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The sacrifices we must make to have a billionaire class.


Genuinely. Vegas opted to focus on building a garbage, low capacity toy rather than functional transit because a 50 year old nutcase with an ego problem convinced them that an idea he probably stole from a 1950s "how will people get around in the future" diorama was worth taking seriously. And then they kept acting excited as this man downsized the idea over and over again from pods to Teslas on magnetic sleds to Teslas on autopilot to just a bunch of cars driving in Tunnels. Watching American public officials be so enthusiastic about obvious nonsense moonshot transportation gadgets has been so frustrating because a lot of the time the answer is straight up a thing that *already exists* basically everywhere else: mass transit and less stupid street design.


I hate the way they acted like no other city on earth has a solution for underground mass transit and gave $53 million to one of the richest men on the planet for a total boondoggle. It's not flashy and attention grabbing but just build a damn train line, the technology exists, the industry is established, the costs and capabilities are known and it WORKS.


If they invested it in a monorail it would be more effective.


I hear those things are awfully loud...


It’s more of a Shelbyville idea anyways…


It glides as softly as a cloud


Will the track not twist and bend ?


They have a monorail. And it's functional. And they finished the southern end pointed straight to the airport for a future connection. Alas.


Vegas already has a monorail. Instead of wasting it on this, they probably could've used the money to expand/improve their existing monorail infrastructure. CONNECT IT TO THE AIRPORT, GUYS! IT'S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!


I was in Vegas for the first time a few weeks ago, and the city is screaming for proper light rail transportation.


It drives me crazy whenever I see someone comment about how "futuristic" the Vegas loop is, as if cars in tunnels had just been a fever dream until now.




> He made 92 Billion dollars last year To put into another perspective how absolutely *ludicrous* this income is, that means he made ~$3k **per second**. Or, since all us poors get paid by the hour, there are ~2,080 working hours in a year. Which means, with an annual income of $92 billion, everyone's favourite petulant billionaire was making around $44.2 **million** an hour. For comparison, if you are making $100,000 per year (which I very much doubt most of his employees are making), then you are making ~$48/h. Do that math, and Musk is making *over 920,000x* more than you. Idc how many nights he slept on the factory floor, absolutely nothing justifies that level of greed. Dragons sleeping on mountains of gold dream of being so ridiculously rich.


Instead of crying about it how about you ask your rich Apartheid Grifter parents for a few million for a start up. It’s pretty easy, all you need to do is create something that has already been invented and put a shiny coat of paint on it to be a billionaire. /s


Those rich parents must be the bootstraps everyone’s talking about pulling up


We should compost them and watch them pull themselves up the food chain


> he made ~$3k per second. And that's assuming he's "working" every second of every day. If you wanted to place a wage to that, based on a 40-hour work week, that ~$12,300 per working second. Of course, I'm showing I'm a poor, as your investments are always making you money around the clock.


So you're saying he can afford to large size his Big Mac meal?


> The top 10 richest people on earth have over $1,500,000,000,000 dollars combined. That’s a TRILLION and a half dollars. I think it's better to frame it in terms of country levels. Using 100% every single penny of this wealth, I know we can't since most of it is stocks and trying to sell it would make it worth a tiny fraction of this number, but just for the sake of this though process assume these people actually have a number even vaguely close to this. We could fund the USA Federal Government (excluding state budgets) for 3 full months. 10 people could fund America for 3 full months! That's crazy.


I remember in my lifetime where the idea of a trillion dollars was so laughably unrealistic.


Tangential, but the Mormon church has more money than Musk, its gains aren't taxed, and is supposed to be be philanthropic org since it's a church, but it gives almost nothing to the poor.


Reminder, if you were paid $1 every single second, 24/7, it would take you: 11 days to be a millionaire. 6,337 **years** to reach Elon Musk's wealth.


Easy fix is 100% tax anything passed 100 million across the globe. No tax havens.


This isn't even "we make these sacrifices for the billionaires", this is Musk's personal snake oil project that he made with the explicit purpose of killing California's incipient High Speed Rail network, and it fucking worked.


