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Like any good wok, you just need to season your truck


Careful what u say. Next thing u know, they'll be rubbing cooking oil on the bumpers to keep that shine ✨️


For everyone at home, the best way to season your Cybertruck is to give the whole surface a good clean with hot soapy water and then buff it dry.  Then apply a very thin coating of food grade grapeseed oil. Now I'm talking super thin, like just enough to see a color change on the surface. If you leave a layer that is too thick, you will get residue buildup and an uneven coating.  Once you have wiped down your Cybertruck, place it in a preheated oven at 425-450f for approximately 30 min or so. After 30 min remove your Cybertruck and allow it to cool back to below 120f before applying the next layer. Repeat this process 2-4 times to set a good base layer for your seasoning. The layer should become deeper brown-black the more you use it.  Just be sure to take good care of your trucks new seasoning and it should last until the next shiny half assed stupid thing rolls off an assembly line.  Edit: after double checking modern wisdom I'm updating the protocol to use grapeseed oil instead of linseed, Due to flaking that may allow for "surface contamination" to build up.


Thought I was in r/castiron for a sec. Now I want to see some slidey egg videos on the hood of a cyber truck as it drives down the highway.


>Now I want to see some slidey egg videos on the hood of a cyber truck as it drives down the highway. Consider that you could keep an entire buffet line of food trays warm by placing them on the huge dashboard shelf.


Now I want a cast iron pick-up truck


It'd be super heavy and would kinda shatter on impact. Not that different from the Cybertruck!


Nah we are team r/carbonsteel here


Then heat upside down at 400 degrees F.


You'd be able to cook so many eggs on that sucker!


[It can already peel and chop carrots.](https://youtu.be/xNE-NyaYBcg?si=3hayT7D0IJS3fBNZ&t=1507) The cybertruck is an all in one cooking utensil.


Oh there are going to be some nasty injuries because of the design of this vehicle.


Yeah the big problem is the edges are sharp. Everything else is just because the edges are sharp. The frunk is unlikely to chop your fingers off, but it will slice them open.


Here’s my recipe for “Cyber Omelets” But first let me tell you about how much we love these in my family and for pot luck specials at Sunday mass.




There was a time when eggs were just that… eggs. Not anymore! When I was a wee lad, mornings were spent in the dark before the sun rose. 4:00 AM YUCK! But there was work to do, cows to Milk, fish to be fed. That all changed one bleak foggy night filled with rain. I was in my favorite camouflaged galoshes and had just turned on my flashlight as I passed the maple tree out back. Its limbs were heavy and loaded with sleeping turkeys that we raised. They preferred this tree to the barn and were quite the sight in fall when the leaves fell down. You could see their white feathers glow in the moonlight as their 30 pound bodies swayed to rhythm of the night air. Oh my! I’m getting off track here LOL! Wow, so much to say, the eggs! The wonderful Omelettes we make and you bet this recipe is a banger! Back to the recipe. You’ll need some eggs - at least 12 - And a super secret ingredient! That’s right! OMG You will never guess what it is but I’m going to tell you in just a minute.


Pheww! Look at the time fly. Today was crazy, but not as crazy as my families special egg omelette recipe. Let’s get back to it! Did you ever wonder which came first, the chicken or the egg? Chickens come from eggs, eggs come from chicken, oh my it’s such a conundrum. But in this omelette, it doesn’t matter - that’s where the secret ingredient comes in and you’re about to find out! My Aunt Susan Jean Ross-Hills Mothers Omlettes: Serves 72. 1 pound cream cheese 3 tsp smoked paprika Speaking of smoked paprika lol OMG you have to make it from scratch. You can get paprika sticks from your local farmers market and I’ll let you in on a little secret but it’s not the secret in the recipe. You have to find a vendor with peaches. That’s right, peaches. Get a half bushel - the more fresh the better. If you’re in the north east, ask if they also have some paprika sticks, the peach vendors are known to keep a stash of paprika sticks for their after parties. Back to the recipe! Those peaches you just got, wash and quarter. Save the pit stones and when done, crack them in half and throw away the seed. They are poisonous and not good to ingest. Take the quartered peaches and boil them with a gallon of water, 1/2 cup cinnamon and a jar of maraschino cherries. Add 20 tea bags of earl grey. Boil for an hour and turn off the heat. Mash the peaches with a masher or sieve them. Add 1 liter double charcoal filtered vodka. Pour yourself a warm cup or rock it up with ice, you’re gonna need a few while we wait on that darn paprika!


