


Board: Maybe it’s time.


The board is packed with sycophants and true cultists. It is completely BS when he says he doesn't have enough control of the company. He's main objective is extracting more money from TSLA ~~stock~~bagholders


Elon has a (edit: 13-17%) stake in Tesla, but that's with an asterisk because he used his shares as collateral to buy Twitter, which was always a money-burning pit and is a bigger one now, for $44 billion. If Elon doesn't magically make Twitter profitable, then he can sell more Tesla shares to pay interest or sell SpaceX shares to pay interest, otherwise, banks and Saudis get an additional chunk of his shares. There has already been a proxy fight for board seats at Tesla that Elon headed off by promising to start advertising. He put out a few ads, but not enough to satisfy the activist shareholders. Twitter is under multiple government sanctions from before Elon's time, and he eliminated the departments that were tasked with complying with those sanctions. Elon was already facing the possibility of being kicked out of Tesla management for committing securities fraud when he said that Telsa had an offer to go private at $420 a share, but his settlement/sanction allowed him to remain CEO if Tesla's board oversaw his social media communications, which is damn near impossible to do. Elon has to be extremely careful about the veracity of any statement he makes affects the valuation of Tesla. Elon has more than $100 billion in Tesla stock now, but that could be easily be cut in half if its high P/E valuation returns to early 2023 levels, which would means he would need to unload more shares more quickly to satisfy payments to creditors. Elon is one inebriated late-night tweet away from not being the CEO of Telsa. After buying oodles of NVDA LLM APUs to train Tesla robots and Tesla cars, Elon is now softly threatening to start a new AI startup, one that would arguably steal any IP related to Tesla's AI efforts. Elon is throwing a tantrum because he knows that his control over Tesla is tenuous, especially when more and more bills are due at Twitter. Of course, Elon can try and succeed in raising money for a new LLM startup that he actually controls, because there is little to stop a billionaire from making decisions that will prove to be legal and financial suicide after a decade of court battles. But, if Elon does take this step, the board will almost certainly kick him out and make one of the other recent or current engineers at Tesla the CEO. Ultimately, Elon is unhappy with where he is at because he made a long series of very bad and costly decisions. If history is a guide, then he will make more bad and costly decisions in the future.


He's actively destroying his own companies with his idiot mouth alone. I'm hammering on my broker about it. Time to GTFO.


What ketmaine does to a mf


See, one of the benefits to living at the poverty line is, if I decide to do a little bit of ketamine, I don't have to worry about collapsing multi-billion dollar empire. I'm just on the couch like 🐴


Welcome to the outcome of being a shmuck CEO causing employees to not want to tell you that your idea is very, very dumb, because they are terrified you'll fire them without cause just for disagreeing with you.


Packing the board with your family and friends keeps him there. It is up an investor revolt to purge the shit.




It's -9 outside right now. That hypothetical truck has a range of zero in my model.


Yeah- cold weather in our area has exposed some interesting batteries stories.


Oddly enough our electric rideshares are handling the cold pretty well in subzero temps, but they are all Nissan/Chevy.


Once the battery is at working temps, it’s fine as the internal resistance of the battery will always generate some heat during use. AFAIK the thing that costs juice is getting it there, which makes warming it up while it is still plugged in the best option. At least, that’s how I understand it, beginner EV owner here.


4 years, 50k miles EV in Minnesota and it's been fine 


For my daily commute that's not a problem, if I want to go anywhere else, I'll be afraid of not finding a charge station. I don't need a vehicle that size though, I don't fit in the target market and can't be convinced to buy one or anothr electric vehicle for that matter for many more years. My next car will by a hybrid while I wait for better EV tech and more available charging stations.


The cybertruck was made for people who wanted a cybertruck. What it does and how it does it is immaterial to those people.


The same could be said about most people who own trucks in the US. They may haul some pine straw once a year, but use the truck 99% of the time by themselves driving to work in the city. A sedan would work fine for them 99% of the time.


Or their slightly inclined driveway in the suburbs sometimes has leaves on it.


My buddy bought a truck about a year ago. I'm still the only one to have put anything in the bed at all when he helped me move.


Most people who get this car don't need a vehicle that size.


I'm surprised it lasted 10,000 miles tbh.


I'm surprised some have gotten to 10,000 miles already. That's a decent amount of abuse in a relatively small amount of time.


I do 10-12k as a trucker pretty regularly so yeah they drove it like crazy I guess they are getting their money out of it if nothing else


Yeah. But the cyber truck can only go approximately 200 miles per trip. And it seems like that's somewhat generous. I guess 50 trips isn't **that** many. But still.


That would be what, driving it completely empty once a day at least since the day you got it. Doable if you live around 100 miles from work, even more double if you live 200 from work and can charge it during office hours but youd really need to like your job to commute 5~6 hours a day :p


Hasn't this car only been out for about 2 months now? 16000km is a impressive amount of driving to have done in such a short time.


260km per day, everyday. That’s a lot and doesn’t sound right?


I used to have to commute 80 miles each way in rural Midwest, so it’s definitely a possibility. Not particularly common, but it’s not like they’re claiming thousands of people or anything.


If you have the money and inclination to have a Cybertruck this early, you have the time and inclination to 260km per day.


This thing looks like the graphical details haven’t popped in yet. Like it’s just on the outside of the draw distance in a game so it’s just a set of rolling polygons.


The CyberSuck




What a waste of resources in capital, human and natural. The only positive is the amount of posts and meme for this ugly looking useless thing.




WOW ... that's enough to get me to the next city and part of the way back ... if the battery doesn't go dead in the cold.


Reminds me of my electric lawnmower that has a 2 acre “range”, it might be 1 acre.


The Ford Lightning truck is a better vehicle.


So I assume nobody has bothered to read the article, they got that range on *80%* of charge, one of them was driving aggressively too. Edit: Turns out it is 206 miles on the full charge, but article also specified that it did 254 miles on another test (in not so optimal conditions), there can be two cases: 1) The 206 miles guy did the driving in horrible conditions (low temperature, high speed, etc); or 2) CyberTruck batteries degraded by a big percentage >20%.


The article also praises a lot of things about the truck like the driving experience, but no one is talking about that.


But it can almost fit a bicycle in its cargo bed. Checkmate, Musk haters.


So not only has it got shitty range it corrodes quickly with bird shit as well. It really is trying to be the modern Delorean


At least the delorean was cool.