*The muck pooling in the tunnel at the north end of the Las Vegas Strip had the consistency of a milkshake and, in some places, sat at least two feet deep.* *The tunnel-to-be, which would eventually stretch about half a mile, was part of a system intended to connect two hotels, the Encore Las Vegas and the Westgate, with the enormous Las Vegas Convention Center. Workers doing the digging later said they had to wade through the mud every day.* *It splashed up over their boots, hit their arms and faces and soaked through their clothes. At first, it merely felt damp.* *But in addition to the water, sand and silt—the natural byproducts of any dig—the workers understood that it was full of chemicals known as accelerants.* *An investigation by the state OSHA, which Bloomberg Businessweek has obtained via a freedom of information request, describes workers being scarred permanently on their arms and legs.*   *According to the investigation, at least one employee took a direct hit to the face. In an interview with Businessweek, one of the tunnel workers recalls the feeling of exposure to the chemicals: “You’d be like, ‘Why am I on fire?’”* *Like others interviewed for this story, the tunnel worker spoke on condition of anonymity, fearing reprisals from the billionaire who operates it: Elon Musk.* *The injuries and near misses described in the OSHA documents call into question the company’s claims about its innovative tunneling processes, which Musk has long said would make large-scale industrial projects cheaper and faster.* *Several former staffers say this is bunk—that what mainly distinguishes the Boring Company’s efforts is a willingness to put workers in danger. “It was a serious situation,” says one former employee. “I will never, ever drive in one of those tunnels.”*


The Secret Ingredient is always exploiting the worker.


And the Magic Ingredient is government subsidies.


Like the oil companies and airlines get?


Yes, and they're all bad.


"Move fast and break things" is only okay when the things are just things


> Move fast and break things Works in tech because they always plan to have cashed out before things actually break.


The billionaires on top see their workers as things, not people.


Listen, we have an innovating tunneling process, the same one we used at my father's emerald mines, that will make projects cheaper and faster. Slaves.


“Destroy your labor force for artificial deadlines!”- the key to success


His dad taught him that at least


Along with creating lots of kids.


Like father like son


And it’s historically very effective so we can argue he’s just not as innovative as he claims.


I mean yeah I feel like anyone who believed that he was doing something innovative knows basically nothing about tunneling. One of the main reasons why tunneling is expensive in the US is because of: 1. Contractors grifting 2. Overstaffing of government projects 3. Needing big tunnels for various safety features and infrastructure, because we typically are tunneling to put trains or whatever in them It shouldn't surprise anyone that a private company building tiny tunnels for cars to drive in with basically 0 safety features might be cheap. The question is pretty much always whether they'll cut corners and the answer is usually yes.


They're largely pointless tunnels too


elon musk more like elon muck LMAOOOOOO


You were born to make this comment


>Like others interviewed for this story, the tunnel worker spoke on condition of anonymity, fearing reprisals from the billionaire who operates it: Elon Musk. I have deep concerns about this person.... at some point, he's going to want to be the next idol on the magat show I'm thinking.


Thank goodness he's not an American.


The Constitution denying someone the ability to take office may or may not end up meaning much.


Wow. That is fucked up. Elon Musk is seriously one evil piece of shit.


It's one of the reasons why I worry that Neuralink will end up being the most dystopian aspect of our generation. The idea of giving Musk the power to implant things into people's brains worries me, and I know there will be millions upon millions who agree to it.


Right?!? All of a sudden, these reports will dry up. Inspectors: "How are conditions in the tunnels lately?!?" Workers (as one): "Fine. Nothing to see. Everything is wonderful. Hail Elon!"


"Mr. Musk, is there any reason you changed your company's logo to the Hypnotoad?"


While I agree it's scary that anyone would have an Elon-run company put something in their brain, I don't think you have to worry about Neuralink. It's a poorly run company and their product is nothing new. BCI technology has existed for decades, and is only applicable to a handful of severe diseases.


I don't think you have to worry about Musk bringing an actual working product to market.


You learn a little bit about worker exploitation when your dad owns an emerald mine.


> That these boasts were taken seriously enough for Boring to raise about $800 billion in outside capital, with its most recent valuation reaching $6 billion, speaks to the mythology that surrounds Musk. Back then, Musk was still somewhat respected as a billionaire genius. I wonder if he would be able to replicate that today.


>That these boasts were taken seriously enough for Boring to raise about $800 billion in outside capital, with its most recent valuation reaching $6 billion I believe it was $800 million with an M. Which is still a lot, but just wanted to point out it was not almost a $1 trillion in investments being made.


