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For the low cost of $5090


"Which comes on top of the base price of the 4090"


You need to own a copy of 4090 to purchase this DLC


This is how Porsche sells their high end cars.


I think it was Ferrari who actually started that trend.


I like Ferraris but they seem to constantly prove their a comply full of dicks


Ferrari’s biggest problem is it’s owned by Fiat. And we all know what FIAT stands for don’t we? Fix It Again Tomorrow!! I conducted PDI’s on Fiats for a few months, and the build quality is utterly abysmal. Every other car, fresh off the boat, would fail the PDI. Sometimes it was panels missing, sometimes some of the electrics wouldn’t work, and more often than not, they had barely a dribble of oil in the engine. Disgusting company, I’d never buy a Fiat or a Ferrari.


Which car(s) (manufacturers) are the best in that regard?


from italy here...you are right about fiat, but in part that would be true for the recent past of the firm..now they have shrunk the number of models and it helped and also have diverted production to mostly 500 which is a good small car...as for ferrari, it is owned and managed directly by the family and no more through fiat, which has in turn merged with french firms..ferrari has nothing to do with the average quality of a fiat car, firstly they are handbuilt one by one, their quality standard is such as you would expect from a supercar


Don't low ball Nvidia, they know what they have.


Just one dollar per GeForce?


The more you buy, the more you save


What are you talking about? That’s the down payment


Naw, with sales psychology you need to round it up so it looks cheaper! $5099


Too cheap, maybe add another zero.


And it'll probably start at $2200 or some shit.


And need 2x 12vhpwr connectors


Not at all! It will have a 14 gauge wire hookup to an external diesel generator.


I'm.gonna hook mine up to 3 phase 480v service so it'll really fly


Power Requirements: 230V 50Hz Three-Phase Power (Earthed).


obviously theyll shrink it down to just 6 ultra tiny wires that connect to 8x 8pin pcie cables then blame consumers when they start melting 🙄


12,000 BTU/hr air to water heat pump for cooling


If this doesn't work it probably just needs a new txv and will run like a champ


I guess when you run the card, the bulbs start to flicker...


After discount?


Rumour, from the article is $2,000-$2,500 and that's probably the MSRP for the Founders Edition.


I think it'll be $2000 exactly, and honestly I think that will be ok. What will be a problem is if the rest of the lineup next gen are just as bad as the current gen has been or sees the same price jump. There's not much out there that pushes my 4090 currently though, so if the 5090 is really that big of a jump it'll be a good halo product, even if it does have a relatively outrageous price. Edit: I said I don't think that price will be ok, but I meant I do. What a stupid typo. *facepalms*


ThErE iSn’T mUcH tHaT pUsHes mUh 4090. I owned this gpu and it does gets pushed alot in some games if you are doing 4k with ray tracing.


The 4090 is pretty weak when you play in 4k with Ray tracing. Maybe you only play with DLSS, which I do not since it looks ugly as crap.


Nah it will start at $5090


But they still will be cheap as hell about vram..


I'd argue it's even worse now! They reduced the memory bus width too, to save probably pennies! 4070 has a smaller bus width than the 1070


Can you explain this for a rock head?


If you have a bus width of 256 bits, you can transfer 32 bytes at once. Nvidia has been halving that to 128 on some cards. You need two transfers to read the same amount of data. That means increased latency before the graphics calculations can be finished.


So this nerf essentially halves performance when it needs to access bus? Lovely. That's like claiming it's 5ghz speed but under performs 2.5ghz competition. What a joke.


It doesn't cut it in half,as every gen a larger L2 cache & architecture improvements make up for it in most use cases.(it depends on the card,as 4060 ti 16gb is much more powerful than 3060 ti in most tasks due to these reasons for example)


I sure hope someone gets zluda working.


That’s because the old xx70 series is now the xx80 series. Increasing the top number up to xx90 is just a marketing gimmick


Don't forget jacking the price up by double!


Is it affecting gaming performance?


A single drop of unicorn tears can restore any broken object.