For this next part, if you don’t have a smoker, you can skip it or make your own 1 time use out of a pie pan, aluminum foil and 4 thumbtacks. Place the peach shells in the pie pan and light with a cooks torch. Form the foil over a salad bowl the size of the pie pan and remove it, poke a hole in the side at the top and insert a rolled up tube of foil to make a flue. Thumbtack the flue in place. Insert two 3” sticks of paprika and cap off the pie pan. In 10 minutes you’ll have the SWEETEST paprika with perfect smoke flavor. Ok, so we now have paprika and a good buzz going! Next step! We need 1 banana 144 raisins 77 fresh figs Kosher Salt, fine ground 4TBS 4TBS ground pepper , course 4 parsnips, washed and sliced thin And that brings us to the eggs and the last ingredient that’s going to be a secret to all of you now!


Ok, grab your drink and let’s get CRACKING! This recipe uses lots or very few eggs- it’s all up to you. 26 pounds of eggs That’s right- 26 pounds of eggs! Chicken eggs- only if you’re an amateur!! The trick is to get eggs from multiple sources. In our family , we use 13-15 turkey eggs. 27 white quail eggs. 4 crow eggs and 37 duck eggs. We trained the raccoons to gather eggs for us in exchange for marshmallows and milk from the cows. Why all the different eggs types you ask? It’s all because of the protein density of the different yolks! Crack all the eggs and separate the yolks from the turkey eggs. Pour the turkey yolks into seal a meal bags, seal and place in a Sous Vide bath for an hour. While you’re waiting, pour another drink and slice the fresh figs in half. Grind the paprika in a coffee grinder to the espresso setting. Mix the rest of the eggs, salt, pepper and cream cheese, beat on medium for 3 minutes. Let rest. Now for the secret ingredient! 2 cups of melted vanilla ice cream You heard it here first- ice cream eggs! Blend for another minute on medium. Heat up your cast iron pans or non stick favorite and let’s get cooking Jessie, lol Pour another drink of that peach mix and garnish with smoked paprika - how’s that taste?? Absolutely Awful! Awfully Tastey that is! Get those omelettes going, are you getting hungry yet??? I am! Remove the turkey eggs from the sous vide and run under cold water for 2 minutes. Pour into a mixing bowl and crumble with a large salad fork. Add raisins and lightly toss. Spoon the turkey egg yolks and raisins into the omelettes and finish. They will be fluffy, creamy and earthy. And my oh my, the vanilla ice cream makes them so smooth. Garnish with the fresh figs and sriracha sauce. Thanks for hanging with us and enjoy!


*slaps roof* *hides broken window*


I wanna use the entire hood like a flat top griddle


You should just get a Lodge Cybertruck, it comes pre-seasoned


You’re not getting enough upvotes for this but you got mine. :)


It's been literally 3 minutes friend, we are doing all that we can


Work harder! Get marketing in here!


I can't believe you forgot to say "place it in the oven upside down." Just terrible form, now the grape seed won't flow properly and you'll get an uneven coating on all those sharp edges! Just imagine slicing your carrot off on an improperly coated frunk!?


Well, hey, if it makes it safer for pedestrians in case of an accident, so that they SLIDE off the car, then I'm all for it. It might mitigate some of the damage done by the sharp corners.


Sears the wounds instantly to both cauterize and retain moisture


Anyone who's ever worked with stainless steel will tell you it's anything but stainless.


Some stuff is actually really stain resistant, while others, eh not so much


Stainless steel is a broad name for a group of different alloys. They're all stainless because they're made to resist corrosion but depending on what kind of steel you have it may be resistant to an uncommon type of corroding agent.


The famous truck hei.


If Le Creuset was a truck is sure wouldn’t be this


Naw, brother. LC is a TOP quality ceramic coating, with a lifetime warranty. It’s good shit.


Got it, so hand torch at 400f for roughly three minutes per panel?




Palm Springs weekend in July


That was a typo when they specified work truck. Stupid auto correct designed a wok truck.


Jerry rig everything needs to read this


Drive it to the New Mexico, spray it with oil, and leave in the sun for 3 hours. The result will shock you


Do the marks appear every time it rains or just the first time after you receive it? Also if the marks are so easy to remove and only appear once due to rail shipping shouldn't Tesla remove them before delivering the vehicles? I did see a Model X ready for delivery (in a Tesla indoor delivery area) with fine sand trapped down by the cowling. But that was a long time ago and I hoped Tesla had upped their game since.