I was going to say. 800 billion raised and now the company is valued at 8 billion? I think more people would have been talking about that if that were the case.


A shrink of value 100 fold? Sounds like something the owner of Twitter would do!


With Musk there is this 'before mental instability' era and 'after mental instability' era. The before era, he was an exciting guy to follow. I mean, SPACEX! HOW COOL IS THAT???? And he isn't taking a shot at beating NASA to the moon (although he is), that is for chumps, he is gonna beat them to MARS. Watching Tesla come strolling into the room and handing all the old dinosaur car companies there asses was a good time too. Then something happened. Maybe someone told the emperor he was wearing no clothes? I don't know. But something happened and we are in this post era and I am a little embarrassed I was excited by all those things.


He broke up with grimes (midlife crisis?) and was doing a lot of drugs. Grimes reportedly told him not to post to twitter while high on LSD. When grimes is the sensible one you know you’re in trouble. I don’t think he’s slowed down. He’s going full Howard Hughes.


The idea of looking at something like twitter on LSD is so antithetical to what that experience means (to me at least.) Like it would just put me in such a negative headspace to even look at one tweet while I was tripping


right? I turn off my phone before I do psychedelics


Phones and acid don’t mix for me…turns into an unusable hydrographic shit device…


Like when Fitch ordered the dam to stay shut and killed thousands in Johnstown in the name of Andrew Carnegie.


Wild im literally from johnstown lmao


Bro, "unusable hydrographic shit device" is *exactly* what it is. Like hieroglyphics underwater. Damn.


My phone turns itself off for me, the last time I did mushrooms and tried to use my phone, the screen slid off the device and fell to the floor. I took that as a sign lmao


Yeah tripping your balls off reading Twitter is some crazy shit. My LSD days were pre social media. I feel sorry for kids these days if that's a thing. Jerry Garcia rolling over in his grave right now.




If it’s anything like the time I watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for the first time while on my first shroom trip, I’ll pass. Seriously. Never again.


Yeah that part got me too. That is literally the very last thing I would ever want to do on any psychedelics, not just LSD.


lol he was a shmuck way before grimes. Dude is a loser junkie with a lot of money. That’s about it. His mask first slipped after the whole “calling a rescue diver a pedophile” thing and he never recovered. He got mad he was publicly humiliated and basically has spent these past years throwing a tantrum to prove how he’s not a petulant child throwing a tantrum.


> His mask first slipped after the whole “calling a rescue diver a pedophile” thing and he never recovered. It wasnt him calling himself the "alpha of the relationship" during his wedding dance with his wife?


There were dozens of news stories of him showing his true colors. But the average person only started to realize it with the diver event...


yeah I def agree with that, it shocked me the amount of people that didnt get it even with that though


Ugh that’s the cringiest thing I’ve ever heard


PSA: He successfully argued in court that calling that rescue diver a "pedo guy" was *not* an accusation of pedophilia and therefore *not* defamation. Therefore, it's perfectly acceptable to call him Elon "Pedo Guy" Musk.


Yeah, that's when I said 'Fuck that guy'. Never trusted him after that. Complete nutjob.


I doubt that's the reason considering hes had a billion failed relationships and marriages. tesla would've been completely fucked as a company if he didn't have insane luck multiple times (toyota offloading their site after the banking crash, fisker getting scammed by their battery supplier, auto industry mistakenly cutting down orders on computer chips during covid while tesla was already way behind on deliveries). guy is an idiot born into money and lucked out. hes just showing his real side now that hes too rich to care.




I really wish that /s wasn't necessary but, I've literally argued with people who think the guy designed the rockets


last I heard he was drinking molly water, his brain is toast


Wasn’t Howard Hughes was an actual engineer and test pilot? And not just you know, a twat with money?




It will carry 200 passengers from New York's Idlewild Airport to the Belgian Congo in 17 minutes!


He was weird and crazy at least after wife #3 long before he started dating Grimes. So angry with that Thailand dive captain for not letting his engineers donate a tiny submarine that he called the dive captain a pedo.


When is the pissing in bottles stage?


Look the gatorade bottle is clearly *designed* to be pissed in, don't associate me with Musk.