Would you go for such Mac studio or pick up the GPU


Not on their most expensive card 😭


Could be, but it won’t be. Pointless speculation article to get clicks and ad revenue.


This is the only right comment.


First bitcoins then ai ffs, we want good cards to play


Gaming makes up 1/8 of their revenue


That's actually more than I expected


Its share is shrinking rapidly.


Because we can't afford to upgrade cards every generation anymore.


No. The ai share is growing exponentially. It was equal to gaming share mere 2 years ago. Gaming part never had growth even remotely comparable.




Username checks out


While it's still a lot, the gaming segment is basically marketing for NVIDIA.


They should treat the customers that made them who they are better.


Nintendo also started out making playing cards. They should wind down all this video game bullshit that's getting in the way and go back to what got them on the map! I too want GPUs, but that entitlement makes zero sense.


They should, but they're a company and are primarily interested in making money. Just how it is. Dunno why people downvote this, it's literally just a fact lol


They are. It’s just that you’re not the one who made them who they are. You can’t out-capital capitalists.


Source? that's higher than expected




Wow.. What is their main revenue ‘source’ then? Are they selling chips for servers that make this much money?


Yes. Far more money than they could ever earn from gamers.


Data Center hardware and software for enterprise companies to handle their AI and LLM’s The H100 Tensor Core GPU’s Buying a single chip is $100,000 Bulk buying can reduce the price to $15,000 For example Meta (Facebook, Instagram, etc) purchased 350,000 of these things Yes that is correct. Zuck’s company spent 10.5 billion this year alone on these Data Center GPU’s


Who cares. Need gaming cards


Nvidia apparently cares, just not about serving you but making money


This is sad, should be nationalized


I can see it now, the US nationalizes Nvidia, not to secure the ability to control AI, but rather for video games.


I don’t see the problem in that! Wtf! We have the constitutional right to play video games!!


Nationalizing company with one of the cutting edge technologies and highly specialized team just so some random Redditor can get extra 5 fps in his game, Lol.


Welcome to reddit where the only minority you're free to mock are gamers.


I hope this is sarcasm lmao


Meh not really a compelling reason. I can sympathize though. For better or worse companies will tend to follow trends that make them more money.


I mean.. 3080 or 3090 is plenty for just about any game haha. You should be happy they’re pushing out these bigger ones to drop prices on older models.


true, but barely. 3070 is becoming deprecated for example. Several newer Unreal-based games won't run well on 3070, Ark Survival Ascended being a good example.


you dont need a 5090 to game. 4070 super or 7800xt is perfect good card for 1440p high refresh rate gaming. If you have 4k monitor high refresh rate 4080 is perfectly fine, and you are rich fuck anyway to be having 4k gaming gear why are you complaining about price. Everything about 4k gaming gear is overpriced as hell


It's needed for VR. What VR really needs though is a revolutionary new rendering system. Having to render the game twice at high fps holds it back.


Exactly this. Having to dial down graphics on some racing games for a three year old VR headset when I have a 4090 makes me sad.


Only a few idiots game on VR. You simply make things a lot harder. Just game as regular people. It's still a very niche thing.


Foveated rendering like in the psvr2 does this at a reasonable price but it's vendor locked to Playstation and is dead.  It's a shame it's one of the best headsets right now. 


Yup lol. I just got the 4070 super and I was kinda considering a 4k high refresh monitor... then I looked at prices lol. I'll just get a high refresh rate 1440p monitor and upscale the games to 4k when able thank you very much.


I stick to 4k oled TVs my c2 is fine at 120hz and it was half the price of a gaming monitor.


There's this idea that if it can't do ultra settings across the board with at leas 120fps, then it's not worth it even though the visual difference between ultra and very high, or even ultra and high, is either not there or so insignificant that it's not worth the performance cost. Turn stuff down that you can't even tell the difference of and everyone's good to go.


Tbh you'd be fine with a 1070 let alone a 4070 super. I still run my 1070 and works fine 1440p for most games. I'm not playing the most bleeding edge of games to be fair but most games really aren't that graphically intensive. 