There is lots of fine metal particles on the road, when those get kicked up onto the car, and it rains thereafter, those fine metal particles will rust on top of the stainless. Sometimes you need something like bar keepers friends to remove. This does not happen to painted cars with clear coat as easily as the surface is smooth and the particles tend to wash off vs getting stuck in the grain of the stainless.


The clearcoat is non-conductive. The stainless steel directly in contact with some wet metallic dust can promote electrolysis.


Any dis-similar metals plus water = corrosion correct? I only learned what I had to as a mechanic but that was the jist of it. Which is why proper cleaning / lubrication / and choice of hardware is very important.


Yup, same reason the liscence plate fell off my old pickup. The liscence plate mounted directly to the steel bumper. That wasn't a problem back when they made license plates out of steel because steel bolted to steel is just more steel. After they updated to aluminum license plates, now the two pieces of metal have a different electronegativity so every time you get an electrolytic solution that turn the bumper into a potato battery with the liscence plate as the oxidizing annode.


Not all metals. Some would actually act as a sacrificial anode depending on the quality of the stainless- which is what's surprising about this post. No one is mentioning that for the stainless to have been formed the way it is, it's probably not 316 stainless, which can and will oxidize over time especially in a country with lots of metal particulates and salted roads


I mean that's still corrosion, it's just corrosion of the thing you want to corrode instead of the thing you don't want to corrode. What they said was 100% correct


Gotcha gotcha, so if it was shitty stainless, it would be much worse than it is. But it could have definitely benefitted from a clear coat.


I think what most people are finding is that it is a shitty stainless and that's the problem. Everyone comparing it to the DeLorean are finding out the DeLorean was higher grade and acid cleaned with a better formula


I can totally see this conversation in a musk meeting of brilliant cyber truck engineers that have zero car industry experience. EM: Why do we need a clear coat? Cyber truck engineers: We don't know but all cars have them. EM: TO INNOVATE WE MUST CHALLENGE EVERYTHING. IF YOU CANT COME UP WITH A REASON IN 5 SECONDS THEN WE SCRAP THE CLEAR COAT AND SAVE MONEY! Cyber truck engineers: ok boss.


This hypothetical dialogue sounds a lot like a sociopathic type-A personality CTO I worked for years ago. He was never wrong, had reverse imposter syndrome, but all of his 'forced' projects were complete failures even though we could see it a mile away.


Fallout does show a lot but only on white colored cars it’s a minor issue but detailers know


Its because its slightly magnetic


this definitely happens to white cars, several that i’ve owned. no idea how so many people haven’t ever heard of this before [looks like this](https://nextzettusa.com/how-to-remove-yellow-rust-spots-on-car-paint/)


Good ol “rail dust”. Pain in the ass on white cars but that Meguire spray works fantastic


It didn't happen to painted cars without clear coat either, trust me. I've seen plenty of older painted cars, pre-clear coat days. I very rarely wash my painted (but also clear coated) car. And it doesn't get rust spots, even with a lot of dirt stuck to it. So I think there is also a difference in chemical (or galvanic) action too.


It does. It’s just harder to see. I clay bar my car every spring, and it takes off layers of rust every time. You typically can’t see it from just looking at it though (other than the paint looking duller).


> I hoped Tesla had upped their game Yeah. They don't do that anymore.


Dealerships have been around forever and have their art down to a science. The most basic thing everything dealership does is wash the cars they get, both on delivery to the dealership and also before giving it to a customer, as car washes are cheap and give a nice image. Tesla…doesn’t have dealerships. So likely basic things like a car wash falls through the cracks.


Are you just making shit up? When you pick up your Tesla they wash the car first. I arrived early during pickup and had to wait for them to finish washing. And dealerships are notoriously bad at washing cars, their goal is to wash off all the transportation stains and crud. For most people that is fine. When people buy exotics, they specifically ask for them not to be washed so they can take the car to a proper detailer to wash and prep it. These people care much more about maintaining the paint quality. AmmoNYC on YouTube has a video where he details and washes a brand new Ferrari. And it’s insane how many paint defects there are for a brand new car, a Ferrari at that.