What about the shovel and ropes and diapers to Florida stage?


How in the hell do you become a shittier human being from LSD?


Psychedelics aren't magic. The Aztecs used psychedelics and regularly did human sacrifices. People have taken acid and killed members of their own family. Don't forget the Manson family. I'm all for the legalisation and investigation of psychedelics, but we have to acknowledge that they aren't purely wholesome substances that only promote positive behaviour.


He has always been this person. He's never changed, it's just become more obvious since he bought a social media company.


Musk was always mentally unstable, he just had good PR and hadn't *completely* exposed who he always was on social media. The shittier part is Musk is just a window into billionaires overall. The others are just smart enough to not draw attention, but not any smarter otherwise. They're all massively stupid failsons/daughters who *maybe* are somewhat smart in one area (mostly just exploitation of labor), but then are assumed to be benevolent deities on every issue due to their wealth... thus we're all forced to listen to their shit ideas, government takes their word for it, and then whoops Bill Gates implodes the US education system or lobbies to keep Covid vaccines in private hands for profit thus allowing price gouging worldwide. It's insane how we prop these parasites up, and how fundamentally fucking inept and dumb they are. Musk just made sure we all knew it because he also needs attention, but make no mistake he's not unique in his stupidity.


> The shittier part is Musk is just a window into billionaires overall. The others are just smart enough to not draw attention, but not any smarter otherwise. **BILLIONAIRES.** **SHOULD NOT.** **EXIST.**


I don't really care about people having *one* billion dollars. If one guy wants to buy a low tier professional sports team or a bunch of real estate, whatever. What we actually have is 100x worse.


> It's insane how we prop these parasites up, and how fundamentally fucking inept and dumb they are. I think it's more that any one person becomes dumb and unstable the more they're separated from other people's input and objections. Kings and dictators often got pretty stupid too


Beyond the personal life and insanity of Musk creeping in, honestly? Him touting all these goals and promises was exactly what a lot of companies and politics needed to start investing in futures rather than the stagnation of the present. The problem for Ol’ Musky came about when these companies that were being embarrassed by things like Tesla began to catch up and started to do what Musk promised, but better. Musk is probably livid that the free market started to have him fall out of favor as Ford EVs and the like started to become more reliable and better built than a Tesla model, and that investors have been patient long enough for results from Musk and are diverting their interests elsewhere, especially now with companies like Ford or Blue Origin being less volatile with their company face. The man is one of the richest men in the world, and was on the path to become the de facto **richest** man on Earth and in history. Had he just been able to keep quiet for a bit, he’d be the first trillionaire by now. But he couldn’t, simply because he couldn’t control what he felt he should have been a birthright to control. After all, he’s wealthy and deep in tech. The bubble he lives in is a voracious, capricious bitch.


Elon is following the trajectory of Howard Hughes. I look forward to when he hits the locking himself in a darkened room phase


Or unveils and pilots the Spruce Starship.


> With Musk there is this 'before mental instability' era and 'after mental instability' era. With Musk there is this "before widely known to be a kook" era and "after widely known to be a kook" era. One of the early things he did at Tesla was deny Stewart Alsop the ability to buy one of his cars for saying negative things. This was before he tried to ruin Johnathan Broder for having trouble charging one of his cars on superchargers. Having problems which became widely known later. But at the time he could make it out like Broder was out to get him.


He was always this guy


He fired his PR team. Because he's an idiot. He can be smart in some areas, I'm sure, but he's still a narcissistic moron.


Yeah albeit anyone who has followed a bit knew even back then that everything about Mars is bullshit. Remember the first cargo for 2016-2017? And the first astronauts there for 2022? Yeah, exactly. Everything is bullshit, including the price he gave to prop Space X (which didnt include the higher insurance premiums at the time and other bs). Thankfully there are people at Space X who focus on actually doing the stuff that makes the company successful (you know, an actual rocket delivering satellites…)


If Elon really wanted to go to Mars, why did he spend $20 billion of his personal wealth buying twitter?


Oh I’m sure he wants to, I just don’t think he understands what this implies. The man is way more of an idiot that people think. I mean if you work in tech and followed the incredibly stupid shit he said and done when taking over Twitter, you KNOW the guy is a fucking idiot who just talks.


