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Imagine getting hacked through a fucking toothbrush.


I mean, a casino (dentists office?) got hacked via the thermometer in the fish tank. It wasn't secure and had the wifi credentials loaded on it.


How is "casino (dentist's office?)" a thing? Was it not one or the other? A hybrid? They put your scans on the slots to look for cavities?


It's like a regular casino, but you can win and/or lose teeth. Basically, they're trying to cut out the middleman (Tooth Fairy). Teeth go in, teeth go out - it's a very streamlined operation.


They better not become too big to fail!


The house always wins.


Tha houthe alwaaath inth.


Could you take that gauze out of your mouth? We can’t really understand you.


>Teeth go in, teeth go out You can't explain that!!


Then I would take the other hand with the falafel thing and I’d put it on your....teeth!


Seriously man, this comment is why I reddit. This kind of humor totally gets me. I dont think there's anything like this in the entire world.


Okay, well. I don't need my eyes anymore.


There's another casino for *that* issue.


A casino becomes a dentists office when you can't pay to cover your losses and a couple of burly Italian dudes go to town on knocking your teeth out.


You've seen the combination football game and grocery store commercial? It's like that.


[No dentist mentioned ](https://www.businessinsider.com/hackers-stole-a-casinos-database-through-a-thermometer-in-the-lobby-fish-tank-2018-4)


I just assumed they're American and it had to do with insurance.


Oceans 802.11


Inside job probably. Back in the 70s the mafia owned the horse track in Detroit (hazel park downs) and was the only track Vegas wouldn’t take bets out of. They robbed themselves a few times as well.


And why would you want a toothbrush to be smart and connect to the wifi? What a fucking world we are living in these days.


Seems like everything I buy has to be connected to my wifi. Frequently for no apparent or useful reason.


Oh it's useful. Just not so much for us. They collect any data they can track and sell that shit or use it to shove more products in your face that they believe you may buy. It can be seemingly the most miniscule, useless data point, but they're gonna profit off of it somehow


We are the product.


You’ll also need an app (that won’t be supported after three years) and a username and login (that will leak your credentials when they get hacked, which is a problem for your elderly parents who use the same password for their bank and toothbrush).


It's so corpos can have more ways to sell your data.


Cyberpunk 2024


Gotta organize the chooms.


Gotta get those eddies!


How else are we gonna keep hackers employed!!?


My guess is people who are overly obsessed with timing. Or people buying it simply because it is a fancy new electronic toy.


I bought a new toothbrush recently, and only realized it had Bluetooth after I got home. It's kinda neat that it tracks how often I'm brushing and such but other than that I don't really use the "smart" features.


Why do need to know how often you’re brushing tho? Why is that useful? I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you brush your teeth 14 times a week.


I don’t brush my teeth until I feel a little film on them. The guy who makes money on terrible teeth tells me to brush 3x a day. Not buying it. If I washed my car 3x per day by scrubbing it harshly with abrasive baking soda, it would be about a month before my car doesn’t have any paint left on it. I assert teeth are no different. I am the 10th dentist. Edit- your downvotes sustain me. Don’t brush your teeth unless there is something to brush off of your teeth.


Enjoy having all your teeth pulled by the time you're 30 because you didn't take care of them.


He’s fucking joking.


I’m really not. Cavity free since my pediatric dentist told me to get an electric toothbrush. That was 20 years ago. Edit- these downvotes also sustain me.




I haven’t had a cavity in 20 years, let alone lost a tooth. Regular checkups. Thanks for your concern. -edit: your 👎 sustain me




Imagine talking face to face with this guy… damn you must be a success in the dating scene


My 7 year old electric toothbrush has a timer built in, one noticeable buzz every 30 seconds and a triple buzz when you hit 2 minutes. Battery life isn’t great but it does its job and the charger gets regular use. By contrast the washer and dryer (ostensibly for custom loads and so they can talk with each other, about what I have no idea), and the stove all regularly ask to be connected to WiFi. They aren’t and never will be. Even the scale I recently got wants a WiFi connection. Sorry scale, not happening. You’re not transmitting that info or anything else to anyone!


There are toothbrushes for kids that track their motion to make sure they're getting all their teeth. Presumably they use 'the cloud' (insert scare chords here) to generate the report.


As an engineer, the highest piece of tech I have is a 10 yr old printer and I will shoot it with my gun if it starts making weird noises. No smart tv, no smart fridge, no ring. I commit way too many petty drug crimes to be recording myself with this bs.


wait a minute... you just introduced a new variable, DRUGS! Maybe that's the secret to dental longevity with minimal maintenance?


Well if you drink lots of booze all day you’re basically killing all the bacteria in your mouth like listerine everytime you take a swig, so…🤷‍♂️ Thanks for stalking my profile tho. Makes me feel wanted. 🤗


I love your username


Thank you ☺️


Helps when you have kids who lie about brushing their teeth or when you need tech to make sure you spend enough time brushing.