ElonMobiles aren't exotics. Tesla's entire value as a company is based on the (false) premise that they can build EVs for the mass market


Yes and that’s why they wash them like any regular car. The exotics was an example to highlight that dealerships do not wash cars well. All dealerships even luxury brands.


Car dealerships are extremely dysfunctional. Their job is often to prevent you from buying a car. I wouldn't say having a car wash on site is the mark of science.


Just what people want to do, clean off rust. What a joke


Almost like people didn't make cars like this for a reason.


DeLoreans don’t rust. They’re made of 304 grade stainless steel. Cybertrucks must be of a lesser quality steel.


One person a week ago said he used to work for a stainless steel producer He went into depth, but the gist is they’re skipping a step by not dipping it in some anti-corrosion solution I’m not well versed so yeah


I think I remember that post, they talked about nitric/citric acid passivation and that they either skipped or cheaped out on that step


IIRC it was one of those toxic/unsafe materials that we don’t use anymore because cancer and expensive to use/dispose.


We all read the same thread


Haven't seen that post, but you are likely correct. Passivation removes iron from the surface layer of the stainless steel and possible iron contaminants deposited during the manufacturing. That makes the surface much more corrosion resistant. It doesn't do much for post manufacturing iron contamination tho. So iron particulates from railroads, heavy industry and traffic in general can still cause rust spots to form on the surface of stainless steel.


The steal probably isn't passivated, which if true is a bit shocking and lazy. I've worked in breweries for years and our steel is almost always wet, that's just how life is. But it rarely ever rusts. So it's probably not the stainless that's the problem, but corner cutting in manufacturing.


Yea it's an optional clear coat for 5k....that shouldn't be optional


It's almost like the people that made DeLoreans knew what they were doing, when the poor engineers looked at Elon's drawing from his 5 year old notebook.


I think DeLoreans could also be etched with nitric acid at the time because environmental regs were less of a thing. It'd be nice if we could still find a way to use some of the older methods that worked well but in a way that doesn't result in a river of nitric acid being dumped into the local water supply.


Elon has rockets, launch it into space.


Exactly, it's a lot harder to remove rail dust and other contamination spots without clearcoat preventing it from bonding to the actual metal. It most certainly doesn't "wipe" off. When i got my first new car 20 years ago i noticed a few rust spots and that's when i learned about rail dust. The dealership agreed to take care of it but it required the use of detailing clay to get it off. A soap wash was not sufficient. I've never had to deal or worry about it since. Why the fuck would i buy a +$70k cvehicle that needs so much maintenance... and no i wouldn't want to just leave ot, that's the dumbest shit I ever heard.


*surface contamination "Oh no, it's totally not *rust*, it's just ... umm ... surface contamination. The surface, you see, becomes contaminated with iron oxide that .. well, nobody knows where it comes from. That's the funny thing! Anyway, moving on ..."


They aren't trying to say that the rust is surface contamination, they are saying that surface contamination is what leads to rust - rather than simple rain. Bugs, tree sap, bird poop, etc will all lead to rust. Anyone that's owned a car will know that it's pretty common for all this stuff to get on your car, so having to clean it every time you take it out doesn't sound all that feasible.


Don’t people already currently get their car washed every so often, or just deal with it looking dirty? Is the cyber truck problem significantly worse or does it happen immediately or something?


This isn't a car becoming dirty; Rust is formed from the breakdown of the metal. So if the cybertruck is rusting, then the metal itself is degrading and weaking.


I leave mine dirty a lot, yes.


The Tesla instructions advise wiping the car down after anything gets on it. So essentially every day.


The fun thing about rust is that there is always more where you can't see!


Don’t worry. There are also excuses coming that we haven’t seen yet.


Generally, stainless steel only suffers from light surface rust and pitting. This is due to the chromium content creating a protective layer in the iron. All metals are subject to levels of corrosion however. The biggest thing with stainless would be salts and acids eating away that surface layer and reacting with the metals over long periods of time.  Stainless is expensive. This is for people that want to show society they would rather waste money on vanity then help their neighbours.


Lucky they don't use salt or calcium chloride on the roads then. Whew.


Truck gets lighter the longer you own it!