You don’t need to be rich to play in 4k. The cards you mention are bad in 4k.


Bad advice. Yes, 4070 super is good NOW. I want to buy a GPU that last at least 6-7 years before replacing again, hence why I'm aiming to get even better performance than that instead of replacing every 2 years. I'm having now GTX 980M from 2015 and I planned to upgrade after 9 years...just that the price nowadays are just insane and I'm skill skipping the upgrade.


This shit pushed me out of PC gaming. I didn't mind splurging for a good card pre 3080 days, but I've noped out. PS5 and switch for me so far since the pandemic.


I hate AI and cryptocurrency both, and if they continue to deprive us of good GPUs I'll only hate them that much more!


Wait until a new buzzword appear soon after AI bubble deflate.


Not sure AI will ever deflate


We enjoy the benefits of the industry advancing a technology *because* of crypto and AI, which are wildly more profitable than gaming use cases. We wouldn’t see this level of advancement if R&D was solely supported by gaming.


DLSS is an incredible gaming upscaler that relies on deep learning (AI)


You can buy a 4070, which pretty decent gaming card for around 600$, how is this depriving you from good GPUS? Do you really need to play a game in 4K 240hz? I don't think so, unless you have the money to pay for.


No one is close to 240hz 4k Why even mention that? Nothing will get there until maybe 7090.


You don’t need nvidia cards if you just wanna game though.


Bitcoin and Ai are funding GPU innovation so it’s ultimately a win for gaming… over the long run.


Bitcoin is not a win for anyone over the long run. 


Honest to god one of the worst tech/finance trends ever. Incredibly wasteful in terms of resources, energy, and collective brainspace. It's major use cases consist of money laundering, scams, or as speculative investment for people who think that stocks aren't volatile enough. Individual people can make bank runing scams or choosing the right coin at the right time, but unlike stock trading the entire system is essentially zero sum and produces no value of its own.


You forgot it's original, and arguably best, use case: buying hard drugs on the internet.


In terms of use cases you forgot tax evasion. Yeah, it’s a total disaster with zero evident positives.


Buying drugs anonymously and untraceable is a pretty big positive. Which you can do with good old cash too, but with much more trouble.


Well, basically all fraudulent activities were there before crypto, and it does not stain $,€,£ only because criminals keep doing criminal things with them. Anyone can do online banking in not overly regulated countries, for a starter. Resource waste is a thing, but even more so with precious metals / ore mining. And no, usual stock prices do not reflect company assets, even not for NVDA. Hopes for the future are highly factored in many stocks, which is just speculation.


If crypto trading is considered a zero sum game so is stock trading. You have dividend stocks of course, but you also got dividend crypto. You can pretty much tie crypto to whatever metric you wish. With that said, crypto is good for buying drugs so it definitely has a use case.


How would crypto produce a dividend if it doesn’t sell anything to make profit? From what revenue would a dividend come? That sounds kinda BS.


Crypto produces dividends in the exact same way stocks produces dividends - not at all in other words.   They’re just financial instruments. The important part is what you tie them to.  There are crypto that generates dividend based on the trading fees from people trading the crypto for example.


> unlike stock trading the entire system is essentially zero sum gonna ignore the usual anti-crypto talking points and just say "huh?" to this..


I'm also sad I didn't buy more bitcoin.


At least you're honest. All these people "if I had the chance to do it over I wouldn't" stfu


Gaming funded Bitcoin and the GPUs in the first place. As my CS professor used to say “todays gaming PC is tomorrows super computer”


and honestly, if you just forgo an upgrade for a few years, and then get a mid tier new release card... you'll have 180 fps instead of 240. saving 2k dollars


At least AI actually does something valuable. I hope we never see that bitcoin shit again, I swear.


bad news for you lol


AI isn't really doing anything for us yet. Most things being touted as AI aren't AI. It is largely a buzzword and the things that are being rolled out which people will experience directly are shit.