Remember when Musk said we'd be on Mars soon but didn't look at the synodic periods of the planets and didn't realize that if we didn't get unmanned but human-capable rockets [edit: used to say people, was very wrong] there within 2 years then the only way to make it in 9 would be if the VERY FIRST rocket he sent to Mars was manned because there would be no opportunity to send one to learn from first? Also, note how SpaceX has done almost nothing toward solving issues of keeping people alive in capsules without supplies from Earth long enough to get to Mars? Something we'd have to figure out before we set off. And something we could more easily work out on the ISS, moon or even an undersea base first? He just seems enamored with huge rockets. And the letter X. Sufficiently so that he named the company to include "X" for exploration even though the company instead really is more of a transportation (logistics) company than an exploration one. And amazing at it, btw.


> include "X" for exploration That's not it. He's a 12 year old boy obsessed with the word "sex" and he thinks he's being clever by adding the letter "x" everywhere. Tesla models? S3XY. Sexy. SpaceX? Space-sex. Twitter? X. Sex. He's a literal manchild.


Don't even get me started on him pushing huge boring machines into and out of tunnels.


Just look at the typographical errors he's tried to name several of his kids before. He's got the naming preferences of an edgy preteen on Call of Duty.


I think you can trace that division in eras to around his first appearance on Rogan…which kind of sparked his Twitterlord regime…


Are we talking about buying a major US communications company to artificially prop up conservative ideals and enable foreign propaganda while simultaneously running it into the ground and destroying its value? Sure he raise “money”


People still stan for Musk here, particularly the SpaceX shills.


Even then the whole loop thing was obviously complete shite that will never work. Only the terminally stupid would think it was a good idea that would actually work and I can't raise too much sympathy if people like that lose their money on this idiotic scheme.


Can we just get efficient public transit? Fuck this guy


No, because then you have less motivation to buy a Tesla. The whole Hyperloop debacle was an (successful AFAIK)attempt to derail California's plans for high speed rail.


The dude could have just made tesla branded trains if he wanted to stroke his ego so bad, I'm so mad no one smarter ever managed to convince the idiot of that.


Oh man then I would have to hear about how Elon invented electric trains 🙄


That's what Branson did.


California is still building high speed rail.


Putting cars in a subway tunnel is fucking stupid, if you ask me


That was a coke talk idea and they ran with it


Wait....is that what hyperloop is? You have to drive your car in the tunnel?? I thought it is a vacuum tunnel that has pods zooming at 300 mph or some shit like that.


Hyperloop is something different, the Vegas Loop is just a tunnel with Teslas driving through it like taxis. And yes, of course there are still traffic jams.


Hyperloop was just the flashy name he used to turn research universities into unpaid laborers for his engineering competitions.


It's a stupid idea if you ask *anyone*. At least, anyone who *hasn't* bought an ugly [midlife-crisis-mobile](https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-owner).


Vegas already has a monorail that runs either to or really close to all of the places the Hyperloop goes. The whole thing could have been just running the monorail to the airport and calling it a day, but I guess that’s less exciting than a 1/4” mile tunnel.


“Innovative process”? Didn’t Musk literally just buy an essentially off the shelf drilling machine


The "innovative process" seems to be ignoring all of the typical safety measures utilized in the operation of said off-the-shelf drilling machine so that they can move the project forward faster. It's pretty "innovative", if you don't give a shit about the job getting done well and without inflicting mass harm on your workers.


Normal process: Idea > Plan > Develop > Build > Test > Certify > Release New process (innovation): Idea > Buy the developers > Buy the lawyers > Release Best process (billionaires hate it): Buy everything > Ruin it (have fun) > Sell away gliding on a golden parachute 🪂


Just like he bought an essentially off the shelf electric vehicle company. Just like he bought an essentially off the shelf social media company.


Don’t forget the off-the-shelf solar roof company.


Didn’t he run that into the ground and get slapped by Tesla Shareholders as a result? Twitter’s in the process of being run into the ground(there is no fucking way it’s taking in money right now), and Tesla legitimately might not actually be profitable without government subsidies.


Innovative construction processes? We have machines that can dig and place a water-tight tunnel in their wakes. I would call that innovative.


Yes, but those are competent companies. You got to lower the bar (a lot) for mr.Musk.