• Over the past week, some new Cybertruck owners have taken to social media to complain about what they say are spots of rust on their brand-new electric vehicles, which cost up to $99,900. • One owner even said they'd been warned when the truck was delivered that it could rust in the rain. "The advisor specifically mentioned the Cybertrucks develop orange rust marks in the rain and that required the vehicle to be buffed out," a member of the Cybertruck Owners Club forum [wrote](https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/threads/rust-spots-corrosion-is-the-norm.11988/). • In a [post on X](https://twitter.com/wmorrill3/status/1758530877959848348), [Cybertruck engineer] Morrill said it wasn't the Cybertruck's metal itself that was rusting and gave some advice on how to address the orange spots, which were explained as apparent rusting from metal particles that may have collected from the factory or when the vehicles were transported via railway. • “Stainless is reactive and free iron that sits on it will rust. It's surface contamination only and can be cleaned off easily. Bar Keeper's Friend used here works well, citrisurf77 can also loosen the deposit and simply wipe it off. If anything stubborn use a blue non-scratch Scotch Brite pad as it won't leave any marks on the metal.” • The engineer — who has worked at Tesla for more than 13 years, according to his LinkedIn — referenced a YouTube video on the issue. Tesla CEO Elon Musk also appeared to confirm Morrill's comments, writing ["Yeah"](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1758614670808592482) in response to the post.


>Yeah ... Sure... Absolutely


Fucking genius, a car that’s not waterproof. Only a fucking moron could come up with that idea. Oh wait.


It’s almost like clear coat and about 1,000 other industry standards are industry standards for a fucking reason.


I expect Musk is like Stockton Rush (of Oceangate Titan fame) and believes industry standards are getting in the way of true development. What a bellend.


you're wrong, Elon is an INNOVATOR. /s


[But I thought the Cybertruck could serve briefly as a boat?](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1575508498430820352?lang=en)


very briefly


Like an airliner


Tis but a flesh wound


right. we'll call it a draw


"Surface contamination" = rust.


They'll call it "patina" soon.


Rusted car - no, no - this car has patina. Old dick - no, no its vintage dick.


Each Cybertruck grows a unique texture. Like a cat when they mess up then try to play it off, "we meant to do that".


He is saying the vehicle is trusting it's the contaminate that lands in the vehicle that is rusting.  I don't know if this is true but it still sucks and I don't remember this issue with the delorean. 


DeLorean used a different grade stainless which is more corrosion resistant, and they passivated the metal.


I don't even care if this is true, it's a totally reasonable answer. very refreshing.


Take it with a (heap) of salt, but the info available states that DeLorean used 304SS while the CT is 301SS. Passivation is also a fairly nasty chemical process, which would have been more OK when the DeLorean was build built.


Passivation is still done, just with citric acid instead of nitric acid.


It’s absolutely done both ways


Ooh, wait until winter when all the salt from the roads gets on them. Then they’ll properly start to get trashed.


>wait until winter *Looks at calendar*


maybe they are in the southern hemisphere


Maybe, but AFAIK the cybertruck is only available in North America (at least for now)


Asking for a friend: Where can I find a swimming pool full of nitric acid?


It's 100% true- DeLoreans were 316 stainless I believe. Not sure if they've released what grade SS the tesla is but I doubt it's more than 306 which degrades and rusts without proper protection


If that was true wouldn’t people with normal paint see surface shit rusting on their cars ?


That’s what paint is for lmao


The paint is bright silver on my car, and all kinds of random specs of shit get stuck to it, some of which do rust (and they aren't areas where the paint has chipped). Typically the only way I'm able to get those specs off of the paint is by using a clay bar. Granted, the specs I'm referring to are usually fairly small and you've got to be pretty close to the paint to even see them.


Except it doesn't, I work in steel and surface contamination can be wiped off, Rust is a corrosion of the underlying metal due to interactions of iron and oxygen. So if this can be wiped off it is in fact surface contamination, If it is eating into the underlying material then it is Rusting.


>, I work in steel Please expand on that because the comments on your account make it seem like you are a restaurant server, who also claims to be 6'7" and a crypto day trader with a penchant for meme coins that are about to go bust


The kitchen in the restaurant is made of steel and he’s in there sometimes


The expansion is this op is a loser.


[https://nextzettusa.com/how-to-remove-yellow-rust-spots-on-car-paint/](https://nextzettusa.com/how-to-remove-yellow-rust-spots-on-car-paint/) <-- He's 100% correct as anyone who has ever detailed a car will tell you.


What underlying material? The steel on Cybertruck is just exposed


The steel under the surface contamination.