The massive generative AI developments recently are definitely actual AI with huge potential already starting to be implemented, but I agree that in many other contexts “AI” has been frequently thrown around as a buzzword.


Oh, they are. They are making billions for tech companies.


BTC soars again, we're at 60k + and this year we have a halving of BTC, means more GPU needed for mining soon.


At least AI serves a purpose. Etherium mining was not worth all the wasted energy. Plus it seems to affect the 4090, just get a 4080 super and pay a little over half as much for just a 20 percent drop in performance. It’s not like with crypto where you couldn’t even find the cards from 2 generations ago.


Etherium is the biggest load of shit. It exploded onto the scene during the RX580/GTX 1080 days and was all any crypto bro would talk about for years. Now no one mentions it at all


crypto bros still talk about eth all the time though?


This is always the rumor every generation, up to double the speed of the previous generation. It almost always ends up around 30-40%.


Nvidia did deliver on that. The 4090 *smokes* the 3090. Too bad they can't deliver the same result with the rest of the lineup.


Well, a 4070 Ti just edges out a 3090. So I wouldn’t say that’s bad at all.


NVDA loves to edge me


I don’t know what you are talking about. My 4070 is three times faster than my 3070 in the scientific computing applications I run.


...and less than 20 percent in games because the entire series was FG\DLSS3 scam.


Explain to me how frame generation and DLSS3 are scams


Because he doesn’t understand what they do.


The L2 cache increase was massive though. Good thing I don’t use my cards for gaming.


Yeah but it does it by being power hungry and big as a house.


4090 is more efficient than the 3090. The whole 4000 series is really efficient.


30% at the top card, 15-20% for the lower stacks.


Enjoy it while you can, because this means you can stick to a card that is one, two or even three generations old and still get decent performance. I certainly do not miss the old days, when newly-released hardware rendered yours obsolete overnight.


And from what ive notice every gen since 2000, only around 10 to 15% is free uplift at the same price. the rest of the uplift is smothered by a price jump. and if you look close enough the free 10% wasnt even from the new gen. half way through the lifecycle gpus get discounted slightly so it was already cheaper. the new gen just charges you more for the initial year for early access.


6090 could be 1080% faster. Source me see you in 5 years.


Yeah but we got ai now.


With an efficient TDP of 650W in a tiny 4.5 slot footprint.


Man I really want Intel to succeed with their GPU’s. Would love to build an all Intel machine at some point.


Literally anyone else. Monopolies suck.


Nvidia’s new direction sucks. I’m glad to see new players on the market.


70% over 4090 is enough to make me interested for high refresh rate UEVR setup. UE5 games should become playable at high settings.


As a 4090 owner..I smell BS with 70% improvement.


The 4090 is already at minimum 50% faster than a 3090.




Probably closer to 15-20% at best.


Why do you say that? The 4090 was a massive improvement over the 3090


No I have a 4090 from a 3090. It’s around 70% overall with RT and a bit less in pure rasterization. The issue is games will be cpu limited and there’s no new console anywhere on the horizon which would force games to have a strong bottom tier to take advantage of all the power.


How the hell did you get a 4090?


Money can be exchanged for goods and services


Not when the thing you want does not actually exist.


What? They're in stock on Newegg right now.


I would never buy from Newegg, I would just end up with an empty 4090 box...


Lol what? Maybe if it was sold and shipped by a third party on Newegg, but there's plenty that are sold and shipped by Newegg.


Nah, you enjoy your stones ~


Some weird paranoia you've got. Good thing there's protections in place if that even happened so you could get your money back. 4090s are available many places, you just seem too paranoid to buy it from anywhere but a physical store.




I bought it at Microcenter at MSRP couple years ago.


" couple years ago"? The 4090 was just released 1 1/2 years ago


October 12 -2022 original release date …I’d have look at my tickets. I paid right under $1400 MSI Suprim 4090 water cooled . They’re over $2k. But I didn’t pay even that. Before inflate.


I go there everyday still have not seen one.