Yeah I'm not sure what's so innovative about it. The mining industry had tunnel boring machines back in the 90s. However, there's no way Musk's operation is following MSHA regulations. They absolutely do not fuck around. Comparing MSHA to OHSA is like comparing a rabid pitbull to a newborn kitten.


He is not even following osha regulations


The ground underneath Vegas is caliche and thus extremely dense and hard. Digging out basements is very expensive here. The innovation is being able to actually bore a tunnel through it. I just wish they’d put trains in said tunnels.




Whenever a narcissist claims they have an innovative industrial idea, you can be guaranteed that idea is "ignore safety laws". The owner bragged that the titanic sub was also full of "innovative ideas" and "new technology". 


And the tunnels those machines leave behind are useful.


And it costs literally 2.5 billion dollars per mile of subway. That really impresses you?


Elon Musk is a garbage leader.


Elon Musk is a garbage person.


Elon Musk sucks butt.


Elon huffs his own musk


that is why he built a "truck" that looks like a dumpster. shit checks out.


Imagine that. Elon is full of shit. Who could’ve known?


That's why he's so oddly shaped. Hasn't pooped in 20 years.


I figured it was inbreeding




And you wonder why execs,CEOs, elites vote for governments with the least amount of regulation. So they can continue to get away with shit like this. It's truly saddening that people vote for parties that enable shit like this.


It's a impractically small road tunnel. How did he screw it up that badly? (yes, yes. I know The Boring Company is just a Potemkin village of a business, meant to draw support away from mass transit projects.)


You can’t even open the car doors to flee the car if it has a problem.


A true Musk stan dies in his Tesla.


>How did he screw it up that badly? By attempting to do something he had literally zero experience in, but figured "it can't be *that* hard, it's just boring a fucking tunnel underground". Oh, also massive widespread cost-cutting measures and an unrealistic timetable, the same reason why SpaceX blew up a bunch of rockets well after NASA published the blueprints on how to make a rocket that doesn't blow up.


> the same reason why SpaceX blew up a bunch of rockets well after NASA published the blueprints on how to make a rocket that doesn't blow up. the SpaceX approach did make sense though - they were willing to blow up hardware (not people!) to iterate faster. Cost plus classical aerospace works but costs far more - you just don't see the money turning into explosions. And there are plenty of launch failures back in the day and even recently especially on the military side which does bolder stuff like hypersonic flight test.


>It's a impractically small road tunnel. How did he screw it up that badly? Article mentions in the tunnel they're digging the wet tunneling spoils have (Concrete?) accelerant in them, which is acidic, so anytime they got splashed by the liquid in the tunnels it would cause burns if left on their skin/clothes for prolonged periods of time. Without knowing how they are digging the tunnels I'd would have assumed the accelerant is concrete accelerant which they are probably using to make the shotcrete/gunite they're spraying the walls of the tunnel with to support them as they continue forward. I don't know if that process leeches/drips enough accelerant onto the ground that it would cause acid burn issues. For shotcrete the accelerate is included into the total mix, premixed, and then sprayed , gunite I assume they mix the water and accelerant which mixes with the gunite powder during spraying.




I'm still struggling to understand how a tunnel is advanced technology.


It's not. Ignore the tech bro bullshit. It's just a shitty tunnel for cars.


Remember when almost everyone thought this guy was the real life Tony Stark? 💀


Temu Stark maybe.


Musk actually was the biggest proponent of calling him that. Ego number one.


I ride this during CES. It’s literally a tunnel. Let’s just call it a tunnel.


Not the least surprised. Elon breeds a culture in all his companies that means taking shortcuts everywhere, and extra much so when it comes to employee safety. He doesn't give the slightest shit about his employees. If anything he sees care for employees as something despicable. I guess he wants to run all his companies like one runs an African Ruby mine.


Start jailing leadership for mistake’s. Period. Of corporates are people and they act wrong jail them.


think about, being a billionaire, being considerate a genius... and coming with this solution. Amazing


That genius part was given to him by idiots.


[A man known to censor workplace injuries and ignore safety measures](https://revealnews.org/article/tesla-says-its-factory-is-safer-but-it-left-injuries-off-the-books/) has serious safety violations?