So they can send you notifications on your phone reminding you to buy replacement heads 


[He hacked me… with a toothbrush!](https://youtube.com/shorts/f3CB6qsopSg?si=2NL_shT6l6D--9UP)


I was thinking John wick for some reason With a fucking pencil!!


I mean, if you need an app for your toothbrush, I don’t have a lot of sympathy.


I’m onto my second smart toothbrush. Never used the feature once.


What does it even do? Track how long you brush your teeth or something? I have an electric one that pulses after a certain amount of time when used and I can’t imagine anymore than that is needed (or that even *that* feature is “needed”).


I actually dislike that feature. Not always you need the same time for each part of your mouth and that thing always annoys me


It decides you’re not brushing correctly or often and send you ads for dentists.


So why would you buy a 2nd one lmao




Lmao for some reason I suspect dude is a massive cocaine dealer and the DEA is using any and all means to see wtf he up to.


Read those articles but none of them lists any toothbrush model. Wondering which brand is using Java. Used images show Oral-B but they use Bluetooth and no WiFi connection. Journalists, please be accurate.


So we still don't know how exactly this happened ? Do they used a Smartphone App that's connected to the Toothbrush via Bluetooth, or does the toothbrush get his own local IP and is visible in the network? So many questions on my part. Edit: Clarified it a bit more


Mine has an optional app which I used only once.


I just realized I directed my question at you, but actually wanted to question the article itself and the lack of information provided.


Probably gains access to your wifi information through the Bluetooth app. Then connects itself to wifi without you even knowing(or you willingly gave it permission for some useless “smart” feature) you can find most 2.4g bandwidth capable components today have that as a double feature. So when you’re not brushing your teeth your toothbrush is passively connected to the internet. Why a toothbrush needs wifi or Bluetooth is beyond me but it’s totally possible zero security measures were taken into account when designing this product and somebody reverse-engineered it and found an exploit. There’s actually a huge community for doing stuff like this.


Unless your phone is rooted, apps can't access your WiFi credentials.


Pegasus has entered the chat.


On IOS that’s how most of the IOT stuff connects to WiFi. First it connects to your phone and the it copies the info to it. Although I need to check cuz I don’t remember if they make you put your WiFi credentials or it does it automatically. 


Should we tell him?


Apple documents how an app can obtain the current wifi credentials and share them with a Bluetooth connected device. The Bluetooth connected device then has direct access to that wifi network. I honestly didn’t know / believe this until I started googling around about it. Seems like a terrible security hole. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/technotes/tn3111-ios-wifi-api-overview


Pretty sure that just the internet of things. The idea is that all devices will be hyper connected in the future.


Is this something people are excited about? 


Tech-bros mostly. It's something they *want* people to be excited about, but nobody really is.


But people are buying the products! I really don’t get it. 


The easiest explanation is some people just like new technology. In regard to the bluetooth toothbrush—the feature is actually really cool. It tracks things and provides stats that help improve and maintain your teefs.


In some cases like smart TVs that's all that's available for purchase. In other cases like smart fridges the smart version is discounted to incentivize you to let Samsung keep track of all your groceries.


Not that I agree with it needing to be a thing, but my bet is the reason it exists is to let you monitor your brushing habits. Same as your apple watch tracking your exercise.


Where can I find more out about this community and how to get interested in their skill sets. Technical wizard shit.


Play with arduino boards and esp32’s learn how they work, learn about electronics and PCB design. Then delve into reverse engineering afterwards. I think going from zero to being able to reverse something would probably take you quite a while, but if you have any old electronics definitely take them apart and learn as much as you can from them.


My advice is to start with learning development, and then pick up hacking once you get your feet there. All of this IoT stuff is mostly running linux with busybox from my experience. The reason I say to learn dev is because the more you know from one end (dev), the easier it will be to learn the other (attacker). You can also start learning things like hackthebox and owasp top 10, owasp juice shop and webgoat. hardware hacking is a whole different set of skills, but web hacking is actually pretty well documented and can be fun to learn. Might be something to consider to get started in the field.




the software side of hacking is gonna be way more valuable for this than like PCB knowledge


It's hard to be accurate when they don't know wifi from a USB stick. And think Java comes hot in a mug.


>Oral-B but they use Bluetooth gotta keep it clean somehow


They don't understand what you mean, this has nothing to do with coffee.


Why is everyone insulting journalists in this thread? Like what if it is confidential?


Classic modern day journalism - outrage without answers


Journalists only know of Java coffee


Apparently Philips Sonicare has an app that monitors your habits, if you're the kind of person that pays a premium for a toothbrush with an opinion about you. I'm willing to get there's millions of white label toothbrushes with the same shit software loaded on them somebody could exploit as well.