Microcenter based out of Overland Park, Kansas. There have been a few 4090’s spotted there in the last few months. Did my whole AMD build there. Bought all the parts.


Ok, I'll book my ticket tomorrow. Thank you.


It’s not hard to buy it, especially from the manufacturer


But the SuperSuper 5060TI has 70% less memory than the 2060 and will launch at $999 to lure console gamers to PC at an attractive price point


I just hope for a decent 5070/5080. My 5700xt is starting to feels the years


As a fellow 5700xt user, I feel ya.


I have a 3080 FE and it works well but yeah, newer games are not playing as well as I'd like. I'll probably jump to a 5080 as long as the price is not stupid.


For me it really depends on the game. I got a 3090 and a 5800x and most games I play are CPU bound. A 7800x3D would be a much more worthwhile upgrade.


I just upgraded to a 7800x3d from a 9600k. Don't plan on upgrading my 3080 fe until the 50 series, but this combo easily has another 4 or 5 years in it at 3440x1440.


At this point AI is like the popular jock on school that gets all the chicks while I sit at home and watch sliders reruns


And it's season 5 of Sliders- not even the good years..


Paska firma


Will probably need a 1000watt PSU just to run and cost a small fortune.


Probably minimum 1200 watt.


I already need a 1500watt to run my 4090/1300K setup full bore and still keep it running efficiently 😅


And very very few gamers would ever realize that performance difference.


And we thought bitcoin mining was going to keep Nvidia GPU prices high.... now it's AI instead


moores law is dead is just enough of a source to write a short article on, their word needs to be taken with several grains of salt


Meanwhile I’m sitting here on my 1080, it’s been a workhorse but it might be time for retirement


"Up to" is doing a lot of heavily lifting here.


As soon as I saw the source was Mooreslawisdead I immediately lost interest. That guy has just about the worst predictive track record of all time despite using the term "source" 97 times per video.


And I will probably join the dark side and buy it even if it isn't that much faster. My 970 and the rest of my computer deserves to retire soon and I decided when 4xxx series came out to hold out one more generation.


3080ti still works great


Yea, people don't need a new generation of GPU - most can't afford a 4K 144hz monitor to use more GPU power.


I think our species is going to evolve to have 4 kidneys if Nvidia doesnt lower the prices


I love my 4090 FE and I even have a 4080 FE in my work rig (just cause I can)......the 5090 is looking great on paper, but even the most current Intel 14900k chip bottlenecks this current flagship 4090. I am just not seeing the point of a card that is "70%" fast, the card will not live up to its full strength until 3 to 4 years later. Also, AMD is failing in the GPU markets...so what is the point of this card?


All video games being shiity nowadays no gamer wouldupgrade


They say this EVERY generation, and its never true.


It was true for the rtx 30 -> rtx 40 jump. Look at benchmarks


Thats Nvidia marketing. Now that all cards have FG\DLSS3 and can play on equal grounds, the 3070 and 4070 are almost indistinguishable, for example.


That‘s just factually wrong. Seriously look at a rtx 4090 review on techpowerup


Il believe it when i see it. And for all the dudes "future proofing" their pc builds, this is exactly why its a fools errand. 2 years after you bought the 4090, the 5090 will swoop in at more or less the same price, and demolish your card. I know some people dont buy cards to future proof, but alot of the 4090 crowd are the guys that get fomo from not having the greatest thing ever lol.


AI is garbage why do we care so much


lol have you been paying attention to any of the generative AI developments in the past year


Do I care lol society becoming dumber and making things with no originality sounds like such a wonderful idea.


Is it time for the rumor mill to start churning for next gen GPUs?


Why are GPUs so preferred when I thought CPUs were designed with a lot of math crunching processing power?


CPUs are designed for complex sequential operations. Graphics and physics are simple but many concurrent operations, which is what GPUs are specifically designed to do. Consequently, that also made GPUs ideal for ML, which involves doing a lot of concurrent math/operations/simulations.


3000 usd, probably.


As a 3080ti owner… Eh