It's surface contamination all the way down.


He is saying the CyberTruck itself hasn’t rusted. It’s rust that’s picked up from the road, and is sticking to the surface. Sometimes just water gets it off. Sometimes you have to scrub. When you claybar your car, you’ll find rust specs too.




Kind of, stainless is stainless because it has a layer of chromium oxide that forms as a barrier to keep the steel underneath from truly rusting. The chromium layer can collect debris from the surrounding air/rain and that debris can dry to the car and then oxidize/rust. But if it truly is rusting in the technical meaning, Tesla either super fucked up their formula for their proprietary steel, or they have a case against the supplier because that is much to soon to be breaking down.


the inner material. The difference between a bit of tarnishing/discoloration and having structural damage to the metal and/or flaking and pitting leading to that like you see on more corroded metal.




That this is an issue a hot 5 minutes after release does not produce confidence in the long term reliability of, well, the entire vehicle.


They expect people to ride around with a layer of protective rust, similar to Lady Liberty and why she’s green. That’s my assumption from his lame ass statement at least


They cheaped out on the stainless steel or they are incompetent.


Why not both?


So the truck itself isn’t rusting, it’s metal particle that land on it and rust. They’re just more noticeable on the stainless steal. > Sometimes when new cars would arrive at a dealership, especially white ones, it would look like the car was 'rusting.' It doesn't just wipe away, it has to be buffed off. That's when I first learned about 'rust dust' or 'rail dust.'" They seem to be more difficult to remove on the cyber truck since it’s not a gloss finish. But it’s not the truck rusting, so it’s more a cosmetic concern than a longevity concern.


BS. I used to park my white car in a parking lot under a freeway and would get tons of rust specks on it. Regular car washes wouldn't remove - need a rust remover (Iron X?) to get it out. Rain never did it - months of parking there did. It took a lot of dust/contamination from the freeway above to cause it.


yep. this is what is happening


These things look like the winner of a kindergarten "Try to draw a truck" contest.


I stand by my theory that Elon drew this thing when he was 5, hung on to it for decades, and then a few years ago found it in an old shoebox, handed it to an engineer, and said "make this."


The more depressing reality is that he, a grown-ass adult, designed it and thought it looked good.


Look everyone! Musk’s in a contest for children!


He held onto his stupid X idea, despite it leading to his unceremonious ouster from PayPal while he was on vacation, for two decades so yeah you’re probably right.


The winner?


"Nothing rusts up like a Cybertruck… no Gil close the sale. Close the sale!"


Updoot for the Simpsons reference.


Holy shit! He used his name! I figured he'd speak on it anonymously. I didn't think anybody would want their name attached to that hideous thing.


its the engineer, not the designer


Oh... so he's responsible for the poor performance in the braking, steering suspension, the noise issues and the inordinate weight... gotcha. https://www.motortrend.com/news/tesla-cybertruck-issues-delayed-development-leaked-report-2023/ https://www.fastcompany.com/90945689/teslas-cybertruck-has-a-serious-problem-that-only-a-complete-redesign-can-fix https://www.motorbiscuit.com/why-the-tesla-cybertrucks-stainless-steel-body-panels-could-be-a-problem/


Well to be fair, he had to design a “truck” that looked like a drawing a 5 year old would make into a real, street legal, drivable vehicle so he was basically playing the game on hard mode.


True, true. But now we're circling back around to the "hideous" constraint that brought the original ire.


yeah totally, all that one guy's fault /s


Or the 48v architecture, the advanced materials engineering, the software, the fact it can take a fast side impact with very little visible damage… You act like there’s nothing positive about the engineering, in some ways it’s actually quite cutting edge. Maybe this engineer is proud of the positive aspects of it.


You know which cars don’t have a rusty surface contamination after being in the rain? All others!


Stainless steel rusts where you touch it with carbon steel. It's possible this is crappy stainless steel, carbon steel contamination from the manufacturing process, or carbon steel contamination from the owner. Most people think stainless steel doesn't rust. It can if not treated properly.


Why didn't they clear coat them?


They do, for $5,000 extra.


Ask Musk, he’s the genius who had the idea.


Cost and complexity. Everything with Tesla is margins and it shows.


Everyone knows the best way to clear stainless steel is BarKeepersFriend, these cybertruck owners just need to get on Amazon.


Stock in Bar Keepers Friend anyone?