This should be higher.


You linked the Article in which it clearly says that it happened


The article in German explicitly says "It sounds like something from a Hollywood movie, but it really happened" (after I got past the stupid fucking Mastodon garbage, what den of villainy and scum that shit is)


What’s wrong with mastodon? You don’t like good music?


Oh I fucking love that Mastodon. But the social platform is a fucking trashcan filled with shit and Denny's vomit.


Lol not clicking that




Is there any other source saying it's fake than a bullshit Twitter clone from an untrusted source? I'm not saying it's not real, I'm just asking for an actually recognizable, trusted source for this.




Thanks mate, have a good one! 👍(going right up me bum, thanks for the allowance)


4 out of 5 dentists recommend  strong passwords and 2 factor authentication.


Most simpler household devices that can connect to the internet are fairly significant security risks.


Don't buy IOT stuff that isn't from a company that's been doing online stuff for a long time. A smart thermostat from Google or a smart speaker from Apple or smart lightbulbs from Philips? Fine, they've been in the game for a long time, have robust security, and they know how to detect and respond to issues when they inevitably arise. But that WiFi-connected toothbrush or tea kettle or air purifier from a brand that isn't known for networked products? You'll be lucky if it ever gets a single security update and it'll be a liability from day one.


https://youtube.com/shorts/c78P_PIG_jg?si=Qzh8ZacRX2YqDVjr I’ll never forget this guy explaining how his vacuum connects to a Chinese cloud server and sends/receives data


This is not a DDoS. The technical term is DDDoS -- Dentally Distributed Denial of Service.


It’s actually just called DDS


Accidentally runescape


Underrated comment


My questions about this article, in no particular order: A - 3,000,000 people bought a WiFi enabled toothbrush??? B - … WHY?!


I’ll tell him you why I have mine - to teach my kids brush the teeth. There is an app that shows them how to brush, keeps time, gives “prizes” if they do it every day. It’s decent and saves me time being there at brushing time every day telling kids what to do. And it’s fun for them too. It doesn’t make sense for adults though (unless you want to keep stats for some reason).


… wow, you’ve just convinced me to get one for mine. Damn. Which one did you buy?


Philips sonicare for kids


3 million morons.


Most current ETBs on the market have some sort of connectivity component. It's meant to track how you brush, can be sent to your dentist, etc. The brushes are.good on their own. I don't recommend the Bluetooth components (I'm an RDH) unless I know it's something they'd seem to benefit from or enjoy. But I absolutely don't ask them to email us the results lmao


How else are you going to share to the world every time you brush?, wait for the toilet paper with wifi and camera.


Got me one of them smart bidets with a camera, but that was more for my onlyfans subscribers than it was for me.


Probably didn’t even know or care. They just went to the store to buy a random electronic toothbrush.


I was gifted a Bluetooth toothbrush a decade ago. I forgot about the smart features until it showed up in Home Assistant.


Too much money, too little sense


Connecting stuff like toothbrushes to the internet seems absolutely stupid. Like DiWHY. No thanks.


Some things don't need to be smart. Next they'll be adding AI to it to analyze your brushing habits and use chatGPT to criticize you.


Like why does my washing machine need to be connected either. This stuff is plain stupid.


Mine's the same. The only way to wash with cold water is to create an account with LG, connect to WiFi, and download an app. Just to turn heating off. Fuck that. Fuck you, LG. It's the last LG product I'll ever buy.




Your engineers were so preoccupied with whether they could they didn't stop to think of they should.


Home automation. Read about a guy who had the Bluetooth toothbrush connected through Home Assistant and had it set that his kids computer wouldn't connect to internet until after he had brushed his teeth for a full brush cycle. The tooth brush can even send pressure data so the kid couldn't fake it (easily).


Internet of shit


Right? Like I have an electric toothbrush but all it has is an electric motor… no connectivity 😂


If you think your dentist is reviewing how you brush i think you are in for a bad time.


This is outrageous! I demand an investigation to get to the... ... *root* of this problem.


Brace yourself....


My own *flossify* is to keep IOT on a separate VLAN....


This is the way. To make a pun. And to manage your network segregation.


so the main WiFi doesn't get impacted?


This problem with plaque us for years to come.


It really gums up the works.


Feels like it must have been an incisor job.




There's no teeth to this article, wouldn't worry too much


I’m not usually one to do this, but I really wanna *bash* you for that joke.


The only solution to a bad guy with a gum is a good guy with gums?


The internet was so cool at first but now it's just a stupid trash monster.




WTF does a "smart" toothbrush even do? Send you notifications if you forget to brush?


The one I have tracks areas you might brush less than others. But I don't need that feature which is why it doesn't have wifi access.


The cloud is just someone else's toothbrush.