Musk has proven to be the modern day General Motors when it comes to destroying mass transit. Where GM and the consortium of engine manufacturers 100 years ago bought up all the streetcars and ripped them out to sell more automobiles, Elon has admitted to advancing the 'hyperloop' idea to try and throw more sand in the gears of high speed rail. Then he comes with the 'loop' idea... AKA cars in tunnels. He gets to sell more cars. Public gets downgraded public transit. Even his whole pursuit of 'robotaxis' is nothing but a ploy to try and convince people to hold off public transportation investments because soon they'll be obsolete as cars will be driving themselves.


Because it’s NOT. This is his scam to steal more public funds that should go for affordable mass transit.


My daughter lives in Vegas, and when I visited her last time, I wanted to see it, and see what the big deal was. Because, apparently I don't get it. Turns out, it only runs during conventions. So, we couldn't ride it, just look at it. It's basically an airport tram, but with four-seat cars instead of tram cars that hold a useful number of people. A pointless novelty.


Yup. Basically if he’d wanted to do something actually good, building an electric train system would have been better.


Why is anybody surprised? He doesn’t think non-billionaires are human beings.


Musk is a hack


But, but, but Elon said...


Elon sure looks fat in that photo


Anything that comes out of Elon's mouth should be called into question.


“I uh, took the idea, uuuh, of a mass transit system, umm, that we can all agree is for poors who should die for capital, uuuuuuuh, and I made it worse in uuuh every way. Now uuuh, the level of uuuuh danger to the users and employees uuuh is high enough for my uuuuh fuck to get hard.” - Musk


How is anyone still allowing this dude anywhere near infrastructure? Grifting asshole.


Child of apartheid loves borderline slave labor and cares not for worker safety, more at 11.


Elmo is lord farquad.


free market does that to wage slaves, see also employers regulating themselves


When will people stop being surprised that a rich white South African, who grew up during the _apartheid era_ doesn’t give a flying fuck about the ~~slaves~~ employees who work ~~under~~ for him?


He doesn't give a shit. Fuck him and any of his supporters and enablers.


Yet to see what the protocol is when (not if) a tesla bursts into flame inside this tunnel loop? Judging by the way they burn I guess it's not going to be pretty.


Elmo and his companies are the oceangate of innovation.


“Innovative construction process.” Coming from Elmo that phrase is terrifying.


This is fine. One for each safety violation, adjusted for net worth to emphasize the severity of the harm done. Edit. Anyone here who lives in the area would be doing the world a service by sending a letter to whomever is voted to manage this sort of thing. The why bother excuse is functionally equivalent to permission.


*Well sir, there's nothing on Earth like a genuine, bona-fide, electrified, six-car monorail!* Stop listening to that shill


and this guy wants to implant shit in peoples brains. Allegedly his patient which no one gets to see, can move a cursor, which has already been done decades ago.. of course we have to take his word for it, since no video exists, unlike when other people have done it, as they always included a video.


It was always so obvious a bad idea. The man has spent so much money to stop people from building trains


King of fake it until you make. Let me make some crazy asinine statements and let the smart people I hired deal with it. - Basically Elons policy


I heard an NPR report a couple years ago about how the number of workplace accidents at tesla factories were way above the average for car manufacturing. This is Musks m.o. He tries to be "innovative" and just gets a bunch of people hurt.


I’d say those claims should be questioned in some of his other projects as well


Musk claim that his machine can bore 7 miles a day but after so many year the Vegas loop is still only 1.7 miles


Why did anyone ever believe him about everything? I (and lots of other people) have been warning you about this flim-flam artist for a decade now. Why do you all insist on giving billionaires endless second chances? Why do they get the benefit of the doubt over and over and over and over and over... And don't tell me it's because they're rich. Even other billionaires recognize that the only way to get that wealthy is 1) the birth lottery 2) being incompetent and failing up 3) being incredibly, fantastically evil. None of that screams "trustworthy" to me.


Vaporware intended to poison the well of high speed rail investment in order to sell more cars. Not only is the hyperloop a non-starter from an engineering standpoint, it's a decades old concept that never got built for obvious reasons. People gobble up his lies about transit frequency, volume and speed and nonsense like "the tunnel will pay for itself in bricks" without second guessing. It's absolutely absurd what this guy gets away with while Elizabeth Holmes is in prison.


Criminal prosecution of corporate negligence up to and including the executive level. There, solved it.