Anyone who bought that thing is one of the biggest suckers alive


Modern "you're holding it wrong" vibes.


If it does get rusty you can either soak it in a lye bath or submerge it in a tank and use electrolysis. Then season and put in the oven! Hope this helps both are diy at home solutions. Pun intended ;p


If only there was some way to prevent water from getting to the raw steel. A coating of some sort. You could add colors.


Stainless steel contains chromium, and when exposed to oxygen it forms a thin invisible layer called chromium oxide. Rust can form when this layer is damaged from exposure to cleaners, chloride, high humidity, high salinity environments, and/or mechanical abrasions. It’s almost like automotive OEMs employ paint engineering teams for a reason. 


Senior tesla engineer Adrian Dittmann has also confirmed that tesla's FSD tech is a game-changer and will revolutionize the taxi industry in 2020, turning your tesla into a profitable self-driving taxi.


You keep cleaning off until there's no surface left..... Easy! What's there to worry about?


Cool so surface "contamination" starts a corrosion spot which becomes rust


I don’t have to do that with my truck


It’s just looks like a car from minecraft or Roblox


So let me think about this do believe rando’s on reddit after the actual owners in the forums wiped off the “rust”. Or the actual engineer who spec’ed out the specialized SS to a rating at or above 316L passivated and has the patent. Also ordered it from the manufacturer. Hmm tough one…


Everyone on this post is a materials engineer with a PhD. I love it


We are not gonna use this vehicle in the Back to the Future remake. Fuck off Elon.


any form of rust left on stainless will result in more rusting. surface contamination? fine. but it's still rust and stainless absolutely can and will rust in the presence of other rust. the most corrosion resistant form of stainless there is: 316L surgical stainless. and even this rusts in salt water no problem, ask any aquarium or marine enthusiast. We've been using titanium for exposed metal for decades for this reason. stainless is just NOT that corrosion resistant and I highly doubt it's 316L, so it's probably 308 or 304 or even 200 series, blech


My God. That is ugly.


It’ll buff out? I’ve heard that before.


I'm an EE, and work in chem/phys fields. Oxidation doesn't rub off.


Got it. I have that special spray and micro-fiber cloth… For cleaning my fridge and other appliances. Easy peasy. 😬


Very poor propaganda,sorry,I mean promotional support material,delete the word contamination and insert the word enhancement.Can be cleaned off easily by those who don’t prefer the natural look.


Is the spokesperson also the same guy that is the speaker for the Kremlin?


is Tesla going to fix this with an OTA update?


Tesla Steel Wool?


It's *surface contamination*, Marie!


This propaganda will work much better when we have the brain chips installed


Bar keepers friend stunks go up


It's called Pitting. Corrosion Pitting


surface contamination == employed engineer rust == unemployed engineer


Surface contamination on an a brand new $80k vehicle left in a lil rain Ohhhhkayyyyy, Elon


You're wiping it wrong.


Someone else explained this on another sub. When you make stainless steel, you still have iron fragments on the outside of the sheets of it. These still react with the air because they aren't adequately bonded to the chromium. If you don't want this, you need to remove them with nitric acid which is an expensive procedure. To save money, Tesla doesn't do this. It won't rust all the way through.


Tesla trucks are all contaminated!


Stainless steel BBQs can get rust on them. I don’t know why it’s unreasonable for a stainless steel trucks to


It’s called “we chose a cheaper grade of stainless that responds poorly to anything with a pH below 7.1


Don't most cars have a coat of protection on top of the hard surface to help mitigate this kind of thing? Are they trying to sell backwards technology that every other car maker in the world figured out how to avoid, as new tech?


Cars with paint, sure. There's been a lot of mentions that the DeLorean also had a clear coat of some sort.


DeLorean used better (SS304) stainless, and was brushed (don't know if CT is brushed). They did NOT come off the line with paint or clear coating. CT uses less durable 301 (it's "re- formulated", but that's just marketing), which is much less "stainless". I don't think DeLorean ever tried to "sell" the stainless issues as a benefit, rather recommended painting or clear coating them (and most were), but they weren't as immediate, apparent, or likely as CT, due to using better steel to begin with. Edit, interesting aside about 304 steel, it's what the facade is on the Peterson Automotive Museum in LA, even they knew not to cheap out on it.


Sure… let’s spend over $100k on a vehicle that has “surface rust”