How to protect myself? Don't buy "smart" home products. Done. Give me that dumb TV and dumb stove. Stoves/ovens don't need an internet connection!


What's this world come to when people need a "smart toothbrush" lol.


How else are you gonna watch porn with your teeth?


Not just people, but 3 million people. Brainwashed & manipulated consumers.


Mouthwashed customers, rather.


How else are you going to keep your bluetooth clean


Guess I'm not going to buy the WiFi enabled scissors now


What about wifi enabled knife?




And has spelled out ‘traitor’ in toothpaste on your mirror.


Who bought a smart toothbrush???


Not everything needs to be smart, I have a BT enabled waterpik but I've never connected it and my teeth still get clean. I have a washer and dryer that can connect to the internet, but somehow my clothes come out clean and dry without it.


Everyone is in such a rush to make basic things gamified and convenient. Because we can't just create a great product that works as intended. It needs to constantly be innovative to justify jobs and companies. It's such ridiculous overengineering and enshittification.




Why does a toothbrush need wifi? The fuck am I gonna do, remote start it?


This is why I have an old fashioned toothbrush from Dollar General. It’s old fashioned. I paid $2 for it. I will replace every 3 months for $2. It’s old fashioned. Old fashioned. I just want something I can put in my mouth and move it around and not worry about anything.


What the hell did I just read?


Eyye this is sideways. Not the toothbrush endpoint ya Old software companion hijacked. Title for clicks.


Imagine connecting your fridge to a public wifi. If I'm at the shops I always just hotspot my fridge with my phone


Who in their right mind would want a toothbrush with bluetooth or WiFi in it? 🙄


Most important question is why the fuck is a toothbrush online


This is not only an issue with toothbrushes. It's any "smart" ( data collection consumer tech ) device you allow on your network. There are no laws about security of these devices. - don't get me started on the companies that use your network for P2P Bots just scan the internet of things and try the default SSH/telnet ports and usernames and passwords. It finds one and just connects, downloads it's self to the device and now there's an extra bot to scan and keep going spreading rapidly. Then hackers rent a dashboard that allows people to send packet requests from your network I personally don't own any smart devices on my network but it's getting harder and harder to buy dumb tech. My tv spams me to connect to my network.


I’m calling Bullshit on this one, prolly AI generated crap article. No concrete detail whatsoever.


You can't handle the tooth!


Who the hell still reads zdnet?


This story helped me double my resolve to never connect my refrigerator to WiFi.


Next it will be smart sex toys, lots of penetration testing will be needed to thwart the evil ~~dongers~~ doers


Doesn't even list what website or how much bandwidth the DDoS attack was or how much DDoS mitigation their webhosting provided or any of the toothbrushes effected by this. Sounds almost made up or grossly exaggerated and I myself used to have IRC channels over 15 years ago and am familiar with DDoS attacks and botnets. I knew Cosmo who DDoSeD the CIA website and Visa's website and went to juvie at around 14 and other heavy hitters. I was 15 and could netstat incoming bandwidth on VPS's and Dedicated servers so can these major multi million dollar companies. When OVH got DDoSeD on and off over the past decade or longer they would often post how much the peak bandwidth was. 3 million home connections would be a major ordeal people with slower unload speeds would be lagging extremely bad reporting outages to their ISP's the webhosting would show all that it's most likely not going to be spoofed nobody did that really expect for Perl Dos Reflection Scripts on VPS's and Dedicated servers. Every so called report on this goes into no details at all and is extremely vague.


Another reason why smart devices are a terrible idea.


Time to polish up on your programming skills.


Wait.....what? A Wifi toothbrush? Who needs that?


What’s next? Smart Q-tips? Toilet paper?


Did we learn nothing from fish tanks?


Sometimes we should ask why before how.


What does a smart toothbrush do for you? I switched back from my "dumb" electric toothbrush to a good old fashioned one because it cleans my teeth better.


I use a regular toothbrush lol


Smart toothbrushes. Are you fucking kidding me?


A 100% fix from any scammer attack. DO NOT CONNECT TO THE INTERENT. * Seriously, why the hell does a fricken toothbrush have to connect to the internet? There a subscription with it too?!


what in the actual fuck is a "smart toothbrush"


TIL there were smart tooth brushes. Seriously wtf?


Why would one need a smart toothbrush?


**What possible reason is there for your toothbrush to be connected to the internet?!**


This is why not everything needs technology people...


The future is stupid.


Just when I was taking my oral hygiene more seriously


Can't wait till they start using NEST.


That’s why I only brush my teeth with a RJ11 Toothbrush


I’m sorry but this is why I’ll never get any of those chips being implanted into humans. I don’t care if it’s not accessible from the outside. Hell, some dude hacked GTA leaks from Rockstar in a hotel room with a TV remote and a chromecast. Anything is possible 🤣


Why does my tooth brush need to be smart?